To Cancel a Layaway Account

The option to cancel a layaway account is available on all three tabs (Item, Activity, and Comments) while you are viewing the account you want to cancel.

  1. Search for the layaway account that you want to cancel. Refer to step 4.

  2. When Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service displays the account, select the Cancel Layaway option.

  3. Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service displays a message asking if the customer is present during the cancellation of the layaway account. Select Yes or No.

    Figure 17-9 Prompt to Check for Presence of Customer During Cancellation

    Check for customer during cancellation

    • Customer not present

      If you select No, indicating the customer is not present:

      1. The system displays a prompt asking if you are sure you want to cancel the layaway account. Select Yes (responding No returns to the Layaway screen).

      2. The system displays a prompt indicating that the balance amount due to the customer will be transferred to an escrow account. Press Enter to respond to the prompt and continue.

      3. The system returns to the Layaway Search form. You may select Back to return to the Customer Maintenance and Accounts Menu and perform other functions (see Figure 17-3).

    • Customer present

      If you select Yes, indicating the customer is present, Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service displays the following prompt. Press Enter and continue with the procedure Cancel Layaway - When the Customer Is Present below.

      Figure 17-10 Prompt if Customer is Present

      Prompt If Customer is Present