Selecting Vendors for Drop Ship Processing (MDSP)

Overview: Use Select Vendors for Drop Ship Processing to select one, several, or all vendors for processing drop ship purchase orders or picks. Each vendor code entered on the screen is validated against Working with Vendors (WVEN). If you do not select any vendors, all vendors are eligible for drop ship processing. Completing this screen automatically generates drop ship purchase orders, pick slips,the Pick Message from Order Administration (CWPickOut), or invoices; also, if the vendor is flagged to use the Order Orchestration Drop Ship Integration, the drop ship purchase order is automatically sent to Order Orchestration. See Drop Ship Processing for a process overview.

Drop ship items are items that you do not stock in inventory. When a customer places an order for a drop ship item, you order the item from your supplier (vendor). The vendor ships the item directly to your customer.

Generating drop ship pick slips by batch: You can generate drop ship pick slips by batch for selected vendors using Processing Drop Ship Orders by Batch (MDSB); however, you cannot generate drop ship purchase orders through that menu option. Batch processing of drop ship pick slips is available only for vendors whose Drop ship output field is set to Drop Ship Pick.

Scheduling drop ship orders: You can use the Drop Ship Processing DSHPROC periodic function (program name FLRDSHP ) to schedule drop ship order processing for all drop ship purchase orders or pick slips. See Scheduling Jobs for more information.

Quotes: Drop ship items on quotes are not eligible for drop ship processing until the quote is converted to an order; see Entering Pre-Order Quotes for an overview and required setup.

Emailing drop ship purchase orders not available: Regardless of the setting of the Email Purchase Order (K80) system control value, sending drop ship purchase orders by email is not supported. See that system control value for more information.

Bypassing printable pick slips not available: Even if the Bypass Creation of Pick Forms during WSPS Pick Generation (K55) system control value is selected, the Select Vendors for Drop Ship Processing option still creates printable pick slips for eligible vendors. This system control value controls the generation of printable pick slips only when you use the Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS) option.

Submitting ship-for-pickup orders to Order Orchestration: If an order originating in Order Administration that is selected for drop ship processing is flagged to ship to a store location for customer pickup, the process sends a Submit Order request to Order Orchestration. See Ship-for-Pickup Orders for an overview.

Checking status for retail pickup or delivery orders: If a retail pickup or delivery order from Order Orchestration is selected for drop ship processing, the process sends a status inquiry request to Order Orchestration to confirm that the order has not been canceled since the last update on its status was received. See Retail Pickup (including Ship-for-Pickup) or Delivery Orders for an overview.

Drop ship authorization records in W status? Pick slip generation displays an error message if there are drop ship authorizations in W status. See DROPSHIP Authorization Records in W Status for a discussion.

In this topic:

Select Vendors for Drop Ship Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select vendors for drop ship processing and also to select whether to print drop ship purchase orders or generate the Pick Message from Order Administration (CWPickOut).

How to display this screen: Enter MDSP in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Select Vendors for Drop Ship Picks from a menu.

Field Description


A code that defines the supplier of an item. Validated against the Vendor table; see Working with Vendors (WVEN).

To select one or more vendors, enter the vendor number(s); otherwise, to select all vendors, leave the vendor fields blank.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Print drop ship purchase orders

Indicates whether the system prints drop ship purchase orders for the vendors specified in the Vendor field.

You can select the sort sequence in which the drop ship purchase orders print. The sort option used previously defaults. Valid values are:

  • Blank = The system does not print drop ship purchase orders.
  • Purchase order print = The system prints drop ship purchase orders in purchase order number sequence. The system uses the PO Print Program for PO Print in PO Sequence (C76) system control value to print drop ship purchase orders in purchase order number sequence.
  • Vendor print = The system prints drop ship purchase orders in vendor number sequence. The system uses the PO Print Program (C64) system control value to print drop ship purchase orders in vendor number sequence.

Setup: Drop ship purchase orders print only for vendors whose Drop ship output field on the second Vendor screen is set to Drop ship purchase order .

Drop ship pick slip/invoice: When you print a drop ship purchase order, the system also prints a Drop Ship Pick Slip/Invoice. If a vendor’s Drop ship output field is set to Drop ship pick , the system prints a drop ship pick slip/invoice instead of a drop ship purchase order.

To print: See Possible Drop Ship Output for information on how to print drop ship purchase orders or pick slips/invoices.

PO download trigger: The system creates a purchase order download Add trigger record when the purchase order is printed.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Fax invoices/picks to vendors

Indicates whether the drop ship pick slips/invoices should be faxed to the vendor instead of, or in addition to, printing.

This option is not currently implemented.

Screen Option Procedure

Continue to process drop ships, even if there is a pick slip generation error

Select Accept. The system sends all records in the CC Authorization Transaction table to the Authorization Service, including the authorization associated with the non-drop ship order. See Drop Ship Processing for an overview of how to handle any errors.

Return to Drop Ship Processing without processing drop ships

Select Reject. You return to the Select Vendors for Drop Ship Screen so you can correct any pick slip generation error before processing drop ships. See Drop Ship Processing for an overview of how to handle any errors.

Drop Ship Processing

The system performs the following procedures during drop ship processing:

# Step


An order is flagged as “Drop Ship” in order entry because it includes a drop ship item.


The system checks the Item/SKU to determine the primary vendor assigned to the item/SKU that was ordered.


The system processes credit card authorizations on the drop ship orders, if needed. The setting of the Authorize Only Merchandise for Drop Ship (C92) system control value determines the amount to authorize.

Any orders whose credit cards are declined for authorization are not included in the drop ship process; see Using the Credit Card Authorization Interface.


If you process drop ships for all vendors, the system requests a single authorization for an order; however, if you process drop ships for selected vendors, the system requests a separate authorization for each vendor associated with a drop ship item on an order.


The system then checks the Vendor table to see if the Drop ship output field on the second Vendor screen is set to Drop ship pick, Drop ship purchase order, or OROB drop shipping (Order Orchestration’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module).

If the Drop ship output field for the vendor is set to:

Drop ship purchase order , the system generates a Purchase Order AND a Drop Ship Pick Slip/Invoice. Once the vendor confirms the order, you can confirm the shipment manually, using the Purchase Order Receipts menu option.

Drop ship pick, the system generates a Drop Ship Pick Slip/Invoice or the Pick Message from Order Administration (CWPickOut). Once the vendor confirms the order, you can confirm the shipment manually, using the Manually Confirming Shipments (MCON) menu option. The system then produces the Drop Ship Batch Confirmation Report, which allows you to review the total costs of items on the drop ship pick slips. See Possible Drop Ship Output for an overview of output options.

OROB drop shipping , the system automatically sends the drop ship purchase orders to Order Orchestration’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module for processing. See Interface with Order Orchestration’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment Module: Overview and Setup for background.

The system also:


The system produces several reports related to drop ship processing; see Reports.


A drop ship order line is not eligible for processing until the current date plus the number of Lead days on the Create Vendor Item Screen equals or exceeds the Arrival date for the order line.

Example: On October 1, you enter an order for a drop ship item supplied to your customers by vendor 789. At the customer’s request, you enter an Arrival date of December 15 . The vendor item’s specified number of Lead days is 10. The order line is not eligible for processing until December 5.

PICKGEN auth records in W status: A pop-up window opens when you process drop ships if the system finds a pick control header record with a pick status of W (waiting for authorization) for a non-drop ship order paid with a credit card was not authorized during a previous pick slip generation process due to transmission failure.

The system creates a record in the Pick Control Header table when you generate pick slips. The pick control header record remains in a W pick status until the corresponding authorization transaction in the CC Authorization Transaction table receives an approved authorization. A pick slip is not produced until the credit card on the order receives an approved authorization.

When you see this pop-up window during drop ship processing, you can either:

  • select Accept to generate drop ship orders without first re-sending the authorization transaction associated with the pick control header record in a W pick status for authorization. When you perform drop ship processing, the system sends all authorization records in the CC Authorization Transaction table to the authorization service for authorization, including the authorization transaction associated with the pick control header record in a W status. If you do this, a record remains in the Pick Control Header table for the non-drop ship order, but the corresponding authorization record no longer exists in the CC Authorization Transaction table. To generate a pick slip for the order, you need to delete the record from the Pick Control Header table and generate pick slips again.


    When you generate pick slips again, the system sends an authorization transaction to the authorization service for the order that was stranded in the Pick Control Header table. You need to make sure that you do not receive a double authorization for the order since the authorization transaction associated with the order was sent to the authorization service when you performed drop ship processing.


You will continue to see this pop-up window when you process drop ships until you delete the record in the Pick Control Header table.
  • select Reject to return to the Select Vendors for Drop Ship Screen without processing drop ships. You can verify with the authorization service whether the authorization associated with the pick control header record in a W status was received.
    • If the authorization was received by the authorization service, use the Reprocess Authorizations Screen (RPAA) to receive the authorization response. If the order receives an approved authorization, the system generates the pick slip and updates the record in the Pick Control Header table to a Z (authorized) status.
    • If the authorization was not received by the authorization service, check the CC Authorization Transaction table to verify that only the authorization transaction for the order exists. Then, use the Reprocess Authorizations Screen (RPAA) to resend the authorization transaction for authorization. If the order receives an approved authorization, the system generates the pick slip and updates the record in the Pick Control Header table to a Z (authorize) status.


      If authorization transactions exist in the CC Authorization Transaction table for drop ship orders, the system sends the authorization transactions to the authorization service when you reprocess authorizations.

Possible Drop Ship Output

Depending on setup, the system can generate a printed copy of a Purchase Order, a Drop Ship Pick Slip/Invoice, or the Pick Message from Order Administration (CWPickOut), or various combinations. The conditions required to produce each type of output are described below. Also, if the vendor meets the conditions for more than one type of output, the system produces all qualifying output types. For example, if the vendor meets the conditions to print both drop ship purchase orders and pick slips/invoices, then all four outputs are produced.

The system prints a drop ship PO when:

The system prints a drop ship pick slip/invoice when:

  • the system prints a drop ship PO (see above for the requirements).
  • the vendor’s Drop ship output field is Drop ship pick or OROB drop shipping .

A separate drop ship pick slip/invoice prints for each ship-alone item if the Print One Drop Ship Invoice per Ship Alone Item (E38) system control value is selected ; however, this system control value does not apply to drop ship purchase orders sent to Order Orchestration.

The system also creates pick download triggers (File code of PCH ) in the IL Outbound Trigger table when you generate a drop ship pick slip/invoice if the Create Generic Pick Download Triggers (I31) system control value is selected . The PICK_OUT process in Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT) generates the Pick Message from Order Administration (CWPickOut) for each of these trigger records.


The system deletes the drop ship pick slip/invoice once the associated drop ship purchase order is closed or cancelled and all IL Outbound Trigger records (WOIT) for the purchase order and drop ship pick slip/invoice are in an X Closed status.

Multiple items? The Allow Only Single Line on Drop Ship Pick (C82) system control value controls whether to include multiple items on a drop ship pick slip, or to generate separate pick slips; similarly, the Allow Only Single Line on Drop Ship PO (M13) controls whether to include multiple items on a drop ship purchase order, or to generate multiple purchase orders. See each system control value for more information.


The system produces the following reports during drop ship processing:

Print program: The system uses the Drop Ship Pick Print Program (E92). If this system control value is blank, the system uses the Pick Printing Program (C37). The standard pick slip printing program name is PICKG (graphical form).

Active procedure: When you accept you entries at this screen, the system creates an active procedure so that another user cannot process drop ship orders while the program is already running. A second batch job will be aborted if it is submitted while the first batch job is active.