19 Edit Customer (Sold-To) Information

Overview: Use the Edit Customer (Sold-To) Information panel to review and update a sold-to customer’s name, address, and preferences.

The system updates the sold-to customer record automatically when you change any customer address information, including the customer name, company name, street address, postal code, city, state/province, country, phone number, or email. The system also revises the sold-to customer's match code based on the changes to the name and address.

Customer Engagement Customer Integration: When you use the Customer Engagement customer integration, the customer information displayed is updated automatically based on the current information in Customer Engagement. Also, when you use the Customer Engagement customer integration, if you update the customer’s name or address information, Order Administration sends an update to Customer Engagement so that the customer records in the two systems are synchronized.


  • If you delete address lines 2-4 or apartment, these address lines are also deleted in Customer Engagement.

  • Deleting the customer's prefix, middle initial, suffix, company name, and primary email address does not delete the corresponding fields in Customer Engagement; as a result, the next time that the customer information is synchronized from Customer Engagement, this information is restored. For example, customer information is synchronized from Customer Engagement when you select the customer from a search page.

  •  Deleting the customer's prefix, first name, middle initial, suffix, last name or business name, address lines 2-4, apartment, phone number extensions, or email address in Customer Engagement deletes the corresponding fields in Order Administration.

The Customer Engagement customer integration is in use only if the ORCE Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to INTERACT.

Outbound Customer API: You can generate a customer download XML message when you update a customer. See the Generic Customer Download API in the Classic View help for more information.

How to display:

  • Select the Edit option on the Customer Order List page or Customer Items List page. The Edit option is available only if you have authority to the Enter/Maintain Orders (OEOM) menu option.
  • Select the Edit option on the Order Summary page. The Edit option is available only if the order is not currently locked by another user, session, or by the system and you have authority to the Enter/Maintain Orders (OEOM) menu option and the Order Maintenance Access (A22) secured feature. In addition, the order cannot be a store pickup order, based on the Broker Delivery Type.


When you advance to this panel, the system locks the customer, preventing any other user in Contact Center from updating the customer. In addition, if you advance to this panel from the Order Summary page, the system locks the order.

Panel title: If you advance to this panel from the Customer Order List page or Customer Items List page, the title of the page is Edit Customer Information. If you advance to this page from the Order Summary page, the title of the page is Edit Sold-To.

For more information:

Edit Customer (Sold-To) Information Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Edit Customer (Sold-To) Information panel.

For more information:

Converted to uppercase: Information that you enter in upper and lower case at the Edit Customer (Sold-To) Information panel, including name and address, is converted to all uppercase.

Customer Engagement customer integration: When you use the Customer Engagement customer integration, if you update the customer’s name or address information, Order Administration sends an update to Customer Engagement so that the customer records in the two systems are synchronized.


  • If you delete address lines 2-4 or apartment, these address lines are also deleted in Customer Engagement.

  • Deleting the customer's prefix, middle initial, suffix, company name, and primary email address does not delete the corresponding fields in Customer Engagement; as a result, the next time that the customer information is synchronized from Customer Engagement, this information is restored. For example, customer information is synchronized from Customer Engagement when you select the customer from a search page.

  • Deleting the customer's prefix, first name, middle initial, suffix, last name or business name, address lines 2-4, apartment, phone number extensions, or email address in Customer Engagement deletes the corresponding fields in Order Administration.

The Customer Engagement customer integration is in use only if the ORCE Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to INTERACT.

Update Customer Name (First, Middle, Last)

  1. Update the Prefix, First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, or Suffix.
  2. Select Update. The system validates your entries. An error message displays if the Last Name is blank and a Company Name is not defined.
  3. If the update is successful, the system returns you to the previous page and displays a message indicating your changes have been saved.


When updating the sold-to name and address on an order, if the name and address of a ship-to customer on the order matched the sold-to name and address, the system also updates the ship-to name and address with the sold-to customer changes.

Update Company Name

  1. Update the Company Name.
  2. Select Update. The system validates your entry. An error message displays if the Company Name is blank and a Last Name is not defined.
  3. If the update is successful, the system returns you to the previous page and displays a message indicating your changes have been saved.


When updating the sold-to name and address on an order, if the name and address of a ship-to customer on the order matched the sold-to name and address, the system also updates the ship-to name and address with the sold-to customer changes.

Update Customer Address

  1. Update the following fields:

    • Street Address (Lines 1-4): Address line 1 is required. To ship to a Post Office Box, enter POST OFFICE BOX, POST BOX, or any variation of PO BOX (with or without spaces or non-alphabet characters, such as P.O. BOX), and the box number in the Street Address Line 1. Example: Enter P.O. Box 9999 in Street Address Line 1 to indicate delivery to a post office box instead of a home or company address. Note: You still need to select the PO box field in the Work with Customers (WCST) menu option.

    • Apartment/Suite. To enter an apartment or suite address, type APT to indicate an apartment or STE to indicate a suite, insert a space, and type the number of the apartment or suite. Example: APT 4 or STE 116. Addresses must conform to United States Parcel Service (USPS) address formatting field description standards. For example, always precede the apartment or suite number with the appropriate abbreviation, such as APT or STE).

    • Country Code: Required. Select a valid country code from the drop-down list. For orders that are in error at the header in a batch, displays invalid values passed in orders and allows you to select a valid value and update the order.

    • Postal Code:

      • The Postal Code is required if the Require postal code? flag is selected for the country in the Work with Countries (WCTY) menu option. If a postal code is required for the country, the system validates the postal code against the SCF table. You can create and work with SCF codes in the Work with SCF Codes (WSCF) menu option.

      • If the Use Zip/City/State Defaulting? (B13) system control value is selected, you can enter just the postal code to have the system default the associated city and state if these fields are blank.

    • City: The City is required if the Use Zip/City/State Defaulting? (B13) system control value is unselected.
    • State/Province Code: The system displays the valid state/province codes defined for the selected country code. For orders that are in error at the header in a batch, displays invalid values passed in orders and allows you to select a valid value and update the order.

    • The State/Province Code is required if the Require state? flag is selected for the country.

      The system validates the state/province code against the State table. The system also validates that the state/province code you enter is assigned to the SCF for the postal code. You can create and work with SCF codes in the Work with SCF Codes (WSCF) menu option.


      When you enter a partial state or province, matching results are displayed in alphabetical order based on the full state or province name that contains your entry, rather than those that start with your entry. For example, if you enter MA for Massachusetts, Alabama is displayed first because it contains your entry.
  2. Select Update. The system validates your entries. An error message displays if:

    • Address line 1 is blank.

    • A country code is not defined.

    • A postal code is not defined and the Require postal code? flag is selected for the country in the Work with Countries (WCTY) menu option.

    • The postal code is not valid in the Work with SCF Codes (WSCF) menu option.

    • A city is not defined and the Use Zip/City/State Defaulting? (B13) system control value is unselected.

    • A state/province code is not defined and the Require state? flag is selected for the country.

    • The state/province code is not valid in the Work with SCF Codes (WSCF) menu option.

    • The system is also updating the ship-to address on the order and items on the order are restricted from being shipped to the state or country of the address you entered. In this situation, you must change the address to a location that is eligible to ship all of the items on the order.

  3. If the update is successful, the system returns you to the previous page and displays a message indicating your changes have been saved.


When updating the sold-to name and address on an order, if the name and address of a ship-to customer on the order matched the sold-to name and address, the system also updates the ship-to name and address with the sold-to customer changes.

Update Email Address and Opt-In Status

  1. Update the following fields:

    • Email Address

    • Opt-In Status: Select a valid opt-in status from the drop-down list. This opt-in status applies to the email address defined.

  2. Select Update. The system validates your entries. An error message displays if the email address is not formatted correctly. The system validates that:

    • There is an @ sign and a period (.).

    • There is some text before the @ sign, between the @ sign and the period, and after the period.

      Example: The system would not let you create an email address such as @example.com, sbrown@example, sbrown@.org, or www.example.com.

  3. If the update is successful, the system returns you to the previous page and displays a message indicating your changes have been saved.

    • If you overwrite the existing email address in this field, the system flags your entry as the primary email address for the customer, but retains the previous email address in the Customer Sold To Email table. You must use the Work with Customer Email Address screen in Work with Customers (WCST) to delete the previous email address from this table.

    • If the email address was updated and a primary email address did not exist for the sold-to customer, the system flags the new email address as the customer’s primary email address.

    • If the email address was updated and a primary email address existed for the sold-to customer, the system flags the new email address as the customer’s primary email address and saves the original email address as a non-primary email address.

    • If the email address was removed, the system removes the primary email flag for the address but retains the address in the Customer Sold To Email table. You must use the Work with Customer Email Address screen in Work with Customers (WCST) to delete the previous email address from this table.

    • When updating the sold-to name and address on an order, if the name and address of a ship-to customer on the order matched the sold-to name and address, the system also updates the ship-to name and address with the sold-to customer changes.

Update Phone Number

Multiple Phone Numbers such as home, business and mobile (or fax) for the customer sold-to, can be added, edited, deleted and displayed within Edit Customer (Sold-To) Information. The Home Phone Number field is always displayed, even when not populated.

Add a Phone Number: Click + Add Phone. The + Add Phone hyperlink displays only if less than three phone numbers are displayed.

  • If there are no assigned phone numbers, select a phone number type, Business (supports an extension), or Mobile (or Fax number dependent on Third Phone Number Type (L53) system control value) and select OK. Enter the phone number in the phone type field. Only one phone number can be added per phone number type.
  • If there is only a single phone type not yet assigned, the remaining phone type field is added when + Add Phone is selected. Enter the phone number.  

Edit a Phone Number: Change the phone number directly in the phone number field.

Delete a Phone Number: Select the delete icon next to the assigned phone number to remove the value in the phone number field. When Require Phone Number in OE/OM (H01) system control value is selected, at least one phone number is required. When Require Phone Number in OE/OM (H01) system control value is not selected, the phone number is not required and all assigned phone numbers can be deleted.

All phone number changes, additions, edits, or deletions, are saved when selecting Update..

  1. The system validates your entry. An error message displays if the phone number contains a letter. While the phone number field is alphanumeric, Contact Center allows only numbers and characters in this field, and not letters. For example, you can enter (508) 525-0100 but not 1800FLOWERS in this field.
  2. If the update is successful, the system returns you to the previous page and displays a message indicating your changes have been saved.

    • If a phone number was not previously defined and you enter a new phone number, the system updates the customer’s phone number.

    • If you overwrite the existing phone number in this field, the system updates the phone number based on the associated phone type. For example, if the phone number that displays on this panel is the customer’s mobile phone number and you overwrite the number, the system updates the customer’s mobile phone number.

    • If you delete the phone number, the system removes the phone number based on the associated phone type. For example, if the phone number that displays on this panel is the customer’s mobile phone number and you remove the number, the system deletes the customer’s mobile phone number.

    • When updating the sold-to name and address on an order, if the name and address of a ship-to customer on the order matched the sold-to name and address, the system also updates the ship-to name and address with the sold-to customer changes.


The Phone Number field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Update Mail and Rent Preferences

  1. Update the following fields:

  2. Select Update.
  3. If the update is successful, the system returns you to the previous page and displays a message indicating your changes have been saved.

Update Customer Class

  1. Update the Customer Class.

    • The Maintenance of Customer Class Field (B07) secured feature defines whether you can enter or maintain the Customer Class field.

    • If the Require Customer Class in OE, WCAT, and WCST (H85) is selected and the customer does not have a customer class code assigned, the customer class defined in the Default Customer Class in Order Entry (D63) system control value defaults to the field.

  2. Select Update. The system validates your entry. An error message displays if a customer class is not defined and the Require Customer Class in OE, WCAT, and WCST (H85) system control value is selected.
  3. If the update is successful, the system returns you to the previous page and displays a message indicating your changes have been saved.


The Customer Class field displays only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Fields on Edit Customer Information

Purpose: The following information displays on the Edit Customer (Sold-To) Information panel.

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