8 Sales Summary

Purpose: Use the Sales Summary page to review the total merchandise value, number of invoices, and average invoice amount billed for the current day, week, or month.

Totals are displayed in tiles at the top of the page, and are broken out by order type below, with bar charts illustrating the percentages of merchandise value billed for each order type. If your company supports fulfilling orders through integration with Order Orchestration, totals are broken out by delivery type as well, including store pickup, delivery, retail pickup, and ship-for-pickup. Orders that originated in Order Administration and shipped to the customer are listed as direct delivery.

How to display: Select Sales Summary from a menu or from the View Recent Activity list at the Home page, or highlight the Sales Summary tile at the Home page and select View Report.

  • ALLOW authority to the Sales Summary (DSSS) menu option is required for access to this page.
  • The totals displayed on this page may be different from those displayed in the Sales Summary option in Classic View.

Sales Summary Calculations

Which invoices are included? The totals displayed on this screen include Invoice Ship To records for regular (debit) invoices and their merchandise totals only. This screen does not include:

  • Returns, credits, or discounts applied after shipment.
  • Freight, tax, handling, or other charges.
  • Any invoice with a merchandise total of $0.00.
  • If an order originated in Order Administration, was submitted to Order Orchestration for fulfillment assignment, and Order Orchestration assigned it back to Order Administration to ship from the warehouse, only the originating order is included. This situation can occur if Use OROB for Fulfillment Assignment (M31) is selected.

How is the invoice date determined? This screen organizes sales totals based on the Invoice date from the Invoice Ship To record. This date is from the Start date from the BILL_ASYNC job if the Use Async Start Date for Billing Transactions (E95) system control value is selected. If the background jobs are running using a previous date because they are not stopped and restarted daily, then the invoices billed today are included under that previous date, not under Today.


If an invoice has a future date, it is included in the current week and month totals, if applicable. It is possible for an invoice to have a future date if, for example, Order Orchestration passed a future shipment date in a status response message because the shipment is prepped and ready to go the next morning.

How is the number of sales calculated? The total number of sales for a period, order type, or entity is from the total number of Invoice Ship To records billed. This total:

  • Excludes (is not net of) credit invoices, such as an invoice created by processing a return. For example, if you process 1000 shipments, 50 returns, and 10 discount credits after shipment, the total displayed here is still 1000.
  • Does not include any invoice with a merchandise total of $0.00.

Not included at the Sales Summary page: The Sales Summary page totals also do not include a fulfilling order for the original order when Use OROB for Fulfillment Assignment (M31) is selected. In this scenario:

  • An order originates in Order Administration.
  • Order Administration submits to Order Orchestration for fulfillment.
  • Order Orchestration assigns the order back to Order Administration.
  • Order Administration creates an additional, fulfilling order to fulfill the original order.

How is the sales amount calculated? The total sales amount for a period, order type, or entity is from the total dollar value of merchandise billed for the period, based on actual selling price. This total:

  • Excludes (is not net of) returns, credits, or discounts applied after shipment.
  • Does not include freight, tax, handling, or other charges.
  • Includes a two-position decimal.

For more information:

Sales Summary Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Sales Summary page.


The activity summary tiles at the top of the page are display-only.

For more information:

Update the Displayed Data

Select Refresh at the upper right to update the totals displayed on this page.

Restrict the Displayed Data Based on Entity

If the current company supports multiple entities, you can select an Entity from the drop-down field above the same summary tiles to restrict the displayed data to that entity.

Display Sales Summary Data for the Current Date, Week, or Month

Optionally, select the Sales Today, Sales This Week, or Sales This Month tile to display sales totals for the selected time period in the Sales Summary Table Fields and Sales Bar Chart.

See Sales Summary Tile Fields for information on the contents of these tiles.

Sort the Displayed Information

Optionally, click any of the headings on the summary table to sort the table based on that column. Click again to toggle the sort between ascending or descending order.

For example, click Unit Count to sort the table in ascending order by unit count. Click Unit Count again to sort the table in descending order by unit count.

Grouping: If integration with Order Orchestration is in use, the summary table fields include sub-entries for Order Type or Delivery Type. When you sort the displayed data, the grouping of the sub-entries are retained within the main entry.

Example: For the current date there are 600 shipments on orders for the Web Order type, including 100 Direct Delivery order shipments and 300 Store Pickup order shipments. Also for the current date, there are 150 Phone Order shipments, all of them for Direct Delivery orders. The View is currently set to Order Type. When you sort in ascending order by Invoice Count, the sort is:

  • Order Type: Web Order:

    • Direct Delivery: 100

    • Store Pickup: 300

  • Order Type: Phone Order:

    • Direct Delivery: 150

Display Summary Data by Order Type or Delivery Type

Use the View option above the order summary table to toggle between displaying totals broken out by order type or by delivery type.

When this option is available, you can also:

  • If the View is set to Order Type: Expand a displayed Order Type to see sale totals for each Delivery Type processed for the order type, for example, the sales processed for store pickup orders that originated in the Web order type.
  • If the View is set to Delivery Type: Expand a displayed Delivery Type to see sale totals for each Order Type processing that Delivery Type.

This option is available only if the integration with Order Orchestration is in use, based on whether the Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is selected.

See Fields Displayed for Summary Table When Order Orchestration Integration is in Use for more information.

Fields on Sales Summary

Purpose: The information displayed on the Sales Summary page is described below:

For more information:

Entity: If the current company supports multiple entities, you can select an entity from the drop-down field above the sames summary tiles to restrict the displayed data to that entity; otherwise, this field is not displayed. All entities are displayed by default.


The totals displayed on this page may be different from those displayed in the Sales Summary option (DSSS) in Classic View.

Sales Summary Tile Fields

Periods: The following tiles present totals at the top of the page:

  • Sales Today: Sales so far for the current date. Selected by default.
  • Sales This Week: Sales so far for the current week. The current week runs from Monday through Sunday, and the totals displayed include all days so far for this period.

    Note: The calculation of totals for This week occurs regardless of whether a new month starts during the week.

    Example: Today is Sunday June 3. The totals displayed under This week include Monday May 28 through the current date.

  • Sales This Month: Sales so far for the current month.

Values included in each tile:

  • Merchandise Value: See the Sales Summary Calculations for a discussion on how the total merchandise value is calculated for the current day, week, and month.
  • Currency Code: Set to the Local Currency (A55). All merchandise values are displayed in this currency. See this system control value in the Classic View online help for more information on currency, and how orders amounts in different currencies are converted to the local currency.
  • Invoice Count: See the Sales Summary Calculations for a discussion on how the total number of invoices is calculated for the current day, week, and month.
  • Average Value: The Merchandise Value for the day, week, or month, divided by the Invoice Count.

Sales Summary Table Fields

The summary table lists the sales totals for the current date, current week, or current month, based on the currently selected sales summary tile, as well as the currently selected entity, if any.

The date or date range for the currently selected tile is displayed above the table, for example: Sales This Month (12/01/2022 - 12/31/2022).

Entries are broken out by order type, and you can also break them out by delivery type if the integration with Order Orchestration is in use, as described below.

Table totals: The table totals include:

  • Order Type. Only order types that have had sales activity in the selected period are included in the summary table.
  • Invoice Count: The total number of shipments billed with merchandise amounts greater than zero for the displayed time period. See Sales Summary Calculations for more information, and see the Consolidated Invoice (B49) system control value in the Classic View online help for a discussion on the factors that control how many invoices are generated for orders that include multiple shipments on the same day.

    Important: In Order Management System 21.0 or higher, you cannot select the Consolidated Invoice system control value if it is not already selected. If the system control value is currently selected (set to Y) and you deselect it (change it to N or blank), you cannot then change it back to selected. The option to consolidate invoices will be removed at a later date.

  • Merchandise Value: The total merchandise value shipped. See Sales Summary Calculations for more information.
  • Average Value: The Merchandise Value divided by the Invoice Count.

Fields Displayed for Summary Table When Order Orchestration Integration is in Use

When integration with Order Orchestration is in use, based on whether the Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is selected, you can toggle between displaying sales totals broken out by order type or delivery type by using the View option above the sales summary table.

  • Order Type: Selected by default. When Order Type is selected in the View option at the top of the summary table, the first column in the summary table is Order Type, and you can expand each order type to display each Delivery Type billed for the order type on the current day, week, or month. Only order types that have had sales activity in the selected period are included in the summary table.

    For example, an Order Type of WEB ORDER (W) is displayed, where W is the order type code. You can expand WEB ORDER (W) to display Ship for Pickup (S) and Direct Delivery which shipped during the current time period.

    Order type codes and descriptions are defined through the Work with Order Type (WOTY) menu option in Classic View.

  • Delivery Type: When Delivery Type is selected in the View option at the top of the summary table, the first column in the summary table is Delivery Type, and you can expand each delivery type to display each Order Type billed for the delivery type on the current day, week, or month.

For example, a Delivery Type of Ship for Pickup is displayed. You can expand Ship for Pickup to display order types of PHONE ORDER (P) and WEB ORDER (W), which shipped during the current time period.

Only delivery types that have had sales activity in the selected period are included in the summary table.

Sales Bar Chart

Sales This Day, Week, or Month by Order Type: The bar charts displayed next to the summary table illustrate the percentage of merchandise value shipped for each order type or delivery type, based on the settings currently selected in the summary table. Only order types or delivery types that have had sales activity in the selected period are illustrated.

If a particular order type or delivery type made up less than 1% of the merchandise value shipped, it is not displayed in a bar chart.

Position your cursor over a bar chart to display the percentage it represents in the total merchandise value of sales for the selected period. Percentages listed are rounded to whole numbers.

Sales This Day, Week, or Month by Delivery Type: If integration with Order Orchestration is in use and the View is currently set to Delivery Type, the bar charts illustrate the percentage of merchandise value shipped for each delivery type. See Fields Displayed for Summary Table When Order Orchestration Integration is in Use for background.