Purchase Order Shipping Upload

Purpose: Use the Purchase Order Shipping Upload screen to upload a CSV (comma-separated value) file containing shipment confirmations for items on purchase orders.

Other ways to confirm shipments:

Eligible purchase order lines: You can use the shipping upload CSV file to confirm shipment of a full or partial quantity of a purchase order line that is not already shipped or canceled, as long as the line’s status is currently In Process, New Order, or Held.


When you use the Purchase Order Shipping screen to confirm shipments, a line is eligible for confirmation only if its status is In Process.

Create invoice? You cannot create an invoice through uploading the CSV file. To create an invoice, you can use the:

Multiple files? Some browsers support uploading multiple files at the same time; however, you might not receive an error email or be able to review all errors when uploading multiple files. To make sure you understand any errors that might occur, upload the files one at a time.

How to display this screen: Select Purchase Order Shipment Upload from the Home Screen or the Purchase Orders drop-down menu if you have the required authority.

To confirm one or more shipments by uploading a CSV file at this screen:

  • Click the Choose Files or Browse... button.
  • Select the file to upload. Your selection must have a CSV extension (for example, MYSHIPMENTS.CSV).


To make sure that you can review any errors that might occur, you should not upload more than one CSV file at a time, even if your browser supports it. Otherwise, the Invoice Upload - Errors might not be available, and the notification email might not be generated. Also, there needs to be a carriage return after each line in the file.
  • Click Upload.
  • Click Refresh to see if the shipment confirmation was successful or if there are any errors, as indicated by the Status field.

If successful: See Shipping updates for a summary of the updates that take place for successful shipment uploads.

If unsuccessful: For each record in the CSV file that includes an error, the Vendor Portal flags the first error it finds and displays the upload error icon (Illustrates the icon.) in the Errors column. Click the icon to open the Purchase Order Shipping Upload - Errors window and review the error(s). See that window for more information.

The Vendor Portal also generates an email notification to the retailer and to the Upload Error Notification email address specified at the Vendor Configuration screen. The email includes information about the data in error.

Contents of the file: Each CSV file should contain the following unlabeled fields in the order indicated below. Each value should be separated from the next by a comma. You can generate a CSV file in a spreadsheet application and then choose to save the spreadsheet in CSV format.

Sample file: A sample file might be formatted as follows:



Field Description
A: PO Number


B: Line Number


C: Order Number

Informational only. No validation. Optional.

D: Carrier Code

The code identifying the carrier shipping the package. Must be a valid code for a carrier assigned to you by the retailer. Assigned carriers are displayed at the Carriers tab of the Vendor Configuration screen. Does not need to be flagged as Active. Required.

E: Freight Rate

Required, but can be set to zero (0) if the carrier does not require a freight rate. Numeric, rounded to 2 decimal places.

F: Weight

Required, but can be set to zero (0) if the carrier does not require weight. Numeric, rounded to 2 decimal places.

G: Tracking Number

The tracking number that the customer can use to track the shipment. Required if a tracking number is required for the carrier.

H: Quantity Shipped

Must not be greater than the current unshipped, uncanceled, printed quantity. Required.

I: Unit of Measure

Informational only. No validation. Required.

J: Ship Date

Can be a future or past date, or the current date; but cannot be earlier than the purchase order’s Date Created. Must be entered in the correct format for your locale (as defined at the Vendor Configuration screen). Required.

Fields Description

The date and time when you uploaded the CSV file to confirm shipment(s).

The date and time might not be your local date and time, if the retailer uses a server in a different time zone. For example, if your store location is on Eastern Standard time, and the retailer uses a server that is on Pacific time, the date and time displayed might be earlier than the current time in your location.


The status of the upload:

  • Completed: The Vendor Portal processed all the shipment updates specified in the CSV file.
  • Completed with Errors: You uploaded just one CSV file at a time, and one or more shipment updates specified in the file contained errors. Click the upload error icon (Illustrates the icon.) to open the Purchase Order Shipping Upload - Errors window and review the errors.
  • Failed: You uploaded more than one CSV file at a time, and one or more shipment updates specified in the file contained errors. Upload the files one at a time so that you can review the errors.
  • Uploaded: You have just uploaded the file and it is currently processing. The file stays in this status briefly until processing completes. If it stays in this status, contact the retailer to confirm that the upload folder has been created correctly.
File Name

The name of the CSV file that you uploaded.

User ID

The user ID of the person who uploaded the file.


The upload errors icon (Illustrates the icon.) indicates that one or more records in the CSV file was incorrect. Click the icon to open the Purchase Order Shipping Upload - Errors window. See that window for more information.


If you upload more than one file at a time, you might not be able to review errors at the Purchase Order Shipping Upload - Errors window and the email might not be generated. Upload the files one at a time so that you can review all errors.