Working with Credit Card Cancellations (WCCC)

Purpose: Use the Work with Credit Card Cancellations function to cancel orders whose credit cards have been declined by the authorization service.

In this topic:


You can define different actions to take for each vendor response code you receive from an authorization service. For example, if the service declines an authorization because the card is over its credit limit, you could set up the system to put the order on hold for five days and reattempt authorization after that time. You have the option of setting up a vendor response so that the system will flag the order for cancellation, either when the credit card is first declined or after a given number of attempts.

Determining when to flag for cancellation: The system determines that an order should be flagged for cancellation based on the number of declines received from the authorization service. You can set up the maximum number of declines in two ways:

  • vendor response code: Specify the maximum number of attempts for an individual vendor response code. For example, a vendor response code that indicates credit card fraud might trigger cancellation after one authorization attempt; a vendor response code that indicates insufficient credit limit might trigger order cancellation after four or more attempts. Some response codes might be set up to attempt authorization an unlimited number of times, and never trigger a cancellation.
  • system control value: The Maximum Number of Retries on Credit Card Orders (E74) system control value specifies the number of times to attempt reauthorization across all vendor responses. Overrides the limits you set up for individual response codes; in other words, if you specify you will attempt authorization 15 times for a vendor response code, but the system control value is set to 10, the system will not exceed 10 attempts.

The counter for authorization attempts is reset when you receive an authorization.

Example: An order:

  • fails authorization three times
  • is authorized
  • you make a partial shipment
  • the order fails authorization again

This last decline counts as response number one.

What happens when an order is flagged for cancellation? The system creates a record in the Backorder Cancellation Pending table (BOCANP). These records are assigned a type of C, to distinguish them from orders flagged for cancellation due to a backorder. In addition, the system writes:

  • an Order History message, which you can review in standard or streamlined order inquiry by selecting Messages; see Display Order History Screen
  • a cancel date on the order detail line, which you can review in standard order inquiry by selecting Display for an item or in streamlined order inquiry by selecting the Detail option; see Reviewing Order Details.

If an order is flagged for cancellation but is not on hold, it will still be submitted for authorization.

Once an order is flagged for cancellation, you cannot exclude it when you cancel credit cards. Deleting the cancel date on the order detail line will not prevent the order from being canceled by this function. The system cancels every order flagged with a C in the Backorder Cancellation Pending table, and there is no visibility into this table through a Order Administration menu option.

What happens when you cancel orders? You can use the Work with Credit Card Cancellations menu option to cancel all orders flagged for cancellation due to credit card decline, or you can select all orders within a given range of cancel dates. The system:

  • Cancels each flagged order, using the cancel reason specified for the vendor response code that triggered the cancellation. If the order is cancelled because it exceeded the maximum number of declines defined in the System Control table, the system uses the cancel reason code for the most recent vendor response that has a cancel reason code assigned. If none of the responses in the order's authorization history is assigned a cancel reason code, the system uses the default cancel reason defined in the  Auto Soldout Cancel Reason (C20) system control value.
  • Produces the Credit Card Order Cancellation List.
  • Writes an order line history message for all canceled items (available by selecting Message for the item in standard or streamlined order inquiry) specifying the quantity canceled and the cancel reason code.
  • Removes any pick slip preparation that has been applied to the order; see Preparing Orders for Pick Slip Generation.


If the cancel reason code set up to reduce demand, the order status after cancellation will be X; otherwise, the order status after cancellation will be C.

Cancellation email: The system generates an order cancellation email or to the customer if:

For more information, see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

If there have been any shipments on the order, the system generates the order line cancellation email even if all the remaining order lines are now canceled.

See the Order Cancellation Confirmation Email Sample and Contents and the Order Line Cancellation Confirmation Email Sample and Contents for more information.

Stored value card authorization reversal: If a stored value card payment with an open, unused authorization amount exists on the order, the system also generates a stored value card authorization reversal; see Stored Value Card Authorization Reversal.

Periodic function: You can also set up credit card cancellations to run as part of your periodic processing, using function BOR0029. In this case, you would not be able to specify a range of dates; all flagged orders would be canceled.

Cancellation email: The system generates an order or order line cancellation email to the customer if:

See the Order Cancellation Confirmation Email Sample and Contents and the Order Line Cancellation Confirmation Email Sample and Contents for more information.

What happens if the order includes a membership item? If you use this menu option to cancel an order that includes a membership item, the order cancellation process does not automatically cancel the customer membership created by the membership item. You need to use Working with Customer Memberships (WWCM) in order to cancel the customer membership. See Membership Overview for background on customer memberships.

For more information:

Cancel Credit Card Order Cancellation Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WCCC in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or by selecting Work with Credit Card Cancellations from a menu.

Field Description
Beginning date

The earliest cancel date to include when selecting credit card orders for cancellation. You cannot enter a beginning date without also entering an ending date.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); optional.

Ending date

The latest cancel date to include when selecting credit card orders for cancellation. You cannot enter an ending date without also entering a beginning date.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); optional.


  • Optionally, complete the beginning and ending dates.
  • Select OK. The system validates your entries and highlights any field you need to correct. Correct any fields and select OK again.
  • Select Accept.
  • If you have entered a range of dates, the system submits the job CC_CANCELS.
  • If you have not entered a range of dates, the system displays the Confirm Cancellation of Orders window. At this window, select OK to confirm that you want to cancel all credit card orders flagged for cancellation; otherwise, select Exit to cancel.

The CC_CANCELS job cancels each order flagged for cancellation using the cancel reason code associated with the vendor response code received from the vendor. This job also generates the Credit Card Order Cancellation List.