Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS)

Purpose: Use streamlined pick slip generation to:

  • Create and work with pick slip generation templates that determine the pre-generated picks to select for pick slip generation.
  • To advance to the Display Operations Control Summary Screen.
  • Generate pick slips for a selected pick slip generation template.

Pick slip generation options: Pick slip generation options define the criteria to use when selecting pre-generated picks for pick slip generation. You can select pre-generated picks for generation based on a specified:

  • warehouse
  • source category
  • ship via
  • pay type
  • item
  • status (H Generated Has Authorization status)
  • order
  • line of business
  • location class
  • arrival date range
  • sold to customer
  • state
  • postal code range
  • number of pick lines

In addition, you can select pre-generated picks for generation based on whether the associated order is flagged as a gift order, the pick contains a single line, or an item on the pick contains a special handling code, requires gift wrapping, or is flagged as oversized.

Generating pick slips: The system uses the pick slip generation options, system control values, and order information to create the pick slip. When you select Generate Picks for a pick slip generation template, the system submits a batch job (PICK_GEN) to perform batch authorization, allocate stock, sort the pick slips, and print the picking documents. See Performing Pick Slip Generation for an overview and processing details.

Bypass printable pick slips? You can expedite the pick slip generation process even further by omitting the generation of printable pick slips. To do so, select the Bypass Creation of Pick Forms during WSPS Pick Generation (K55) system control value. For example, you might select this option if you use the Generic Pick Out API to communicate with your warehouse management system and do not need to print pick slips. For more information see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1). Also see the Bypass Creation of Pick Forms during WSPS Pick Generation (K55) system control value for a discussion of the differences in processing and print output when you omit printable pick slip generation.

Scheduling pick slip generation: You can schedule when pick slip generation runs for a particular pick slip generation template using a periodic function whose Program name is PFR0107 and whose Parameter matches the pick slip generation template’s Description. See Scheduling Pick Slip Generation for instructions.

Picks not included? If you run pick slip generation and the system does not include the picks you were expecting, you can use Pick Print Eligibility (WPPE) to determine the reason why the picks for an order were not included.

About Zones

The term Zone is used in three specific contexts in pick generation:

  • UPS or Parcel Post Shipping zones: These shippers have divided the country into zones, which are used to determine shipping charges. UPS and Parcel Post shipping zones are defined in and validated against the SCF Ship Via table. See Working with SCF/Ship Via Values (WSHV).
  • Geographic zones: Geographic zones are regions of the country which relate to weather conditions. Geographic zones are used in zone reservation processing to control shipping dates for weather-sensitive (zone reservation coded) inventory such as plant stock. Geographic zones are defined in and validated against the Geographic Zone table. See Shipping Zone Reservation Overview.
  • Warehouse zones: A warehouse zone is the major subdivision within a warehouse. Typically, a warehouse location is identified by zone, aisle, shelf and bin. For example, the location A010203 typically indicates Zone A, Aisle 01, Shelf 02, and Bin 03. Warehouse zone is a criterion for sorting pick slips as they are printed. In addition, you can specify warehouse zones and/or a range of aisles for replenishing your pickable locations. See Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC).

For more information: See Preparing Orders for Pick Slip Generation and Performing Pick Slip Generation.

In this topic:

Work with Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the streamlined pick slip generation options in your company, to create or change an option, and to generate pick slips or the Pick Message from Order Administration (CWPickOut).

For more information see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

How to display this screen: Select Work with Streamlined Pick Slip Generation from a menu or enter WSPS in the Fast path field at the top of any menu.

Pick slip generation option description: The only field displayed on this screen is the Description of the pick slip generation option. This is a 50-position, alphanumeric field. You can edit the description at the Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen.

Screen Option Procedure

Create a new pick slip generation option

Select Create to advance to the Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen, where you can create a new pick slip generation template.

Delete a pick slip generation option

Select Delete for a pick slip generation template to delete it.


When you delete a pick slip generation template, the system does not delete its associated periodic function used to schedule when pick slip generation runs for the template; you must use Working with Periodic Functions (WPER) to delete the periodic function. See Scheduling Pick Slip Generation for more information.

Review or change a pick slip generation option

Select Options for a pick slip generation template to advance to the Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen, where you can review the current settings and change them if needed.

Generate pick slips

Select Gen Picks for a pick slip generation template to submit the PICK_GEN job. By default, this job is submitted to the PICKGEN job queue at the Job Management Screen rather than the QBATCH job queue.


In order to avoid errors during pick slip generation, DO NOT route the PICK_GEN job away from the PICKGEN job queue. The PICKGEN job queue processes one job at a time. If a PICKGEN job is running and another job is submitted, the job remains in a RDY status until the PICKGEN job queue is available to process it.

Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a new streamlined pick slip generation template, or to review or modify an existing template.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen to create a new option, or select Options at that screen for an existing option.

Field Description


A description of the pick slip generation option.

Scheduling pick slip generation: The system automatically creates a periodic function for the pick slip generation template if you select the Create Periodic Function flag and the template’s Description is 7 characters or less.


The Description must be 7 characters or less because the maximum length for the periodic function name is 7 positions. Also, in order to create a periodic function for the template, the description cannot contain a single quote (’). See Scheduling Pick Slip Generation for further instructions.

If you use multiple companies: If you create a periodic function for a pick slip generation template and you use more than one company, you must make sure the Description for each pick slip generation template is unique across companies.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; display-only if a periodic function for the pick slip generation template exists, otherwise, required.

Max # of picks

The maximum number of picks to pick. This is the number of pre-generated picks (picks in a G Generated No Authorization or H Generated Has Authorization status) in the Pick Control Header table to select for pick slip generation.

0 = No limit.

If you enter a number in this field, the system selects pre-generated picks, starting with the lowest order number.


If an order is split into multiple picks, the system may select some of the pick for the order for generation and leave the others for another pick slip generation run. See Splitting an Order Across Multiple Picks.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Gift orders only

Allows you to select pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on the setting of the Gift order field for the Order Ship To (displayed on the Display Order Properties Screen in Order Inquiry).

  • selected = The system prints pick slips for orders whose Gift order field is selected.
  • unselected = The system prints pick slips for gift and non-gift orders.

Selected warehouses

Allows you to select pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on selected warehouse(s).

  • selected = You advance to the Select Warehouse for Pick Slip Screen, where you can select warehouses for pick slip generation. The system performs pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain the specified warehouse(s).
  • unselected = The system prints pick slips for all valid warehouses.

Selected source categories

Allows you to select pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on selected source categories.

  • selected = You advance to the Select Source Categories for Pick Slip Screen, where you can select source categories for pick slip generation. The system performs pick slip generation for pre-generated picks whose source code at the order header level is associated with a source code category selected for pick slip generation. If a pre-generated pick includes items that are not associated with the selected source category, the system includes these items on the printed pick slip.
  • unselected = The system prints pick slips for all valid source code categories.

Selected shippers

Allows you to select pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on selected ship vias.

  • selected = You advance to the Select Shipper for Pick Slip Screen, where you can select ship vias for pick slip generation. The system performs pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain the specified ship via(s).
  • unselected = The system prints picks for all valid ship vias.

Selected payment types

Allows you to select pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on selected pay types.

  • selected = You advance to the Select Pay Type for Pick Slip Screen, where you can select pay types for pick slip generation. The system performs pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain the specified pay type(s).
  • unselected = The system prints pick slips for all valid pay types.

Selected/excluded items

Allows you to select pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on selected items.

  • selected = You advance to the Select Items for Pick Slip Screen, where you can select to include or exclude items for pick slip generation.
    • For items to include, the system performs pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain the specified item(s). If a pre-generated pick includes other items, the system includes these items on the printed pick slip as well.
    • For items to exclude, the system does not perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain the specified item(s). If a pre-generated pick includes other items, the system excludes these items from printing until the item that is flagged to exclude has been removed from the pre-generated pick.
  • unselected = The system prints pick slips for all valid items.

Preauthorized orders only

Allows you to select pre-generated picks for pick slip generation that are in an H Generated Has Authorization status.

Valid values:

  • selected = The system performs pick slip generation for pre-generated picks in an H Generated Has Authorization status.


    When Selecting Pre-Generated Picks for Pick Slip Generation, the system looks at Authorization History to determine if any picks in an H Generated Has Authorization status are associated with an expired authorization, and if so, the system changes the status of the pick to G Generated No Authorization.
  • unselected (default) = The system does not consider the status of the pre-generated pick when generating pick slips, and sends credit cards up for authorization during pick slip generation if they have not already received an authorization response; see Authorizations During Pick Slip Generation.


If Preauthorized orders only is unselected, the system does not generate pick slips for orders that contain a credit card payment method if the authorization service defined for the pay type is set up as online authorization only (the Batch/online field is set to I).

See Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations for an overview of the online credit card authorization process.

Selected orders

Allows you to select up to 100 individual orders for pick slip generation.

  • selected = You advance to the Select Orders for Pick Slip Screen, where you can select orders for pick slip generation. The system performs pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that are associated with the specified order(s).
  • unselected = The system prints pick slips for all valid orders.

Selected lines of business

Allows you to select pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on selected lines of business.

  • selected = You advance to the Select Lines of Business for Pick Slip Screen, where you can select lines of business for pick slip generation. The system performs pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that are associated with the specified line(s) of business.
  • unselected (default) = The system prints pick slips for all lines of business.

Selected location classes

Allows you to select pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on selected location classes.

  • selected = You advance to the Select Location Class for Pick Slip Screen, where you can select location classes for pick slip generation. The system performs pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain an item associated with the specified location class.
  • unselected = The system prints pick slips for all valid location classes.

Excluded postal codes

Allows you to exclude specified postal codes from pick slip generation.

  • selected = You advance to the Select Postal Codes to be Excluded Screen, where you can specify the postal codes you wish to exclude from pick slip generation.


    • If you define a Postal code range and also exclude specific postal codes within that range, the system includes all orders that are being shipped to the postal code range minus the specified postal codes that are excluded. For example, if you enter a postal code range of 01701 - 01999 and then exclude 01801 and 01581, the system would exclude 01801 from the postal code range. Postal code 01581 would be excluded regardless since it is outside the specified postal code range.
    • If you exclude a "zip plus 4" postal code, only postal codes that specify the extra 4 digits are excluded; for example, if you exclude 01468-1556, only postal code 01468-1556 is excluded and any postal code that does not specify the extra 4 digits is not excluded. If you exclude a postal code and do not specify the extra 4 digits, then that postal code, regardless of the extra 4 digits is excluded.
  • unselected = The system prints pick slips for all valid postal codes.

Arrival date range

Allows you to select pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on a specified arrival date range.

The arrival date is the date when the customer wants to receive the order. To determine the arrival dates to include, the system uses the following calculation:

Arrival Date from Order Ship To - (Pick Processing Days (B37) + Ship Via Lead Days in WSHV) < or = Today's Date

The system generates pick slips if the system-calculated date on the pre-generated pick is equal to or earlier than today's date; otherwise, the system holds printing the picks until the date is within the allotted time frame (the arrival date range).

The starting (first) date you enter must be earlier than the ending (second) date). Also, an ending date is required if you enter a starting date; however, the starting date is always optional.


The system selects pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on the arrival date defined for the order ship to; the system does not look at the arrival date defined for an order line.

Numeric, two 6-position fields; optional.

Override all orders to via

Allows you to supersede the ship via code on the pick and to ship all orders via the designated shipper whose code you enter here.

Ship Via codes are defined in and validated against the Ship Via table.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Pick message code

A code that represents the pick slip message. See Working with Pick Slip Messages (WPSM).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Pick message text

The text of the message. This free-form message will print on each pick slip. See Working with Pick Slip Messages (WPSM).

Alphanumeric, 50 positions (each line); display-only.

Selected sold-to customers

Allows you to select pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on selected sold-to customers.

  • selected = You advance to the Select Customers for Pick Slip Screen, where you can select sold to customers for pick slip generation. The system performs pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain the specified sold to customer.
  • unselected = The system prints pick slips for all valid sold-to customers.

Selected states

Allows you to select pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on selected or excluded states.

  • selected = You advance to the Select State for Pick Slip Screen, where you can select states to include or exclude for pick slip generation.
  • unselected = The system prints pick slips for all states.

Special Handling

Allows you to select pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on the presence of a special handling code for an item.

  • Include = Generate pick slips for pre-generated picks regardless of the presence of a special handling code for an item.
  • Only = Generate pick slips for pre-generated picks that contain an item that requires special handling. If the pre-generated pick contains other items that do not require special handling, the system includes these items on the printed pick slip.
  • Exclude = Generate pick slips for pre-generated picks that do not contain an item that requires special handling.


If the Split Special Handling Picks (L44) system control value is selected, the system creates a separate pre-generated pick for items on an order that contain a special handling code; otherwise, pre-generated picks contain items with and without special handling. See this system control value for examples.

Single line picks only

Allows you to select pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on the number of pick control detail records.

  • selected = Generate pick slips for pre-generated picks that have only one pick control detail. If you select this option, you cannot use the Picks with...X lines or less/more option.
  • unselected = Generate pick slips for pre-generated picks regardless of the number of pick control details.

Gift wrap picks only

Allows you to select pre-generated picks for pick slip generation that contain an item that requires gift wrap (the Gift wrap field for one or more of the items on the pre-generated pick is selected).

  • selected = Generate pick slips only for pre-generated picks that contain a gift wrap item. If the pre-generated pick contains other items that do not require gift wrap, the system includes these items on the printed pick slip.
  • unselected = Generate pick slips for pre-generated picks regardless of whether a gift wrap item is on the pre-generated pick.

Bulk picks only

Allows you to select pre-generated picks for pick slip generation that contain a bulk item (the Oversized field for the one or more of the items on the pre-generated pick is selected).

  • selected = Generate pick slips only for pre-generated picks that contain a bulk item. If the pre-generated pick contains other items that are not flagged as oversized, the system includes these items on the printed pick slip.
  • unselected = Generate pick slips for pre-generated picks regardless of whether a bulk item is on the pre-generated pick.

Postal code range

Allows you to select pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on a specified range of zip codes (up to 10 positions, including numbers and letters).

The From postal code cannot be greater than the To postal code. Letters are considered lower than numbers.

  • If you enter a 5 digit postal code, the system includes any 9 digit postal codes that fall within the range; for example, if you enter 01701 to 01901, the system includes pre-generated picks that contain zip code 01880-9999.
  • If you enter a 9 digit postal code, such as 01468-0000 to 01469-0000, the system does not include pre-generated picks that contain zip code 01468 since this zip code is less than 01468-0000. To include 01468 in the postal code range, you must define the range as 01468-01469.
  • If you define a postal code range and also Excluded postal codes within that range, the system includes all orders that are being shipped to the postal code range minus the specified postal codes that are excluded. For example, if you enter a postal code range of 01701 - 01999 and then exclude 01801 and 01581, the system would exclude 01801 from the postal code range. Postal code 01581 would be excluded regardless since it is outside the specified postal code range.

Postal codes are defined in and validated against the Postal Code table (WZIP); however, your entries in this field are not validated.

Numeric, 10 positions; optional.

Create Periodic Function

Defines whether a periodic function for the pick slip generation template exists so that you can schedule when pick slip generation runs for this template.

  • selected = A periodic function exists for the pick slip generation template. The system selects this flag if a periodic function exists whose Function name and Parameter is an exact match to the Description of the pick slip generation template.
  • unselected = A periodic function does not exist for the pick slip generation template.
The system automatically creates a periodic function for the pick slip generation template if you select the Create Periodic Function flag and the template’s Description is 7 characters or less.


The Description must be 7 characters or less because the maximum length for the periodic function name is 7 positions. Also, in order to create a periodic function for the template, the description cannot contain a single quote (’). See Scheduling Pick Slip Generation for further instructions.


This flag is display-only if a periodic function for the pick slip generation template already exists.

If you use multiple companies: If you create a periodic function for a pick slip generation template and you use more than one company, you must make sure the Description for each pick slip generation template is unique across companies.

Picks with...X lines or less/more

Allows you to select pre-generated picks for pick slip generation that contain a specified number of pick lines. You can select to generate picks with X number of pick lines or less or X number of pick lines or more.

To generate: Enter the number of pick lines for the picks you wish to include in the pick slip generation run.

  • Select lines or less to include only picks that contain the specified number of pick lines or less. Example: If you enter 5 and select lines or less, the system includes picks that contain 5 pick lines or less.
  • Select lines or more to include only picks that contain the specified number of pick lines or more. Example: If you enter 5 and select lines or more, the system includes picks that contain 5 pick lines or more.

If you use this option, the Single line picks only option must be unselected.

Leave the Picks with number blank to generate pick slips for pre-generated picks regardless of the number of pick lines on the pre-generated pick.

The system uses the Pick Control Detail table to determine the number of lines associated with a pick. See:


Generating picks based on a specified number of pick lines does not guarantee that the pick will print on a specified number of pages. For example, line messages, special handling, gift wrap, and item comments can affect the number of lines that print on a single page of a pick form; see Pick Slip for more information on its contents.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Select this field... To display the...

Selected warehouses

Select Warehouse for Pick Slip Screen.

Selected source categories

Select Source Categories for Pick Slip Screen.

Selected shippers

Select Shipper for Pick Slip Screen.

Selected payment types

Select Pay Type for Pick Slip Screen.

Selected/Excluded items

Select Items for Pick Slip Screen.

Selected orders

Select Orders for Pick Slip Screen.

Selected line of business

Select Lines of Business for Pick Slip Screen

Selected location class

Select Location Class for Pick Slip Screen

Excluded postal codes

Select Postal Codes to be Excluded

Selected sold to customers

Select Customers for Pick Slip Screen

Selected states

Select State for Pick Slip Screen

Screen Option Procedure

Review operations control summary information

Select Dsp Flash Rpt to advance to the flash report screens. See Reviewing Operations Control Summary (FLSH).

Review and change existing selection criteria

Select Review to review the options currently selected at the Streamlined Pick Generation screen and to make any changes. If multiple criteria are selected at the Streamlined Pick Generation screen, you advance to the related screen for each selected criterion.

Set selection criteria for this pick slip generation option

Select each desired criterion as described above, and click OK to advance to the related selection screen(s).

Accept your selections

Select Accept to save your selections and return to the Work with Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen.

If you selected the Create Periodic Function flag, the system creates a periodic function for the pick slip generation template that you can use to schedule when pick slip generation runs for the template; see Scheduling Pick Slip Generation for more information.

Exit the screen without making changes

Select Exit.

Select Warehouse for Pick Slip Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain the selected warehouses.

How to display this screen: Select the Selected warehouses field on the Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen.

Field Description

Whs (Warehouse)

A code that represents a warehouse.

Warehouses are defined and validated against the Warehouse table (WWHS); see Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The description of the warehouse.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Orders avail (Orders available)

The number of orders available for pick slips. Not currently implemented.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Sel (Selected)

Defines whether the system selects pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on warehouse.

  • Yes = Perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain this warehouse.
  • No = Do not perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain this warehouse.

Screen Option Procedure

Select a single warehouse

Select a warehouse to select it for pick generation. The system selects the Sel field.

Cancel a warehouse selection

Select Cancel for a warehouse to cancel the selection. The system unselects the Sel field.

Select all warehouses

Select Select All. The system selects the Sel field for all warehouses.

Select Source Categories for Pick Slip Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks associated with the selected source category.


  • The system selects pre-generated picks whose source code at the order header level is associated with a source code category selected for pick slip generation.
  • If a pre-generated pick includes other items that are not associated with the selected source categories, the system includes these items on the printed pick slip.

How to display this screen: Select the Selected source categories field at the Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen.

Field Description

Src (Source code category)

A category assigned to a group of source codes. Source code categories are assigned in the Source Code table and defined in and validated against the Source Code Category table. See Generating Forecasting Reports.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.


The description associated with the source code category.

Alphanumeric, 40 characters; display-only.

Sel (Selected)

Defines whether the system selects pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on source category.

  • Yes = Perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain this source category.
  • No = Do not perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain this source category.

Screen Option Procedure

Select a single source code category

Select a source code category. The system selects the Sel field.

Cancel a source code category selection

Select Cancel for a source code category to cancel the selection. The system does not select the Sel field.

Select all source code categories

Select Select All. The system selects the Sel field for all pay types.

Select Shipper for Pick Slip Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain the selected ship via. This screen displays a list of ship via codes that are available for selection.

How to display this screen: Select the Selected shippers field on the Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen.

Field Description

Via (Ship via)

A code that represents the carrier for the pre-generated pick.

Ship via codes are defined in and validated against the Ship Via table; see Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.


The description of the shipper.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Via pty (Ship via priority)

The ship via priority assigned to this ship via. Ship via priority controls how the system allocates inventory to backorders and sorts pick slips. Ship via priority ranges from 0 - 9 where 0 is the lowest priority and 9 is the highest priority.

Numeric, 1 position; optional.

Sel (Selected)

Defines whether the system selects pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on ship via.

  • Yes = Perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain this ship via.
  • No = Do not perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain this ship via.

Screen Option Procedure

Select a single ship via

Select a shipper to select it. The system selects the Sel field.

Cancel a ship via selection

Select Cancel for a shipper to cancel the selection. The system does not select the Sel field.

Select all ship vias

Select Select All. The system selects the Sel field for all shippers.

Select Pay Type for Pick Slip Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain the specified pay type.

How to display this screen: Select the Selected payment types field on the Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen.

Field Description

Pay type

A user-defined code that represents the method of payment on the order. Each payment type must conform to one of the following categories:

  • Cash/check
  • Credit card

Pay types are defined in and validated against the Pay Type table. See Working with Pay Types (WPAY).

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.


The description of the payment type.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Orders avail (Orders available)

The quantity of orders that are available to pick. Not currently implemented.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Sel (Selected)

Defines whether the system selects pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on pay type.

  • Yes = Perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain this pay type.
  • No = Do not perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain this pay type.

Screen Option Procedure

Select a single payment type

Select a payment. The system selects the Sel field.

Cancel a payment type selection

Select Cancel for a payment type to cancel the selection. The system does not select the Sel field.

Select all pay types

Select Select All. The system selects the Sel field for all pay types.

Select Items for Pick Slip Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to include or exclude specified items during pick slip generation.

  • For items to include, the system performs pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain the specified item(s). If a pre-generated pick includes other items, the system includes these items on the printed pick slip as well.
  • For items to exclude, the system does not perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain the specified item(s). If a pre-generated pick includes other items, the system excludes these items from printing until the item that is flagged to exclude has been removed from the pre-generated pick.


You can specify up to 500 items at this screen. Although the system does not display an error message, it does not accept more than 500 items.

How to display this screen: Select the Selected/Excluded Items field at the Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen.

Field Description

Item to... Include/Exclude

Defines whether you wish to include or exclude the specified items during pick slip generation.

  • Include = the system performs pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain the specified item(s). If a pre-generated pick includes other items, the system includes these items on the printed pick slip as well.
  • Exclude = the system does not perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain the specified item(s). If a pre-generated pick includes other items, the system excludes these items from printing until the item that is flagged to exclude has been removed from the pre-generated pick.


A code that represents an item. You can specify up to 500 items at this screen. Although the system does not display an error message, it does not accept more than 500 items.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The SKU code that further identifies the item. The three elements are defined in the System Control table and validated against the SKU Element (1, 2, 3) tables. If you do not define a SKU for a SKUed item, all SKUs for the item are either included or excluded during pick slip generation, based on the setting of the Item to... Include/Exclude field.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; optional.


A description of the item.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Ord avail (Orders available)

The quantity of the item that is available to sell. Not currently implemented.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Screen Option Procedure

Define items to include or exclude from pick slip generation

Select Add or Change to enter items you wish to include or exclude from pick slip generation. Use the Item to... Include/Exclude field to select whether you wish to Include or Exclude the specified item(s).Select OK to save your changes.

Delete an item from the list

Select Delete for an item to advance to the Confirm Delete window; at this window, select Delete to remove it from the list; otherwise, select Exit to cancel.

Select Orders for Pick Slip Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks associated with the specified order. You can specify up to 100 orders at a time.

A message indicates if an order you enter is on hold:

Order (14) is not open. Cannot be selected for Pick Slip.

You can release orders from hold through Release Held Orders. See Selecting Held Orders (ERHO).

How to display this screen: Select the Selected Orders field at the Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen.

Field Description

Order #

A unique number assigned by the system to identify an order.

An error message similar to the following indicates if the order is on hold:

Order (14) is not open. Cannot be selected for Pick Slip.

You can release orders from hold through Release Held Orders. See Selecting Held Orders (ERHO).

Maximum number of orders: You can select up to 100 orders at a time for pick slip generation. If you attempt to enter more than 100 orders, the system displays an error message such as:

The number of orders selected (121) exceeds the maximum allowed (100).

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.


The name of the customer who placed the order. Customer names are defined in and validated against the Customer Sold-to table.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions (first name), 1 position (initial), 25 positions (last name); display-only.

Screen Option Procedure

Add orders

Select Add.

Change selected orders

Select Change. The system displays the orders that you previously entered so that you can review your entries.


You cannot change an order number if you are in change mode. You must delete the order and then return to “add” mode and re-enter the order. The system displays a message if you attempt to enter a duplicate order number.

Select Lines of Business for Pick Slip Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks associated with the selected lines of business.

The system automatically assigns an order to a line of business in order entry or order maintenance if the order meets the requirements for a specific line of business assignment. See Working with Lines of Business (WLOB).

How to display this screen: Select the Selected lines of business field at the Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen.

Field Description

Lines selected

The number of lines of business selected to print pick slips. Updated whenever you select or deselect a line of business.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

LOB code

A code used to identify a line of business. Line of business codes are defined in and validated against the Line of Business table.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


A description of the line of business.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; optional.


Defines whether the system selects pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on line of business.

  • Yes = Perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks associated with this line of business.
  • No = Do not perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks associated with this line of business.

Maximum (Maximum line count)

The maximum number of lines of business you can select to print pick slips. You can select up to 100 lines of business.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Screen Option Procedure

Select a line of business

Select the line of business. The system updates the Selected field to selected.

Deselect a line of business

Select Cancel for the line of business to deselect it. The system updates the Selected field to unselected.

Select all lines of business

Select Select All. The system updates the Selected field for all lines of business to selected.

Select Location Class for Pick Slip Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain an item associated with the selected location class.

Location classes represent a warehouse location, such as caged area or fragile area. Items, SKUs, and locations can be assigned location classes; however, this pick slip option evaluates the location class assigned to an item at the item level only.

You can assign a location class:

Splitting an order by location class: Order Management System uses the location class defined at the item level to determine if an order should split into several picks; see Splitting an Order Across Multiple Picks.

How to display this screen: Select the Selected Location Classes field at the Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen.

Field Description

Loc class (Location class

A code that represents a location type, such as caged area or fragile area. Location classes are defined in and validated against the Location Class table; see Creating and Maintaining Location Classes (WLCL).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.


The description of the location class.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Orders avail (Orders available

The quantity of orders that are available to pick. Not currently implemented.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Sel (Selected)

Defines whether the system selects pre-generated picks for pick slip generation based on location class.

  • Yes = Perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain an item associated with this location class.
  • No = Do not perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that contain an item associated with this location class.

Screen Option Procedure

Select a single location class

Select a location class to select it. The system selects the Sel field.

Cancel a location class selection

Select Cancel for a location class to cancel the selection. The system does not select the Sel field.

Select all location classes

Select Select All. The system selects the Sel field for all location classes.

Select Postal Codes to be Excluded Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to exclude specified postal codes from pick slip generation.

How to display this screen: Select the Excluded postal codes field at the Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen.

Field Description

Postal code

A postal code you wish to exclude from pick slip generation.

  • If you define a Postal code range and also exclude specific postal codes within that range, the system includes all orders that are being shipped to the postal code range minus the specified postal codes that are excluded. For example, if you enter a postal code range of 01701 - 01999 and then exclude 01801 and 01581, the system would exclude 01801 from the postal code range. Postal code 01581 would be excluded regardless since it is outside the specified postal code range.
  • If you exclude a "zip plus 4" postal code, only postal codes that specify the extra 4 digits are excluded; for example, if you exclude 01468-1556, only postal code 01468-1556 is excluded and any postal code that does not specify the extra 4 digits is not excluded. If you exclude a postal code and do not specify the extra 4 digits, then that postal code, regardless of the extra 4 digits is excluded.

Postal codes are defined in and validated against the Postal Code table (WZIP); however, your entries in this field are not validated.

Numeric, 10 positions; optional.

Screen Option Procedure

Exclude a postal code

Select Add or Change to enter postal codes you wish to exclude from pick slip generation. Select OK to save your changes.

Delete a postal code from the exclusion list

Select Delete for a postal code to advance to the Confirm Delete window; at this window, select Delete to remove it from the exclusion list; otherwise, select Exit to cancel.

Select Customers for Pick Slip Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks associated with the select sold to customer.

How to display this screen: Select the Selected sold-to customers field on the Work with Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen.

Field Description

Customer #

A unique number assigned by the system to identify a customer who places an order.

Customers are defined in and validated against the Customer Sold-to table; see Creating and Updating Sold-to Customers (WCST).

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.


The name of the customer who placed the order. Defined in and validated against the Customer Sold-to table.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions (first name), 1 position (initial), 25 positions (last name); display-only.

Screen Option Procedure

Add a customer selection

Select Add to add sold to customers to the requirements for pick slip generation. The system displays a message if you attempt to enter a duplicate customer number.

Change a customer selection

Select Change. The system displays the customers that you previously entered so that you can review your entries, and optionally delete any entries.

Select State for Pick Slip Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to:

  • Perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that ship to the specified state(s), or
  • Exclude pre-generated picks from pick slip generation that ship to the specified state(s).


A single pick slip template can have either the Selected field set to Yes (perform pick slip generation for the specified states) or Excl (exclude pick slip generation for the specified states). To use both settings, you must create a pick slip template that includes specified states and create a separate pick slip template the excludes specified states.

How to display this screen: Select the Selected States field at the Work with Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen.

Field Description

Cty (Country)

A code which identifies a country.

Countries are defined in and validated against the Country table. See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


A code which identifies a state.

States are defined in Work with Countries. See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.


A description of the state.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Sel (Selected)

Indicates whether to perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that ship to this state.

Yes = Perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that ship to this state.

No (default) = The specified state has not been selected or excluded from pick slip generation.

Excl = Do not perform pick slip generation for pre-generated picks that ship to this state.


Screen Option Procedure

Select a state

Select a state. The system updates the Selected field to Y.

Deselect a state

Select Cancel for a state to deselect it. The system updates the Selected field to N.

Exclude a state

Select Exclude for a state to exclude the state from pick slip generation. The system updates the Selected field to X.

Select all states

Select Select All. The system updates the Selected field for all states to selected.