Integrated Shipping

Purpose: Use this screen to confirm shipment through an integrated shipping system.

Available when? This option is available only if the retailer has enabled shipping through an integrated system.

Other ways to confirm shipment:

Create invoice? You cannot create an invoice through this screen. To create an invoice, you can use the:

Pop-ups blocked? To open the window for printing the shipping label, you need to have pop-ups unblocked for the Vendor Portal in the browser, such as Chrome or Firefox, that you are using. Each browser has a different method for unblocking pop-ups for a particular web site. A search for “unblock pop-ups” with the name of your browser typically leads to instructions to unblock pop-ups for a particular web site, such as the Vendor Portal.

How to display: Select Integrated Shipping from the Home Screen or the Purchase Order drop-down menu if you have the required authority and if integrated shipping is enabled by the retailer.

Option Procedure
select a pack slip for shipment

When you first advance to this screen, no purchase order is displayed. Enter a PO Number or Order Number, or both, to display the correct purchase order on the screen. If:

  • You enter an Order Number and there is more than one In Process purchase order for that order, the Select Purchase Order window opens. Use that window to select the correct purchase order.
  • You enter a PO Number and there is more than one In Process pack slip for that purchase order, the Select Batch window opens. Use that window to select the correct batch.

Case: The PO Number and Order Number are not case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of A or a matches an order number of A12345.

Change requests? The screen displays a message if there are any address change or cancellation requests pending for the selected pack slip. You should respond to these change requests, if at all possible, before confirming shipment. See the Purchase Order Change Requests screen for more information.

Same purchase order number listed twice? It is possible for the same purchase order number to be listed more than once at the Select Purchase Order window if, for example, one of the items on the purchase order was on hold when you initially generated pack slips, and then you released the held line and generated a separate pack slip. In this situation, select either entry for the purchase order so you can confirm whether this is the pack slip you are shipping; you will first need to select a batch from the Select Batch window to display the pack slip details. If this is not the correct pack slip, click Search again.

enter or change the unit weight

Use the Unit Weight field for a purchase order line to enter a different weight. The total weight for the line is calculated by multiplying the unit weight by the Ship Qty.

change the shipment quantity

Use the Ship Qty to enter a quantity that is lower than the Print Qty. You can enter a quantity of 0 if the purchase order line is not included in the shipment.

select or change the ship via (carrier)

Use the Ship Via dropdown box to select a different carrier.

confirm shipment

After selecting a pack slip and changing any defaults, click SHIP.

  • The Estimated Weight and Dimensions window opens where you can define a Total Weight and Box dimensions. Once you define the total shipping weight and box dimensions, click Save.
  • If there are no errors, your browser’s standard Print window opens with the shipping label.

Print the label and close the Print window.

If you did not confirm the entire pack slip for shipment, the pack slip information remains on the screen, with the Total Weight and Print Qty updated to reflect the remaining quantity.

For more information: See Troubleshooting integrated shipping.

Fields Description
Search fields

You can use either the PO Number or the Order Number fields to select the purchase order for shipment.

PO Number

Optionally, enter a valid purchase order number and click Search to confirm shipment of that purchase order. See select a pack slip for shipment, above, for more information.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a purchase order number of A12345.

Order Number

Optionally, enter a valid sales order number and click Search to confirm shipment of that sales order. See select a pack slip for shipment, above, for more information.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an order number of A12345.

Ship To

The shipping address for the pack slip. Includes:

  • name: prefix (such as Mr. or Dr.), first name, middle name, last name, and suffix (such as Jr. or Esq.)
  • company name
  • first address line
  • apartment, unit, or suite number (prefixed by the label Apt / Unit #:)
  • address line 2
  • address line 3
  • address line 4
  • city, state, postal or zip code, country code


Not all of the information above might be available for each customer. At a minimum, the shipping address must include:
  • first and last name or company
  • first address line
  • city, postal or zip code, and country code
PO Number

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system.

Ship Via

The code and description identifying the preferred carrier to use for the purchase order. The carrier for the first item on the purchase order defaults. Optionally, you can use the dropdown box to select a different carrier.

Order Number

The number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system.

Shipping Instructions

The general shipping instructions for the order.

Batch ID

The number identifying the batch that includes the pack slip.

Total Weight

The current total extended weight for the items on the pack slip. Calculated by multiplying the current Unit Weight for each purchase order line by the current Ship Qty. Reduced when you confirm a partial shipment.

Search Results

This area of the screen displays each purchase order line included on the pack slip. Only lines that are not currently held are listed. Optionally, you can change the Unit Weight, the Ship Qty, or both.

Line #

The original purchase order line number for the shipment.

Item #

Your item number or code.

Retailer Item #

The retailer’s item number or code.

Item Description

The description of the item.

Unit Weight

The shipping weight of each unit of the item. Defaults from the purchase order, but you can override the default. Your entry does not update the original purchase order line, but is used to calculate the shipping weight for the pack slip.

When you confirm the shipment, the Estimated Weight and Dimensions window opens where you can also enter a shipping weight.

Print Qty

The quantity of the item printed on the pack slip. Reduced when you confirm a partial shipment.

Ship Qty

The total quantity of the item shipped. The Print Qty defaults, but you can override it to a lower quantity.

If you confirm shipment for a lower quantity, the remaining Print Qty stays in In Process status after you confirm the shipment. You can confirm the shipment for the remaining quantity afterward, or you can use the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to void the remainder.

Issue Possible Explanation or Solution

You closed the Print window without printing the shipping label

Use the shipping label icon (Illustrates the shipping label icon.) at the History tab of the Purchase Order screen to open the label in your browser’s Print window.

The Print window doesn’t open

If pop-ups are blocked, the Print window doesn’t open. Use an internet search to find the steps on unblocking pop-ups for the Vendor Portal in your browser (for example, search for “unblock pop-ups Chrome”).

You confirmed shipment of a pack slip, and now the Vendor Portal screens are not responding to your entries

Confirm that the browser’s Print window is not still open behind the current open browser window.

An error window indicates that a package weight is required

The integrated shipping system requires a total shipping weight that is higher than the current total. For example, the integrated shipping system requires a shipping weight of .10 or higher, and the current total is lower than .10.

An error window indicates that a box size is required

The integrated shipping system requires the box dimensions (length, width, and height). You can define the box dimensions on the Estimated Weight and Dimensions window.

An error window indicates an issue related to the shipping address

Notify the retailer about the error, including the error code or a screen capture if possible. The retailer can send an address update, or can instruct you to use another method to confirm shipment.

Non-U.S. shipping address: If the error is related to a non-U.S. state, contact the retailer. You cannot currently use this screen to confirm shipment to a non-U.S. shipping address.

Address information sent: The system sends the following shipping address information if it is defined:

  • First name, Last name
  • Company
  • First address line
  • Second address line: contains address line 2 and Apt/Suite
  • City, State/Province, Postal code, Country code
  • Phone: the system uses the following hierarchy to determine the phone number to pass:

ship to day phone

ship to eve phone

sold to day phone

sold to even phone

originating location phone

An error window indicates an error with the ship via (carrier)

Use an alternate carrier of the same class if approved by the retailer.

An error window indicates an issue related to the shipper address or phone number, an invalid service, or any other type of error not related to the issues described above

Notify the retailer about the error, including the error code or a screen capture if possible.