29 Additional Charges

Purpose: Use the Additional Charges panel to review and work with the additional charges that have been applied to each ship-to order.

Additional charges are user-defined types of charges that you can add to an order for any reason. You might establish standard additional charge codes for freight fees, personalization charges or rush shipment fees. You might also establish standard credit types of additional charge codes to reimburse the customer for long-distance telephone calls or postage fees.

The additional charges you enter on the Additional Charges panel are order-level additional charges, and are not associated with any particular item. The additional charges you enter for an item (for personalization, gift wrapping, etc.) do not appear at this panel.

Additional charge codes are defined in the Additional Charges table; you can create and work with additional charges using the Work with Additional Charge Codes (WADC) menu option.

Bills when? An additional charge does not bill until the order goes through billing.

Order totals: Additional charges or discounts are added to or subtracted from the order total, but are broken out from the order totals in the Additional Charges field.

How to display: Select the Additional Charges option
  • In the Shipping tab, for every Ship-To in the Ship-To Details section, before the Messages button.

  • In the Review tab, for every Ship-To, before the Add Items button.

of Order Entry or

from the Order Summary page.

In this topic:

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Types of Additional Charges

Additional charges are extra charges that you can apply to an order. You can apply the following types of additional charges to an order:

  • An additional service charge defined for the source code, based on the dollar value of merchandise on the order. The system adds an additional charge to the order automatically when service charges exist for the source code. The amount of the additional charge is based on the total merchandise dollar value.
  • An additional service charge defined for the offer, based on the dollar value of merchandise on the order. The system adds an additional charge to the order when service charges exist for the offer, but not for the source code. The amount of the additional charge is based on the total merchandise dollar value.
  • An additional shipping charge defined for the Shipper/Item. An additional charge may be defined for an item, depending on the shipper you select to deliver the item. For example, you might set up a special shipper/item for a desk when it will be delivered by Acme Shippers. Usually, Acme Shippers charges $8.50 to deliver most items, but, because the desk is oversized and heavy, the customer will be charged an extra $25.00 for delivery. The $25.00 additional shipping charge will be added to the order automatically in the Additional Charges field when the customer orders the desk and requests delivery through Acme Shippers.
  • A guaranteed service charge defined in the offer. A guaranteed service charge will be added automatically to the order when a value exists in the Guaranteed order charge field in the offer and the Exclude service charges field for the source code is unselected. This is a charge required to guarantee that, if the order does not arrive, a replacement order will be shipped immediately while your company investigates the whereabouts of the original shipment. The system uses the dollar amount defined in the Default charge field for the additional charge code to apply to the order. If the order includes more than one ship to customer, the system applies the additional charge code to the first ship to customer.
  • An additional charge manually added from the Additional Charges panel through the Add Additional Charge window. You can add any type of additional charge to the order. The Add Additional Charge window allows you to select an additional charge code and specify the additional charge. This allows you to add additional charges to an order at any time. The system displays the additional charge on this window using the value from the applicable Additional Charge Code field for the offer. Additional charges and credits are defined in and validated against the Additional Charges table; you can create and work with additional charges using the Work with Additional Charge Codes (WADC) menu option. You can define additional charge or credit codes for any reason, such as a charge for store-restocking or import duties or a credit for long-distance telephone charges or postage, etc.

Negative Additional Charge Limit

Purpose: You can limit the total amount of negative additional charges applied to an order by entering a dollar value in the Negative Additional Charge Limit (E49) system control value. You cannot override this dollar limit unless you have authority to the Override Negative Additional Chrge Limit (A60) secured feature.

An error message displays if you attempt to add a negative additional charge that would bring the total negative additional charges on the order over the limit specified in the Negative Additional Charge Limit (E49) system control value, and if you do not have authority to the Override Negative Additional Chrge Limit (A60) secured feature, and applies to miscellaneous additional charges only.


Negative additional charges that are added by the system are not included in the negative additional charge total; also, the total is not decreased by positive additional charges.

Restricting the Additional Charge Amount

Purpose: You can use the Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge (F43) system control value and the Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80) secured feature to control which users can add additional charges to an order.

Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80)

This secured feature controls whether you can enter an amount at the Add or Edit Additional Charge windows.

  • Allow = you can enter or change the additional charge amount for an additional charge code.
  • Exclude = you cannot enter an additional charge code unless there is a default charge amount specified for the code.

Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge (F43)

If the Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge (F43) system control value is selected, the Amount field is not enterable on the Add or Edit Additional Charge windows for any additional charge code that has a Default Charge Amount specified unless you have authority to the Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80) secured feature. If you do not have the authority to change the amount, you will need to change the charge code itself, or delete the code and add a different one.

Additional Charge Amount Restriction Summary

The Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge (F43) system control value and the Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80) secured feature work in combination.

  • If you have authority to the Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80) secured feature and the Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge (F43) system control value is selected:

    • The Amount field at the Add or Edit Additional Charge windows is enterable only if there is not a Default charge amount for the additional charge code.

    • If the additional charge code has a default amount specified, this amount defaults and you must use the Add or Edit Additional Charge window to override it.

  • If you have authority to the Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80) secured feature and the Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge (F43) system control value is unselected:

    • The Amount field is always enterable at the Add or Edit Additional Charge windows.

    • If you enter just the additional charge code for a code that has a default amount specified, this amount defaults. However, if you enter the additional charge code but enter an override amount, the override amount is added to the order.

  • If you do not have authority to the Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80) secured feature, regardless of the setting of the Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge (F43) system control value, The Amount field is never enterable at the Add or Edit Additional Charge windows.

Additional Charges Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Additional Charges panel.

For more information:

Sort the Additional Charges

You can sort on any column in the Additional Charges table by clicking on the column name. An arrow pointing up displays next to the field when the values for the field display in ascending sequence; an arrow pointing down displays next to the field when the values for the field display in descending sequence.

Additional charges first display on this panel in ascending additional charge code sequence.

Add an Additional Charge to the Order Ship-To

Select the Add Charge to Order option to lock the order and advance to the Add Additional Charge window (see Add or Edit Additional Charge).

  • This option is available only if you have ALLOW authority to the Additional Charges Access (A24) secured feature and the order is not locked by another user or session or by the system.
  • The Add Charge to Order option is not available if the Payment at POS for Ship for Pickup Orders (L60) system control value is selected and the order is a ship for pickup order.
  • The Add Additional Charges option is not available if the Allow Edit and Delete of Error Orders in Modern View (J11) secured feature is set to EXCLUDE authority when displaying an order with error status. Any data in the Additional Charges window is read-only so you cannot edit or delete existing additional charge data.


After you add an additional charge to the order, the Add Charge to Order option changes to Add Additional Charge.

Update an Additional Charge

Select Edit from the actions menu (Illustrates the actions menu) for an existing additional charge to lock the order and advance to the Edit Additional Charge window (see Add or Edit Additional Charge).

  • This option is available only if you have authority to the Additional Charges Access (A24) secured feature, the order is not locked by another user, session, or by the system, and the additional charge has not already been billed.
  • The Edit option is not available if the Payment at POS for Ship for Pickup Orders (L60) system control value is selected and the order is a ship for pickup order.

Delete an Additional Charge

Select Delete icon from the actions menu (Illustrates the actions menu) for an existing additional charge to remove it from the order. The system locks the order and displays a Confirm Delete window. At the Confirm Delete window, select Yes to delete the additional charge; otherwise, select No to cancel the delete.

  • This option is available only if you have ALLOW authority to the Additional Charges Access (A24) secured feature, the order is not locked by another user, session, or by the system, and the additional charge has not already been billed.
  • The Delete option is not available if the Payment at POS for Ship for Pickup Orders (L60) system control value is selected and the order is a ship for pickup order.

Fields on Additional Charges

Purpose: The following information displays on the Additional Charges panel.

Additional Charges Table

The Additional Charges table displays the additional charges that have been applied to the order ship-to.

Additional charges first display in ascending additional charge code sequence.

For each additional charge, the table displays the following fields:

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