Borrow Employee

This function provides the capability to search the corporate database for an employee. Once the employee record is found, the employee can be assigned to work in a new location by setting up an expiration time limit for this temporary position. This functionality can be used when sharing employees between stores.

  1. After logging in to the Back Office, select Employee Maintenance and select the Employee Borrow option.

    Figure 4-23 Employee Maintenance Menu - Employee Borrow Option

    Employee Maintenance Employee Borrow Option

  2. At the Employee Borrow search form, enter your criteria for finding the employee you want to borrow and select Process.

    Figure 4-24 Employee Borrow Search Form

    Employee Borrow Search Form


    If you know the employee's ID, you can enter it in the Employee ID field so that only that employee is listed.

  3. If the results include more than one employee, choose the employee you want and select the Select & Continue option.

  4. After you select one of the employees listed, or if only one employee is found, the Employee Borrow Details form displays:

    Figure 4-25 Employee Borrow Detail Form

    Employee Borrow Detail Form

    1. Enter the Start Date and End Date.

    2. Indicate whether the employee is being borrowed temporarily by selecting Yes or No from the list in the Temporary field.

  5. Select Continue.

  6. The system displays a confirmation message when the process for borrowing an employee is complete.

    Figure 4-26 Employee Borrow Completion

    Employee Borrow Completion

    Select OK to continue. The system returns to the Main Menu.

    This employee is now available for employee functions in the borrowing store.


    Borrowed employees may change their login password at the store where they are temporarily assigned. The password at their home store does not change.