Stored Value Card Balance Inquiry (MSVB)

Overview: You can inquire on the remaining amount available on a stored value card:


This option is also available in Modern View.

In this topic:

Stored Value Card Balance Inquiry (MSVB)

Purpose: Use the Stored Value Card Balance Inquiry menu option to submit a stored value card balance inquiry request.

For more information: See Stored Value Card Balance Inquiry (MSVB).

Stored Value Card Balance Inquiry Screen (MSVB)

Use this screen to specify the stored value card whose balance you wish to know.


Depending on the user’s authority to credit card information, the system writes a record to the Credit Card Audit table when this window is displayed. See Logging Credit Card Data Access in the Data Security Guide on My Oracle Support (2953017.1) for more information.

How to display this screen:

  • Enter MSVB in the Fast path field or select Stored Value Card Balance Inquiry from a menu.

  • Select Balance Inquiry on the Customer Selection Screen.


    The system returns you to the Customer Selection screen after you complete the balance inquiry.
Field Description

Pay type

The code for the stored value card pay type assigned to the stored value card number whose remaining balance you are inquiring.

The pay type you enter must be a stored value card pay type or an error message indicates: Pay type not eligible for balance inquiry.

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

Card number

The stored value card number whose balance you are inquiring.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; required.


The ID number assigned to the stored value card. Include only if your stored value card processor supports it.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.


The remaining balance on the stored value card.

This field is blank until you receive a balance inquiry response from the service bureau. However, the service bureau may return a blank balance if the stored value card number exists, but has not yet been activated or the remaining balance is zero.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Screen Option Procedure

Submit a stored value card balance inquiry request

Select Submit Request.

Instructions: Use the following steps to submit a stored value card balance inquiry request from the Stored Value Card Balance Inquiry Screen (MSVB).

# Step


Enter a stored value card pay type, card number, and optionally ID number, and select OK.


The system looks at the Authorization service field defined for the stored value card pay type to determine the service bureau that performs balance inquiries for the stored value card pay type.


The system looks at the Communication type field defined for the service bureau to determine the method of communication used to transmit balance inquiry transactions between Order Administration and the service bureau.

Integration Layer indicates Order Administration communicates with the external system using advanced queuing.

  • The system looks at the SVC balance inquiry integration layer process field defined for the service bureau to determine the integration layer process used to process stored value card balance inquiries.

  • The integration layer process sends the stored value card balance inquiry request to the service bureau and waits for a balance inquiry response, based on the number of seconds defined in the Wait time field for the integration layer process.

Payment Link indicates Order Administration communicates with the external system using a point-to-point integration instead of using advanced queuing. The system looks at the settings in the Interface Properties to communicate with the service bureau using a point-to-point integration.


This option is available for the Customer Engagement Stored Value Card Integration. The system uses the Customer Engagement Inquiry Request to send the balance inquiry request to Oracle Retail Customer Engagement and receives the response in the Customer Engagement Inquiry Response.


If a response is received from the service bureau, the system displays the remaining balance amount for the stored value card in the Balance field. However, this field may remain blank if the stored value card number exists, but has not yet been activated.00 displays if the remaining balance is zero.

If a response is not received from the service bureau, the system displays the message: No response from service.

Order Entry/Maintenance Balance Inquiry

Purpose: Use the following steps to submit a stored value card balance inquiry request from order entry/maintenance.

  1. At the Enter Payment Method screen, select Balance Inquiry for a stored value card payment method.

    You can also select this option at the Enter Credit Card For window. However, an error message indicates if you have not yet created the stored value card payment method on the order: Must create pay method before Balance Inquiry.

  2. The system looks at the Authorization service field defined for the stored value card pay type to determine the service bureau that performs balance inquiries for the stored value card pay type.

  3. The system looks at the Communication type field defined for the service bureau to determine the method of communication used to transmit balance inquiry transactions between Order Administration and the service bureau.

    • Integration Layer indicates Order Administration communicates with the external system using advanced queuing.

      • The system looks at the SVC balance inquiry integration layer process field defined for the service bureau to determine the integration layer process used to process stored value card balance inquiries.

      • The integration layer process sends the stored value card balance inquiry request to the service bureau and waits for a balance inquiry response, based on the number of seconds defined in the Wait time field for the integration layer process.

    • Payment Link indicates Order Administration communicates with the external system using a point-to-point integration instead of using advanced queuing.

      The system looks at the settings in the Interface Properties to communicate with the service bureau using a point-to-point integration.


      This option is available for the Customer Engagement Stored Value Card Integration. The system uses the Customer Engagement Inquiry Request to send the balance inquiry request to Oracle Retail Customer Engagement and receives the response in the Customer Engagement Inquiry Response.
  4. If a response is received from the service bureau, the system displays the Balance Inquiry For Window, indicating the remaining balance on the stored value card.

If a response is not received from the service bureau, the system displays the message: No response from service.

Balance Inquiry For Window

Use this window to review the remaining balance on a stored value card during order entry/maintenance.

When a balance is received, you can:

  • Select OK to add the stored value card balance as the amount to charge for the stored value card payment on the order. You can also enter a lesser amount in the Balance field if you wish to use a partial amount of the remaining balance on the card as payment on the order.

  • Select Exit to return to the previous screen without adding the stored value card balance as the amount to charge on the order.


  • Depending on the user’s authority to credit card information, the system writes a record to the Credit Card Audit table when this window is displayed. See Logging Credit Card Data Access in the Data Security Guide on My Oracle Support (2953017.1) for more information.

  • This screen may return a blank balance if the stored value card number exists, but has not yet been activated by the service bureau or the remaining balance is zero.

How to display this screen: This screen displays when a balance inquiry response is received from the service bureau, after you send a stored value card balance inquiry request to the service bureau by:

  • Selecting Balance Inquiry for a stored value card payment method at the Enter Payment Method screen.

  • Selecting Balance Inquiry at the Enter Credit Card For window.

Field Description

Pay type

The code and description of the stored value card pay type assigned to the stored value card number whose remaining balance you are inquiring.

Code: Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Card #

The stored value card number whose balance you are inquiring.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; display-only.


The remaining balance on the stored value card.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Batch Authorization Balance Inquiry

Purpose: Use the following steps to submit a stored value card balance inquiry request before performing batch authorization against the stored value card.


In order to perform a balance inquiry before batch authorization, the Perform Balance Inquiry during Batch Authorizations (J19) system control value must be selected.
# Step


Submit pick slip generation or drop ship processing that includes an order with an active stored value card pay type that requires batch authorization.


The system compares the authorized amount across all stored value card pay types on the order against the pick total to determine if the stored value card requires batch authorization. If the authorized amount across all stored value card pay types on the order is equal to or greater than the pick total, the system does not send perform batch balance inquiry against the card.


The system looks at the Authorization service field defined for the stored value card pay type to determine the service bureau that performs balance inquiries for the stored value card pay type.


The system looks at the Communication type field defined for the service bureau to determine the method of communication used to transmit balance inquiry transactions between Order Administration and the service bureau.

Integration Layer indicates Order Administration communicates with the external system using advanced queuing.

  • The system looks at the SVC balance inquiry integration layer process field defined for the service bureau to determine the integration layer process used to process stored value card balance inquiries.

  • The integration layer process sends the stored value card balance inquiry request to the service bureau and waits for a balance inquiry response, based on the number of seconds defined in the Wait time field for the integration layer process.

Payment Link indicates Order Administration communicates with the external system using a point-to-point integration instead of using advanced queuing. The system looks at the PAY_LINK properties in Working with Customer Properties (PROP) to communicate with the service bureau using a point-to-point integration.


This option is available for the Customer Engagement Stored Value Card Integration. The system uses the Customer Engagement Inquiry Request to send the balance inquiry request to Oracle Retail Customer Engagement and receives the response in the Customer Engagement Inquiry Response.


If a response is received from the service bureau, and:

  • The balance is equal to or greater than the charge amount, the system continues with authorization processing to authorize the stored value card for the charge amount.

  • The balance is less than the charge amount and the stored value card payment is the catch-all payment on the order, the system does not authorize the stored value card and does not generate a pick slip for the order. In addition, the system writes an order payment history message indicating the stored value card did not have the available funds: H INSUFFICIENT FUNDS ON STORED VALUE CARD SVC_BALANC. Also, if a Hold Reason for Stored Value Cards with Insufficient Funds (J18) is defined, the system places the order on hold.


    If two or more pick slips are generated for the same order and one of the pick slips fails balance inquiry for insufficient funds, the system declines all pick slips for the order. For example, if the available balance on a stored value card is 100.00 and during pick slip generation, the system generates two pick slips for an order, the first pick slip requiring a stored value card balance of 60.00 and the second pick slip requiring a stored value card balance of 70.00, the system will fail both pick slips even though the first pick slip required a balance that was less than the balance on the stored value card.
  • The balance is less than the charge amount and the stored value card payment is not the catch-all payment on the order, the system authorizes the stored value card for the remaining balance and authorizes the catch-all payment for the remaining amount to authorize. In addition, the system writes an order payment history message indicating the charge amount for the stored value card pay type was changed to the remaining balance: M Amount: 50.00 to 25.00 SVC_BALANC.


If a balance inquiry response is not received from the service bureau, for example, due to communication errors, the system will continue with batch authorization.

Examples: The following examples explain what happens to a stored value card pay type on an order, based on the remaining balance on the card.

Example: Balance: Results:

Order total = $100.00

Stored value card = catch-all


The system authorizes the stored value card pay type for $100.00.

Once the stored value card on the order is authorized, the system generates a pick slip.

The remaining balance on the stored value cad is $20.45.

Order total = $100.00

Stored value card = catch-all

Credit card = $25.00


Because the stored value card does not have $75.00 remaining to apply to the order, the system does not authorize the pay types on the order and does not generate a pick slip for the order.

If a Hold Reason for Stored Value Cards with Insufficient Funds (J18) is defined, the system places the order on hold.

The remaining balance on the stored value card is $45.50.

Order total = $100.00

Stored value card = $75.00

Credit card = catch-all


The system authorizes the stored value card for $45.50 and authorizes the credit card for $54.50.

Once the pay types on the order are authorized, the system generates a pick slip.

The remaining balance on the stored value card is zero.

An order payment history message is created:

M Amount: 75.00 to 45.50 SVC_BALANC