27 Ship-To Address Book

Purpose: The Address Book supports the ability to manage (get, add, edit and delete) multiple shipping names/addresses associated with an individual customer. The Address Book can be accessed from within Modern View Order Entry as well as from the Customer Order List screen.

During order entry, the Ship To (shipping location) automatically defaults to display the customer's name and address. If the customer would like to ship the order somewhere other than their primary address, the Ship To can be edited to create a One Time Address or to assign a Customer Address Book entry.

How to display:
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Ship-To Address Book Options

Purpose: The Address Book supports the ability to manage (get, add, edit and delete) multiple shipping names/addresses associated with an individual customer. The Address Book can be accessed from within Modern View Order Entry as well as from the Customer Order List screen.

During order entry, the Ship To (shipping location) automatically defaults to display the customer's name and address. If the customer would like to ship the order somewhere other than their primary address, the Ship To can be edited to create a One Time Address or to assign a Customer Address Book entry.

You can perform the following actions on the Address Book drawer from the Add Ship-To or the Edit option in the Ship-To Address Panel on the Order Entry Shipping page.

Select an Existing Address Book Entry

  1. From the Add/Edit Ship-To drawer, select the Address Book radio button.

  2. Optionally, click the Address Book drop down and you can search for the address to see if the person is already in the address book. You can also start typing to narrow down the search.

  3. If found, click the entry you want from the drop down and click OK to close the Add/Edit Ship-To drawer. The updated shipping name and address are assigned to the order.

Add an Address Book Entry

Creating an address book for a customer is useful for customers who repeatedly ship to an alternate address. It saves time, over adding the shipping details each time.


No duplicate match code checking is occurring in this address book so if you enter the same exact name and address, a new entry is created.
  1. From the Add/Edit Ship-To drawer, select the Address Book radio button.

  2. Click Edit icon on the Address Book panel. The Address Book drawer opens listing existing entries. The number of entries is shown under the title.

  3. Click + Add Address.

  4. Enter the required new name and address details and click OK. You are returned to the address list. All address information (name, address, and so on,) is in upper case except email that is shown as it is entered.

  5. Click X to close the address book drawer.

  6. Select from the address book drop down again and search for your new address book entry.

  7. Click the entry you want from the drop down and click OK to close the Add/Edit Ship-To drawer. The new shipping name and address are assigned to the order.


Creating or editing an address book through Modern View does not write marketing download or customer download trigger records.

When creating an address book entry, if Use QAS Address Interface (I67) system control value is enabled, the address is cleansed (for example, shortening the street address to the acceptable USPS format such as ST for Street, CIR for circle, and so on, and adding the +4 to the postal code) if only one match is found.

Update the Address Book Entry

  1. From the Add/Edit Ship-To drawer, select the Address Book radio button.

  2. Click Edit icon on the Address Book panel. The Address Book drawer opens listing existing entries.

  3. Click Edit from the Actions menu (Actions menu icon illustration.

  4. Update the details and click OK. You are returned to the address list with the new details shown. Even if no changes are made, a previous address record is written.

  5. Click X to close the address book drawer.

  6. Select from the address book drop down again and search for your new address book entry.

  7. Click the entry you want from the drop down and click OK to close the Add/Edit Ship-To drawer.

Delete an Address Book Entry

  1. From the Add/Edit Ship-To drawer, select the Address Book radio button.

  2. Click Edit icon on the Address Book panel. The Address Book drawer opens listing existing entries.

  3. Click Delete from the Actions menu (Actions menu icon illustration.

  4. Confirm the deletion and click OK. Selecting OK checks if the address is being used on the current order or if there is order history for the ship-to, deletes the address book entry, closes the confirmation dialog and refreshes the address book list screen so that the entry is no longer included in the list.

  5. Click X to close the address book drawer.

  6. Click OK to close the Add/Edit Ship-To drawer.

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Ship-To Address Book Fields

The following fields are displayed on the Address Book drawer:

Address Book Fields

All the address book entries in the drop down list for the address book display in uppercase in a single column. The email address is shown as it is entered. Use the scroll bar or down/ up arrows to go through the list of entries.

Prefix, First Name, Last Name, Suffix (xx) where xx is the ship-to number (address book number) assigned to the customer

Company Name

Street Address 1

Street Address 2-4


City, State/Province, Postal Code, Country Code

Home phone number

Business phone

Mobile or fax 

Email Address

+ Add Address Form Fields

Selecting the Edit option from the ellipsis of an existing address book entry or selecting + Add Address will open the Address form that contains the following fields:

Prefix: Optional.

First Name: Optional.

Middle Initial: Optional.

Last Name: Required if a company name is not specified.

Suffix: Optional.

Company Name: Required if a last name is not specified.

Street Address 1: Required.

Street Address 2-4: Optional.

Apartment/Suite: Optional.

Country Code: Required. Defaults from the Default Country for Customer Address (B17) system control value. Not necessarily the country code of the sold-to customer. Position to the correct country by typing the country name rather than the code.

Postal Code: A valid postal code is required to complete the order if the Require postal code flag is selected for the country in Work with Countries (WCTY); otherwise, optional. If the postal code is required for the country, the SCF for the postal code will be validated.

City: Required. No default.

State/Province Code: Required to complete entry of the order if the selected country requires a state or province. No default.

Delivery: Whether Residential, Business or No Distinction.

Email Address: Optional.

Phone Number: All assigned phone numbers (home, business, and mobile/fax) for that Ship-To are shown, displayed with the corresponding phone type in parenthesis following the phone number. The phone numbers in the address book are formatted using the phone number format rules defined at the country level. For each one-time ship-to order, a single assigned phone number is shown on the Shipping stop. Ability to add a phone number if required, see Add, Change, or Delete the Phone Number at the Enter or Verify Customer Step in Order Entry.

Rent: Defaults from Default Rent Name (D11) system control value but can be overridden.

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