28 Multiple Ship-To Address

Purpose: Modern View Order Entry supports assigning multiple ship to records to a single order.  

How to display: Open the Order Entry Shipping page to access the shipping options for the order.

Order ship-to addresses are addresses that are attached to the orders you are entering. The ship-to address can be the same as the sold-to customer address that is, the default primary address, or from the Address Book or an entered address. The system attaches the address automatically to the current order only and you can ship to multiple shipping addresses within that order. The ship-to address can be edited (opens the Edit Ship-To drawer to select or create an alternative address or update the current details) or deleted if there is more than one ship-to at the time.

Each ship-to shows additional information and the items assigned. The items can be moved or copied between ship-to’s but initially, all items default to ship-to 1. All ship-to items can be edited that is, items added, modified or deleted through Edit Item Window or the Order Entry Summary Panel.

Both Delivery and Pickup options are available but once Delivery is selected and multiple ship to's added, you cannot go back to Pickup.

When Next is clicked, each ship-to is validated to check that each has at least one item assigned to it, otherwise, an error is shown. To resolve the error, add, move or copy items to the empty ship-to, or delete the empty ship-to.

For more information:

Multiple Ship-To Address Options

You can perform the following actions when working with multiple ship-to addresses:

Add Another Ship-To Address

To add another ship-to address to the order:

Select the Add Ship-To option in the Ship-To Address Panel on the Order Entry Shipping page. The Add Ship-To drawer opens that allows you to:

Edit a Multiple Ship-To Address

Select Edit from the selected Ship-To X to edit the shipping address information for the selected items in the order. The Edit Ship-To drawer displays three options to change the shipping address for the order:

  • Primary Address - same as customer address. The address can be updated if necessary. See Enter or Verify Customer Information Fields for a description of the fields,

  • Address Book - a customer address book allows addresses to be selected, added, edited, or deleted so the order may be shipped to a different address and or person other than the primary address.

  • One-Time Address - orders can be shipped to a one-off recipient.

Delete a Multiple Ship-To Address

If there is more than one ship-to address at the time, you can delete surplus shipping addresses that are not required.

To delete the shipping address information and all items assigned in the ship-to:. 

  1. Select Delete for the selected specific Ship-To

  2. Select Confirm to delete.


All items, messages, and specific shipping details is immediately removed from the order. Any Order Notes stay on the order.

The Ship-To number sequence is updated, starting with 1 and continues sequentially. If only 1 ship to remains after the deletion, the Shipping tab represents a single ship-to. During Review step, only the remaining ship-to details are stored.

Move/Copy Items between Ship-To’s

Initially, when another ship-to address is added, all items added to the order thus far are defaulted to ship-to 1 and the new ship-to will have no items for shipping. The number of items assigned for each ship-to (item count) is displayed next to the ship-to name in the ship-to address panel. Items can be moved or copied between ship-to’s. As you switch between Ship-To Address components, Ship-To Items is left as the default if that is what you were viewing at the time.  

  1. Select Ship-To Items for the specific ship-to to view all items associated to the selected ship-to.

  2. Select the Ship-To X containing the item to move. All items associated to the selected ship-to are shown. Each item has a drop down field to move or copy the item.

    • Click in the Move or Copy Item drop down for the required item to move. Select the Ship-To X under Move Item To... required.. The item is immediately removed from the current ship-to, and associated to the ship-to selected in the drop down.

    • Click in the Move or Copy Item drop down for the required item to copy. Select the Ship-To X under Copy Item To... required. The item is immediately copied from the current ship-to and associated to the selected ship-to. Both ship-to's will have that item associated.


      If the item is added by the order API and not explicitly added, it will not display the drop down option. Instead it will display a message of Item cannot be moved or copied.  For example, accompanying items, free gifts (WPRO)
      • When a Set is copied, the components will be added after the Review (Order Entry Step 5) step. Only the set master is shown.

      • Items added through the Order API will not be copied and will be created after the Review (Order Entry Step 5) step.

      • Copying personalization from one item to another:

        1. If a personalized item is copied, and there is already personalization added to the item, open the Edit Personalization Information where you can edit the information.

        2. If there is not any personalization added to the item, just complete the copy.

        3. If personalization and line messages exist, display personalization before line messages.

      • Copying line messages from one item to another:

        1. If an item is copied and there are line messages for that item, open the Order Line Message where you can edit the information.

        2. If there is not any line messages added to the item, just complete the copy.

        3. If personalization and line messages exist, display line messages after the personalization is closed.

      • If a coordinate item is copied from one item to another, it will not automatically display the coordinates window.  You must manually click the link in the Order Summary Panel

Add a New Item to a Ship-To

Click Add Items from the Ship-To Items page to go back to the Items (Order Entry Step 3) tab where you can Add Items to the Order. A message to the right of the items search box indicates which ship-to the items will be added to, based on the specific ship-to that was selected on the Shipping (Order Entry Step 4) tab.

As items are added to the cart, they are immediately assigned to the current selected ship-to.  When you go back to the Shipping (Order Entry Step 4) tab or view or the Order Entry Summary panel and look under the Ship-To Items, the new items are displayed for the current ship-to. The item count is updated for the specific ship-to.

Edit Ship-To Items

Select Edit for an item in the Order Entry Summary panel or Review (Order Entry Step 5) tab to open the Edit Item Window.

Use this window to edit an item on the order. Options include:

  • Change the Quantity (Order Line Quantity Ordered).
  • Change the Price (Order Line Price) or set the item to No Charge. Either of these changes require entry of an Override Reason (Price Override Reason). You cannot change these fields if you do not have authority under the Price Overrides secured feature, or if the item is a warranty item.
  • Select a different Ship Via. All possible ship vias are displayed, but your selection must be a valid ship via for the item and SCF.

Click OK to apply your changes.

Delete Ship-To Items

To delete an item for a multi ship-to from Modern View Order Entry:

Select Delete for an item in the Order Entry Summary panel. The item is removed from the specific ship-to immediately. There is no confirmation message.

The Delete option is not available for a set component or other items added to the order automatically, such as through a BOGO promotion or as accompanying items. Also, the Delete option is not available in the Order Summary panel at the Review Order and Verify Order Information step, although it is available in the Items Fields.

If you delete all the items on the order, you cannot advance to the Add Payment step. You can Cancel Entry of the Order instead.

Review and Change Additional Ship-To Details


When the Order API automatically adds items to the order, Modern View Order Entry does not recognize those as being entered through the User Interface (UI).  If the item that created the free accompanying item is removed, the next time Refresh is called, the free accompanying item would no longer appear in the UI either.  Since this only occurs after Refresh, there is a possibility that a ship-to could end up with no items.


For more information:

Multiple Ship-To Address Fields

Purpose: Modern View Order Entry supports assigning multiple ship-to addresses to a single order.  

How to display: Open the Order Entry Shipping tab to access the shipping options for the order.

If store pickup is enabled, a toggle switch displays Delivery and Pickup. If store pickup is not enabled, the toggle switch is not shown and the default layout is that for Delivery. Each Ship-To information is displayed within its own block known as the Ship-To Address Panel. The Ship-To Details and Ship-To Items toggle switch displays on the right. These toggle options are not shown if it is only a single ship-to on the order.

Ship-To Address Panel

When there is more than one ship-to address, the ship-to highlighted with a blue border and a checkmark indicates the specific ship-to in focus and all actions and details shown apply to that ship-to. The ship-to number is sequential starting with 1 for each ship-to. The badge next to the ship-to name indicates the origin of the address, whether it is the primary address, an entry from the address book, or is an one-time use.

The number of items assigned for each ship-to (item count) is displayed next to the ship-to name in the ship-to address panel. Initially, when another ship-to address is added, all items added to the order thus far are defaulted to ship-to 1 and the new ship-to will have no items for shipping.

Ship-To Details Fields

Additional Charges

The Messages icon is found in the Shipping tab within the Ship-To Details view for a specific ship-to.

Select Messages to open the Messages window that contains the:

  • Message Type: Possible types:

    • Order Note in the Order Notes section.
    • Gift or Pick Slip in the Messages section.

    Within the Messages window, Order Notes apply to the entire order and show regardless of which ship-to you are on when opening the window and Messages apply to the specific Ship-To currently selected. All order notes stay with the order and are not removed when a ship-to is deleted.

  • Message: The contents of the order note, gift message, or pick slip message.

See Shipping Details Fields in Fields in Order Entry for a description of the fields.

Additional Order Details Fields

See Additional Order Details Fields in Fields in Order Entry for a description of the fields.

Ship-To Items Fields

See Add Items to Order Fields for a description of the fields.

For more information: