59 Messages Window

Overview: Use the Message window to add or update a:

  • Gift or pick slip message for an order you are entering in order entry.
  • Gift, pick slip, quote form, or refund check message for an existing order.

Current order and ship-to only: The messages that you enter on this window apply to the current order and the messages are stored with each individual ship-to, as indicated in the window title, for example: Messages for SAMPLE CUSTOMER is displayed in Order Entry after you have selected the customer for the order and have advanced to adding items to the order. When you open this window from the Messages page, an example of the window title is Messages for SAMPLE CUSTOMER (Ship-To 1).

Order-level only: These order messages apply to the order and not to a specific item on the order. See Order Line Message for more information on order line messages.

How to display:

  • Adding a message:

Entering a new order: Select the + Add Message option for Messages at the Messages window in Order Entry. In this case, the window title is Messages for SAMPLE CUSTOMER where SAMPLE CUSTOMER is the customer name.

Existing order: Select the + Add Order Message option on the Messages page for the ship-to customer. In this case, the window title is Messages for SAMPLE CUSTOMER (Ship-To 1) where SAMPLE CUSTOMER is the customer name and 1 is the order ship-to number.


You can add a message for an existing order regardless of whether the order is locked.
  • Updating a message: On the Messages page, or at the Messages window in order entry, select the options icon (illustrates options icon (vertical 3 dots)) next to an existing message and select Edit.

For more information:

Message Window Options

Purpose: Use the Message window to add or update a message related to the current order and ship-to.

For more information:

Add a Message

  1. Select a Message Type.

    Available message types:

    • In order entry, the only available messages types are Gift and Pick Slip.

    • From the Messages page, the available message types also include Quote Form and Refund Check.

  2. Optionally, select a message template from the Message Template (Order Message Template) field. When you select a message template, the message text defined for the template defaults to the Message field. You can override the default text to suit your needs. For example, if you select to default Happy Birthday, you may wish to modify the message text to read Happy Birthday, Mom!.

    • If you are creating a gift message, the system displays only default message text whose Print Code is Gift Message.

    • If you are creating a pick slip message, the system displays only default message text whose Print Code is Picks.

    • The following template options are available only when you open this window from the Messages page. They are not available in order entry.
    • If you are creating a quote form message, the system displays only default message text whose Print Code is Quotes.

    • If you are creating a refund check message, the system displays only default message text whose Print Code is Ref Chk Cust (Refund Check Customer).

    You can select a message template for an order line only if one or more templates have been defined in Classic View (WMSG).

  3. Define the contents of the message in the Message field to suit your needs. You can use a carriage return to enter as many message lines as you need. Your entry cannot exceed 100 positions total. If your entry exceeds 60 positions, the system splits it into two separate message records. If necessary, use a carriage return to separate the lines.
  4. Select OK to create the message. The new message is saved against the specified ship-to if using multiple ship-to functionality. You return to the previous page.

You can review messages for an order, as well as order notes, on the Messages page. The system displays the date and time when the message was created and the user ID of the user that created the message, as well as the message type and text. You can also update order messages on this page. Note:

  • If you enter message text in the New Message field and then select a message template from the Message Template field, the system replaces any text that you entered in the New Message field with the default message text defined for the selected message template.
  • If you enter a carriage return without entering any text for that message line, the system will create an empty message line.

Example: If you enter:

  • Happy Birthday!

  • Love, Mary and John

The system will create the following message lines:

  • message line 1: Happy Birthday!

  • message line 2:

  • message line 3: Love, Mary and John

Update a Message

  1. Optionally, select a Message Template (Order Message Template) field or change the selected template.

    Note: Changing the message template clears the contents of the New Message field.

  2. Optionally, change the contents of the New Message field.
  3. Select OK to update the message. The changed message is saved against the specified ship-to if using multiple ship-to functionality. You return to the previous page.

Fields on Message Window

Purpose: The following information is on the Messages window.

  • Message Type
  • Message Template (Order Message Template)

    • For order messages, the system displays only default message text whose Print Code is Nowhere.

    • For gift messages, the system displays only default message text whose Print Code is Gift Message.

    The following template options are available only when you open this window from the Messages page. They are not available in order entry.

    • For pick slip messages, the system displays only default message text whose Print Code is Picks.

    • For quote form messages, the system displays only default message text whose Print Code is Quotes.

    • For refund check messages, the system displays only default message text whose Print Code is Ref Chk Cust (Refund Check Customer).

    • For order line messages, the system displays all order line message templates regardless of the Print Code setting.

For more information: