23 Cancel Ship-To

Purpose: Use the Cancel window to cancel a ship-to order. The system frees up any reserved inventory on the canceled order and makes it available to other orders.

How to display: Select the Cancel option above the Ship-To Details panel of the Order Summary page.

The Cancel option is available only if:

  • The order is in an Open or Held status, and is not locked by another user, and
  • You have authority to the Enter/Maintain Orders (OEOM) menu option, and
  • The order is not a quote and
  • The order is not in error status

In addition, if the order includes a brokered backorder line, is from Order Orchestration (delivery or pickup), or is a store pickup order, you must have authority to the Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19) secured feature.

In this topic:

For more information:

Canceling Brokered Orders

Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19) Secured Feature

The Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19) secured feature controls the ability to cancel backordered lines that are assigned to the Order Orchestration for fulfillment (brokered backorders), are from Order Orchestration (delivery or pickup) or are store pickup orders.


The Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19) secured feature does not control authority to ship-for-pickup orders.

Canceling a Brokered Backorder Request

When you cancel a ship-to order that contains a brokered backorder request, the system cancels both the brokered backorder request and the order line itself.


  • Before canceling a brokered backorder request, it is important to confirm that the assigned fulfilling location is not in the process of shipping it. Even if the current status indicates that the order is not in the process of fulfillment, depending on the setting of the Order Broker Status Update Interval (K10) system control value, this information could be out of date.
  • If the Use OROB for Fulfillment Assignment (M31) system control value is selected you can cancel the delivery order that was created to fulfill the originating broker backorder. In this situation, the system changes the Order Broker record’s status to Canceled and sends a status inquiry request to the Order Broker.
  • If you broker ship-for-pickup orders for fulfillment assignment (the Use OROB for Ship for Pickup Fulfillment Assignment (M34) system control value is set to ALWAYS and the Send B/O to OROB (K08) system control value is selected), when you cancel a ship-for-pickup order, the system sends an update to Order Orchestration so that the order can be updated to canceled. In addition, if an order is created in Order Administration to fulfill the ship-for-pickup order, when you run pick slip generation for the pickup order, the system does not generate a pick slip and assigns the hold reason defined in the Order Broker Hold Reason (Cancel) (L02) system control value to the order. The system also writes an order transaction history message for the pickup order: Order held - line(s) canceled in Order Orchestration.

Canceling an Order Received from Order Orchestration

If you cancel an order received from Order Orchestration (delivery or pickup), the system changes the Order Orchestration record’s status to Canceled and sends a status inquiry request to the Order Broker. If the order’s status in Order Orchestration is:

  • Canceled: The system does not send a status update to Order Orchestration; otherwise,
  • If the order’s status in Order Orchestration is anything but Canceled, the system sends a status update to Order Orchestration indicating the order was Rejected. In this situation, if Order Orchestration is configured to “reshop” the order and there are any other possible fulfilling locations, the Order Broker reassigns the order to the next possible location based on the fulfillment rules set up in Order Orchestration, and the order returns to new order status; otherwise, if Order Orchestration cannot “reshop” the order, the order is assigned to the OROB Default Location Code for Unfulfillable Orders (K56), and the order status is unfulfillable.

You cannot cancel a partial quantity on an order line received from Order Orchestration.


Although the system does not prevent you from canceling an order from Order Orchestration, some business processes require that only the originating location can cancel an order. In this situation, if the customer contacts the contact center to cancel the order, the operator notifies the originating store location and requests that the store perform the cancellation and trigger the status update to Order Orchestration. Using this process, the system receives notification of the cancellation the next time it sends a periodic status inquiry on the order to Order Orchestration, and then holds the entire order (even if only one line was canceled) using the Order Broker Hold Reason (Cancel) (L02).

Voiding a Pick Slip for an Order Received from Order Orchestration

If the Cancel Reason (Pick In) (L86) system control value specifies a valid cancel reason and you use the generic pick in API to void a pick slip for an order from Order Orchestration (delivery or pickup), then the system cancels the order and sends a status update to Order Orchestration to reject the order. Otherwise, if the system control value is blank, you need to use order maintenance to cancel the order and send the status update to Order Orchestration.

Canceling a Store Pickup Order

Hold reasons removed: When you cancel a store pickup order, the system removes the hold reason(s), if any, on the order.

Notification to Order Orchestration: After you cancel a store pickup order, the system changes the Order Broker record’s status to Pending Cancel, and then to Canceled once it has sent the status update message to Order Orchestration and received the response. The status update includes the cancel reason you entered. When it processes the response, the system writes Order Transaction History messages indicating the order was maintained and canceled.

The BROKER process in the Work with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT) menu option uses its Outbound delay time to determine how often to “wake up” and start evaluating Order Orchestration records. If it finds an order in Pending Cancel status, it generates the status update immediately and does not wait for the entire Order Broker Status Update Interval (K10).

Example: The Outbound delay time for the BROKER process is 60 seconds. When you start the process, it sends status updates for any orders in Pending Cancel status, then evaluates whether to send any other request messages based on the Order Broker Status Update Interval (K10). Once it has evaluated all orders in all companies, it then waits 60 seconds before restarting the process of checking for orders in Pending Cancel status and evaluating whether to send inquiry request messages for orders in other statuses.

The system does not verify the pickup order’s current status in Order Orchestration before processing the cancellation.

Receiving a Store Pickup Cancellation from Order Orchestration

If the customer cancels the order, or an item on the order, at a retail location, the system receives the cancel status update when it sends a periodic status inquiry request and receives the response. In this situation, the system cancels the order or item using the Cancel Reason (Rejected Store Pickup Orders) (G11); also, it writes an Order Transaction History message indicating the order was maintained and the web cancel request was processed. A line-specific message is also written for each canceled line on the store pickup order.

  • The Cancel Reason (Rejected Store Pickup Orders) (G11) system control value must specify a valid cancel reason in order to correctly cancel an order or item based on messages received from Order Orchestration.
  • Canceling individual lines is supported only if the Use Split Order (L56) system control value is selected, and the corresponding preference is selected in Order Orchestration.

Cancellation Updates

Purpose: The system performs the following updates when you cancel a ship-to order.

Cancellation Updates when the Cancel Reason Reduces Demand

The system performs the following updates if the selected cancel reason reduces demand.

  • Sets the order status to Closed.
  • Sets the order line status to Closed. Note: Any lines that were previously sold out remain in a sold out status.
  • Reduces the quantity ordered by the quantity canceled. 0 displays if the entire line was canceled.
  • Does not update the quantity canceled.

Cancellation Updates when the Cancel Reason Does Not Reduce Demand

The system performs the following updates if the selected cancel reason reduces demand.

  • Sets the order status to Canceled if you cancel the entire order; otherwise, the order status is set to Closed if part of the order has already shipped or was sold out.
  • Sets the order line status to Canceled if you cancel the entire order; otherwise, the order line status is set to Closed if all or part of the order line has already shipped. Note: Any lines that were previously sold out remain in a sold out status.
  • Does not update the quantity ordered.
  • Updates the quantity canceled with the canceled quantity.

Cancellation Email

The system generates an order cancellation email or Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) to the customer if:

  • You have specified a program in the Order Cancellation Email Program (K78) system control value, and
  • There have not been any shipments on the order, and
  • The cancel reason code you use does not match the code in the Cancel Reason Code to Suppress Email (L08) system control value, and
  • The customer is eligible to receive email notifications. For an order cancellation:

    • The Email notification field for the Origin (Order Type) on the order must be selected, and

    • The Send email flag is selected for the Order Cancel notification type on the Order Type Email Selection screen in the Work with Order Types (WOTY) menu option, and

    • The Opt-In Status for the email address on the order is set to Email order and promotion information or Email order information only.


If there have been any shipments on the order, the system generates the order line cancellation email even if all the remaining order lines are now canceled.

Reopening a Canceled Order

A canceled order remains on the system for inquiry purposes; you can reopen a canceled order by adding a new item to the order.

You cannot update a canceled line.

Cancel Ship-To Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Cancel Ship-To window.

For more information:

Process Order Ship-To Cancellation

  1. Select a cancel reason from the Cancel Reason drop-down field.
  2. Select the Submit Cancellation option. If the order was not previously locked, the system locks it when you select this option.
  3. The system validates that the ship-to order is eligible for cancellation.

    If the order has printed pick slips, a message displays indicating that the ship-to order cannot be canceled until the pick slips are voided. In this situation, you must close the Cancel Ship-To window and void the pick slips in Classic View.

    If the order is a quote, a message displays indicating that quotes are not eligible for cancellation. In this situation, you must close the Cancel Ship-To window.

  4. If the ship-to order is eligible for cancel, the system returns you to the Order Summary page and displays a message indicating the ship-to order has been canceled.
  5. Unlock the order when you are done. The system does not automatically unlock the order.


The system performs an order ship-to cancellation synchronously, regardless of the setting of the Submit O/M Cancel Asynchronously (M36) system control value.

For more information: See:

Fields on Cancel Ship-To

Purpose: The following information displays on the:

  • Cancel Store Pickup window if it's a store pickup store order

  • Cancel Ship for Pickup window if its a ship for pickup store order

  • Cancel Ship-To <ship-to number> window if its a delivery order

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