Cancel Layaway - When the Customer Is Present

  1. Select the Register option from the menu.

    Figure 17-11 Register Option

    Register Option

  2. At the Register Pre-Sale screen, assign an associate to the transaction, if your system's configuration requires an associate, and press Enter.

  3. The Customer Lookup form displays. Enter search criteria in the form for the customer whose layaway account must be canceled and select Process.

  4. Select the correct customer from the list and choose Select & Continue.

  5. The Register Sale screen displays and the customer who owns the layaway account is associated with it. Select the Extended Transaction option from the menu.

  6. Select Layaway from the Extended Transaction menu.

  7. Xstore displays a list of Layaway accounts for the selected customer. Select the Layaway account to be canceled and press Enter to continue.

    Figure 17-12 List of Customer's Layaway Accounts

    List of Customer's Layaway Accounts

  8. Select the Cancel Layaway option.

    Figure 17-13 Layaway Screen - Cancel Layaway Option

    Layaway Screen - Cancel Layaway


    See the Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service User Guide for further instructions on cancelling the layaway.