5 Pick List Pull Sheet

Purpose: The pull sheet is generated for each order that you have accepted at the New Orders screen, or the items on the order that you accepted at the View Order or View Full Order screens, if configured for your organization for your current store location. The contents of the pick list pull sheet are described below.

Fields Description
Store code and name

The code and name identifying the store where the orders were accepted.

User ID

The user ID of the person who accepted the order(s).

date and time generated (unlabeled field)

The date and time when the pick list pull sheet was generated.

The date and time might not be your local date and time, if the retailer uses a server in a different time zone. For example, if your store location is on Eastern Standard time, and the retailer uses a server that is on Pacific time, the date and time displayed might be earlier than the current time in your location.

Total Orders

The total number of orders accepted at this time.

Total Items

The total number of different items (order lines) on the accepted order(s).

Total Units

The total number of units on all order lines that were accepted.

For every item on the accepted orders:
Item #

The number or code identifying the item.

Item Description

The description of the item.

Pick Qty

The total quantity of the item to pick for all accepted orders.


Any notes about the item.

For each order that was accepted:
Order Type

Set to Pickup if the customer picks up the order; otherwise, set to Delivery if the order ships to the customer.

Order #

A number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system.


The last and first name or company name of the customer who placed the order. Not necessarily the name of the customer receiving the order, if it’s a delivery order. Truncated if it exceeds the available space.

Item #

Your item number or code. Truncated if it exceeds the available space.

Item Description

A description of the item. Truncated if it exceeds the available space.

Quantity Needed

The quantity of the item that you need to pick.


The code identifying the designated carrier for the order. Set to Pick Up for a pickup order.