Layaway Reports

The following reports are available from the Reports menu to help maintain layaway accounts:

  • Layaway Aging Summary Report

  • Layaway Aging Detail Report

  • Layaway Account Activity Summary Report

  • Layaway Account Activity Detail Report

The Layaway Aging reports show layaway accounts based on a specified aging period. Select the Summary report option to print a condensed version of the Layaway Aging Report and select the Detail report option to print an itemized version of the Layaway Aging Report.

The Layaway Account Activity reports show layaway accounts based on status such as Inactive, Overdue, Delinquent, and so on. Select the Summary report option to print a condensed version of the Layaway Account Activity Report and select the Detail report option to print an itemized version of the Layaway Account Activity Report.


Refer to the Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service Reports Guide for more information about setting up and running these reports.