25 Edit Ship-To Information

Overview: Use the Edit Ship-To Information panel to review and update order ship-to information, such as the order arrival date, ship via, shipping charges, and tax charges.

How to display: Select the Edit option in the Ship-To Information Panel on the Order Summary page.


You cannot edit order ship-to information if the ship-toStatus is Closed, the order is from Order Orchestration (delivery or pickup), or if the order is a store pickup order.

When you advance to this panel, the system locks the order.

Authority: In order to advance to the Edit Ship-To Information panel, you must have authority to the Enter/Maintain Orders (OEOM) menu option. You can define menu option authority for a user ID in the Work with Users (WUSR) menu option; you can define menu option authority for a user class in the Work with User Classes (WUCL) menu option.

For more information:

Edit Ship-To Information Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Edit Ship-To Information panel.

For more information:

Update Ship Via

  1. Select a ship via from the Ship Via drop-down field. Only ship vias eligible for the ship to address SCF display.
  2. Optionally, select the Calculate Shipping (Freight)field to recalculate the shipping charges for the ship-to order.
  3. Select the Update option. The system validates your entry. An error message indicates if:

    • The new shipper is not eligible to ship an open item on the order based on the ship via overrides defined for the item. In this situation, the error message displays the item(s) that are not valid with the shipper.

    • You enter an express bill ship via and an item on the order is reserved.

    • You enter an express bill ship via and a drop ship item is printed.


    Entering an express bill ship via is not recommended in Contact Center, because you may not be able to successfully complete the order update.
  4. If the update is successful, you return to the Order Summary page and a message indicates that the ship-to information was updated.

    All open (unshipped) items ship by the new shipper except items with a ship via override.

    When you unlock the order, the system displays a message if:

    • The ship via selected is not valid for the ship-to postal code.

    • You change the ship via to an express bill shipper and a credit card pay method does not exist with an authorization number and date.

    • You change the ship via to an express bill shipper and an order line is reserved or a drop ship item is printed.

Update Arrival Date

  1. Enter a new date in the Arrival Date field. The date you enter must be equal to or greater than the order date.
  2. Select the Update option. The system validates your entry. An error message displays if the arrival date is earlier than the order date.
  3. If the update is successful, the system returns you to the Order Summary page and displays a message indicating the ship-to information was updated.

    If the Auto Update Order Priority (G45) system control value is selected and the Backorder Priority field is 0 (blank), the system also updates the Backorder Priority field to 9.

    The system updates each open (unshipped) item on the order automatically with the new arrival date.


    The Arrival Date field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Update Cancel Date

  1. Enter a new date in the Cancel Date field.
  2. Select the Update option. The system validates your entry.
  3. If the update is successful, the system returns you to the Order Summary page and displays a message indicating the ship-to information was updated. Only open (unshipped) items will be affected by the cancel date.


The Cancel Date field displays only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

If you enter a 4-digit number in a date field, your entry is interpreted as the year, and the current day and month are filled in. For example, if you enter 2023 and the current date is April 1, the date is filled in as 4/1/2023, depending on the date format for your locale.

Update Ship Complete Setting

  1. Update the setting of the Ship Complete field.

    • Select the Ship Complete field to indicate the order must ship complete; available items will be held until each item is available and the entire order can ship together.

    • Deselect the Ship Complete field to indicate the items on the order can be shipped as they become available, or backordered and shipped at a later date.

  2. Select the Update option.
  3. The system returns you to the Order Summary page and displays a message indicating the ship-to information was updated.

    If the Ship Complete field is selected, the system:

    • Reserves available inventory for the order (reserving a partial quantity for an item whenever possible).

    • Backorders the remaining inventory for the order; the item’s reserved quantity is set to 0.

    • Reserves the remaining inventory as it is received on purchase orders; the system ensures that backordered items receive inventory before new orders.

    • Creates pre-generated picks for the order when all items are available; the warehouse can now pick and ship the order.

    • Holds any reserved items until all items can be fulfilled.

    If the Ship Complete field is not selected, the system:

    • Reserves available inventory for the order (reserving a partial quantity for an item whenever possible).

    • Creates pre-generated picks for qualifying items; the warehouse can pick and ship these items.

    • Backorders the remaining inventory for the order; the item’s reserved quantity is set to 0.

    • Reserves the remaining inventory as it is received on purchase orders; the system ensures that backordered lines receive inventory before new orders.

    • Prints pick slips for the remaining items; the warehouse can now pick and ship these items.

Update Calculate Shipping Setting

  1. Update the setting of the Calculate Shipping (Freight)field. Note: The Calculate Shipping field is display-only if a printed pick or an invoice exists for the order or if any order line has a freight charge.

    • Select the Calculate Shipping field to recalculate the shipping charges based on the freight method defined for the source code on the order or the shipping override defined for the ship-to order.

    • Deselect the Calculate Shipping field to leave the shipping charges on the order as is.

  2. Select the Update option.
  3. The system returns you to the Order Summary page and displays a message indicating the ship-to information was updated.


The Calculate Shipping field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Update Estimated Shipping Amount

  1. Enter an amount in the Estimated Shipping (Freight) field.
  2. Select the Update option. The system validates your entry. An error message displays if the amount is a negative amount.
  3. The system returns you to the Order Summary page and displays a message indicating the ship-to information was updated.

Update Shipping Override Amount

  1. Enter an amount in the Shipping Override field. Note: The Shipping Override field is display-only if a printed pick exists for the order or if any order line has a freight charge.
  2. Select the Update option. The system validates your entry. An error message displays if the amount is a negative amount.
  3. The system returns you to the Order Summary page and displays a message indicating the ship-to information was updated.

    • If you change the shipping override amount and a shipping tax override amount exists, the system recalculates the shipping tax override amount on freight for the order ship to using the tax rate for the freight defined in the OST Freight tax rate field in the Order Ship To table.

    • If a shipping override exists, the system does not apply any additional shipping, item charges, weight charges, or service charges to the order.

    • The system stores the tax rate for the freight in the OST Freight tax rate field in the Order Ship To table; the system uses the freight tax rate during return and cancellation processing to determine the amount of tax on freight that should be returned or deducted during cancellation.

Update Tax Code

  1. Select a tax code from the Tax Code drop-down field. Note: The Tax Code field is display-only if a printed pick or an invoice exists for the order.
  2. If you select the Exempt or Resale tax code, enter a number in the Tax Identification field. You can also enter a Tax identification code with other tax code settings, but in this case the code does not affect taxability.
  3. Select the Update option. The system validates your entry. An error message displays if:

    • You select the Exempt or Resale tax code and do not define a tax identification code.

    • You try to change the tax code from standard tax to resale or exempt; this change is not allowed.

  4. If the update is successful, the system returns you to the Order Summary page and displays a message indicating the ship-to information was updated.

Update Tax Identification

  1. Enter a number in the Tax Identification Number field. Note: The Tax Identification field is display-only if a printed pick or an invoice exists for the order.
  2. Select the Update option. The system validates your entry.
  3. If the update is successful, the system returns you to the Order Summary page and displays a message indicating the ship-to information was updated.

Update Carrier Number

  1. Enter the customer’s carrier account number in the Carrier Number field. Note: The Carrier Number field is display-only if a printed pick or an invoice exists for the order.
  2. Select the Update option.
  3. The system returns you to the Order Summary page and displays a message indicating the ship-to information was updated.

Update Purchase Order Number

  1. Enter the customer’s purchase order number in the Purchase Order Number field.
  2. Select the Update option.
  3. The system returns you to the Order Summary page and displays a message indicating the ship-to information was updated.


The Purchase Order Number field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Update Backorder Priority

  1. Enter a backorder priority number in the Backorder Priority field. Valid numbers are 0 - 9, where 0 is the lowest priority and 9 is the highest priority.
  2. Select the Update option. The system validates your entry. An error message displays if:

    You enter a negative number.

    You enter a number greater than 9.

    You enter a number with a decimal, such as 1.5.

    You leave this field blank; in this situation, enter 0.

  3. If the update is successful, the system returns you to the Order Summary page and displays a message indicating the ship-to information was updated.

    • If the Backorder Priority field is 0 and a backorder priority is defined for the source code on the order, the system updates the Backorder Priority field to the backorder priority defined for the source code.

    • If the Backorder Priority field is 0 and you also update the Arrival Date field, the system updates the Backorder Priority field to 9 if the Auto Update Order Priority (G45) system control value is selected.

    • The Evaluate Backorders program uses the backorder priority to determine which backordered items receive stock first.


The Backorder Priority field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Update Cancel Backorder Setting

  1. Select or deselect the Cancel Backorder field.

    • Select the Cancel Backorder field to automatically cancel any backordered items during the next shipment on the order.

    • Deselect the Cancel Backorder field to retain any backordered items on the order.

  2. Select the Update option.
  3. The system returns you to the Order Summary page and displays a message indicating the ship-to information was updated.


The Cancel Backorder field displays only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Update Warehouse

  1. Select a warehouse code from the Warehouse drop-down field or select blank to remove the warehouse.
  2. Select the Update option. The system validates your entry.
  3. If the update is successful, the system returns you to the Order Summary page and displays a message indicating the ship-to information was updated.

    If you added or changed the warehouse, the system:

    • Applies the new warehouse code to each open line on the order.

    • Removes the existing inventory reservations for the open order lines on the order that do not contain a printed quantity.

    • Attempts to reserve the items on the order in the new warehouse specified. If an item is not available in the warehouse specified, the system assigns this warehouse as the backorder warehouse for the unreserved quantity of the item on the order line.

    If you removed the warehouse, the system:

    • Removes the warehouse code assigned to each open line on the order.

    • Removes any existing inventory reservations for the open order lines on the order that do not contain a printed quantity.

    • Attempts to reserve the items on the order using regular reservation logic.


The Warehouse field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Update Gift Setting

  1. Select or deselect the Gift field.

    • Select the Gift field to indicate the order is a gift.

    • Deselect the Gift field to indicate the order is not a gift.

  2. Select the Update option.
  3. The system returns you to the Order Summary page and displays a message indicating the ship-to information was updated. If the Gift field is selected, the system suppresses prices on the pick slip for open (unshipped) items and prints a Gift Acknowledgment Card for the Sold-to customer when the gift order ships.

Update Discount Percent

  1. Enter a number in the Discount Percent field.
  2. Select the Update option. The system validates your entry. An error message displays if the percent you enter exceeds the percent defined in the Order Discount Percentage Limit (D16) system control value.
  3. If the update is successful, the system returns you to the Order Summary page and displays a message indicating the ship-to information was updated. The system applies the merchandise discount to all eligible new items on the order. The discount is not applied to existing items.


The system allows you to enter a discount percent regardless of your authority to the Discount Percentage Access (A39) secured feature.

Fields on Edit Ship-To Information

Purpose: The following information displays on the Edit Ship-To Information panel.

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