Purchase Order Shipping

Purpose: Use the Purchase Order Shipping screen to confirm shipment of one or more pack slips for purchase orders.

If multiple items are included on a pack slip: You can use the Purchase Order Shipping Details window to confirm shipment of individual line items on a pack slip, or enter a separate tracking number, weight, rate, or shipment date for individual units or lines. Select the Ship by Line option on this screen to open the window. This option is not available if the pack slip includes just a single unit of one line item.

Even if a pack slip includes multiple line items, you can also confirm shipment for the entire pack slip at the Purchase Order Shipping screen; it is not necessary to confirm shipment for each item separately.

If the purchase order has multiple pack slips: It is possible for you to generate more than one pack slip for a purchase order if, for example, you put an item on hold before generating pack slips, then release the item from hold before generating pack slips again. In this situation, you need to confirm shipment of each pack slip separately.

Change requests? The screen displays a message if there are any address change or cancellation requests pending for any of the generated pack slips. You should respond to these change requests, if at all possible, before confirming shipment. See the Purchase Order Change Requests screen for more information.

Invoice entry? Depending on how the retailer has set the Uses Invoicing preference, the Require Invoice # at Shipping preference, and your authority, entry of an invoice number can be optional, required, or not supported.


If entry of an invoice number is required at shipment confirmation, but you do not have authority to invoice creation, you cannot confirm shipments.

Other ways to confirm shipments:

How to display this screen: Select Purchase Order Shipping from the Home Screen or the Purchase Orders drop-down menu if you have the required authority.

Option Procedure
search for generated pack slips

When you first advance to this screen, no pack slips are displayed. This screen can display a maximum of 500 generated pack slips.

To display all generated, unconfirmed pack slips, click Search. Otherwise, use any of the Search fields> and then click Search to restrict the displayed pack slips to those that match your selection(s).


Clicking Search clears any entries or selections you have made in the INVOICE HEADER or Search Results fields.

Case: The enterable fields are not case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of A or a matches an order number of A12345.

Confirm shipment of one or more pack slips without creating an invoice

To confirm shipment of one or more pack slips:

For each pack slip you are confirming:

  • Select the pack slip from the Search Results fields.


When you select a pack slip, the current date defaults to the Ship Date. If you select all pack slips, the current date defaults for all pack slips. Optionally, you can override this default for any selected pack slips; however, the Ship Date cannot be earlier than the purchase order’s Date Created.
  • Optionally, override the default Carrier for the pack slip, or select a carrier if there is no default. To quickly select a carrier, enter the first letters of the carrier name while the cursor is in the Carrier field.

If the carrier doesn’t default: The Carrier field is blank if the carrier specified for the purchase order is not currently assigned to you as an active carrier. Notify the retailer if this occurs.

  • Enter the Tracking #, Weight, and Rate. The retailer’s settings for the carrier control whether these fields are required or optional.
  • Optionally, you can also Confirm shipment by line or unit, or enter separate information for each line or unit for individual pack slips. After you complete the Purchase Order Shipping Details window and click Save, you return to the Purchase Order Shipping screen. You can no longer enter shipment information for the pack slip that you updated until you submit the shipment or exit the screen.
  • Click SHIP.

For more information: See Shipping updates, below.

Confirm shipment of one or more pack slips and create an invoice

To confirm shipment of one or more pack slips and create an invoice to submit to the retailer:

  • Enter invoice? If:

the Require Invoice # at Shipping preference at the Vendor Configuration screen is selected and:

you have authority to create an invoice, you need to enter an Invoice # to associate with the shipment of all selected pack slips.

you do not have authority to create an invoice, you cannot confirm shipment of any pack slips. Contact the retailer for assistance.

the Require Invoice # at Shipping preference at the Vendor Configuration screen is not selected and you have authority to create an invoice, you can enter an Invoice #, but it is not required to confirm shipment.


If you do not have authority to enter an invoice, or if the Uses Invoicing preference is not selected, the Invoice # field is not available for entry. See the Invoice # field, below, for more information.
  • Continue with the steps above under Confirm shipment of one or more pack slips without creating an invoice to confirm shipment.
  • If you entered an invoice number, the Create Invoice Confirmation window opens. See that window for more information on creating invoices.

For more information: See Shipping updates, below.

Confirm shipment by line or unit, or enter separate information for each line or unit

Regardless of whether you have already entered an invoice number or selected pack slips as described above under Confirm shipment of one or more pack slips without creating an invoice, you can click the Ship by Line icon (Illustrates the icon.) to open the Purchase Order Shipping Details window. You can use this window to confirm shipment of individual lines or partial quantities of lines.

After you complete the Purchase Order Shipping Details window and click Save, you return to the Purchase Order Shipping screen. You can no longer enter shipment information for the pack slip that you updated until you submit the shipment or exit the screen. At this screen, you can:

  • use the Purchase Order Shipping Details window to confirm shipment by line or unit for additional pack slips
  • confirm entire pack slips, using the steps described above under Confirm shipment of one or more pack slips without creating an invoice
  • click SHIP. If you entered an invoice number, the Create Invoice Confirmation window opens. See that window for more information on creating invoices.

For more information: See Shipping updates, below.


If you need to generate an additional pack slip for the remaining quantity of a line, you should first use the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to reprint the pack slip with the currently available quantity, and then after you confirm shipment of this quantity, generate a new pack slip for the remaining quantity. Using this method prevents the second pack slip from listing the totals twice, potentially confusing the customer.
advance to purchase order inquiry

Click the edit/display icon (Illustrates the edit/display icon.) labeled PO Inquiry to advance to the Purchase Order screen, where you can review additional information about the purchase order.

When you confirm shipment of one or more full or partial pack slips, the Vendor Portal:

  • updates the shipped quantity of each line
  • writes a purchase order line history record with:

    • the current date (not necessarily the Ship Date)

    • your User ID

    • a Source of UI

    • an Action Type of Shipment

    • Transaction Notes indicating the ship date, carrier code, tracking number, weight, and freight rate, for example: Ship Date: 07/17/2013, Carrier: 50, Tracking #: Track12155, Weight: 2.34, Rate: $ 1.23

  • changes the status of shipped lines to Shipped if all units are shipped or canceled; otherwise, the status remains In Process
  • changes the status of the purchase order to Shipped if all lines are shipped; otherwise, the status of the purchase order is Open if any units are unshipped, or Complete if all units are either shipped or canceled
  • automatically cancels any pending cancellation requests if the entire purchase order line quantity is shipped
  • automatically cancels any pending address change requests if the entire purchase order is shipped

What if the entire line quantity is not shipped? It is possible that confirming shipment does not change the entire purchase order line quantity to shipped if:

  • You use the Purchase Order Shipping Details to enter a partial shipment quantity. In this case, the remaining quantity on the line remains in In Process status.

    This result can also occur if you use the Purchase Order Shipping Upload screen or the vendor integration to confirm a partial quantity.

  • You have previously used the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to change the printed quantity for a line, and then confirm shipment of the entire current printed quantity. In this case, the remaining quantity on the line goes into New Order status. If there are any pending address change or cancellation requests, they apply automatically; however, if the quantity specified for a cancellation request exceeds the current quantity on the line, the cancel request is automatically rejected.

Creating an invoice: See the Create Invoice Confirmation window for more information.

Fields Description
Search fields

You can use any of the search fields, alone or in combination, to restrict the pack slips displayed in the Search Results fields.

Batch ID

Optionally, select a batch ID from the drop-down list and click Search to display unconfirmed pack slips for that batch only. Batch IDs are included in the drop-down list only if they include at least one pack slip for which you have not fully confirmed shipment.

PO Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial purchase order number and click Search to display unconfirmed pack slips for the purchase order only.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a purchase order number of A12345.

Order Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system to display unconfirmed pack slips whose sales order number starts with your entry. Up to 30 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an order number of A12345.

Date Generated

Optionally, select a date from the calendar control and click Search to display unconfirmed pack slips that you generated on that date or later.

Item #

Optionally, enter a full or partial item number and click Search to display unconfirmed pack slips that include unshipped items matching your entry.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an item number of A12345.


Optionally, select a carrier from the drop-down list and click Search to display unconfirmed pack slips who are currently assigned to that carrier. To quickly select a carrier, enter the first letters of the carrier name while the cursor is in the Carrier field. Only carriers that are assigned to you by the retailer and that are flagged as Active are available for selection.


Optionally, select a country from the drop-down list and click Search to display unconfirmed pack slips whose shipping addresses are in that country.


Optionally, after selecting a country from the Country drop-down list, select a state, province, or territory from the State drop-down and click Search to display unconfirmed pack slips whose shipping addresses are in that state, province, or territory.

Outstanding Pack Slips table

Includes only In Process items: This table includes purchase order lines that are in In Process status.

To update the information in this summary table: Updating the information in this table requires you to discard any entries you have made but not yet submitted. To update, exit the screen and re-enter it, or click Search.

Excludes canceled items or purchase orders: The totals in this table exclude any items or entire purchase orders whose cancellation has been confirmed.

Excludes held items: The totals in this table exclude any items or entire purchase orders that you have put on hold.


The total number of purchase orders that include pack slips eligible for shipment confirmation. A single purchase order can include multiple pack slips if, for example, you held an item before generating the first pack slip, then released the item and generated an additional pack slip. In this situation, each pack slip for the purchase order is assigned to a different batch.


The total number of units of all items included on pack slips and eligible for shipment confirmation.


The total of the selling unit prices of all items included on pack slips and eligible for shipment confirmation. Includes a two-position decimal.


The total number of batches that include pack slips eligible for shipment confirmation.

Invoice #

The invoice number or code to submit to the retailer for the shipment of the selected pack slip(s).

Displayed when? This field is displayed if the Uses Invoicing preference is selected at the Vendor Configuration screen.

Enterable? You need authority to the Create Invoices feature to enter an invoice number.

Required? This field is required if the Require Invoice # at Shipping preference is selected at the Vendor Configuration screen.


If the Require Invoice # at Shipping preference is selected but you do not have authority to the Create Invoices feature, you cannot confirm shipment of any pack slips. Contact the retailer for assistance.

Validation: Your entry can consist of numbers, letters, and special characters, and must:

  • not be a duplicate of another invoice from you for the retailer
  • not exceed the maximum length specified by the retailer

If you specify an invoice number, the Create Invoice Confirmation window opens when you click SHIP. See that window for more information on creating an invoice.

Search Results fields

Use the results fields to select each pack slip that you are confirming as shipped. See the field descriptions below for required and optional information for each shipment.

Batch ID

The number assigned by the Vendor Portal to identify a group of pack slips generated at the same time and for the same brand. A batch can include a single pack slip. Batch numbers are not necessarily sequential.

PO Number

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system.

Order Number

The number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system.


The carrier delivering the shipment to the customer. The carrier specified by the originating system defaults unless the retailer has flagged the carrier as inactive. Optionally, you can override the default carrier by selecting a different carrier from the drop-down list. Only carriers assigned to you by the retailer and that are flagged as Active are available for selection. Required.

To quickly select a carrier, enter the first letters of the carrier name while the cursor is in the Carrier field.


Optionally, you can use the Purchase Order Shipping Details window to confirm shipment of individual units or lines by different carriers. See that window for more information.
Tracking #

The tracking number assigned by the carrier to trace the shipment. The originating system may include the tracking number in an email to the customer.

The retailer specifies whether a tracking number is required for each carrier.


Optionally, you can use the Purchase Order Shipping Details window to enter a separate tracking number, weight, rate, or shipment date for individual units or lines. See that window for more information.

The shipping weight of the package. Can include a two-position decimal (for example, 12.34).

The retailer specifies whether the weight is required for each carrier.


Optionally, you can use the Purchase Order Shipping Details window to enter a separate tracking number, weight, rate, or shipment date for individual units or lines. See that window for more information.

The rate for shipping the package. Can include a two-position decimal (for example, 12.34).

The retailer specifies whether the rate is required for each carrier.


Optionally, you can use the Purchase Order Shipping Details window to enter a separate tracking number, weight, rate, or shipment date for individual units or lines. See that window for more information.
Ship Date

The date when the shipment occurred. The current date defaults when you select a pack slip for shipment, but you can use the calendar control to override the default. Cannot be earlier than the purchase order’s Date Created. Required.


Optionally, you can use the Purchase Order Shipping Details window to enter a separate tracking number, weight, rate, or shipment date for individual units or lines. See that window for more information.
Ship by Line

Click the Ship by Line icon (Illustrates the icon.) to open the Purchase Order Shipping Details window. You can use this window to confirm shipment of individual lines or partial quantities of lines. This icon is displayed only if there is more than one unshipped unit on the pack slip.

PO Inquiry

Click the PO Inquiry icon (Illustrates the icon.) to advance to the Purchase Order Inquiry screen, where you can review the details of the purchase order, such as the sold-to and ship-to address, items, history, and messages.