Managing Warehouses

Topics in this part: The following topics describe the functions available from the Warehouse Management menu. These functions are used to define your warehouses, establish warehouse locations and assign inventory, and analyze your current warehouse utilization.

  • Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS) shows you how to establish each of your warehouses on the system. In addition, this topic explains how to define the warehouse sequence to use when you fulfill customer orders from more than one warehouse.

  • Creating and Maintaining Location Classes (WLCL) explains how location classes can be used to define the type of merchandise that will be stored in a warehouse location.

  • Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC) shows you how to define the locations in the warehouse where merchandise is stored. Warehouse locations can be comprised of a series of zone, aisle, shelf, and bin indicators, or they can be free-form user-defined location codes.

  • Using the Location Generator (MLOC) explains how to use the automated location generator to create multiple warehouse locations at the same time.

  • Creating Item Warehouse/Locations (MIWL) shows you how to assign an item to a warehouse location or change existing item location information, or change existing item warehouse information.

  • Suggest Location Placement (MSLO) describes how to use the Suggest Warehouse Placement function to have the system determine the warehouse location where an item should be stored.

  • Creating and Maintaining Item Warehouses describes how to assign items to a warehouses and how inventory history is captured for each item at the warehouse level.

  • Working with Default Warehouse Locations (WWDL) describes how to create and work with the default locations the system checks automatically for certain inventory transactions.

  • Pending Putaway Overview describes the updates the system performs when you place inventory into a pending putaway warehouse.

Creating and Maintaining Item Warehouses

Purpose: Work with Item Warehouses is used to change, delete, display, or create item warehouse records. An item warehouse record must exist for each item/SKU that is stocked in the warehouse. These records also provide the ability to capture inventory history for each item/SKU in the warehouse.

Item warehouse records are created automatically during item setup using the Work with Items function or the SKU Generator if you specify a warehouse for the item/SKU. Use the Work with Item Warehouse function to assign an item to a warehouse manually, if the item was not stocked in the warehouse at the time of setup.

In this topic:

Reset On-Order PO Quantity Periodic Function

You can use the PORST periodic function to reset the open PO quantities in the Item Warehouse table based on purchase order detail lines that are open or held, or received into suspense or into a pending putaway warehouse location.

Sample setup: Enter the following at the Create Periodic Function Screen:

  • Function: PORST

  • Description: PO On Order Reset

  • Company parameter: Y

  • Appl area: ALL

  • Program name: OER1018

Add to periodic process: You can, optionally, add this periodic function to a periodic process at the Work with Periodic Processes Screen, select Functions.

You can also run the on-order reset through the Unlock Purchase Order (MUPO) menu option.

Inventory Extract Periodic Function

Use the Inventory Extract INVEXT periodic function (program name URR0003) to create records in the Inventory Extract table for each item location in your company. You can use the Inventory Extract table to determine the on-hand inventory for each item/SKU in your company.

No on-hand quantity: If all of the item locations for an item/SKU have an on-hand quantity equal to or less than zero, the system creates only 1 record in the Inventory Extract table for the item/SKU. This 1 record indicates that the item/SKU does not have any on-hand inventory.

  • The location for this inventory extract record is the primary primary location for the item.

  • If a primary primary location has not been defined for the item, the location for this inventory extract record is blank.


The “primary primary” location is stored in the Primary location field in the SKU table.

Records remain in the Inventory Extract table until they are downloaded to another system. It is your responsibility to delete the records in the Inventory Extract table. Each time you run the On-Hand by Location Extract program, the system appends records to this table; because of this, duplicate records may exist in the table.

Work with Item Warehouse Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create, change, delete, or display records that define the items that are stocked in the warehouse. An item/warehouse record must exist for each item/SKU in the warehouse.

How to display this screen:

Field Description


The number of the item assigned to the warehouse.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The Split SKU codes associated with the item.  The three elements (color, size, and width) are used to further identify the item.


The SKU elements are defined in the System Control table.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; optional.


The number of units of this item across all locations in the warehouse.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

On order

The total quantity of this item in this warehouse that is due to be received through purchase orders.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


An amount of inventory that cannot be reserved using immediate or batch reservation for this item or SKU across all locations in this warehouse.

The system uses this field to reserve the component items on a finished good work order if the Use Work Order Processing (E37) system control value is selected. See Finished Good Work Order Processing (WWOR).

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Reservation freeze

Indicates whether the item or SKU in this warehouse is on hold, or frozen.

Valid values are:

  • Selected = The item/SKU warehouse is frozen.

  • Unselected = The item/SKU warehouse is not frozen.

If an item or SKU warehouse is frozen:

Screen Option Procedure

Create an item warehouse record

Select Create to advance to the Create Item Warehouse Screen.

Change item warehouse information

Select Change for an Item Warehouse record to advance to the Change Item Warehouse Screen. See the Create Item Warehouse Screen for field descriptions.

Delete item warehouse information

Select Delete for an Item Warehouse to delete it.


You cannot delete an item warehouse record if there are any on-hand quantities, open purchase order quantities, or backordered or reserved quantities for the item in the selected warehouse. If there are any Item Location records or Item Warehouse History records associated with this item and warehouse, the system will display a warning message:

Deleting this warehouse will also delete any dependent records.

Display item warehouse information

Select Display for an Item Warehouse record to advance to the Display Item Warehouse Screen.

Work with locations

Select Locations for an Item Warehouse record to advance to the Work with Item Locations Screen.

Display Pending Put away Details

Select Pend Putaway for an Item Warehouse record to advance to the Display Pending Putaway Details Screen.

Create Item Warehouse Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create an item warehouse.

The Work with Items function and the SKU generator automatically create Item Warehouse records if you enter a warehouse code, and Item Location records if you enter a location code during item setup. See Creating Item Warehouse/Locations (MIWL).

How to display this screen: At the initial Work with Item Warehouse Screen, select Create.

Field Description


The item number you are assigning to the warehouse. The item number is validated against the Item/SKU table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The Split SKU codes associated with the item. The three elements (color, style, and size) are used to further identify the item. The SKU codes entered are validated against the SKU tables.


The SKU elements are defined in the System Control Table.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields.

Create screen: required, if applicable.

Change screen: display-only.

Reservation freeze

Indicates whether the item or SKU in this warehouse is on hold, or frozen.

Valid values are:

  • Selected = The item/SKU warehouse is frozen.

  • Unselected = The item/SKU warehouse is not frozen.

If an item or SKU warehouse is frozen:

Protected qty

An amount of inventory that cannot be reserved (using immediate or batch reservation) for this item/ SKU across all locations in this warehouse. The system will only use this inventory in Interactive Reservation.

You cannot enter an amount in this field if Use Work Order Processing (E37) is selected in the System Control Table.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Min qty

The least amount of inventory on hand for this item/ SKU.

An error message indicates if you try to enter a minimum quantity and you do not have authority to the Maintain Item Warehouse Minimum/Maximum Quantity (A92) secured feature:

Not authorized to change.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Protect min/max (Protect minimum and maximum quantities)

This field is not currently implemented.

This field is included only if the Use Store File (G15) system control value is selected.

An error message indicates if you try to change this value and you do not have authority to the Maintain Item Warehouse Minimum/Maximum Quantity (A92) secured feature:

Not authorized to change.

Max qty

The maximum amount of inventory on hand for this item/SKU.

An error message indicates if you try to enter a maximum quantity and you do not have authority to the Maintain Item Warehouse Minimum/Maximum Quantity (A92) secured feature:

Not authorized to change.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Economic order qty

The recommended optimum ordering quantity for this item/SKU, based on a set of criteria such as cost. Used for inventory reporting purposes.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Reorder qty

Defines the quantity of this item/ SKU that should be ordered when the item/ SKU reaches the minimum stock level.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Original retail price

The original price of this item in the retail store.  You can use this field to track the original retail price for the item if the warehouse represents a retail store.

This field is included only if the Use Store File (G15) system control value is selected.

An error message indicates if you try to enter a price and you do not have authority to the Maintain Item Warehouse Retail Price (A91) secured feature:

Not authorized to change.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Protect price (Protect current price)

This field is not currently implemented.

This field is included only if the Use Store File (G15) system control value is selected.

An error message indicates if you try to change this value and you do not have authority to the Maintain Item Warehouse Retail Price (A91) secured feature:

Not authorized to change.

Current retail price

The current price of this item in the retail store.  You can use this field to track the current retail price for the item if the warehouse represents a retail store.

This field is included only if the Use Store File (G15) system control value is selected.

An error message indicates if you try to enter a price and you do not have authority to the Maintain Item Warehouse Retail Price (A91) secured feature:

Not authorized to change.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

User field 1

An informational field where you can enter additional item warehouse information.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

User field 2

An informational field where you can enter additional item warehouse information.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Display Item Warehouse Screen

To display: Select Display for an item warehouse at the Work with Item Warehouse Screen to advance to the Display Item Warehouse screen. You cannot change any fields on this screen.

Field Description


The item number assigned to the warehouse.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.


The SKU associated with the item.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields.


The code and description of the warehouse where the item is located.

Code: Numeric, 3 positions.

Description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions.

Reservation freeze

Indicates whether the item or SKU in the warehouse is on hold, or frozen.

Valid values are:

  • Selected = The item/SKU warehouse is frozen.

  • Unselected = The item/SKU warehouse is not frozen.

If an item or SKU warehouse is frozen:

Economic order qty

The recommended optimum ordering quantity for this item/SKU, based on a set of criteria such as cost. Used for inventory reporting purposes.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Backorder qty

The quantity of the item/SKU in this warehouse that is currently on open orders but not available in your warehouse.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Protected qty

The amount of inventory that cannot be reserved (using immediate or batch reservation) for this item/ SKU across all locations in this warehouse. The system will only use this inventory in Interactive Reservation.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Min qty

The least amount of inventory on hand for this item/ SKU.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Max qty

The maximum amount of inventory on hand for this item/SKU.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Reorder qty

Defines the quantity of this item/SKU that should be ordered when the item/ SKU reaches the minimum stock level.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Reserve quantity

The quantity of this item/SKU in this warehouse that is reserved for existing orders. This total increases through immediate, batch, and interactive reservation, and decreases through confirmation or pick void/reprint.

Numeric, 7 positions.

On hand quantity

The number of units of this item in all locations in this warehouse.

Numeric, 7 positions.

On order quantity

The total quantity of this item in this warehouse that is due to be received on open purchase orders. This quantity increases when you enter a purchase order and decreases when you receive a purchase order.

If you receive purchase orders into suspense, the suspended quantity remains in this total until you place the suspended stock.

Numeric, 7 positions.

S/H reserve qty

The quantity of this item/SKU in this warehouse that is reserved for existing orders and requires special handling. This total increases through immediate, batch, and interactive reservation, and decreases through confirmation or pick void/reprint.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Reserve transfer qty

The quantity of this item/SKU in this warehouse that is set to be transferred to another warehouse through replenishment.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Protect min/max

This field is not currently implemented.

This field is included only if the Use Store File (G15) system control value is selected.

Cost of goods

The total cost of units shipped from this warehouse, based on the defined unit cost of the item or SKU.


The Display Cost in Inventory (A38) secured feature controls the display of this field.

Numeric, 13 positions with a four-place decimal.

Picks generated

This field is not currently implemented.

Dollars returned

The total dollar value of units returned to this warehouse, based on the actual selling price of each unit.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Units returned

The total number of units returned to this warehouse by customers.

Numeric, 9 positions.

Dollars sold

The total dollar value of units shipped and billed from this warehouse, based on the actual selling price of each unit.

Numeric, 20 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Units sold

The total number of units shipped and billed from this warehouse.

Numeric, 9 positions.

Original retail price

The original price of this item in the retail store. You can use this field to track the original retail price for the item if the warehouse represents a retail store.

This field is included only if the Use Store File (G15) system control value is selected.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Current retail price

The current price of this item in the retail store. You can use this field to track the current retail price for the item if the warehouse represents a retail store.

This field is included only if the Use Store File (G15) system control value is selected.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Protect price

This field is not currently implemented.

This field is included only if the Use Store File (G15) system control value is selected.

User field 1

An informational field where you can enter additional item warehouse information.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions.

User field 2

An informational field where you can enter additional item warehouse information.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions.

Work with Item Locations Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create, change, delete, or display a location for an item/SKU within a warehouse. Essential user-defined and system-updated quantity information is kept at the item/SKU location level.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Item Warehouse Screen, select Locations for an item warehouse.

Field Description


A code that identifies a location for an item/SKU within the warehouse.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


The number of units for this item in this location.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


The quantity of an item for which a batch inventory transaction has been entered, but not processed.

A negative quantity in this field indicates component items picked from this location for a finished good work order. This field is cleared once you process the work order. See Finished Good Work Order Processing (WWOR).

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


The least amount of units to stock in this location.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


The maximum amount of units to stock in this location.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Reservation freeze

Indicates whether the item location or SKU location is frozen.

Valid values are:

  • Selected = The item/SKU location is frozen.

  • Unselected = The item/SKU location is not frozen.


Even though a pick slip does not print for an item from a frozen item location, the system still reserves the item on the Order Lines Fields in Order Entry.

Screen Option Procedure

Create an item location

Select Create to advance to the Create Item Location Screen.

Change an item location

Select Change for an item location to advance to the Change Item Location Screen.

Delete an item location

Select Delete for an item location to delete it.


The system will prevent you from deleting Item Locations if the quantity on-hand for the item in this location is greater than zero, or if there are any pending Inventory Transactions for the item in this location.

Display an item location

Select Display for an item location to advance to the Display Item Location Screen. You cannot change any information at this screen. See the Change Item Location Screen for field descriptions.

Create Item Location Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create an item location.

Temporary location: If the item is assigned to a temporary location, the system automatically deletes the location when the on-hand quantity reaches zero. Order Administration does not allocate merchandise from a temporary location even if the location is defined as pickable. In order to allocate stock, you must move the merchandise to a non-temporary, pickable location.

How to display this screen:

Field Description


The code representing the area within the warehouse that contains the item or SKU.

An error message indicates if you enter a location whose location class does not match the location class for the item and the Allow Location Class Edit in Inventory Transaction (F86) system control value is selected: Item is not compatible with Location.

Typically the location code is composed of a single alphanumeric character for Zone, and two numbers each for Aisle, Shelf, and Bin. For instance, the location A010201 indicates:

Zone Aisle Shelf Bin

A    01    02    01

Free-form location codes can also be used. The location code entered is validated against the Location table.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required.

Reservation freeze

Indicates whether the item location or SKU location is frozen.

Valid values are:

  • Selected = The item/SKU location is frozen.

  • Unselected= The item/SKU location is not frozen.


Even though a pick slip does not print for an item from a frozen item location, the system still reserves the item on the Order Lines Fields in Order Entry.

Min qty

The desired least amount of inventory on hand for this item/SKU in this warehouse location.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Max qty

The desired highest amount of inventory on hand for this item or SKU in this warehouse location.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Change Item Location Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to change the item location’s reservation freeze status, minimum quantity and maximum quantity, and to view inventory transaction information.

How to display this screen: Select Change for an item location at the Work with Item Locations Screen.

See the Create Item Location Screen for the field descriptions not shown below.

Field Description

On-hand quantity

The number of units of the item in this location.

Alphanumeric, 7 position; display-only.

Pending transfer quantity

The quantity of an item for which an inventory transaction has been entered, but not processed.  

A positive quantity reflects that inventory is in the process of being transferred to this location while a negative quantity indicates inventory is in the process of being transferred from this location. Reflects an adjustment, transfer, or finished good work order, and is not included in the on-hand quantity.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Printed quantity

The number of units currently “allocated” for the item in this location, determined by the total quantity of the item on printed pick slips.

When determining the locations from which to reserve items during pick slip generation, the printed quantity is subtracted from the on-hand quantity in the location to determine the quantity available for reservation.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Placement date

The date when you first placed the item in this location, for example through purchase order receiving, customer returns, transfers, or adjustments.

Numeric, 6 positions (user date format); display-only.

Item transfer pending

Indicates whether an inventory transaction is pending for the item in this location.

For example, the system selects this field if you enter a finished good work order, but do not approve or process the request. See Finished Good Work Order Processing (WWOR).

Pending Putaway Overview

Purpose: A pending putaway warehouse is a warehouse where you keep stock that still needs to be moved to its final destination: for example, a staging area.

Use a pending putaway warehouse to temporarily store saleable inventory on its way to its final destination warehouse. Inventory received into a pending putaway warehouse is included in the on-hand quantity for that warehouse, but also retains its on-order status; the inventory is also visible in PO Layering. Stock moved into or out of a pending putaway warehouse increases or decreases the on-order quantity in the pending putaway item warehouse.

How do I create a pending warehouse? You can define a warehouse as a pending putaway warehouse using the Working with Default Warehouse Locations (WWDL) menu option.


Inventory in a pending putaway warehouse should not be available for reservation and picking. You should leave the Allocatable flag for the warehouse unselected.

In this topic:

Pending Putaway Processing

Purpose: When you place stock into a pending putaway warehouse, the system performs the following steps.

  1. Creates a record in the Pending Putaway Detail table. You can review inventory in a pending putaway warehouse on the Display Pending Putaway Details Screen.

    The pending putaway detail record indicates:

    •  PO # = The purchase order number on which the inventory was originally received. If the inventory is not associated with a purchase order, the system uses 9999999 as the purchase order number.

    • PO detail = The purchase order line number on the purchase order on which the inventory was originally received. If the inventory is not associated with a purchase order, this field remains blank.

    • PO warehouse = The “final destination” warehouse where the inventory will be placed.

    • Due date = The expected due date of the inventory; this due date will display in order entry, order maintenance, order inquiry, inventory inquiry, and item availability for the “final destination” warehouse.

    • Pending qty = The quantity of the item in the pending putaway warehouse for this transaction. The on hand quantity and on order quantity for the item at the item warehouse level indicates the total pending quantity for the item.

    • Offer = The offer associated with the pending putaway detail record. If the inventory is associated with a purchase order, this is the offer on the purchase order.

  2. For inventory placed in a pending putaway warehouse, the system creates a PO layering record for the “final destination” warehouse. The Open quantity field represents the quantity placed in pending putaway for the transaction.

  3. Decreases the on order quantity for the item in the “final destination” warehouse.

  4. Creates an inventory transaction history record for the pending warehouse.

Determining the “final destination” warehouse: The “final destination” warehouse is the warehouse where the inventory will eventually be placed. The system determines which warehouse is the “final destination” warehouse by looking at:

  • the warehouse on the purchase order, or

  • the warehouse associated with the inventory transaction, or

  • the Primary warehouse for the item/SKU.

Moving stock from a pending warehouse: When you move stock from a pending warehouse, the system performs the following steps.

  1. Decreases the quantity of the item in the pending warehouse. If the inventory quantity associated with the pending putaway detail record reaches zero, the system also deletes the pending putaway detail record.

  2. Increases the on hand quantity of the item in the “final destination” warehouse.

  3. Creates an inventory transaction history record for the pending warehouse and the “final destination” warehouse.

  4. Performs vendor item analysis.

Other Async Processing: The Other Async performs updates to inventory placed in a pending warehouse.

  • If a pending putaway detail record associated with a purchase order exists, the system keeps the associated PO layering record in an open status until the pending putaway detail record is deleted. The system deletes pending putaway detail records when the associated pending quantity is moved to another warehouse.

In addition, for inventory placed in a pending putaway warehouse:

  • If enough backorders exist to use up the pending quantity, the system updates the status of the PO layering record to closed.

  • If the pending quantity is less than the open quantity on the PO layering record, the system updates the PO layering open quantity to equal the pending quantity.

  • If the pending quantity is equal to or greater than the open quantity on the PO layering record, the system does not update the PO layering open quantity.

Print backorder reports (PBOR): The on order quantity on the backorder reports does not include the quantity in a pending putaway warehouse.

Soldout control processing: The calculation the system uses to determine when an item with a soldout control status of 2 should be sold out now includes the on order quantity for pending putaway detail records that are associated with a pending putaway warehouse and whose “final destination” warehouse is allocatable. An item with a soldout control status of 2 is sold out when this condition is met:

(on order + on order in pending putaway warehouse + on-hand) - reserved < 0

Reset On-Order PO Quantity periodic function: The Reset On-Order PO Quantity periodic function updates the on order quantity in a pending putaway warehouse, regardless if the “final destination” warehouse is allocatable or non-allocatable.

Purchase Order Receipt Transactions

When you receive inventory into a pending warehouse through Purchase Order Receipts, the system looks for an existing pending putaway detail record for this purchase order and item/SKU (indicating the item/SKU on this purchase order has already been partially received).

  • If a pending putaway detail record does not already exist for the purchase order and item/SKU, the system creates a pending putaway detail record in the pending warehouse.

  • If a pending putaway detail record already exists for the purchase order and item/SKU, the system adds the receipt quantity to the existing pending putaway detail record. The system looks at these fields in the Pending Putaway Detail table to determine if a record already exists for this purchase order and item/SKU:

    • Company: the company where you performed the PO receipt.

    • Item number: the item you received into the pending putaway warehouse.

    • SKU code: the SKU of the item.

    • Warehouse: the pending putaway warehouse.

    • PO #: the number of the purchase order associated with the item you received.

    • Sequence #: the system uses the next available number.

    • PO layering warehouse: the “final destination” warehouse; this is the warehouse on the purchase order line.

PO Maintenance: If you cancel a purchase order line after it has been partially received in a pending warehouse, the system keeps the pending putaway detail record until the inventory in the pending warehouse is placed in its “final destination” warehouse.

Warehouse Transfer Transactions

For a warehouse transfer (T) from one pending warehouse to another pending warehouse, the system:

For the “from” warehouse:

  • decreases the on order quantity and the on hand quantity on the item warehouse for the “from” warehouse. If the on order quantity and on hand quantity is adjusted to a negative quantity, the quantities are set to 0.

  • decreases the pending quantity on the pending putaway detail record with the oldest due date for the “from” warehouse.

    • pending quantity - transfer quantity = new pending quantity.

    • If the pending quantity for the record is reduced to 0, the record is deleted.

For the “to” warehouse:

  • increases the on order quantity and the on hand quantity on the item warehouse for the “to” warehouse.

  • checks for existing pending putaway detail records in the “to” warehouse from the same item, SKU, PO number, and PO detail sequence number found in the “from” warehouse pending putaway detail record.

    • if a pending putaway detail record is found, then the system increases the pending quantity with the transfer quantity. Pending quantity + transfer quantity = new pending putaway quantity.

    • if a pending putaway detail record does not exist, then the system creates a pending putaway detail record, using the information from the “from” pending putaway detail record. In this case, the pending quantity represents the transfer quantity.

  • The system does not adjust PO layering since the PO layering record does not contain the pending putaway warehouse.

Positive Inventory Adjustments Transactions

The system:

  • increases the on order quantity and on hand quantity on the item warehouse by the adjustment quantity.

  • creates a pending putaway detail record in the pending warehouse. If a pending putaway detail record already exists for the same transaction date and PO # 9999999, the system adds the adjustment quantity to the pending quantity of the existing pending putaway detail record.

    • Item number: the item against which you performed the adjustment.

    • SKU code: the SKU of the item.

    • Warehouse: this is the pending putaway warehouse.

    • PO #: when a pending putaway quantity is not associated with a purchase order, the system displays 9999999.

    • PO detail sequence #: the system assigns the next available number.

    • PO warehouse: this is the “final destination” warehouse.

    • Due date: the system uses this calculation to determine the due date:

      date the inventory adjustment was performed + number in the Pending Putaway Due Date Days system control value = due date

    • Pending quantity: the adjustment quantity.

  • creates a PO layering record. If a PO layering record exists, the system adds the adjustment quantity to the open quantity on the PO layering record.

    • Company: the company where you performed the adjustment.

    • Item number: the item against which you performed the adjustment.

    • SKU code: the SKU of the item.

    • Warehouse: the “final destination” warehouse.

    • PO #: 9999999

    • Sequence #: the sequence number for the pending putaway detail record.

    • Due date: the due date for the pending putaway detail record.

    • Open quantity: the adjustment quantity.


When you process an overlay transaction, the system uses the difference between the original on hand quantity and the overlay quantity as the adjustment quantity.

Negative Inventory Adjustments Transactions

The system:

  • decreases the on order quantity and on hand quantity on the item warehouse by the adjustment quantity.

  • decreases the pending quantity on the pending putaway detail record that has the oldest due date.

    pending putaway quantity - adjustment quantity = new pending putaway quantity

  • updates the PO layering record associated with the pending putaway detail record whose pending quantity was decreased.

    • Open quantity: reduced by the adjustment quantity. If the open quantity reaches 0, the system updates the PO layering status to closed.


When you process an overlay transaction, the system uses the difference between the original on hand quantity and the overlay quantity as the adjustment quantity.

Display Pending Putaway Details Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review inventory information for items that have been placed in a pending putaway (PP) warehouse.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Item Warehouse Screen, when accessed through the Creating and Maintaining Item Warehouses menu option, select Pend Putaway for an item warehouse.

Field Description


The code and description for the item that has inventory in a pending putaway warehouse.

Item code: Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Item description: Alphanumeric, 120 positions; display-only.


The code and description for the unique attributes of the item that has inventory in a pending putaway warehouse.

SKU code: Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.


A code and description for the warehouse that represents the pending putaway warehouse. Pending warehouses are areas where you place inventory before the inventory is placed in its final destination, such as a staging area.

Warehouse code: Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Warehouse description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

PO #

The number of the purchase order associated with the inventory that has been placed in a pending putaway warehouse.

If the inventory is not associated with a purchase order, for example the inventory is associated with an inventory transaction, the purchase order # is shown as 9999999.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

PO dtl (PO detail line number)

The purchase order line number associated with the inventory that has been placed in a pending putaway warehouse.

If the inventory is not associated with a purchase order, for example the inventory is associated with an inventory transaction, the purchase order line number is the next available purchase order detail sequence number from the Pending Putaway Detail table.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

PO warehouse

The code for the warehouse where the inventory that is located in the pending putaway warehouse will finally be placed.

  • This is the warehouse on the purchase order.

  • If the inventory is not associated with a purchase order, this is the warehouse associated with the inventory transaction.

  • If the inventory transaction is not associated with a warehouse; this is the Primary warehouse for the item.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Due date (Pending putaway due date)

The date inventory in the pending putaway warehouse is due to be received into the “final destination” warehouse. The purchase order has already been received in the pending putaway warehouse, but the system retains this information until the inventory is placed in the PO warehouse.

Determining the pending putaway due date when a PO is not associated with the inventory

If the inventory is not associated with a purchase order, such as when you perform an inventory transaction, the system determines the due date based on the Pending Putaway Due Date Days (G92).

date of inventory transaction + number in SCV G92 = pending putaway due date days.

Example: You perform an inventory adjustment for item A123 in the pending putaway warehouse on 6/20. The Pending Putaway Due Date Days system control value is 6.

6/20 + 6 = 6/26 (pending putaway due date)

Numeric, 6 positions (user date format); display-only.

Pending qty

The quantity of the item that is currently placed in the pending putaway warehouse for a specific transaction. This is the quantity to place in the PO warehouse.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The offer on the purchase order, if any.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.