Update PINpad Key (TransArmor)

If your store is using TransArmor for credit card authorizations, use the Update PINpad Key option to advance the Device Derivation Key (DDK) when needed.

Figure 24-2 System Admin Menu

System Admin Menu

  1. Select the Update PINpad Key option from the System Admin menu.

    Figure 24-3 Warning Prompt

    Warning Prompt

  2. A warning prompt displays indicating that this option should only be used at the direction of the Home Office. Select OK to proceed or press Enter to return to the main menu.

    • If the update is successful, Xstore Classic prompts: PINpad device key is successfully updated.

    • If the update is not successful, Xstore Classic prompts: PINpad is no longer usable because the device key update was not successful. Call the Help Desk.