
The following Payroll and Timecard reports are available:

Posted Timecard Report

This report shows a day-by-day breakdown of employee timecard records when payroll is posted. For each employee, the report includes the total hours for each day and for the week. If this report is printed, it includes signature lines for the employee and manager.

This report includes the following information:

  • Date

  • Time In

  • Time Out

  • Category

  • Hours

  • Day Total

  • Week Total

Refer to the Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service Reports Guide for details about this report.

Open Timecard Report

The Open Timecard Report provides a listing of employees who have timecards with Clock-In times but who have not yet clocked out from work. The report lists the employee’s name and ID, the clock-in time and the work code selected at clock-in time. This report includes the following information:

  • Employee ID

  • Name

  • Clock-In Time

  • Register

  • Work Code

Refer to the Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service Reports Guide for details about this report.

Payroll Summary Report

The Payroll Summary Report shows all the hours displayed on the Payroll Maintenance screen for all active employees for a pay period.

This report includes the following information:

  • Employee Name/ID

  • Date/Weekday

  • Reg Hours - The regular hours worked, excluding overtime hours.

  • Over Time Hours - The overtime hours worked.

  • Double Time Hours - Overtime hours worked at a double pay rate.

  • Non-Working Hours - Non-working categories include Vacation Hours, Sick Hours, Personal Hours, and Other Hours as determined by your store policy.

  • Total Hours - The total hours worked for each employee and category.

  • Report Total Hours - The sum of all hours for all employees on the report.


    Refer to the Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service Reports Guide for details about this report.

    Figure 7-34 Payroll Summary Report

    Payroll Summary Report

Payroll Detail By Employee Report

The Payroll Detail By Employee Report shows a detailed breakdown for each employee's payroll record by day and payroll category. This report includes the following information:

  • Payroll Period

  • Regular Hours

  • Overtime Hours

  • Double-time Hours

  • Vacation Hours

  • Personal Hours

  • Sick Hours

  • Funeral Hours

  • Other Hours

  • Total Hours

The report also includes lines where employees may sign and date the printed report to indicate they reviewed the payroll information.


Refer to the Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service Reports Guide for details about this report.

Figure 7-35 Payroll Detail By Employee Report

Payroll Detail By Employee Report