Batch Information

The batch information area displays the following information about the batch process results:

Execution Requests - Displays the number of completed executions and the total number of execution requests. Click to open the Execution Requests Window.

Agent Job Requests - Displays the number of completed and total number of Agent job requests. Click to open the Agent Job Requests Window for the schedule and cycle selected.

Scheduler Tasks - Displays all tasks scheduled to run during the current scheduler day. Click to open the Scheduler Tasks window.

External Dependencies - Displays the number of successful and total number of external dependencies. Click to open the Batch Cycle Details Screen.

Inter-Schedule Dependencies - Displays the number of successful and total number of inter-schedule dependencies. Click to open the Batch Cycle Details Screen.

Callbacks - Displays the number of successful and total number of callbacks. Click to open the Batch Cycle Details Screen.

Schedule Links - Displays the number of successful and total number of schedule links. Click to open the Batch Cycle Details Screen.