Accessing Back Office Journal Functions

Employees with the proper security permissions may access the Electronic Journal from the Back Office Menu. The Journal menu provides options to view the Electronic Journal and to run the Journal Report.

  1. After logging in to the Back Office (see Accessing the Back Office), select the Journal option from the Reporting menu and press Enter.

    Figure 15-1 Back Office Main Menu - Journal Option

    Back Office Journal Option


    You can also press the number or letter on the keyboard associated with a menu option to access the Journal functions. Touch-screen users can tap to select from the list.

  2. At the Journal menu, select one of the options and press Enter.

    Figure 15-2 Journal Menu

    Journal Menu

    The Journal menu has the following options:

    • Electronic Journal - Select this option to view the Electronic Journal records.

    • Journal Report - Select this option to run the Journal report. Refer to Journal Report for more information.