Invoice Creation

Purpose: Use the Invoice Creation screen to create invoices to send to the retailer for shipments.

Other ways to create invoices: You can also create invoices by:

  • using the Invoice Upload screen to upload a CSV (comma-separated value) file containing the invoice information, or
  • specifying an Invoice # at the Purchase Order Shipping screen. This option is available only if the Uses Invoicing preference is selected and if you have the required authority.


If the Require Invoice # at Shipping preference is selected, you need to specify an Invoice # at the Purchase Order Shipping screen. In this situation, you do not need to use the Create Invoice screen or the Invoice Upload screen.

Post immediately or save for changes? When you create an invoice, the Create Invoice Confirmation window prompts you to either post the invoice immediately to the retailer, or save it for changes. There is certain information, such as payment terms, that you cannot specify for the invoice if you post it immediately; to enter this information, you need to save the invoice for changes and then use the Invoice screen to edit. See the Create Invoice Confirmation window and the Invoice screen for more information.

Vendor integration: You cannot create invoices through the vendor integration.

How to display: Select Invoice Creation from the Home Screen or the Invoices drop-down menu if you have the required authority.

Option Procedure
search for shipments to include on an invoice

When you first advance to this screen, no purchase order shipments are displayed, and the All Shipments option is selected. To display:

  • all uninvoiced shipments: select the Selected Shipments option and then click Search.
  • selected uninvoiced shipments: select the Selected Shipments option, use any of the Search fields, and then click Search to restrict the displayed pack slips to those that match your selection(s).

This screen can display a maximum of 500 shipments.


Clicking Search clears any entries you have made in the Search Results fields.

Case: The enterable fields at the top of this screen are not case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of A or a matches an item number of A12345.

create an invoice for all uninvoiced shipments, or all uninvoiced shipments within a date range
  • Leave the All Shipments option selected.
  • Optionally, use the Shipped From field, the Shipped To field, or both to indicate the shipment date range to include on the invoice. A shipment is included on the invoice only:

    • if you specify the Shipped From date but no Shipped To date, its Ship Date is on or after the Shipped From date.

    • if you specify the Shipped To date but no Shipped From date, its Ship Date is on or before the Shipped To date.

    • if specify both the Shipped To date and the Shipped From date, its Ship Date is on or between the two dates.

  • Enter the Invoice #, and complete any of the additional INVOICE HEADER fields.
  • Click Create. The Create Invoice Confirmation window opens. Use this window to save the invoice for editing or to submit the invoice to the retailer immediately.


The Search button is not available when the All Shipments option is selected.

Maximum purchase orders? When creating the invoice, the Vendor Portal includes the maximum number of purchase orders specified by the retailer, selecting the oldest shipments (matching all selected criteria) first. The maximum applies to purchase orders rather than shipments, so that if you have multiple shipments for the same purchase order, the multiple shipments count just once.

For more information: See the Create Invoice Confirmation window for a discussion on updates that take place when you create an invoice.

create an invoice for selected shipments
  • Select the Selected Shipments option and click Search.
  • Optionally, use any of the Search fields and click Search to restrict the search results to shipments that match your criteria.
  • Select each shipment to include in the invoice.
  • Enter the Invoice #, and complete any of the additional INVOICE HEADER fields.
  • Click Create. The Create Invoice Confirmation window opens. Use this window to save the invoice for editing or to submit the invoice to the retailer immediately. See the Create Invoice Confirmation window for more information.

Exceed maximum? If you select shipments from a total number of purchase orders that exceeds the limit specified by the retailer, the screen displays an error message such as The maximum number of POs to include on invoice is 20. (Note that this maximum is based on the number of different purchase orders, not the number of shipments.) In this situation, you need to clear the selection check box for the required number of shipments so that you do not exceed this maximum.

advance to purchase order inquiry

Click the edit/display icon (Illustrates the edit/display icon.) labeled PO Inquiry to advance to the Purchase Order screen, where you can review additional information about the purchase order.

Fields Description
All Shipments

Use this option to create an invoice for all uninvoiced shipments, or for all uninvoiced shipments within a range of dates. See create an invoice for all uninvoiced shipments, or all uninvoiced shipments within a date range for more information.


The Search button is not available when the All Shipments option is selected.
Selected Shipments

Use this option to use any of the Search fields to search for uninvoiced shipments before creating an invoice.

Search fields

You can use any of the search fields, alone or in combination, to restrict the shipments displayed in the Search Results fields.

Shipped From

If the All Shipments option is selected, use this field to restrict the shipments to include in an invoice:

  • Optionally, select a date from the calendar control to restrict the invoice to shipments with that Ship Date or later. It is not necessary to also select a Shipped To date.
  • Enter an Invoice # and complete any additional INVOICE HEADER fields.
  • Click Create. The Create Invoice Confirmation window opens. Use this window to save the invoice for editing or to submit the invoice to the retailer immediately. See the Create Invoice Confirmation window for more information.

If the Selected Shipments option is selected, use this field to search for uninvoiced shipments:

  • Optionally, select a date from the calendar control. to display purchase order lines shipped on that date or later. It is not necessary to select a Shipped To date.
  • Enter any additional search criteria and click Search.
Shipped To

If the All Shipments option is selected, use this field to restrict the shipments to include in an invoice:

  • Optionally, select a date from the calendar control to restrict the invoice to shipments with that Ship Date or earlier. It is not necessary to also select a Shipped From date.
  • Enter an Invoice # and complete any additional INVOICE HEADER fields.
  • Click Create. The Create Invoice Confirmation window opens. Use this window to save the invoice for editing or to submit the invoice to the retailer immediately. See the Create Invoice Confirmation window for more information.

If the Selected Shipments option is selected, use this field to search for uninvoiced shipments:

  • Optionally, select a date from the calendar control. to display purchase order lines shipped on that date or earlier. It is not necessary to select a Shipped To date.
  • Enter any additional search criteria and click Search.
PO Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial purchase order number and click Search to display uninvoiced shipments for purchase orders that start with or match your entry.

This field is available only if the Selected Shipments option is selected.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a purchase order number of A12345.

Order Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system and click Search to display uninvoiced shipments for purchase orders whose sales order number starts with your entry. Up to 30 positions.

This field is available only if the Selected Shipments option is selected.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an order number of A12345.

Item #

Optionally, enter a full or partial item number and click Search to display uninvoiced shipments whose item numbers start with or match your entry.

This field is available only if the Selected Shipments option is selected.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an item number of A12345.

Eligible for Invoicing table

Includes: This table includes summary information on all shipments that are eligible to be included on an invoice.

To update the information in this summary table: Updating the information in this table requires you to click Search, or exit the screen and re-enter.


The Search button is not available when the All Shipments option is selected.

The total number of purchase orders that include at least one shipped, uninvoiced unit.

PO Lines

The total number of purchase order lines that include at least one shipped, uninvoiced unit.


The total number of shipped, uninvoiced units on all purchase orders.


The total of the selling unit prices of all shipped, uninvoiced units.

Invoice #

The invoice number or code to submit to the retailer for the shipment of the selected pack slip(s).

Validation: Your entry can consist of numbers, letters, and special characters, and must:

  • not be a duplicate of another invoice from you for the retailer
  • not exceed the maximum length specified by the retailer, which is based on the total number of shipments you can include on an invoice to the retailer. If the total number is 1 position (that is, a maximum of 9 shipments), the invoice number can be up to 9 positions; if the total number is 2 positions (that is, a maximum of 99 shipments), the invoice number can be up to 8 positions; and so on.

If you specify an invoice number, the Create Invoice Confirmation window opens when you click Update.

Invoice Date

The date you are using to post the invoice to the retailer. The current date in your local time zone defaults, but you can override it.

Freight Charges

The total freight amount at the header level of the invoice. You can also enter a freight amount for individual shipments if you select the Update and Save for Changes option at the Create Invoice Confirmation window, then update the invoice through the Invoice Inquiry screen. See the Create Invoice Confirmation window for more information.

Handling Charges

The total handling amount at the header level of the invoice. You can also enter a handling amount for individual shipments if you select the Update and Save for Changes option at the Create Invoice Confirmation window, then update the invoice through the Invoice Inquiry screen. See the Create Invoice Confirmation window for more information.

Other Charges

The total additional charge amount at the header level of the invoice. You can also enter an additional charge amount for individual shipments if you select the Update and Save for Changes option at the Create Invoice Confirmation window, then update the invoice through the Invoice Inquiry screen. See the Create Invoice Confirmation window for more information.

Other Charges Description

A description of the additional charges on the invoice. Informational only. This description is not included in the invoice information submitted to the retailer. Your entry can be up to 30 positions.

Invoice Description

A description of the invoice. Informational only. This description is not included in the invoice information submitted to the retailer.

Search Results fields

Use the results fields to select each shipment to include on the invoice.

PO Number

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system.

Line #

The original purchase order line number for the shipment.

Order Number

The number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system.

Item #

Your item number or code. Hold the pointer over the Item # to display a description of the item.

Ship Date

The date when the shipment occurred.


Optionally, when you are confirming shipments through the:
Shipped Qty

The total quantity of the item shipped. When you include a shipment on an invoice, you cannot change the shipped quantity.

Unit Price

The original unit price for the item from the purchase order.

PO Inquiry

Click the PO Inquiry icon (Illustrates the PO Inquiry icon.) to advance to the Purchase Order Inquiry screen, where you can reveal the details of the purchase order, such as the sold-to and ship-to address, items, history, and messages.