Entering Set Information (WSET)

Purpose: Use the Work with Sets function to indicate which component items make up a set. A set is a group of two or more items that you sell together as a unit, usually at a reduced price. The items that make up a set are often referred to as components. You can also offer these components individually.

The system identifies a set item by the setting of S in the Kit type field. When the Order Entry operator enters the set item, a line is added to the order for each component of the set. The set item itself is a non-inventory item. All inventory is kept at the component level.

The system tracks Unit Demand (Units Order) at both the component item level and set level, and Dollar Demand at the set level only. For example, a set is made up of 3 combs and 2 brushes. Someone orders the comb/brush set for $15.00. Units ordered for the comb/brush set increases by 1, units ordered for brushes increase by 2, and units ordered for combs increase by 3. Dollars ordered for the set item only increases by $15.00. Dollars orders for the component items increase only when you sell them as separate items.

Making sure the set ships together: You must make sure to coordinate group the components of the set; otherwise, it is possible for the main set item to print and bill even if there is not a sufficient quantity of the component items. Also, a set may split into several picks based on the warehouse, ship via, or location class assigned to the main set item and its components; see Splitting an Order Across Multiple Picks for a complete list of when the items on an order may split into several picks. Example: If the component items are assigned to location class B and the main set item is not, the main set item prints on a separate pick slip from the components.

Print set separately? If the main set item or its component items are flagged as ship alone items, a separate pick slip prints for each item included in the set with the message **Other Items Shipped Separately**. However, the system will include the main set item with one of the component items that is assigned to the same ship via in order to avoid printing the main set item on its own pick slip. If the main set item or its component items are not flagged to ship alone, the main set item and components are eligible to print on the same pick slip as the other items.

If set is on hold: If the main set item is on hold, the system does not perform pick slip preparation or produce a pick slip for the set and its components, regardless of whether the components of the set are coordinate grouped, until the main set item is released from hold. If another item on the order prints on a pick slip, the set and its components are listed as backordered on the pick slip.

If a component of the set is on hold:

  • The system does not perform pick slip preparation or produce a pick slip for the set and its components if the components of the set are coordinate grouped. If another item on the order prints on a pick slip, the set and its components are listed as backordered on the pick slip.
  • If the components of the set are not coordinate grouped, the system performs pick slip preparation and generates a pick slip for the main set item and the components that are not on hold. The component that is on hold is listed as backordered on the pick slip.

Secured feature: The Set Component Maintenance (J01) secured feature controls the ability to change, cancel, delete, or sell out a set component item in order entry and order maintenance. See that secured feature for more information.


  • Component items(s):
  • If the Sell Out Set if Component is Sold Out (I05) system control value is selected: When any of the component items on a set are sold out based on the assigned soldout control code and the current inventory situation, the main set item and each of the component items are added to the order in a soldout status (S). For example, if the set includes five items, and one of the items is assigned a soldout control code indicating to sell the item out immediately, the main set item and all of the component items will be added to the order in a soldout status.
  • If this system control value is unselected: In the example described above, just the sold out component item is added to the order in a soldout status.
  • Main set item: If the main set item itself is assigned any soldout control code, the main set item and each of the component items are added to the order in a soldout status (S).

See Working with Soldout Controls (WSLD) for a discussion on how soldout controls indicate when an item is sold out.


When one or more of the set’s components are backordered (that is, they are unavailable, but no soldout control code has been assigned to them) the system will not perform pick slip preparation or generate a pick slip for the set item if the components are coordinate grouped.

Set component upload: You can use the set component upload option to create the set header and set components. See Importing Set Components (WCUP) for information.

Cannot add accompanying item with set: The system does not add an accompanying item to the order if it is associated with a set item.

In this topic:

Work with Sets Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WSET in the Fast Path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Sets from a menu.

Field Description

The set item code.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.

Clr Size Wdth

The SKU elements. Scanning on these fields is not currently implemented.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; optional.


The description of the set item.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional

Screen Option Procedure

Create a set

Select Create to advance to the Create Set Screen.

Delete a set

Select Delete for a set item to delete it. Deleting a set does not delete the set item or components, just the association (link) between the two.

Work with set component items

Select Work with for a set item to advance to the Work with Set Component Items Screen.

Create Set Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a set item.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Sets Screen, select Create.

Field Description
Set item

A set item/SKU. The set item/SKU is made up of two separate fields. The first part is the item code, which represents a unit of inventory. The second part is the SKU code, which represents the special characteristics of an item, such as color, size, width, etc.

The item code you enter must have an S in the Kit type field.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions (item), three 4-position fields (SKU); required.

Completing this screen: Enter the item number to advance to the Work with Set Component Items Screen.

Work with Set Component Items Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to add, change, delete, or display component items that make up a set (as defined by an S in the Kit Type field in the Item table).

How to display this screen:

Field Description

A component item of the set. Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table. You can define finished goods as component items; however, you cannot define other sets or variable sets as components.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.


The SKU elements that define the item.


If the item has SKUs, you must specify the specific SKU elements here. You do not have an opportunity in Order Entry to specify a component item's SKU.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; required if item has SKUs.


The number of units of this item to include in one set.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

Cost % (Cost percentage)

The percentage of the set's cost that this item comprises. The total cost of all components must equal 100%.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

CG (Coordinate group)

A number that you can assign to components in a set to ensure that they will ship together. You should assign the same coordinate group number to all components of a set to ensure that they ship together. This coordinate group number will display in the order detail line in Order Entry.


You must make sure to coordinate group the components of the set; otherwise, it is possible for the main set item to print and bill even if there is not a sufficient quantity of the component items.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The total quantity available for the component item.


If you advanced to this screen from the Display Item/Warehouse Information Screen, the available quantity reflects the selected warehouse only; otherwise, the quantity reflects all allocatable warehouses.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

To add components:

  1. Complete each required field for a component item and, optionally, the Coordinate group field.
  2. Select OK to add the new component item information and display it in the middle area of the screen.
  3. Continue with the above steps until you have defined all components of the set.
  4. Select Accept to accept the components. The system validates that the total cost percentage for all component items equals 100%. Correct any item's cost percentage, if necessary, by selecting Change for it to advance to the Change Set Component Item screen. Select Accept again when you are done.
Screen Option Procedure

Accept a set

Select Accept to accept the set information.

Change a component item

Select Change for a component item to advance to the Change Set Component Item Screen. See above for field descriptions.

Delete a component item

Select Delete for an item to delete it as a component of the set.

Display a component item

Select Display for an item to advance to the Display Set Component Item Screen. See above for field descriptions.