Integration with the Sales Audit Module of the Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service

Overview: Use the integration with Sales Audit module of the Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (Sales Audit module) to export information on sales and returns.

Types of information sent for transactions: The following information is included:

  • transaction header

  • customer

  • items

  • discounts

  • tax

  • payment

  • tenders

  • transaction tail

The file also includes transaction open and close records, and file header and trail records.

Tracking shipments and credits: If you enable the Sales Audit module sales audit integration in Order Administration, the system writes records in the INT_RESALOG table in the database, and updates the table with records as shipments and order credits bill throughout the day.

Packaging the DAT file into a ZIP file: On a daily basis, you use a periodic process to add file header and trailer records to “wrap” the transaction information, and convert the contents of the INT_RESALOG table into a DAT file that is ready for Sales Audit module to retrieve and process. This file is named RTLOG_6_20190721145902950.DAT, where 6 is the company number or the store number, and 20190721145902950 is the date and time stamp. The DAT file is then packaged into a ZIP file of the same name, for example, RTLOG_6_20190721145902950.ZIP.

In this topic:

Data Flow from Order Administration to Sales Audit Module

If your company is configured for Sales Audit module integration, processing takes place as follows:

  • Sale or credit invoices are created through the day and are processed by the billing async job in Background Job Control (MBJC).

  • Outbound Interface Transaction trigger records with a File setting of IHD are created based on the invoices. You can review these trigger records in Working with Outbound Interface Transactions (WOIT).

  • The INVOIC_OUT process in Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT) works through the IHD trigger records to collect the required information for each invoice, and creates records in the INT_RESALOG database table for transactions in each company that is configured for the Sales Audit module integration.

  • When the RTLOG periodic function runs, it:

    • Consolidates multiple records for the same invoice found in the INT_RESALOG table. This can occur if, for example, you ship multiple ship-alone items on a single order and you have the Consolidated Invoice (B49) system control value selected.


      In Order Management System 21.0 or higher, or Order Administration, you cannot select the Consolidated Invoice system control value if it is not already selected. If the system control value is currently selected (set to Y) and you deselect it (change it to N or blank), you cannot then change it back to selected. The option to consolidate invoices will be removed at a later date.
    • Uses the records in the INT_RESALOG table to create a DAT file that contains the transaction data from the temporary file for the company specified for the function, as well as the header, close store, and footer records. The DAT file name is RTLOG_1234_20190621140400561.DAT, where:

      • 1234 is the Parameter specified for the periodic function. This needs to be the store number assigned by the Sales Audit module. If no store number is specified as the parameter, the company number is used.

      • 20190621140400561 is the date and time.

    • Creates a compressed ZIP file containing the DAT file, using the same naming convention as described above the for DAT file and places the ZIP file in the CWDIRECTCP_FTP_FOLDER.

The Sales Audit module then needs to retrieve the ZIP file from the CWDIRECTCP_FTP_FOLDER.

Transmitting the RTLOG File to Object Storage

Use the following process to transmit the RTLOG file to object storage.


Object storage is supported in Sales Audit module version 21.0 and later.

Run the RTLOG periodic function, as described above, to create the RTLOG file and place it in the CWDIRECTCP_FTP_FOLDER.

Run the SNDRTLG periodic function. If there is an RTLOG file in the CWDIRECTCP_FTP_FOLDER, and if the Sales Audit File Service URL (M64) and Sales Audit Import Folder Path (M65) are populated, this function:

  • Sends a POST request message for each RTLOG file to the Sales Audit module, using the authentication set up for the Sales Audit File Service through the Work with Outbound Web Service Authentication Screen.

  • If the Sales Audit module returns a response indicating that the pre-authentication request (PAR) was successful, the periodic function processes a PUT to the URL that was returned in the Sales Audit module response.

  • After processing the PUT, the periodic function:

    • Removes the RTLOG file from the CWDIRECTCP_FTP_FOLDER.

    • Saves a copy of the RTLOG zip file in the OMS-SALES-AUDIT container of the FILE_STORAGE table. This copy is available in case there was an issue with the Sales Audit module receiving the file, so it will be available to be resent, if necessary, through the RCVRTLG periodic function, described below.

  • If no pre-authentication response is received, the Order Administration Support Notification is generated. Possible reasons for an unsuccessful process include an invalid setting for any of the Additional System Control Values Related to Transmitting to Object Storage.

Resending the RTLOG file: If the pre-authentication response was received during SNDRTLG processing, but the Sales Audit module did not actually receive the RTLOG file, you can use the RCVRTLG periodic function to resend the file.

For example, Sales Audit module staff indicate the date and time when the RTLOG file was expected but not received. In this case:

  •  Use the getFiles file storage request to obtain a list of files in the OMS-SALES-AUDIT container of the FILE_STORAGE table. See File Storage API for information on the file storage API and the FILE_STORAGE table.

  • Based on the date and time when the missing RTLOG file was generated, obtain the exact file name to send.

  • Enter the exact RTLOG file name as the Parameter for the RCVRTLG periodic function, and run the function.


The records in the OMS-SALES-AUDIT container of the FILE_STORAGE table are not purged automatically. You can use the deleteFile file storage request to delete these records.

Configuration for the Sales Audit Module Integration

Configuration within Order Administration

The configuration required in Order Administration to support the integration with Sales Audit module includes the following.

System Control Values

Set the following system control values:

  • ReSA RTLOG Format (M39): Must be set to RTLOG or RTLOGQ.

  • Consolidated Invoice (B49): Needs to be unselected. Otherwise, if this system control value is selected, it is possible to generate multiple transaction heads with the transaction numbers, as individual lines on the order are billed. The items that bill first could then accumulate and repeat on each subsequent transaction: for example, if 3 items ship separately, invoice 1 contains item 1; invoice 2 contains items 1 and 2; invoice 3 contains invoice 1, 2, and 3.


    In Order Management System 21.0 or higher, or Order Administration, you cannot select the Consolidated Invoice system control value if it is not already selected. If the system control value is currently selected (set to Y) and you deselect it (change it to N or blank), you cannot then change it back to selected. The option to consolidate invoices will be removed at a later date.
  • Create Generic Invoice Download Trigger Records (I17): Must be selected in order to create the IHD trigger records for processing.

  • Use Async Start Date for Billing Transactions (E95): Oracle recommends leaving this system control value unselected.

  • Item for Non-Merchandise Amounts (L39): Used as the non-merchandise item (NMITEM) in the DAT file for Sales Audit module.

  • ReSA Warehouse for Non-Inventory Returns (M56): Used as the return warehouse for a credit invoice for a return that does not affect inventory. Must map to a Physical Warehouse defined in the Sales Audit module.

  • Default Warehouse (A04): Used as the return warehouse for a credit invoice for a return that does not affect inventory, if no ReSA Warehouse for Non-Inventory Returns (M56) is specified.

Additional System Control Values Related to Transmitting to Object Storage

Set the following additional required system control values for Transmitting the RTLOG File to Object Storage:

  • Sales Audit File Service URL (M64): Defines the endpoint for the SNDRTLG periodic function to use when submitting the RTLOG file to object storage. Order Administration supports multiple File Transfer methods with ReSA. The endpoint configured in this system control value determines which method is used.
    • If ‘/RmsReSTServices/’ is in the URL, the RMFCS exposed FTS Service URL is used.

    • If ‘/RmsPlatformServices/’ is in the URL, the Platform FTS Service URL is used.

    Note: Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service announced the deprecation of the RMFCS exposed FTS Service URL in version If using this URL, it is recommended that you move to the Platform FTS Service URL.
  • Sales Audit Import Folder Path (M65): Defines the folder where RTLOG files should be placed when you are using object storage.

  • IDCS Enterprise Endpoint Scope (M66): Defines the limits that control where the OAuth token can be used to support posting to object storage.

  • IDCS Enterprise Endpoint URL (M67): Defines the endpoint to use for OAuth authentication to support posting to object storage.


The process uses the CWDIRECTCP_FTP_FOLDER, displayed in Working with Admin Properties (CPRP), for the RTLOG function to place the ZIP file for the Sales Audit module.

Periodic Functions and Processes

Use Working with Periodic Functions (WPER) to set up:

  • The RTLOG periodic function. If the function needs to run in more than one company, mapping to more than one store in the Sales Audit module, you can name the function RTLOGN, where N is a unique number. When setting up the function:

    • Set the Program name to PFR0201

    • Set the Parameter to the store number assigned by the Sales Audit module, but if not passed, uses company number

  • The SNDRTLG periodic function for Transmitting the RTLOG File to Object Storage. When setting up the function:

    • Set the Program name to PFR0206

    • Set the Parameter to the store number assigned by the Sales Audit module, but if not passed, uses company number

  • The RCVRTLG periodic function for Transmitting the RTLOG File to Object Storage. When setting up the function:

    • Set the Program name to PFR0208

    • Set the Parameter to the name of the RTLOG file that you are resubmitting to object storage, but if not passed, uses company number. See Transmitting the RTLOG File to Object Storage for more information

Use Working with Periodic Processes (WPPR) to assign each periodic function to a periodic process. The RTLOG and SNDRTLG processes should run at the end of day, because records accumulate in a temporary file until the function runs.


In order to use the process described under Transmitting the RTLOG File to Object Storage, you need to use the Work with Web Service Authentication screen (WWSA) to set up authentication for the Sales Audit File Service, using an authentication type of OAuth. See the Work with Outbound Web Service Authentication Screen for background.

Miscellaneous Setup

Do not set Trigger Rules or XML Inclusion rules for the INVOIC_OUT job in Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT).

Set the Outbound version for INVOIC_OUT to 3.0 in Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT).

Mapping Configuration between Order Administration and the Sales Audit Module

In addition to the Configuration within Order Administration, described above, you need to map the following information from the Sales Audit module:

  • Store number: Specify as the Parameter for the RTLOG periodic function. This store number is used as part of the DAT file name, as described above, and also populates the Location Number in the FHEAD record. If no Parameter is specified for the periodic function, the company number is used.

  • Return Reason Codes: The return reason codes used must map to SARR codes defined in the Sales Audit module.

  • Return Warehouse Codes: Any warehouse codes that might be passed as return warehouses must map to Physical Warehouses defined in the Sales Audit module.

  • Pay Types: Each pay type sent must map to a Pay Type in the Sales Audit module.

  • Items: The Reference # for the item must map to an item in the Sales Audit module. Items are ordinarily imported from Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS) into the Sales Audit module and Order Administration, and the Reference # is set to the same value as the item code. The Reference # should not be changed. See Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS) and Oracle Retail Pricing Cloud Service (RPCS) Integration for background.

Considerations for the Sales Audit module Integration

Cross-channel orders are not excluded from the RTLOG file for the Sales Audit module, and as a result can be submitted by multiple systems that integrate with the Sales Audit module.

Example: Xstore submits an order to Order Orchestration, and the order is fulfilled through assignment to Order Administration; in this case, both Xstore and Order Administration submit the order to the Sales Audit module. Similarly, if the Use OROB for Fulfillment Assignment (M31) system control value is selected, Order Administration sends invoices for both the originating order and fulfilling order, or there could be multiple transactions sent for same order if a line splits in Order Orchestration.

The Cross Channel Orders to Exclude in Sales Feed (L35) does not affect the selection of orders to include in the export file.

If the Consolidated Invoice (B49) system control value is selected, the RTLOG periodic function consolidates the records for an invoice into a single record in the RTLOG file.


In Order Management System 21.0 or higher, or Order Administration, you cannot select the Consolidated Invoice system control value if it is not already selected. If the system control value is currently selected (set to Y) and you deselect it (change it to N or blank), you cannot then change it back to selected. The option to consolidate invoices will be removed at a later date.

Additional Things to Note

It is not necessary to create queues for the INVOIC_OUT job in Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT) if the trigger records are required only for the Sales Audit module integration. In this case, you should set the ReSA RTLOG Format (M39) to RTLOG, and no invoice out message is generated or logged. If you set the ReSA RTLOG Format (M39) to RTLOGQ rather than RTLOG, errors will be logged if no queues have been created.

The invoice amount passed in the RTLOG file may not be the same as the paid amount in the case of an underpayment, overpayment, or canceled return.

Invoice to RTLog Mapping

The file type record descriptors for each record type included in the RTLog file, and a brief summary of their contents:

  • FHEAD: The header for the file, indicating basic information such as the originating system, the store number, and the file creation date and time. Added through the RTLOG periodic function. One header per file.

  • THEAD (SALE or RETURN transaction): This File Type Descriptor contains the header for each transaction, indicating the date and time generated, the invoice (transaction) number, and whether the transaction was a shipment (SALE) or refund (RETURN).

  • The first THEAD record in the file is the THEAD (OPEN transaction) following the initial FHEAD, and the last THEAD record is the THEAD (CLOSE transaction) at the end of the transactions. Unlike the OPEN transaction, the CLOSE transaction is created through the RTLOG periodic function.

  • TCUST: Information about the customer, including customer number and name and address.

  • TITEM: Information about each item sold or returned, including item number, quantity, and pricing, as well as the order number and invoice number.

  • IDISC: Discount line information for sales transactions.

  • IGTAX: Item-level tax amounts.

  • TTAX: Tax amounts.

  • TPYMT: Payment amounts for sales, exclusive of tax.

  • TTEND: Tender information for each transaction.

  • TTAIL: Indicates the total number of lines in the transaction.

  • FTAIL: The total number of lines in the file. The last entry in the file. Added through the RTLOG periodic function.

The following table describes the fields that are mapped into the RTLog file, or that are hard-coded.


Fields that are left blank are not included in the following table.
Field Data Type and Length Value Passed Description/ Comments



This File Type Descriptor identifies a single record at the beginning of the file. Created by the RTLog periodic function, and not found in the temporary file.

File Line Identifier

Number (10)


Identifies the line number in the file. Zero-padded. Set to 0000000001 for the FHEAD.

File Type Definition

Character (4)



File Create Date

Character (14)

System date and time

The date and time when the file was created.

Example: 20190621140400, where 2019 is the year, 06 is the month, 21 is the date, and 140400 is the time.

Business Date

Character (8)

System date

The date when the file was created.

Example: 20190621, where 2019 is the year, 06 is the month, and 21 is the date.

Location Number

Character (10)

Location ID

The location ID assigned in the Sales Audit module. From the Parameter defined for the RTLOG periodic function. If no Parameter was defined, this is the company number.

RTLOG Originating System

Character (3)



THEAD (OPEN transaction)


The first record in the file with a File Type Descriptor of THEAD is an OPEN transaction, and follows the initial FHEAD record in the DAT file created by the RTLOG periodic function.

File Line Identifier

Number (10)

Next sequential number in the file.

Identifies the line number in the file. Ordinarily set to 0000000002, since this line follows the FHEAD record. Zero-padded.


Character (5)



Transaction Date

Character (14)

System date and time

The date and time when the record was created.

Example: 20190621140400, where 2019 is the year, 06 is the month, 21 is the date, and 140400 is the time.

Transaction Number

Number (10)

Next transaction number in the file.

Zero-padded. Ordinarily set to 0000000002 for the OPEN transaction type.

Transaction Type

Character (6)



Sub-transaction Type

Character (6)



THEAD (SALE or RETURN transaction)


Records with this File Type Descriptor contains the header for each transaction, indicating the date and time generated, the invoice (transaction) number, and whether the transaction was a shipment (SALE) or refund (RETURN). The first THEAD record in the file is an OPEN transaction following the initial FHEAD, and the last THEAD record is a CLOSE transaction at the end of the transactions.

File Line Identifier

Number (10)

Next sequential number

Identifies the line number in the file. Zero-padded.


Character (5)



Transaction Date

Character (14)

System date and time

The date and time when the INVOIC_OUT job processed the transaction record.

Example: 20190621140400, where 2019 is the year, 06 is the month, 21 is the date, and 140400 is the time.

Transaction Number

Number (10)

Invoice number

The unique number identifying the invoice in Order Administration.


Character (10)

Salesman number

The unique number identifying the salesman, if any, associated with the order.


Character (10)

Salesman number

The unique number identifying the salesman, if any, associated with the order.

Transaction Type

Character (6)


Set to SALE if the merchandise was shipped; otherwise, set to RETURN if the merchandise was returned, or if a negative additional charge was applied and express-billed.

NOTE: Typically, if the merchandise was shipped, the invoice type is I, but it is possible that negative additional charges, applied through the non-inventory item, could exceed the value of the shipped items. Similarly, if the merchandise is returned, the invoice type is C, but it is possible that positive additional charges could exceed the value of the returned items.

Value Sign

Character (1)


Set to P for both sales and credit invoices.

Rounded Amount Sign

Character (1)


Set to P for both sales and credit invoices.

Rounded Off Sign

Character (1)


Set to P for both sales and credit invoices.

Transaction Processing System

Character (3)


Passes POS:

Otherwise, passes OMS.



Records with this File Type Descriptor contains information about the sold-to customer, including customer number and name and address. TCUST records follow THEAD records with File Type Descriptors of SALE or RETURN.

The information in this record type is primarily from the Sold To Customer record.

File Line Identifier

Number (10)

Line number

Identifies the line number in the file. Zero-padded.

Customer ID

Character (16)

Sold-to customer number.

The sold-to customer on the order.

Customer Type ID

Character (6)



Customer Name

Character (120)

Customer first name, last name, and company.

Values are concatenated, with spaces between each.

Address 1

Character (240)

First address line

All address and phone number information is for the sold-to customer.

Address 2

Character (240)

Second address line

Blank if no second address line exists. Apartment number is not passed.


Character (120)




Character (12)

State or province code

If blank, spaces are passed.

Zip Code

Character (30)

Zip or postal code

If blank, spaces are passed.


Character (3)

Country code

Two positions.

Home Phone

Character (20)

Day phone


Work Phone

Character (20)

Evening phone



Character (100)

Email address

The sold-to customer’s primary email address.



Records with this File Type Descriptor contains information about each item sold or returned, including item number, quantity, and pricing, as well as the order number and invoice number.

The information for this record type is primarily from the Invoice Detail table.

File Line Identifier

Number (10)

Line number

Identifies the line number in the file. Zero-padded.

Item Status

Character (6)

ORD or C

Set to ORD if the invoice is for a shipment; otherwise, set to R if the invoice is for a return, or for a negative additional charge that was express-billed.

Item Type

Character (6)


Set to NMITEM for the Item for Non-Merchandise Amounts (L39); otherwise, set to ITEM.

Item Number Type

Character (6)




Character (25)

Item code

The item’s Reference # (retail reference number) from the SKU table.

The Reference # is automatically populated with the item number through Importing Enterprise Foundation Data through Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS). If for any reason the Reference # is blank, the base item code is passed instead. The item code passed does not include a SKU. SKUs are not supported in the Sales Audit module.

NOTE: Each item must map to an item in the Sales Audit module.

Non-Merchandise Item

Character (25)

Non-merchandise item code

From the Item for Non-Merchandise Amounts (L39) system control value. This must be a valid item code in the Sales Audit module.

Quantity Sign

Character (1)

P or N

Typically set to P for a sale invoice; otherwise, set to N for a credit invoice. However, if this is the NMITEM, the Quantity Sign indicates the effect of the charge, for example:

  • If a negative additional charge applies to a sale invoice, the Quantity Sign is set to N.

  • If a positive additional charge applies to a credit invoice, the Quantity Sign is set to P.


Number (12)

Shipped or returned unit quantity

Zero-padded with a 4-position implied decimal; for example, a quantity of 2 is passed as 000000020000. Absolute value. Quantity of 1 is passed for the Item for Non-Merchandise Amounts.

Selling Unit of Measure

Character (4)



Unit Retail

Number (20)

Pre-discount price

Zero-padded with a 4-position implied decimal; for example, a price of 1.50 is passed as 00000000000000015000. Absolute value.

If the selling price is less than the offer price on a sales transaction, an IDISC record provides details on the discount.

NOTE Ordinarily the same as the Original Unit Retail, except for the following scenarios.

  • When the selling price exceeds the offer price, this is the selling price.

  • When this is a return, this is the actual price credited.

  • When the record is for the Item for Non-Merchandise Amounts, then this field is the net total of the additional charge amount, freight amount, and the handling charge amount.

Override Reason

Character (6)



Original Unit Retail

Number (20)

Offer price from the Order Detail record

The original offer price. Set to 0.00 if no offer price is defined. See Overriding the Item/SKU Offer Price for a discussion of how the offer price for an Order Detail record is determined when offers are not set up, and a price override reason code is used to set the price for the order line.

If the selling price is lower than the original offer price, the Unit Discount Amount specified in the IDISC record indicates the unit amount of the discount.

Taxable Indicator

Character (1)

Y or N

Set to Y, unless:


Character (1)



Return Reason Code

Character (6)

Return reason code

The return reason code used for a return of an order line. See Establishing Return Reason Codes (WRTR) for background.

NOTE The return reason codes used MUST map to SARR codes defined in the Sales Audit module


Character (10)

Salesman number

The unique number identifying the salesman, if any, associated with the order.

Drop Ship Ind

Character (1)

Y or N

Set to Y for a drop ship item on a sale transaction; otherwise, set to N. Set to N for a return.


Number (12)

Shipped quantity

The shipped quantity on the invoice detail. Zero-padded with a 4-position implied decimal; for example, a quantity of 2 is passed as 000000020000. Absolute value. Quantity of 1 passed for the Item for Non-Merchandise Amounts.


Character (1)




Number (21)

Invoice detail tax amount

The total tax for the invoice detail line.

Selling item

Character (25)

Item code

The base item code. Does not include a SKU. SKUs are not supported in the Sales Audit module.

Customer Order Number

Character (48)

Order number

The Order Administration order number. Does not include the ship-to suffix.

Customer Order Date

Character (14)

Order date

The order date from the Order Header. YYYYMMDD format.

Fulfillment Order Number

Character (48)

Invoice number

Included only for sales transactions. Not included for returns.

No Inventory Return

Character (1)

Y or N

Used only for credit invoice records.

Set to Y when inventory was not updated for the transaction creating the invoice detail record (there is no Item Transaction History record, as indicated in Display Inventory Transaction History (DITH)). For example, this flag is selected when a negative additional charge express bills against a closed order.

Otherwise, set to N if inventory was updated, or if this is a non-merchandise item (NMITEM).

Sales Type

Character (1)



Return Warehouse

Character (10)

Warehouse code

Used only for return records that are not for the non-merchandise item (NMITEM):

  • If inventory updated: If No Inventory Return is set to N and this is a return that affected inventory (that is, not for the NMITEM), the Return Warehouse is the warehouse code from the inventory transaction history record.

  • If inventory not updated: If No Inventory Return is set to Y and this is not for the NMITEM, this is the warehouse defined in the:


Any warehouse codes that might be passed MUST map to Physical Warehouse defined in the Sales Audit module.

Return Disposition

Character (10)


Sent only when No Inventory Return is set to N, or the record is for the NMITEM.

Location Type

Character (2)

Location type identifier

  • ST for a store pickup, retail pickup, or ship-for-pickup order.

  • WH for a delivery order.

  • Blank for any other order type.

Not passed for returns.

Location Number

Character (10)

Code identifying fulfilling or pickup location

  • The pickup location code from the Order Orchestration record for a store pickup, retail pickup, or ship-for-pickup order.

  • The fulfilling location code from the Order Orchestration record, for a brokered backorder, if specified.

  • Otherwise, the OCDS RMS Location Identifier (M52).

Not passed for returns.



Records with this File Type Descriptor contain discount line information for sales transactions when the selling price is lower than the offer price. These records are not created for returns. Also, if the offer price is lower than the selling price, such as when the offer price is zero, no discount record is created.

This record follows the TITEM record for the discounted item.

The information for this record type is primarily from the Invoice Detail table.

File Line Identifier

Number (10)

Line number

Identifies the line number in the file. Zero-padded.

RMFCS Promotion Number

Character (6)



Discount Type

Character (6)



Quantity Sign

Character (1)


Hard-coded. A quantity sign of N is not used, since only sales transactions create these records.


Number (12)

Shipped quantity

The shipped quantity on the invoice detail. Zero-padded with a 4-position implied decimal; for example, a quantity of 2 is passed as 000000020000.

Unit Discount Amount

Number (20)

Discount amount divided by shipped quantity

The discount amount shipped quantity on the invoice detail. Zero-padded with a 4-position implied decimal; for example, a unit discount amount of 2.5 is passed as 000000025000.


Number (12)

Shipped quantity

The shipped quantity on the invoice detail. Zero-padded with a 4-position implied decimal; for example, a quantity of 2 is passed as 000000020000.


Character (1)





Records with this File Type Descriptor contain item-level tax amounts. This record type follows the IDISC, if any; otherwise, follows the TITEM.

NOTE VAT amounts are not passed in this record type, since they are included in item prices.

File Line Identifier

Number (10)

Line number

Identifies the line number in the file. Zero-padded.

Tax Authority

Character (10)



Igtax Code

Character (6)



Igtax Amount Sign

Character (1)

P or N

Set to P for a sale invoice; otherwise, set to N for a credit invoice.

Igtax Amount

Number (21)

Tax amount

The total tax amount for the invoice detail line, including any GST or PST as well as tax on any special handling or gift wrap for the item. For the NMITEM, includes the total order-level freight tax from the Invoice Payment Method record for all payment methods.

Zero-padded with a 5-position implied decimal; for example, a tax amount of 2.38 is passed as 000000000000000238000.

Absolute value.



Records with this File Type Descriptor contain tax amounts.

NOTE VAT amounts are not passed in this record type, since they are included in item prices.

File Line Identifier

Number (10)

Line number

Identifies the line number in the file. Zero-padded.

Tax Code

Character (6)



Tax Sign

Character (1)

P or N

Set to P for a sale invoice; otherwise, set to N for a credit invoice.

Tax Amount

Number (20)

Tax amount

The total tax amount for the invoice, including any GST or PST. Zero-padded with a 4-position implied decimal; for example, a tax amount of 2.38 is passed as 00000000000000023800. Absolute value.



Records with this File Type Descriptor contain payment amounts for sales, exclusive of tax, although VAT is not subtracted if the order is subject to VAT.

These records are not created for return or credit transactions.

File Line Identifier

Number (10)

Line number

Identifies the line number in the file. Zero-padded.

Payment Sign

Character (1)


Hard-coded. A payment sign of N is not used, since only sales transactions create these records.

Payment Amount

Number (20)

Deposit amount minus tax

The deposit amount for the invoice payment method, exclusive of tax. Zero-padded with a 4-position implied decimal; for example, a payment amount of 37.60 is passed as 00000000000000376000.



Records with this File Type Descriptor contain tender information for each transaction.

File Line Identifier

Number (10)

Line number

Identifies the line number in the file. Zero-padded.

Tender Type Group

Character (6)


Set to:

  • CHECK if the payment method is a check pay category.

  • CCARD if the payment method is a credit card.

  • VOUCH if the payment method is a stored value card when the Send Payment Card Data in ReSA RTLOG (M74) system control value is selected.

Tender Type ID

Number (6)

Pay type code

The pay type code, as set up in Work with Pay Types (WPAY).

NOTE Each pay type must map to a Pay Type in the Sales Audit module.

Tender Sign

Character (1)

P or N

Set to P for a sale invoice; otherwise, set to N for a credit invoice.

Tender Amount

Number (20)

Deposit amount

The deposit amount for the invoice payment method, including tax. Zero-padded with a 4-position implied decimal; for example, a payment amount of 39.98 is passed as 00000000000000399800.


Character (40)

Last 4 positions of the credit card number

The last 4 positions of the credit card or stored value card. From the Order Payment Method table. Included only if the Send Payment Card Data in ReSA RTLOG (M74) system control value is selected, and only if numeric; otherwise, blank.


Character (40)

Character (40)

The tokenized credit card number, if any, from the Invoice Payment Method table. A stored value card or gift card number is not passed in this field. Included only if the order payment method is a credit card and is tokenized, and if the Send Payment Card Data in ReSA RTLOG (M74) system control value is selected; otherwise, blank.


Character (25)

Gift card number or stored value card number

The stored value card number from the Invoice Payment Method table. Included only for a gift card or stored value card, and if the Send Payment Card Data in ReSA RTLOG (M74) system control value is selected; otherwise, blank.



A Type Record Descriptor for the transaction trailer record following each transaction, including an OPEN or CLOSE transaction.

File Line Identifier

Number (10)

Line number

Identifies the line number in the file. Zero-padded.

Transaction Record Counter

Number (10)

Number of records in the transaction

Set to 0000000000 for an OPEN or CLOSE transaction. Zero-padded.

THEAD (CLOSE transaction)


The last record in the file with a File Type Descriptor of THEAD is a CLOSE transaction. This record is followed by the TTAIL and FTAIL records. Created by the RTLog periodic function, and not found in the temporary file.

The CLOSE THEAD record is followed by a TTAIL record, and then the FTAIL record.

File Line Identifier

Number (10)

Next sequential number in the file.

Identifies the line number in the file. Zero-padded.


Character (5)



Transaction Date

Character (14)

Date and time

The date and time when the RTLOG function created the DAT file.

Transaction Number

Number (10)

Next transaction number in the file.

Identifies the transaction number in the file. Zero-padded.

Transaction Type

Character (6)



Sub-transaction Type

Character (6)





The total number of lines in the file. The last entry in the file. Added through the RTLOG periodic function.

File Line Identifier

Number (10)

Next sequential number in the file

Identifies the line number in the file. Zero-padded.

File Record Counter

Number (10)

Next sequential number in the file

Identifies the transaction number in the file. Zero-padded.