Sales Summary (DSSS)

Purpose: Use the Sales Summary screen to view the number and dollar value of shipments processed:

  • for the current day, week, and month
  • broken out by order type and entity

Updated continuously: The totals displayed are based on the Invoice Ship To records created when you ship orders. When the BILL_ASYNC job is running, it creates these records as part of initially billing an order. These updates are not deferred based on the setting of the Delay Billing Updates (K85) system control value.

Modern View option: A Sales Summary page is also available in Modern View, including tiles at the top of the page, with totals are broken out by order type below, and bar charts illustrating the percentages of merchandise value billed for each order type. If your company supports fulfilling orders through integration with Order Orchestration, totals are broken out by delivery type as well, including store pickup, delivery, retail pickup, and ship-for-pickup. Orders that were not fulfilled through the Order Orchestration integration are listed as direct delivery. See the Sales Summary page in the Modern View online help for more information.

In this topic:


Which invoices are included? The totals displayed on this screen include Invoice Ship To records for regular (debit) invoices and their merchandise totals only. This screen does not include:

  • Returns, credits, or discounts applied after shipment
  • Freight, tax, handling, or other charges
  • Any invoice with a merchandise total of $0.00

How is the invoice date determined? This screen organizes shipments based on the Invoice date from the Invoice Ship To record. This date is from the Start date from the BILL_ASYNC job. If the background jobs are running using a previous date because they are not stopped and restarted daily, then the invoices billed today are included under that previous date, not under Today.

How is the number of sales calculated? The total number of sales for a period, order type, or entity is from the total number of Invoice Ship To records billed. This total:

  • Excludes (is not net of) credit invoices, such as an invoice created by processing a return. For example, if you process 1000 shipments, 50 returns, and 10 discount credits after shipment, the total displayed here is still 1000.
  • Does not include any invoice with a merchandise total of $0.00.:

For more information: See Consolidated Invoice (B49) for a discussion on the factors that control how many invoices are generated for orders that include multiple shipments on the same day.


In Order Management System 21.0 or higher, or Order Administration, you cannot select the Consolidated Invoice system control value if it is not already selected. If the system control value is currently selected (set to Y) and you deselect it (change it to N or blank), you cannot then change it back to selected. The option to consolidate invoices will be removed at a later date.

How is the sales amount calculated? The total sales amount for a period, order type, or entity is from the total dollar value of merchandise billed for the period, based on actual selling price. This total:

  • Excludes (is not net of) returns, credits, or discounts applied after shipment.
  • Does not include freight, tax, handling, or other charges.
  • Includes a two-position decimal.

Sales Summary Screen

How to display this screen: Enter DSSS in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select the Sales Summary option from a menu.

Field Description
Current day, week, and month totals

The top portion of the screen displays totals for the current day, week, and month.


Periods are:

Today = The current date.

This week = The current week runs from Monday through Sunday, and the totals displayed include all days so far for this period.


The calculation of totals for This week occurs regardless of whether a new month starts during the week.

Example: Today is Sunday June 3. The totals displayed under This week include Monday May 28 through the current date.

This month = The totals for the current month to date.


See the note above on how invoice date is determined.

See the Calculations above for a discussion.


See the Calculations above for a discussion.

Order Type totals for today

The Order Type tab lists the current day’s total number of Invoice Ship To records and dollar amounts for each order type in your company, except for quote order types.


See the note above about how invoice date is determined.
Order type

The code identifying the order type. The description of the order type follows, separated by a hyphen.

Order types are defined in and validated against the Order Type table. See Establishing Order Types (WOTY) for more information.

Quote order types are not listed here, since it is not possible to bill merchandise for a quote. See Entering Pre-Order Quotes for background.


See the Calculations above for a discussion.


See the Calculations above for a discussion.

Entity totals for today

The Entity tab lists the current day’s total number of Invoice Ship To records and dollar amounts for each entity in your company.


See the note above on how invoice date is determined.

The code identifying a business entity within your company. The description of the entity follows, separated by a hyphen.

Entities are defined in and validated against the Entity table. See Working with Entities (WENT) for more information.


See the Calculations above for a discussion.


See the Calculations above for a discussion.