9 Operations Summary

Purpose: Use the Operations Summary page to review the totals for each activity that has taken place on the current date. The activities tracked are the number of orders, number of units, and merchandise value for items on orders that have had the following activities occur on the current date:

  • Entered
  • Canceled
  • Exchanged
  • Soldout
  • Shipped
  • Returned

Classic View option: The Display Order Control Summary option (FLSH) in Classic View displays much of the same information as the Operations Summary page in Modern View, excluding the average calculations and bar charts. See the Classic View online help for more information.

How to display: Select Operations Summary from a menu, or highlight the Operations Summary tile at the Home page and select View Report.


ALLOW authority to the Display Order Control Summary (FLSH) menu option is required for access to this page.

For more information:

Operations Summary Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Operations Summary page.


The activity summary tiles at the top of the page are display-only.

For more information:

Display the Percentages for a Status in the Bar Charts

Optionally, position your cursor over a segment of a bar chart to display the percentage that the activity represents for the day’s total. For example, position your cursor over the Entered activity in the Order Count bar chart to display the percentage of the day’s activity represented by entry of orders.

Illustrates the mouseover window indicating the percentage of order activity that was entered

Sort the Entries in the Summary Table

Optionally, click any of the headings on the summary table to sort the table based on that column. Click again to toggle the sort between ascending or descending order.

For example, click Unit Count to sort the table in ascending order by unit count. Click Unit Count again to sort the table in descending order by unit count.

Update the Displayed Data

Select Refresh at the upper right to update the totals displayed on this page.

Fields on Operations Summary

Purpose: The following information displays on the Operations Summary page:

Also, see the Order Control Summary Shipment Update Method (I55) for more information on how shipment totals are updated.

For more information:

Activity Summary Tile Fields

Tracked Activities

The following activities for the current date are each tracked in a separate tile:

  • Entered: Tracks the merchandise value of order lines that were entered or created on the current date.

    • This total increases for each order line entered on the current date, regardless of the original order date.

    • This total also includes items added to the order as part of an exchange.

    • This total also includes units added to an existing order line that was originally created on a prior date.

    • This total is also decreased when you apply a post-shipment discount.

    • Cancellations that take place using a cancel reason flagged to Reduce demand are subtracted from the Entered totals. For example, you might use a cancel reason flagged to reduce demand if the order line was created through an error, and the customer did not actually want to order the item.

  • Cancelled: Tracks the merchandise value of order lines that were canceled on the current date. A cancellation increases this total, rather than decreasing the Entered total, when the cancellation reason used is not flagged to Reduce demand.
  • Exchanged: Tracks the merchandise value of order lines that were exchanged on the current date.
  • Soldout: Tracks the merchandise value of order lines that were sold out on the current date.
  • Shipped: Tracks the merchandise value of order lines that were shipped and billed on the current date.


The Order Control Summary Shipment Update Method (I55) system control value defines how to update the Shipped totals. See below for more information.
  • Returned: Tracks the merchandise value of order lines that were returned on the current date.

Activity date vs. order date: The totals are based on activities that took place on the current date, regardless of when the order was created. For example, an order was created on April 2, and an order line was added on April 9. The order line’s merchandise total is included on April 9.

Excluded from totals: Retail pickup and delivery orders that fulfill orders originating in Order Administration and submitted to Order Orchestration for assignment are excluded from these totals. These are orders whose Alternate Order Number indicates an originating order number, and whose Broker Delivery Type is Delivery or Retail Pickup.


If there is a very large difference between the totals in the tiles, the tile with the much smaller value might be displayed based on a percentage of the largest total. For example, if the total merchandise value is over 200 billion, and a smaller total is less than 0.1% of a billion, then the total displayed for the smaller might be displayed as 0.0B.

Fields on Each Tile

Each activity tile displays the following totals:

  • Currency: From the Local Currency Code (A55) system control value. All merchandise values are displayed in this currency. See this system control value in the Classic View online help for more information on currency, and how orders amounts in different currencies are converted to the local currency.
  • Average Value: The total Merchandise Value divided by the total number of units related to the activity on the current date. For example, if the total Merchandise Value entered so far today is 5,000 for a total of 200 units, the Average Value is 25.00.

Bar Chart Fields

Each bar chart illustrates the percentage that each activity represents in the total of the following for the current date:

  • Unit Count: Indicates the percentage represented by each tracked activity in the total number of units for all tracked activities.

    For example, there has been a total of 300 units involved in activities so far today, including:

    • 150 units entered on order lines

    • 20 units canceled on order lines

    • 10 units sold out on order lines

    • 100 units shipped on order lines

    • 20 units returned on order lines

    The units entered represent 50.00% of the unit count so far for the current date. When you position your cursor over the Entered portion of the bar chart, a window displays:
    • Status: Entered

    • Percent of Activity: 50.00

  • Order Count: Indicates the percentage represented by each tracked activity in the total number of orders for all tracked activities. Only activities that affect the entire order are tracked in the order count, regardless of whether other activities have taken place related to the lines on the order. However, based on the setting of the Order Control Summary Shipment Update Method (I55), activities that create invoice records (shipments and returns) can also be included in the order count, regardless of whether the status of the order itself has changed.

    For example, so far today:

    • 40 orders were entered

    • 10 orders had shipments, including partial shipments

    • 10 orders had returns, including partial returns

    The orders entered represent 66.67%, or two thirds of the orders included in the total. When you position your cursor over the Entered portion of the bar chart, a window displays:

    • Status: Entered

    • Percent of Activity: 66.67

    Multi-recipient orders: Each ship-to on a multi-recipient order increases the total order count. For example, when you create an order that includes two additional recipients, it increases the total by three.

  • Merchandise Value: Indicates the percentage represented by each tracked activity in total merchandise value. For example, the total merchandise value across all activities so far today is $2300, including:

    • $800 entered

    • $200 canceled

    • $100 sold out

    • $1000 shipped

    • $200 returned

    The merchandise value of orders entered represents 34.87% of the total. When you position your cursor over the Entered portion of the bar chart, a window displays:

    • Status: Entered

    • Percent of Activity: 34.87

The percentage of each of the following activities are displayed in a different color. Position your cursor over each activity to display the percentage that the activity represents of the total count or value, broken out to 2 decimal positions. See Activity Summary Tile Fields, above, for a list of the possible activities.

If a particular activity has not taken place for the current date, it is not included in the bar chart.

Summary Table Fields

The summary table lists the following totals for each activity for the current date:

All possible activities are listed in the summary table, regardless of whether the activity has taken place on the current date. If the activity has not taken place on the current date, the totals listed are zero.

Order Control Summary Shipment Update Method (I55)

This system control value defines how to update shipment totals for the Order Control Summary table, displayed on the Operations Control Summary page. Possible settings for this system control value are ORDERS, INVOICES, and PICKS. Each is described below.


When the Order Control Summary Shipment Update Method (I55) system control value is set to ORDERS or blank, the Billing Async updates the # Orders shipped field when the status of an order changes to closed.

The Orders shipped total includes:

  • Shipped orders, including drop ship orders, confirmed; the system does not update the # Orders shipped until all of the units on the order are confirmed, soldout, or cancelled.

    A single order with multiple pick slips (for example, for ship alone items) updates the # Orders shipped by 1.

    An order with multiple recipients updates the # Orders shipped by the number of recipients. For example, an order with 2 ship-to customers updates the total by 2.

  • Orders which include only non-inventory items, membership items, or virtual stored value card items; the system updates the total once the order is processed through billing.
  • Express bill orders.

The Orders shipped total does not include:

  • Orders which include only soldout items.
  • Returns processed as negative quantities in order entry. Note: If the order also includes a regular item, the system includes the order in the Orders shipped total once all of the regular items on the order are confirmed.


When the Order Control Summary Shipment Update Method (I55) system control value is set to INVOICES, the system updates the # Orders shipped field when the Billing Async creates an invoice for an order, excluding credit invoices.

The Orders shipped total includes:

  • Invoices for an order, excluding credit invoices.

    • A single order with multiple invoices updates the # Orders shipped by the number of invoices created. For example, an order with 2 invoices updates the total by 2.

    • An order with multiple recipients updates the # Orders shipped by the number of invoices created for each ship to. For example, an order with 2 ship-to customers, each ship to containing 2 invoices, updates the total by 4.

    • If you use Consolidated Invoice (B49), the system counts a consolidated invoice as one invoice, regardless of how many separate shipments are processed through billing.

Important: In Order Management System 21.0 or higher, or Order Administration, you cannot select the Consolidated Invoice system control value if it is not already selected. If the system control value is currently selected (set to Y) and you deselect it (change it to N or blank), you cannot then change it back to selected. The option to consolidate invoices will be removed at a later date.

  • Express bill orders and drop ship orders since an invoice is still created.
  • Orders which include only non-inventory items, membership items or virtual stored value card items since an invoice is still created.

The Orders shipped total does not include:

  • Orders which include only soldout items since an invoice is never created.
  • Returns processed as negative quantities in order entry, since the invoice created is a credit. Note: If the order also includes a regular item, the system includes the order in the Orders shipped total once an invoice is created for the regular item.


When the Order Control Summary Shipment Update Method (I55) system control value is set to PICKS, the system updates the # Orders shipped field when the Billing Async processes a pick control number for an order.

The Orders shipped total includes:

  • Pick control numbers confirmed for an order.

    A single order with multiple pick control numbers updates the # Orders shipped by the number of pick control numbers confirmed through billing. For example, a pick was generated for a ship alone item and another pick was generated for all other items. The system generates a separate pick control number whenever an order is split into several pick slips.

    An order with multiple recipients updates the # Orders shipped by the number of pick control numbers generated and confirmed for each ship to. For example, an order with 2 ship-to customers, each ship to has 2 pick control numbers confirmed, updates the total by 4.

  • Orders which include only non-inventory items or drop ship items on drop ship picks, since a pick control number is still generated.

The Orders shipped total does not include:

  • Pick labels that are scanned and sent to billing since they do not contain any detail lines.
  • Express bill orders since a pick control number is not generated.
  • Returns processed as negative quantities in order entry since a pick control number is not generated. Note: If the order also includes any regular item, the system includes the order in the Orders shipped total once the pick control number(s) associated with the regular item(s) is processed by billing.

Orders which include only sold out items, membership items, drop ship items on drop ship purchase orders, or virtual stored value card items since a pick control number is not generated.