B Appendix: System List Views

This appendix provides a summary of the system-delivered list views, grouped by module:

The tables provide the following details:

  • List View - the name of the view.
  • Default View - indicates which default view for each area.
  • Retailer View - indicates available to Retailer users.
  • Supplier View - indicates available to Supplier users.
  • Summary - an overview of the contents and purpose of the view.

See also the List Views section for details of the style and features of list views.


List View Default View Retailer View Supplier View Summary
Users by Role Yes Yes No

A list of retailer users categorized by User Role.

Provides retailer users with a means of locating users by their job role. A user may have multiple roles.

The filter tile indicates where users have yet to complete the registration process.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of User records by users with the necessary permissions. Includes the facility for creating new users by importing a data file.

The info panel contains basic information from the User record.

Users by Area No Yes No

A list of retailer users categorized by Area.

Of use where EAC (Enhanced Access Control) permissions are used to assign retailer users to specific suppliers, it provides retailer users with a means of locating users by EAC area. A user may be assigned to multiple areas.

The filter tile indicates where users have yet to complete the registration process.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of User records by users with the necessary permissions. Includes the facility for creating new users by importing a data file.

The info panel contains basic information from the User record.

Users by Role Yes No Yes

A list of supplier users categorized by User Role.

Provides supplier users with a means of locating users within their organization (subject to which sites they are associated to), by their job role. A user may have multiple roles.

The filter tile indicates where users have yet to complete the registration process.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of User records by users with the necessary permissions.

The info panel contains basic information from the User record.

Suppliers by Country Yes Yes No

A list of suppliers categorized by the country of their head office address.

Provides a means of locating suppliers by geographical area.

The integrated filter tile is of use when integrated with the Merchandising system, to show the supplier accounts that are successfully integrated. Other filter tiles allow suppliers to be located by status or supplier type.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Supplier records by users with the necessary permissions. Includes the facility for creating new suppliers by importing a data file. Also includes the facility for exporting the full Supplier record contents to a data file.

The info panel contains basic information from the Supplier record.

Suppliers by Area No Yes No

A list of suppliers categorized by Area.

Of use where EAC (Enhanced Access Control) permissions are used to assign retailer users to specific suppliers, it provides a means of locating suppliers by EAC area. A supplier may be assigned to multiple areas.

The integrated filter tile is of use when integrated with the Merchandising system, to show the supplier accounts that are successfully integrated. Other filter tiles allow suppliers to be located by status or supplier type.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Supplier records by users with the necessary permissions. Includes the facility for creating new suppliers by importing a data file. Also includes the facility for exporting the full Supplier record contents to a data file.

The info panel contains basic information from the Supplier record.

Sites by Country Yes Yes Yes

A list of supplier sites categorized by the country of their location address.

Provides a means of locating sites by geographical area.

The integrated filter tile is of use when integrating with the Merchandising system, to show the site accounts that are successfully integrated. Other filter tiles allow suppliers to be located by status, and specifically where they are awaiting approval.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Site records by users with the necessary permissions. Includes the facility for changing the status of one or more sites, such as for account approval by technologists. Also includes the facility for exporting the full Site record contents to data file.

The info panel contains basic information from the Site record.

Sites by Lead Technologist No Yes Yes

A list of supplier sites categorized by Lead Technologist.

Provides a means of locating sites by their designated lead technologist.

The integrated filter tile is of use when integrating with the Merchandising system, to show the site accounts that are successfully integrated. Other filter tiles allow suppliers to be located by status, and specifically where they are awaiting approval.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Site records by users with the necessary permissions. Includes the facility for changing the status of one or more sites, such as for account approval by technologists. Also includes the facility for exporting the full Site record contents to a data file.

The info panel contains basic information from the Site record.

Sites by Other Technologists No Yes Yes

A list of supplier sites categorized by Technologist.

Provides a means of locating sites by their allocated technologists, lead or otherwise. A site may be associated to multiple technologists.

The integrated filter tile is of use when integrating with the Merchandising system, to show the site accounts that are successfully integrated. Other filter tiles allow suppliers to be located by status, and specifically where they are awaiting approval.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Site records by users with the necessary permissions. Includes the facility for changing the status of one or more sites, such as for account approval by technologists. Also includes the facility for exporting the full Site record contents to a data file.

The info panel contains basic information from the Site record.

Sites by Supplier No Yes Yes

A list of supplier sites categorized by supplier.

Provides a means of locating sites by their parent supplier accounts.

The integrated filter tile is of use when integrating with the Merchandising system, to show the site accounts that are successfully integrated. Other filter tiles allow suppliers to be located by status, and specifically where they are awaiting approval.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Site records by users with the necessary permissions. Includes the facility for changing the status of one or more sites, such as for account approval by technologists. Also includes the facility for exporting the full Site record contents to a data file.

The info panel contains basic information from the Site record.

Supplier Users
Users by Role Yes Yes No

A list of supplier users categorized by User Role.

Provides retailer users with a means of locating all supplier users (subject to any EAC area restrictions), by their job role. A user may have multiple roles.

The filter tile indicates where users have yet to complete the registration process.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of User records by users with the necessary permissions.

The info panel contains basic information from the User record.

Contacts Yes Yes Yes

A list of supplier contacts.

Retailer users see the contacts for all suppliers (subject to any EAC area restrictions). Supplier users only see contacts within their organization (subject to which sites they are associated to).

The filter tiles can be used to just show contacts for the Supplier account or just contacts for the Site account.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Contact records by users with the necessary permissions.

The info panel contains basic information from the Contact record.

Audits & Visits
Audits & Visits by Type Yes Yes Yes

A list of audits and visits categorized by Type (audit or visit).

The filter tiles can be used to show those that are scheduled or not scheduled.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Audit/Visit records by users with the necessary permissions. Includes an option to assign auditors.

The info panel contains basic information from the Audit/Visit record.

Audits & Visits Action Required No Yes Yes

A list of audits and visits categorized by Supplier.

Provides a means of locating audits and visits that require action, by supplier.

The filter tiles can be used to show those that are overdue, or are at a status of awaiting amendment, corrective action or sign-off.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Audit/Visit records by users with the necessary permissions. Includes an option to assign auditors.

The info panel contains basic information from the Audit/Visit record.

Audits & Visits by Due Date No Yes Yes

A list of audits and visits categorized by Due Date, grouped by Year/Month.

Provides a means of locating audits and visits by the date they are due to be completed.

The filter tiles can be used to show those that are scheduled or not scheduled.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Audit/Visit records by users with the necessary permissions. Includes an option to assign auditors.

The info panel contains basic information from the Audit/Visit record.

Audits & Visits Scheduled No Yes Yes

A list of audits and visits categorized by Supplier.

Provides a means of locating audits and visits that are scheduled, by supplier.

The filter tiles can be used to show either audits or visits.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Audit/Visit records by users with the necessary permissions. Includes an option to assign auditors.

The info panel contains basic information from the Audit/Visit record.

Assessments by Status Yes Yes Yes

A list of assessments categorized by Site, grouped by Status.

Provides a means of locating assessments at a specific status, by supplier site.

The filter tile can be used to show those that are overdue.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Assessment records by users with the necessary permissions.

The info panel contains basic information from the Assessment record.

Assessments by Period No Yes No

A list of assessments categorized by Due Date Period, grouped by Year.

Provides a means of locating assessments by the period and year of their due date.

The filter tiles can be used to show those with a specific score, or just those that have been completed.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Assessment records by users with the necessary permissions. Includes an option to mass generate future assessments, and the facility for exporting the full Assessment record contents to a data file.

The info panel contains basic information from the Assessment record.

Completed Assessments by Period No No Yes

A list of completed assessments categorized by Due Date Period, grouped by Year.

Provides supplier users with a means of locating completed assessments by the period and year of their due date.

The filter tile can be used to show those with a specific score.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Assessment records by users with the necessary permissions.

The info panel contains basic information from the Assessment record.

Assessments by Type No Yes No

A list of assessments categorized by Technologist, grouped by Type.

Provides a means of locating assessments by type (the name of the associated template), and by the technologist allocated to the site.

The filter tile can be used to only show those that have been completed.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Assessment records by users with the necessary permissions. Includes an option to mass generate future assessments, and the facility for exporting the full Assessment record contents to a data file.

The info panel contains basic information from the Assessment record.

Assessments by Supplier No Yes No

A list of assessments categorized by Site, grouped by Supplier.

Provides a means of locating assessments by supplier and site.

The filter tile can be used to show those at a specific status.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Assessment records by users with the necessary permissions. Includes an option to mass generate future assessments, and the facility for exporting the full Assessment record contents to a data file.

The info panel contains basic information from the Assessment record.

Alerts by Status Yes Yes No

A list of alerts categorized by Status.

The filter tiles can be used to show those that are urgent, have their responses blocked, or require acknowledgment.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Alert records by users with the necessary permissions.

The info panel contains basic information from the Alert record.

Alerts by Author No Yes No

A list of alerts categorized by Author.

Provides a means of locating alerts by the user who created them.

The filter tiles can be used to show those at a specific status, and those that are urgent, have their responses blocked, or require acknowledgment.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Alert records by users with the necessary permissions.

The info panel contains basic information from the Alert record.

Alert Responses
Alert Responses Yes Yes Yes

A list of alert responses categorized by Date.

Provides a means of locating alert responses by their response date.

The filter tiles can be used to show those at a specific status or are urgent.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Alert Response records by users with the necessary permissions.

The info panel contains basic information from the Alert Response record.

Archived Alert Responses No Yes Yes

A list of archived alert responses categorized by Date.

Provides a means of locating alert responses that have been archived, by response date.

The filter tiles can be used to show those that were urgent or just those that were responded to.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Alert Response records by users with the necessary permissions.

The info panel contains basic information from the Alert Response record.


List View Default View Retailer View Supplier View Summary
Document Library


(Administrator Default)

Yes Yes No

The retailer administrator’s view of documents grouped within Folders. A document may appear in more than one folder.

The filter chips can be used to locate those at a specific status. The filter tiles can be used to locate those that you have yet to read or accept, those that are mandatory, and whether visible to external (supplier) and/or internal (retailer) users.

The folder actions include options to create, edit, and delete folders.

The document actions include the standard set of options for the maintenance of Documents. Also includes options to assign the documents to folders, archive documents, and to view the readership and acceptance logs.

The info panel contains basic information from the Document and its parent Folder, in separate tabs.


(Retailer User Default)

Yes Yes No

The retailer user’s view of documents grouped within Folders. A document may appear in more than one folder.

The filter chips can be used to locate those at a specific status. The filter tiles can be used to locate those that you have yet to read or accept, and those that are mandatory.

The actions include options to mark the document as read or accepted, where required, and to view the readership and acceptance logs.

The info panel contains basic information from the Document and its parent Folder, in separate tabs.


(Supplier User Default)

Yes No Yes

The supplier user’s view of documents grouped within Folders. A document may appear in more than one folder.

The filter chips can be used to locate those at a specific status. The filter tiles can be used to locate those that you have yet to read or accept, and those that are mandatory.

The actions include options to mark the document as read or accepted, where required.

The info panel contains basic information from the Document and it parent Folder, in separate tabs.


List View Default View Retailer View Supplier View Summary
Processes Yes Yes Yes

A list of processes categorized by Status.

The filter tiles can be used to show those at a specific status, those that are overdue, or those that you are responsible for, owner of, or associated to.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Process records by users with the necessary permissions. Includes the facility for changing the status and scheduling one or more processes. Also includes the facility for running the Brief Extract data export, and for creating new processes by importing a data file.

The info panel contains basic information from the Process record.

Processes & Activities
Processes & Activities Yes Yes Yes

A list of activities grouped by their parent Process.

Provides a means of accessing activities and their processes, excluding those that are complete or cancelled.

The filter tiles can be used to show just end processes, those at a specific status, or those that you are responsible for, owner of, or associated to.

The process actions include options to view, create, copy, and delete processes. The New Parent Process option creates a new parent process; the Add Sub Process option creates a new child process within the selected parent.

The activity actions include the standard set of options for the maintenance of Activities. Includes the facility for changing the status. Also includes the facility for running the Brief Extract data export.

The info panel contains basic information from the Activity and its parent Process, in separate tabs.

All Processes & Activities
All Processes & Activities Yes Yes No

A list of all activities grouped by their parent Process.

Provides retailer Process Administrator and Process Manager users with a means of accessing all activities and their processes, including those that are complete or canceled.

The filter tiles can be used to show just end processes, those at a specific status, or those that you are responsible for, owner of, or associated to.

The process actions include options to view, create, copy, and delete processes. The New Parent Process option creates a new parent process; the Add Sub Process option creates a new child process within the selected parent.

The activity actions include the standard set of options for the maintenance of Activities. Includes the facility for changing the status. Also includes the facility for running the Brief Extract data export.

The info panel contains basic information from the Activity and its parent Process, in separate tabs.


List View Default View Retailer View Supplier View Summary
Report Schedules
Report Schedules Yes Yes No

A list of scheduled reports grouped by Status.

The filter tiles can be used to show those you have created or are associated to.

The actions include the standard set of options for the maintenance of Report Schedules.

Report Outputs
Report Outputs Yes Yes No

A list of generated report outputs grouped by Folder.

The filter tiles can be used to show those of a specific schedule type.

The folder actions include options for creating, editing, and deleting folders.

The top-level Report Results, Data Extracts, and Brief Extracts folders are a fixed set.

KPI Results
KPI Results Yes Yes No

A list of generated KPI outputs grouped by Folder.

The folder actions include the option to delete folders.

The top-level KPI Results folders is fixed.

Manage Workspace KPIs
Manage Workspace KPIs Yes Yes No

A list of workspace KPIs, available to the reports administrator.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Workspace KPI records.


List View Default View Retailer View Supplier View Summary
Announcements Yes Yes Yes

A list of announcements categorized by Category.

Provides a means of locating news items and resources by announcement category.

The filter tiles can be used to show those that are resources, are published, mandatory, archived, or those that you have yet to confirm as read.

The standard set of actions are available for managing the view, and for the maintenance of Announcement records by users with the necessary permissions. Includes options to confirm you have read an announcement, and to view the readership log (where permitted).

The info panel contains basic information from the Announcement record.

Assignments by Type Yes Yes Yes

A list of assignments categorized by Type.

Provides a means of viewing all your assignments by notification type.

The filter tiles can be used to show those that are urgent, overdue, or do not have a due date.