26 Return Ship To

Purpose: Use the Return Ship-To panel to return any shipped and unreturned quantity of the lines on a ship-to order.

How to display: Select the Return Ship-To option in the Ship-To Details panel of the Order Summary page.

Requirements to return an order ship-to:

  • There has been at least one shipment on an order line and an unreturned quantity.
  • The order is not currently locked by another user or session, or by the system.
  • You have authority to the Enter/Maintain Orders (OEOM) menu option and Order Maintenance Access (A22) secured feature,
  • You have authority to the Enter Return Authorization (A28), Receive Return Authorization (A29), and Credit Return Authorization (A34) secured features.
  • You have authority to the Maintain Order with Printed Quantity (J05) secured feature if there is a printed quantity on any order line.
  • For a brokered backorder, you have authority to the Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (B20) secured feature if the order is from Order Orchestration.
  • If the Payment at POS for Ship for Pickup (L60) system control value is selected, the order is not a ship-for-pickup order, based on the Broker Delivery Type.
  • If the Suppress Returns for Retail Pickup/Delivery (L88) system control value is selected, the order is not a retail pickup or delivery order, based on the Broker Delivery Type. This exclusion applies regardless of whether the order originated in Order Administration or in an external system, such as Xstore.
  • The order is not a store pickup order.
  • You have authority to the return disposition value associated with the selected return reason code.

Any time you select to update the information on an order, the system locks the order so that it cannot be maintained by another user while you are making updates; see Display of a Locked Order.

Return updates: When you process the return, updates include:

  • An inventory transaction is processed if you use a return disposition value set to update inventory.
  • When inventory is updated, an item location record is created if it did not already exist.
  • An Order Line Activity record is created for each returned item.
  • The Returned Quantity for each returned order line is updated.
  • A refund is created based on the value of the returned quantity and any freight, tax, or charges. See Returns/Refunds.

Any unshipped order lines are not updated.

For more information:

Return Ship-To Options

Purpose: You can use the Return Ship-To panel to return all unreturned items on the order.

For more information:

  • Return Ship To for an overview of the Return Ship To panel, including the conditions when you can process a return and the updates made.
  • Fields on Return Ship-To for a description of the fields on the Return Ship-To panel.

To return an order ship-to:

  1. Select Return for an order ship-to at the Ship-To Details Panel Title of the Order Summary page. See Return Ship To for information on when the Return option is available.
  2. Enter the Quantity to Return. You cannot return more than the Unreturned Quantity displayed in the upper portion of the panel.


    Unlike order maintenance in Classic View of Order Administration, the Return Order Line panel enables you to return multiple units of a ship-alone item in a single return transaction.
  3. Select a Return Reason.
  4. The Return Disposition defined in the Default Disposition Code (C18) system control value defaults.The return disposition controls whether to return the item to inventory and, if so, it can also define the warehouse and warehouse location where the item is returned. An error message might display if, for example, you do not have authority to the return disposition value. Optionally, you can change the return disposition to another return disposition that you have authority to. See Return Disposition User Authority background. Also, see Return Disposition Scenarios for a discussion.
  5. Depending on the selected Return Disposition, the Warehouse may default. If the return disposition indicates to update inventory, the Warehouse is required.
  6. Depending on the selected Return Disposition, the Warehouse Location may default, or you may need to select it.


    You may need to select Return to have the warehouse and location update based on the selected return disposition.

    Windows displaying warning messages: You might see one or more windows asking if you would like to create a primary location for the item, or indicating that a primary location does not already exist. The Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12) system control valuecontrols whether you can create more than one primary location, or whether to simply display a warning message; the Display “No Primary Location Message in Returns (G46) system control value controls whether to display a warning message if there is no primary location defined for the item.

    Displayed when? These messages might be displayed if there is not already a record of the returned item in the warehouse location that defaults to this panel, but a primary location for the item already exists; You might also see the message about multiple primary locations when processing the return of an item that has no warehouse location records, such as a Drop Ship item.

  7. Optionally, select one or more of the following:

    • Refund Shipping: If you select Refund Shipping and a freight override was applied to the order, the Current Shipping Amount indicates the remaining unrefunded shipping charges on the order. For example, you can apply a freight override at the Work with Order Ship To Properties screen in the Classic View of Order Administration. You cannot refund more than this amount for shipping. You can then enter the Shipping Refund Amount. This amount cannot exceed the Current Shipping Amount.


    If you return an additional item in the current session, the Current Shipping Amount displayed reflects the amount you specified to refund when returning the previous item. For example, if the total Current Shipping Amount was $50.00 when you returned the first item, and you specified a Shipping Refund Amount of $10.00, the Current Shipping Amount displayed for the second item is $40.00.
  8. Select Return to submit the return.

Add payment method? When you process a return for a retail pickup or delivery order and select the Unlock Order option, a message indicates that the only payment method on the order has been deactivated. You cannot unlock the order until you select the Add Payment option and add a new payment method. See Add Payment for more information.

Fields on Return Ship-To

Purpose: The fields on the Return Order Line panel are listed below.


The Order (Order Number) is indicated in parentheses after the panel title.
  • Return Reason. Required.
  • Return Disposition. Defaults from the Default Disposition Code (C18) system control value. See Return Disposition Scenarios for background on the field requirements at the Return Order Line panel based on the selected return disposition. Required.
  • Warehouse. The warehouse where the returned item will be received if the return disposition code affects inventory and the use primary location is unflagged or if use primary location is flagged and the item does not have a primary location. This value defaults from the return disposition code but may be overridden by selecting a different warehouse from the drop-down list.  If the return disposition code is flagged to use a primary location and the item has a primary location, the item will be returned to the item’s primary warehouse and location. This field may be required based on the return disposition.
  • Warehouse Location. The physical location within the warehouse where the returned item will be received if the return disposition code affects inventory and the use primary location is unflagged or if use primary location is flagged and the item does not have a primary location. This value defaults from the return disposition code but can be overridden by selecting a different location from the chosen warehouse. If the return disposition code is flagged to use a primary location and the item has primary location, the item will be returned to the item’s primary location and warehouse. This field may be required based on the return disposition .
  • Refund Shipping. Optional.
  • Current Shipping Amount. The remaining unrefunded shipping charges on the order. Displayed only if you select Refund Shipping and a freight override was applied to the order. For example, you can apply a freight override at the Work with Order Ship To Properties screen in the Classic View of Order Administration. You cannot refund more than this amount for shipping.
  • Shipping Refund Amount. Optionally, enter the shipping amount to refund for the return. You can enter a shipping refund amount only if you select Refund Shipping and a freight override was applied to the order. This amount cannot exceed the Current Shipping Amount.
  • Refund Additional Charges. Optional.
  • Refund Personalization. Optional.
  • Refund Duty Charges. Optional.