45 Personalization Information

Purpose: Use the Personalization Information window to review the personalization, or special handling, that has been defined for an item.

How to display from the Order Summary page: In the Order Lines Panel on the Order Summary page, select the Personalization link (for example, MO - MONOGRAM) for an order line if personalization has already been defined for the item. If no personalization has been defined for the item. If no personalization has been defined for the item, use the Personalize link on the upper right to open the Add Personalization window, provided the item is eligible for special handling.

From the Invoice page: In the # Order Lines In This Invoice Panel of the Invoice page, select the Personalization link for the item if personalization was defined for the item.


You cannot open this window if the item’s personalization uses a S/H Code with the Suppress S/H Window flag set to Suppress.

How to display in Order Entry: Select Personalize for the item in the Order Summary panel. The Personalization Information window opens if personalization has already been defined for the item. If no personalization has been defined for the item, the Add Personalization window opens instead.

The Personalize option is also available at the Review Order and Verify Order Information step by clicking the additional charge code and description for the item.

If the S/H Code defined for the Item Offer or SKU Offer is set to an additional charge code whose Suppress S/H Window flag is set to Suppress, an error message displays if you select Personalization for the item.

In this topic:

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Personalization Overview

Purpose: Personalization, or special handling, is any type of item customization, such as monogramming, alterations, engraving, etc. You can also use a personalization code to automatically add a personalization charge to an order when the customer orders a specific item, even if there are no actual personalization instructions.

Types of Personalization

You can define standard or custom personalization for an item.

Personalization codes are defined in and validated against the Additional Charges table. In this table, you identify a code as a personalization code by entering S (standard format) or C (custom format) in the Special Handling Type field.

If the code calls for a custom format, you must enter a custom format code in the Special Handling Format field. Custom special handling formats are defined in and validated against the Special Handling Format table; you can create and work with custom special handling formats using the Work with Custom Special Handling Formats (WSHF) menu option.

When you set up a personalization code in the Additional Charges table, you also specify whether to advance to a personalization screen automatically, on-demand, or not at all in order entry when entering an item flagged for personalization in the item offer or SKU offer.

Standard Personalization

Standard personalization is a set of free-form instructions or notes about how to work on an item, including the charge for the personalization work. Standard personalization is entered in a free-format field where you can enter any information necessary to explain what needs to be done to the item.

Note that instructions entered in the Classic View of Order Administration are all upper case, while instructions entered in Contact Center can be upper and lower case. Also, instructions entered in the Classic View of Order Administration as separate lines are concatenated in Contact Center into a continuous line.

Custom Personalization

Custom personalization is a set of pre-formatted notes about how to work on an item, including charges for the custom special handling work. Custom personalization is entered on a page which includes the various fields that you need to complete to explain how to work on the item. Each activity is listed along with the valid responses. You can work with the customer to define exactly what needs to be done to the item, using this page as a guide to obtain complete and accurate information. For example, if the customer wants a shirt monogrammed, the custom personalization lets you enter the initials in a text field and select the thread color and monogram positioning from predefined lists.

The Special Handling Format table defines the contents of the custom personalization that displays in order entry. Custom personalization differs from standard personalization in that you can define required fields, offer additional features with a special charge, and specify valid values for input fields that the system will validate in order entry.

To use custom personalization, you must define the personalization format. You then associate the format with an additional charge code. You can then define that additional charge code for the Item/Offer or Item/SKU/Offer.

Which Items Qualify for Personalization?

The Special handling flag for the item offer or SKU offer controls whether the item is eligible for personalization. If the Special handling flag is selected:

  • Default personalization: If there is a Special handling code specified for the item offer or SKU offer, and that code’s Bypass S/H flag is unselected, then this type of personalization defaults for the item.
  • Optional personalization: Otherwise, the item receives personalization only if you enter a code in the S/H code field for the item when you are entering the order, select the special handling option for an existing order detail line, or specify a special handling code in order maintenance.

If the Special handling flag for the item offer or SKU offer is unselected, the item is not eligible for personalization.

Personalization Cost

The system determines the personalization charge by:

  • If a Special Handling Price is specified for the item offer or SKU offer, use this price; otherwise,
  • If a Default Price or Default Price% is specified for the special handing format, use this price (this option is available for custom special handling only).

The personalization price is display-only in order entry.

Applying optional personalization in order entry: When an item supports personalization based on the Special handling flag for the item offer or SKU offer, but a default Special handling code is not specified, you can still apply special or custom personalization in order entry as well as order maintenance; however, you need to specify a default Special Handling Price for the item offer or SKU offer to add a charge to the order. Otherwise, the special handling price defaults to 0.00 and cannot be changed in order entry.

Personalization Restrictions

You can restrict the type of personalization an item can receive based on item class using the Work with Item Classes (WICL) menu option. For example, you might want to restrict personalizing a t-shirt with an emblem if the process used to attach the emblem damages the t-shirt.

If a special handling type is restricted for the item class, that type is not available for selection through the Add Personalization window.

You cannot edit personalization if the item’s personalization uses a S/H Code with the Suppress S/H Window flag set to Suppress.

Personalization Information Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Personalization Information window.

These options are available only if the order line is not closed.


You cannot open this window if the item’s personalization uses a S/H Code with the Suppress S/H Window flag set to Suppress.

For more information:

Update Personalization Information

Select the Editoption to advance to the Edit Personalization Information window. If you select this option from the Order Summary page, this locks the order.

The Edit option is available only if:

  • You advanced to the Personalization Information window from the Order Summary page, or while in Order Entry,
  • You have authority to edit order information,
  • The order is not currently locked by another user, session, or by the system, and
  • The order line status is open or held and the item does not have a printed or shipped quantity.

Remove Personalization

  1. Select the Remove option to advance to a confirmation window.
  2. At the confirmation window:

    • Select Yes to lock the order and remove the personalization from the item.

    • Select No to retain the item’s personalization.

  3. If you selected Yes, the system returns you to the previous page and displays a message indicating whether it was able to remove the personalization.

The Remove option is available only if:

  • You advanced to the Personalization Information window from the Order Summary page, or while in Order Entry.
  • You have authority to edit order information,
  • The order is not currently locked by another user, session, or by the system, and
  • The order line status is open or held, and the item does not have a printed or shipped quantity

Fields on Personalization Information

Purpose: The following information displays on the Personalization Information window.

Standard Personalization Fields

The following additional field displays when standard personalization has been defined for an item.

Custom Personalization Fields

The following fields display when custom personalization has been defined for an item, allowing you to help the customer define exactly how the item will be personalized. A custom label displays for each option that can be performed on the item, and optionally, the associated charge to apply the option to the item.

  • Personalization (Special Handling) Custom Label: the name of the label is defined in the Special Handling Format table; you can create and work with custom special handling formats using the Work with Special Handling Formats (WSHF) menu option.
  • Personalization (Special Handling) Custom Response (unlabeled field to the right of the Personalization Custom Label): This is the code and description of the selected custom special format response. The description displays only if the Display Special Format Response Descriptions in Order Entry (E90) system control value is selected.
  • Personalization (Special Handling) Custom Charge (unlabeled field to the right of the Personalization Custom Response): A charge displays only if a charge is associated with the personalization response; otherwise, the charge displayed is 0.00.

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