Estimated Weight and Dimensions

Purpose: Use this window to enter the total shipping weight and the box dimensions of a package you are shipping through the Integrated Shipping screen.

Opens when? This window opens when you click SHIP at the Integrated Shipping screen.

Completing this window:

  1. In the Total Weight field, enter the total shipping weight. The unit weight for each line defaults from the weight specified by the retailer, if any. You can also enter or change the unit weight for an item at the Integrated Shipping screen.The shipping weight can include decimals (for example, 1.1234).
  2. In the Box field, define the dimensions of the box. The box flagged as the default by the retailer defaults if it is defined; otherwise, Irregular Size defaults. Select a predefined box size, or choose Irregular Size to manually define the Length, Width, and Height of the box. When manually defining the box dimensions, your entry must be a number between 0.01 and 999.99 with no more than two decimal places (for example, 10.55).
  3. Click Save.

Rounding: The integrated system rounds the total shipping weight up to the nearest whole number if the shipping weight’s decimal is .1 or higher (for example, 3.1 is rounded to 4); otherwise, the total shipping weight is rounded down to the nearest whole number (for example, 3.09 is rounded to 3).

For more information: See the Integrated Shipping screen for more information.