47 Edit Personalization Information

Purpose: Use the Edit Personalization Information window to update the personalization defined for an item on an order.

How to display: Select the Edit option on the Personalization Information window.

The Edit option is available only if you advanced to the Personalization Information window from the Order Summary page, or in Order Entry after you added the item to the order and defined personalization information.

Also, if you are at the Order Summary page, the window is available only if:

  • You have authority to edit order information,
  • The order is not currently locked by another user, session, or by the system, and
  • The order line is open or held, and unprinted.

For more information:

Add personalization: To add personalization for an order line, select the Personalize option for an order line in the Order Lines Panel on the Order Summary page. See Add Personalization for more information.

Edit Personalization Information Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Edit Personalization Information window.

For more information:

Add personalization: To add personalization for an order line, select the Personalize option for an order line in the Order Lines Panel on the Order Summary page. You can also add personalization in Order Entry. See Add Personalization for more information.

Update Custom Personalization Information

  1. Optionally, update the Personalization Charge (Personalization (Special Handling) Charge).

    This field displays only if a Special Handling Price is defined for the item offer or SKU offer.

    You can update the personalization charge only if you have authority to the Enter or Override S/H Price (B12) secured feature.

    You cannot update this field in Order Entry.

  2. Optionally, update the Input Personalization (Special Handling) Custom Response for a custom label (Personalization (Special Handling) Custom Label).

    The Input is a drop down box if a list of valid responses exists for the label. You must select a valid response from the list.

    If valid responses are defined, the response description displays regardless of the setting of the Display Special Format Response Descriptions in Order Entry (E90) system control value.

    For text input fields, you can enter upper and lower case text if the Enter Custom Special Handling in Upper and Lower Case (D65) system control value is selected.

    If an input has been defined with a maximum amount of characters that can be used, the system displays the remaining number of characters allowed below the input field. The Include Spaces in Special Handling Edit for Maximum Characters (F80) system control value controls whether the system includes spaces in the number of characters of text used. For example, if this system control value is selected, and you enters Julie Marie in the text field, the system considers this name to be 11 characters. If this system control value is unselected, the system considers the name Julie Marie to be 10 characters.

  3. Optionally, update the Charge Personalization (Special Handling) Custom Charge for a custom label.

    This field displays only if a Default Price or Default Price % is defined for the special format detail, the Feature/option field for the special format detail is selected, and a Special Handling Price is not defined for the item offer or SKU offer.

    You can add or remove a charge only if you have authority to the Enter or Override Personalization Charge (A40) secured feature.

    You cannot update this field in Order Entry.

  4. Select OK. The system validates your entries. An error message displays if:

    • You do not define a value for a required field.

    • You enter a negative number in the Charge field.

  5. If the updates are successful, the system returns you to the previous window and displays a message indicating the personalization was updated.

If the Evaluate Special Handling Charges by Order Line (D67) system control value is unselected, the charge for the special handling will be multiplied by the number of units ordered; otherwise, it will be added just once for each order line associated with custom special handling. The charge is added to the Personalization bucket of the order totals. For example, if the system control value is unselected:

  • Line 1: Item A1000 in blue, quantity 5: special handling charges = $25.00
  • Line 2: Item A1000 in red, quantity 1: special handling charges = $5.00
  • Total special handling charges = $30.00

Update Standard Personalization Information

  1. Optionally, update the Personalization Charge (Personalization (Special Handling) Charge). You cannot update this field in Order Entry.
  2. Optionally, update the Instructions Personalization (Special Handling) Instructions). Note that information added in the Classic View of Order Administration is all upper case, while information added in Contact Center can be upper and lower case. Also, instructions entered in the Classic View of Order Administration as separate lines are concatenated in Contact Center into a continuous line.
  3. Select OK. The system validates your entries.
  4. If the updates are successful, you return to the previous window, where a message indicates the personalization was updated.

If the Evaluate Special Handling Charges by Order Line (D67) system control value is unselected, the charge for the special handling will be multiplied by the number of units ordered; otherwise, it will be added just once for each order line associated with custom special handling. The charge is added to the Personalization bucket of the order totals. For example, if the system control value is unselected:

  • Line 1: Item A1000 in blue, quantity 5: special handling charges = $25.00
  • Line 2: Item A1000 in red, quantity 1: special handling charges = $5.00
  • Total special handling charges = $30.00

Fields on Edit Personalization Information

Purpose: The following information displays on the Edit Personalization Information window.

  • Item Description (unlabeled field below the Edit Personalization Information title)
  • Item ID (unlabeled field to the right of the Item Description)
  • SKU Description (unlabeled field below the Item Description and Item ID.
  • Personalization (Personalization (Special Handling)): This is the code and description of the additional charge code used to add the personalization for the item.
  • Personalization Charge (Personalization (Special Handling) Charge): This field displays in this position for standard personalization, and for custom personalization only if a Special Handling Price is defined for the item offer or SKU offer.

The remaining fields in this window vary depending on whether the personalization format is custom or standard.

Custom Personalization Fields

The following fields display when custom personalization has been defined for an item, allowing you to help the customer define exactly how the item will be personalized.

A custom label displays for each option that can be performed on the item, and optionally, the associated charge to apply the option to the item.

  • Label Personalization (Special Handling) Custom Label: The name of the label is defined in the Special Handling Format table; you can create and work with custom special handling formats using the Work with Special Handling Formats (WSHF) menu option. An asterisk (*) displays to the left of the label if a response is required.
  • Input Personalization (Special Handling) Custom Response. If the Display Special Format Response Descriptions (E90) system control value is selected, the response description displays rather than the response itself.
  • Charge Personalization (Special Handling) Custom Charge: This field displays only if a Default Price or Default Price % is defined for the special format detail, the Feature/option field for the special format detail is selected, and a Special Handling Price is not defined for the item offer or SKU offer.

For more information:

Standard Personalization Fields

The following fields display when standard personalization has been defined for an item, supporting the entry of free-form text.

  • Personalization Charge Personalization (Special Handling) Charge
  • Instructions Personalization (Special Handling) Instructions. Note that instructions entered in the Classic View of Order Administration are all upper case, while instructions entered in Contact Center can be upper and lower case. Also, instructions entered in the Classic View of Order Administration as separate lines are concatenated in Contact Center into a continuous line.

For more information: