55 Networked Cash Drawers

IP enabled cash drawers are also known as networked cash drawers. The cash drawers are placed on a network and given an IP address. This allows the cash drawer to be accessible by the Xstore POS devices.

  1. Manage Networked Cash Drawer (only for new networked cash drawers that have not been configured yet). See Discover and Activate a New Networked Cash Drawer.

    1. Configure cash drawer

    2. Activate cash drawer

  2. Open Cash Drawer

    1. Assign and count till

  3. Attach Cash Drawer Till

    1. Scan cash drawer

    2. Put physical till in cash drawer

  4. Networked cash drawer is ready for use in Xstore Sales.

  5. Remove Cash Drawer Till

    1. Scan cash drawer

    2. Remove physical till from cash drawer

  6. Close Cash Drawer

    1. Count till

Discover and Activate a New Networked Cash Drawer

Discover new networked cash drawers using the Manage Networked Cash Drawers menu option. These steps are only required for new networked cash drawers.

  1. From the Main menu, select System Admin then Manage Networked Cash Drawers. The list of networked cash drawers displays. If this is the first-time drawers are being discovered the list may be empty.


    If a networked cash drawer has a status of Reset extra steps are required. This is the status that is shown when Xstore does not recognize the configurations found upon discovery of the cash drawer. A hard reset is required. Refer to your IP Cash drawer device documentation for instructions on resetting the networked cash drawer.

    Figure 55-1 Manage Networked Cash Drawers

    Manage Networked Cash Drawers
  2. If your cash drawer is not listed and you need to find/discover your networked cash drawer go to the Context Menu and select Discover Devices.

    Figure 55-2 Manage Networked Cash Drawers Context Menu

    Manage Networked Cash Drawers

    Your drawer will be listed now with a status of New.

    Figure 55-3 Manage Networked Cash Drawers - New Status

    Manage Networked Cash Drawers - New Status
  3. Select your networked cash drawer. An option menu opens.

    Figure 55-4 Manage Networked Cash Drawers - Options Menu

    Manage Networked Cash Drawers - Options Menu
  4. Select Configured Device. The Configuration Information window displays:

    Figure 55-5 Manage Networked Cash Drawers - Configure

    Manage Networked Cash Drawers - Configure
  5. Enter the required fields: IP Address, Netmask, Gateway, TCP Port and a description.

  6. Select Save Configs. The system will take a couple minutes to save your configurations. Your drawer will be listed in Configured status.

    Figure 55-6 Manage Networked Cash Drawers - Configured Status

    Manage Networked Cash Drawers - Configured Status
  7. Select your drawer again to open the list of menu options and select Activate Device. The status of your networked cash drawer updates to Active.

    Figure 55-7 Manage Networked Cash Drawers - Active Status

    Manage Networked Cash Drawers - Active Status

    Your networked cash drawer is now available to be set up for use in your store. Prior to moving on to the next steps you need to open the store and open the register. See Opening the Store and Register Open for more information.

Open Cash Drawer

To use the networked cash drawer that has been activated, you need to open the cash drawer. This must be done prior to Attach Cash Drawer Till.

In a register configured to use a networked cash drawer, opening the register is done by opening the cash drawer.


If you try to attach the cash drawer till first, you get an error message that there are no cash drawers available to attach till.

No Cash Drawer Message

To open the networked cash drawer

  1. Select Till from the Main Menu.

  2. Select Open/Close Options from the Till menu.

  3. Select Cash Drawer Open from the Open/Close Options menu. The system displays a list of networked cash drawers that are available.

    Figure 55-8 Cash Drawer Open

    Cash Drawer Open
  4. Select the networked cash drawer to open from the list. The system prompts 'Do you want to open this cash drawer?'

    Figure 55-9 Cash Drawer Open Prompt

    Cash Drawer Open Prompt
  5. Select Yes.

  6. A cash drawer needs a till (insert that holds the money inside the cash drawer) so the system prompts for the till that will be issued for this cash drawer and goes through the process of counting the till (Begin Count).

    1. Select the till ID/Name that is located inside their cash drawer or associated to the cash drawer.

      Figure 55-10 Select Available Till

      Select Available Till
    2. Count the till contents.

      Figure 55-11 Till Accountability Begin Count

      Till Accountability Begin Count

      Select the Count Group to count first such as Australian Cash, Canada Cash, or Cash. The following example shows a denomination count for Australian cash first.

      Figure 55-12 Till Accountability Denomination Count

      Till Accountability Denomination Count
    3. Select Next Group to perform the denomination count for the next currency, in this example, Canada Cash.

    4. Select Next Group to complete the last denomination count, Cash.

    5. Now the counting is done, select Back to exit the counting function and to select Counting Complete.

      Figure 55-13 Till Accountability Counting Complete

      Till Accountability - Counting Complete
    6. The prompt displays to verify the counts.

      Figure 55-14 Till Accountability Verify Begin Count

      Till Accountability Verify Begin Count

      Select Yes if the amounts are correct.

A receipt may print indicating the register number that is open and the cashier ID who is at the register.

Continue with attaching the cash drawer till.

Attach Cash Drawer Till

A removable till is added to a cash drawer after a networked cash drawer is opened. See Open Cash Drawer.

To attach a networked cash drawer till:

  1. Select Till from the Main Menu.

  2. Select Till Maintenance from the Till menu.

  3. Select Attach Cash Drawer Till from the Till Maintenance menu. A list of cash drawer tills is shown.

    Figure 55-15 Cash Drawer Accountability

    Cash Drawer Accountability
  4. Select the till you had selected during the open cash drawer process. The system prompts you to scan the cash drawer barcode. This is the cash drawer the till will be placed inside.

    Figure 55-16 Scan Cash Drawer Barcode

    Scan Cash Drawer Barcode

    If the mobile device does not have a scanner, tap the barcode icon to open the mobile device camera. The device camera opens and will 'look' for your barcode.

    Figure 55-17 Mobile Device Scan

    Mobile Device Scan

    Once your device camera finds the barcode it captures the data and the camera closes. The system prompts, "Are you sure you want to attach till to cash drawer ### (listing the specific cash drawer).

    Figure 55-18 Attach Till Prompt

    Attach Till Prompt
  5. Select Yes to attach the till to that networked cash drawer.

    The networked cash drawer will open. Insert the till into the networked cash drawer. The system prompts to close the cash drawer.

    Figure 55-19 Close Cash Drawer Prompt

    Close Cash Drawer Prompt
  6. Close the cash drawer. A final prompt displays stating which till has been attached to which networked cash drawer.

    Figure 55-20 Till Attached Message

    Till Attached Message

You can now perform sales. At the end of the day/shift remove the cash drawer till, followed by closing the cash drawer (which includes the counting of the till contents).

Remove Cash Drawer Till

You must remove the till before you can close the cash drawer. See Close Cash Drawer.

To remove a networked cash drawer till:

  1. Select Till from the Main Menu.

  2. Select Open/Close Options from the Till menu.

  3. Select Remove Cash Drawer Till from the Open/Close Options menu. The system displays a list of networked cash drawer tills that are available to remove.

    Figure 55-21 Cash Drawer Remove List

    Cash Drawer Remove List
  4. Scan the cash drawer till barcode. If the mobile device does not have a scanner, tap the barcode icon in the upper left-hand corner of the prompt (next to the header - Scan Drawer) and this will open the mobile device camera for scanning the cash drawer barcode.

    When the camera captures the barcode, the camera is closed and the system prompts to confirm you want to remove the till from this specific cash drawer (listing the name/description of the cash drawer).

    Figure 55-22 Remove Till Prompt

    Remove Till Prompt

    The cash drawer will pop open to take out the cash drawer till. The system will prompt to close the drawer once the till is removed.

    Figure 55-23 Close Cash Drawer Prompt

    Close Cash Drawer Prompt
  5. Close the cash drawer. A final prompt displays stating which till has been attached to which networked cash drawer.

    Figure 55-24 Till Removed Message

    Till Removed Message
  6. The last step will be to close the cash drawer.

Close Cash Drawer

If your system is configured to use network-enabled cash drawers, closing the register is done by closing the cash drawer.

You must remove the till before closing the cash drawer. See Remove Cash Drawer Till for more information.

To close a register with the networked cash drawer:

  1. Select Till from the Main Menu.

  2. Select Open/Close Options from the Till menu.

  3. Select Cash Drawer Close from the Open/Close Options menu. The system displays a list of opened networked cash drawers to select from.

    Figure 55-25 Cash Drawer Close List

    Cash Drawer Close List
  4. Select the cash drawer to close. The system prompts to confirm that you want to close the cash drawer.

    Figure 55-26 Cash Drawer Close Prompt

    Cash Drawer Close Prompt
  5. Select Yes and the process for counting the till will begin.

    Figure 55-27 End Count

    End Count
  6. Count each of the count groups that are in the drawer. As per your store configuration, either a Totals count will be required or a Denomination count.

    When done counting select Counting Complete from the Context Menu.

    Figure 55-28 End Count Context Menu

    End Count Context Menu

If there are any discrepancies in the count the system will prompt you to confirm the count.

Depending on your configuration, you may be prompted with the suggested deposit amount. Select Accept Deposit to confirm the amount to be deposited or select Change Deposit to enter an amount to deposit.

The system may be configured to print a Closed Count receipt and a Cash Drawer Closed Receipt.

This concludes the process for closing the cash drawer.