Select Purchase Order

Purpose: Use this window to select a purchase order to confirm shipment through the Integrated Shipping screen.

Opens when? This window opens when you search by Order Number at the Integrated Shipping screen if there is more than one in process, unshipped purchase order for that order. This situation might occur if, for example, one of the lines on the sales order was held when purchase orders were originally generated, or if an additional line was added to the order at a later date or time.

Selecting the purchase order: The PO Number dropdown box lists each In Process purchase orders associated with the sales order. Highlight the correct purchase order and click Save. The purchase order information defaults to the Integrated Shipping screen. See that screen for more information.

Same purchase order number listed twice? It is possible for the same purchase order number to be listed more than once in the PO Number dropdown box if, for example, one of the items on the purchase order was on hold when you initially generated pack slips, and then you released the held line and generated a separate pack slip. In this situation, select either entry for the purchase order so you can confirm whether this is the pack slip you are shipping; you will first need to select a batch from the Select Batch window to display the pack slip details. If this is not the correct pack slip, click Search again at the Integrated Shipping screen.