4 Advance to Modern View

Overview: There are three ways to advance to Modern View:

  • Automatic advancement: If the Modern at Initial Login setting is selected for your user ID in Classic View, you advance to Modern View automatically when you log in.
  • Select Modern View: If the Modern at Initial Login setting is not selected for your user ID in Classic View, you select the Modern View icon to advance to Modern View. See Advance to Modern View.
  • Follow a direct link: You can use a direct link to open Modern View and display one or more customers, orders, or both. See Direct Link to Modern View.

Home page: You advance automatically to the Home page, and this page remains open while you are working in Modern View.


If you do not have sufficient authority to review or work with orders, no customer or order search options are available. Contact your system administrator if this occurs.

In this topic:

Advancing to Modern View from Classic View

Purpose: Use the Modern View icon (Modern View icon) at the top of the screen in Classic View of Order Administration to advance to Modern View if the Modern at Initial Login setting for your user ID is not selected in Classic View.

You advance automatically to the Home page, and this page remains open while you are working in Modern View.

Purpose: You can advance directly to Modern View and open one or more customer or order records through a direct link, and perform any updates that would normally be available to you. You can use a direct link to open up to 5 customers or orders at once. If more than 5 customers or orders are specified, the additional customers or orders are ignored.

Format of the direct link: The direct link must be formatted as https://[Modern View URL]/[PORT]/cc/company=123&custNbr=123&custNbr=456&orderNbr=12345&orderNbr=67890, where:

  • [Modern View URL] is the URL you use to access Modern View.

  • [PORT] is the port you use to access Modern View.

  • company=123 is the company where the customer and/or order records exist.

  • custNbr=1234 is a customer number to display. This is the Order Administration customer number unless the ORCE Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to INTERACT and the Use Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Customer Number on Search flag is selected in Work with Contact Center (WWCC); in this case, the custNbr should be the Customer Engagement customer ID.

  • orderNbr=12345 is an order number to display.

It may take a few moments for the Modern View pages to open for each specified customer and order number.

Authentication: To start a new session through a direct link, you need to enter your authentication information to log in. If you already have an active Classic View or Modern View session open in the browser, you do not need to provide authentication information.

No Company Authority: If you do not have authority to the company specified in the direct link, if the company number does not exist, or if your user profile is disabled, the No Company Authority window opens. You will be logged out if the issue is that you do not have authority to the specified company, even if you have authority to other companies.

The No Company Authority window also opens if you do not have authority to Order Administration.

Menu Option Authority: If you do not have authority to the Order Inquiry/Maintenance (OIOM) menu option, the Menu Option Authority window opens. However, you are not logged out, and you can close the window and perform other actions that are supported by your authority.

If a specified customer or order does not exist: When you advance to Modern View, the Invalid Inquiry window opens indicating that one or more specified customers or order numbers are invalid; however, any valid customers or orders specified in the direct link are displayed. If none of the specified customers or orders exist, you remain in Modern View and can work with other customers or orders, or perform any other tasks if you have the required authority.

Invalid Inquiry (order status): Orders that are in Error or Suspended status cannot be displayed through a direct link. If the direct link specifies an order in this status, the Invalid Inquiry window opens.

If you enter the direct link URL in the address bar for an active session: If you enter the direct link URL in the address bar for a Modern View session that is currently active in Chrome, the Leave site? window opens. If you confirm, you will be logged out of your current session. Any orders you were currently updating with will be locked.


To avoid potentially unpredictable results, Oracle recommends that you limit sessions opened through the direct link to a single browser tab.

Other errors: A Notifications window indicates that an unexpected error occurred if the direct link URL was not formatted correctly, as described above. However, if other information in the direct link was formatted correctly, that information is displayed. For example, this window might not open if the customer number specifications were formatted correctly; but if order numbers were specified correctly, tabs open for the orders.


  • When you advance to Modern View through a direct link, the option to advance to Classic View is not available.

  • You need to be sure to unlock any locked orders if you are using the direct link option before closing the tab.


Purpose: The settings applied when you advance to Modern View are described below.

  • Company: The currently selected company from Classic View of Order Administration is active when you advance to Modern View. Optionally, you can change to another company for your work in Modern View if you have authority. See Select Company for more information.
  • Locale: The system looks at the Locale defined for the user to determine the language to use on Modern View pages. See Regional Settings in the Classic View help for more information.
  • Date Format: The system looks at the Date Format defined for the user in the Users table and the Date Format defined for the company in the Company table to determine the date format to display in certain areas of the application. See Regional Settings in the Classic View help for more information.
  • Number Formats:
    • The system looks at the DECIMAL_SEPARATOR property to determine the character format used to indicate the decimal place in a number.

    • The system looks at the THOUSAND_SEPARATOR property to determine the character format used to separate groups of thousands.

Task Notification Window

The system displays a Notification window when you log in if one or more open or in process tasks exist that are assigned to you or one or more of your task groups. You can review, work with, and resolve tasks assigned to you or your task groups using the Work with Tickler Users/User Groups (WTIC) menu option. Select OK at this window to advance to the Search for Orders or Customers page.

Logging Out

Select Logout from the User ID drop down box in the header of a page in the application. This effectively logs you out of both Modern View and Classic View. You return to the initial Order Management System login page.


You need to unlock all locked orders before signing out.