15 Customer Items List

Overview: Use the Items tab at the Customer Order List page to review the items ordered by the customer, advance to an order that includes a listed item, or check item availability.

You can use this page to update the customer’s information, as described for the Customer Order List.

How to display: Select the Items option on the Customer Order List page.

When you first advance to this page, it displays items ordered in ascending date sequence (older to newer).

For more information:

Customer Items List Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions at the Customer Items List page.

For more information:

Create Order

Select the Create Order option to advance to the Enter or Verify Customer Information step in Order Entry.


This option is available only if you have authority to the Contact Center Order Entry (CCOE) menu option. You can define menu option authority for a user ID in the Work with Users (WUSR) menu option and for a user class in the Work with User Classes (WUCL) menu option.

Use the Prompt to Join Loyalty

Loyalty prompt options: A prompt to join loyalty is displayed below the customer’s name and customer number, providing the following options:

  • Never: Do not ask the customer again about joining loyalty. In this case, Order Administration sends a Customer Engagement Update Customer Request to update the ORCE_LOYALTY_PROMPT_ATTRIBUTE setting for the customer to FALSE so that Order Administration will not prompt the customer again to join the Loyalty program.

  • Not Now: The customer is not joining loyalty now, but can be prompted again in the future. Order Administration does not send an update to Customer Engagement.

  •   Enroll: Enroll the customer in loyalty. See Updates at Loyalty Enrollment for information on the updates that take place when the customer enrolls.

Displayed when? The prompts are displayed only if:

  • the ORCE Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to INTERACT, and

  • the Use ORCE Loyalty (M06) and Prompt to Join Loyalty (M07) system control values are selected, and

  • the customer has an ORCE customer ID and is not already a loyalty member, and has not previously requested to stop prompting for loyalty membership, such as by selecting the Never option at the prompt.

Prompt wording: The ORCE_LOYALTY_REG_MESSAGE property (PROP) defines the wording of the prompt message.

You can also enroll the customer in loyalty through the process described under Enroll the Customer in a Loyalty Program if the customer is not already enrolled.

Update Customer Information

Select the Edit Customer option to advance to the Edit Customer (Sold-To) Information panel.


This option is available only if you have authority to the Enter/Maintain Orders (OEOM) menu option. You can define menu option authority for a user ID in the Work with Users (WUSR) menu option and for a user class in the Work with User Classes (WUCL) menu option.

Call the Customer’s Phone Number

Select the Phone Number link to advance to the default application used to initiate phone calls. If a default application is not defined, a window displays where you can select the application to use to call the customer’s phone number.


This option is available only if hyperlink configuration is selected for the Phone field in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option. In addition, the Phone field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Email the Customer

Select the Email Address link to advance to the default application used for email. If a default application is not defined, a window displays where you can select the application to use to email the customer.


This option is available only if hyperlink configuration is selected for the Email field in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Review Frequently Purchased Items

Click Frequent Purchases in the Purchases customer summary tile to open the Frequently Purchased Items Panel.

Review Registries or Create a Registry Order

Click Registries in the Purchases customer summary tile to open the Registries panel. This option is available only if the ORCE Customer Integration is enabled, there is a record for the customer in Customer Engagement, and the Use ORCE Registries (M26) system control value is selected

If the customer has more than one registry: Select a registry to display the fields and options for that registry. You can select Return to Registries at the top of the panel to return to the Registries panel, displaying all registries for the customer.

Registries are displayed here only if they have been published in Customer Engagement, and the current customer is the owner of the registry.

Registry options: When a single registry order is displayed:

  • Filter the items on the registry: Enter a full or partial item code or description to restrict the displayed registry items.

  • Create a registry order: Select Create Registry Order to advance to the Customer Information (Order Entry Step 2) step in order entry and create an order for the customer that includes one or more items in the registry. Note that the options in order entry are different when you are creating a registry order.

Available when? This option is available only if the displayed registry includes at least one item that is available to sell in Order Administration (that is, not a Store only item). See Order Entry for additional required system control values and other settings. The Create Registry Order option is also not available if you currently have order entry open in another tab, regardless of whether the order is for the currently displayed customer.

When would you create a registry order? You might create a registry order if:

  • A customer wants to purchase items on their own wish list. For example, a customer might create a wish list for items needed for the first semester at college.

  • A customer wants to purchase items remaining on a registry after the event occurs. For example, after a baby shower, the customer might want to purchase additional remaining items that were not given as gifts at the shower.

Sort Listed Items

You can sort on any column in the Items table by clicking on the column name. An arrow pointing up displays next to the field when the values for the field display in ascending sequence; an arrow pointing down displays next to the field when the values for the field display in descending sequence.

Filter Displayed Items

The page provides an entry field below the Items panel with the message Filter results. You can further refine the orders displayed in the Items Table by entering one or more search terms found in any of the fields displayed in that table.

Example: Enter PEN. The displayed results include order lines for items whose descriptions include “pen,” as well as any items that include “pen” in the item code. Next, enter held. Displayed results are now further restricted to order lines that are in Held status, provided the order lines also include “pen.”

Matching records need to contain the search term, but do not need to start with the search term. For example, both 123.45 and 23.45 are matches for a search term of 23.

Filtering is across all results: The filtering is not restricted to the order lines displayed on the first page of results. For example, if the only order line matching your entry is on the third page of results, this order line is displayed.

Additional information on filtering:

  • Only fields displayed at the Items Table are available for filtering. For example, you can filter based on the order line status, unit price, or purchase status, because this information displayed, but you cannot filter based an order total or special handling instructions.
  • Filtering is not case-sensitive. For example, you can enter closed or CLOSED to display closed order lines.
  • To filter based on order date, include the date delimiters. For example, enter 8/27 rather than 827 to filter for an order date of August 27.
  • You can filter based on numeric fields to display partial matches. For example, if the unit price is 11.95, you can enter 11 or 95 to include the order in the search results.

Removing a search term: Optionally, click the X next to a search term to remove it from the filter criteria.

Display Item Information

Click a displayed item to open the Item Information Link for the item. The item code is a link only if item information has been defined for the item. Note that the item information icon is not displayed.

Select an Order for Review

In the Items Table, select an Order Number link to advance to the Order Summary page for the order.


A link is not available if the order’s status is Error or Suspended.

Check Inventory for an Item

Select Item Availability for an item.

  • If the Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is unselected, or if the Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is selected but the item is not eligible for merchandise locator, you advance to the Item Availability window.
  • If the Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is selected and the item is eligible for merchandise locator, you advance to the Item Availability (Merchandise Locator) window.
  • For set items, the Item Availability option is available for the set component item and not the main set item.

The Item Availability option is available only for order lines whose status is Open, Held, Soldout, or Express Bill.

Review Items Sold to or Returned by the Customer

Select the Purchase History tab to advance to the Customer Purchase History List, where you can review order information sent from Customer Engagement. This tab is available only if the ORCE Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to INTERACT.

Review or Work with Loyalty Cards, Programs, or Awards for the Customer

Select the Loyalty option to switch to the Customer Loyalty List for the customer.

Return to the Order List Results

Select the Orders tab to return to the Customer Order List.

Fields on Customer Items List

Purpose: The following information displays on the Customer Items List page.

For more information:

Customer Items List Tab Fields

The customer’s name displays in the page tab for the Customer Items List page. If the customer record does not have a last name but there is a company name, the first ten positions of the company name displays as the tab title. If the customer record does not have either a last name or a company, the tab is blank.

Customer Items List Page Title Fields

The title and the tab of the Customer Items List page contains the following:

  • If a customer last name exists, the title of the page displays the customer’s name in first name, last name display.
  • If a no name exists for the customer record but there is a company name, the title of the page displays the customer’s company name.

  • If the customer record does not have either a last name or a company, just the customer number is displayed.
  • The Customer Number is in parentheses. When the Purchase History tab is available, this is the Customer Engagement ID.
  • The Customer Since date follows the customer name and number. When the Purchase History tab is available, this is the signup date from Oracle Retail Customer Engagement.

Customer Information Panel Fields

The customer information panel below the page title displays the following fields:

  • On the left-hand side:

    • Customer Name or Company Name.  If the customer record has just a first name, no name is displayed.

    • The Customer Number is in parentheses following the customer name. When the Purchase History tab is available, this is the Customer Engagement ID.

    •   The Loyalty Member icon and label (Illustrates the loyalty member icon.), indicating that the customer is currently enrolled in one or more loyalty programs. See Customer Loyalty List for more information.

    • Customer Since date. When the Purchase History tab is available, this is the signup date from Oracle Retail Customer Engagement.

    • Customer Class (displayed only if the Require Customer Class in OE, WCAT, and WCST (H85) system control value is selected, regardless of whether a customer class is assigned to the customer)

  • On the right-hand side:

    • Customer Name, including Prefix and Suffix, if specified, and or Company Name, followed by Customer Address

      • If a customer name and company name are defined, the company name displays below the customer name.

      • If a company name is defined without a sold-to customer name, the company name displays in place of the sold-to customer name.

    • Phone Number (unlabeled fields below the Customer Address): Up to three phone numbers (home, business, and mobile or fax) for the customer sold-to may be shown with the type shown in brackets such as (508) 652–3800 (Business). These phone numbers can added, edited, deleted and displayed within Edit Customer (Sold-To) Information. The Home Phone Number field is always displayed, even when not populated.

      The Phone field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

      Select the Edit icon to

    • Email Address (unlabeled field below the Phone Number): This field displays only if an email address is defined for the customer.

    • Opt-In Status (unlabeled field below the Email Address): This field displays only if an email address is defined for the customer.

Customer Summary Tiles Fields

Tiles to the right of the customer information panel provide the following information:

Frequently Purchased Items Panel Fields

The Frequently Purchased Items Panel displays up to five items in the customer’s purchase history that appear in the greatest number of orders, regardless of the ship-to customer on the order or the status of the order line.

The system does not consider the quantity of the item purchased. For example:

  • If a customer purchased item A1234 in black, red, and blue and sent 1 of each to 3 different ship-tos, the frequency in which the customer purchased that item is 1.
  • If that customer placed a different order for item A1234 in yellow and black, 1 each, the frequency would change to 2.

If the item has SKUs, the base item is displayed and the totals include all SKUs.

Items display in this panel in most frequently purchased, most recent order date, ascending item ID sequence. The following is displayed for each item:

  • Item Image: Displayed if the Use External Item Image (L55) system control value is selected and an item or SKU image has been defined. A placeholder image is displayed if Use External Item Image (L55) is selected but no item or SKU image has been defined.


The icon indicating that an Item Information Link is available is not displayed on the item image in the Frequently Purchased Items panel.

Registries Panel Fields

If there is a single registry for the customer:

  • Registry header information:

    • Registry name: The Name defined for the registry in Customer Engagement.

    • Customer name: The name of the customer, in Last name, First name order.

    • Registry type: The type of registry defined in Customer Engagement. Possible types are Gift Registry and Wish List.

    • Event type: The event type defined for a registry in Customer Engagement, such as Birthday Party or Wedding Shower. Not displayed for a Wish List.

    • Venue: The name of the venue, if any, specified in Customer Engagement for the registry. Not displayed for a Wish List.

    • Date: The Event Date defined in for the registry in Customer Engagement. Not displayed for a Wish List.

  • Item information: Includes the item description for the item in Order Administration, followed by the item number or code and SKU, in parentheses.

    The Item Image and Item Information Link are also available, if they have been defined and are enabled.

    Store-only item: If there is no record of the item in Order Administration, the description is Store only item. You cannot add a store-only item to an order.

  • Quantity desired: The requested quantity of the item defined for the registry in Customer Engagement.

  • Quantity purchased: The quantity of the item that has already been purchased, either through Order Administration or another system integrating with Customer Engagement. The quantity displayed does not increase when you add the item to the current registry order; it increases after you submit the order. This quantity is not updated when the customer purchases the item on a non-registry order.

If there is more than one registry for the customer:

  • Number of registries for the customer, such as 2 Registries Found.

  • Registry information: The Name defined for the registry in Customer Engagement, and the venue for a gift registry.

  • Date: The Event Date defined in for the registry in Customer Engagement. Not displayed for a Wish List.

  • Registry type: Gift Registry or Wish List.

See Review Registries or Create a Registry Order for more information on options.

Items Table Fields

The Items table displays the first 15 items that the customer has previously ordered. For each customer purchase history record, the system displays the following fields.


The Items table does not include items on order lines that are in a Quote, Suspended, or Purged status.
  • Ordered Date
  • Item Description (the Item ID is to the right in parentheses): An item may display more than once for the same order if more than one item was purchased for a different price or on a different order line, or if the item contains SKU’s and more than one SKU of the item was purchased.
  • SKU Description: Displayed below the item description and ID if the item has SKUs.
  • Status (Purchase Status): The table does not display order lines that are in a Quote, Suspended, or Purged status.
  • Unit Price
  • Order Number: Provides a link to the Order Summary page for the order.
  • Item Availability:

    • If the Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is unselected, or if the Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is selected but the item is not eligible for merchandise locator, you advance to the Item Availability window.

    • If the Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is selected and the item is eligible for merchandise locator, you advance to the Item Availability (Merchandise Locator) window.


  • For set items, the Item Availability option is available for the set component item and not the main set item.
  • In Order Summary and Customer Items List pages, the Check Item Availability option is available only for order lines whose status is Open, Held, Soldout, Suspended, or Express Bill. It is not available for orders in Error status.