25 Task Management

Task Management functionality is available on all Xstore POS devices except the Handheld.

Task Management is a feature that encompasses tasks assigned to associates in a store for completion as well as tasks that are customer-focused such as appointments. Tasks have workflows associated with them so at any time a manager can easily see the current status of the task.

This section covers the following topics:

Your tasks can be viewed from the Home Screen or after logging in from the Main Menu.

For Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Cloud Services users, this section also includes instructions on how to use the Black Book feature to focus on your primary customers.

My Tasks Screen

The My Tasks screen displays all tasks visible to you. The menu options available are based on the task status and the associated workflow.

Figure 25-3 My Tasks Screen

My Tasks Screen

Selecting a task row will open the functions that can be performed on the selected task such as Add Note, View Notes, Edit Task, Begin Task, Reopen Task, Complete Task, Cancel Task, and View Customer assigned to task.

The Task Filters along the top of the screen allow you to limit the tasks displayed in the My Tasks screen.

The following information is displayed for each task:

  • P (Priority): Task priority. This can be High, Medium, or Low.

  • Date: Start date for the task.

  • Start Time: Start time for the task.

  • Duration: Length of time for the task.

  • Activity: Type of task.

  • Description: Description of the task.

  • The customer associated with the task is listed under the date.


    If a customer is associated with the task, the task can also be viewed from the Tasks Tab in Customer Maintenance.

  • Status: Status of the task. This can be Open, In Progress, Cancelled, or Closed.

  • Associate: Employee or employee group assigned to the task.

Task Filters

Figure 25-4 My Tasks Screen Showing Context Menu

My Tasks Screen Showing Context Menu

From the Context Menu you can Add Task. See Creating a Task for more information.

Use the filters in the Context Menu to view specific information. Search by Associate, Activity, Start Date, End Date, or Status.

You can filter tasks on the following criteria:

Assigned Associate

To filter tasks by assigned associate:

  1. Select Filter by Associate in the Context Menu.

    Xstore POS displays a list of employee and employee groups.

    Figure 25-5 Filter by Associate

    Filter by Associate
  2. Select All Associates or a specific associate.

    Any tasks that belong to the associates selected will display. If no tasks display no tasks are associated to the associate.


To filter tasks by activity type such as appointment, event, todo, and so on:

  1. Select Filter by Activity in the Context Menu.

    Xstore POS displays a list of activity types.

    Figure 25-6 Filter by Activity

    Filter by Activity
  2. Select the correct activity type.

    The task list will only display tasks of the selected activity type.


To filter tasks by task status from a list of Open, In Progress, Canceled, and Closed:

  1. Select Filter by Status in the Context Menu.

    Xstore POS displays a list of task status.

    Figure 25-7 Filter by Status

    Filter by Status
  2. Select the correct task status.

    The task list will only display tasks of the selected task status.


To filter tasks by date:

  1. Select Filter by Date in the Context Menu.

    Figure 25-8 Filter by Date

    Filter by Date
  2. Enter the new Start Date.

    The task list will only display tasks with a start date on or after the entered date.

  3. Enter the new End Date.

    The task list will only display tasks with an end date on or before the entered date.

  4. Select Save.

Task Options Menu

Select a task in the My Tasks screen to bring up the Task Options menu where you can add and view notes, view customer assigned to task, and manage tasks - edit, begin, reopen, complete, or cancel.

Figure 25-9 Task Options Menu

Task Options Menu

Task Notes

The most recent note associated with the task displays beneath the task row.

Figure 25-10 Tasks Notes

Tasks Notes

To view all the notes for a task:

  1. Select the task. The Task Options menu opens. See Figure 25-9.

  2. Select View Notes.

    A window opens displaying all the notes for the task.

    Figure 25-11 All Task Notes

    All Task Notes
  3. Select Back to close the window.

Open Customer Record

To open a customer record in Customer Maintenance from a task:

  1. Select a task associated with a customer.

  2. Select View Customer from the Tasks Options menu. See Figure 25-9.

    The customer record opens in Customer Maintenance, see Customer Maintenance.

Creating a Task

To create a task:

  1. Select Add Task in the Task List (see Figure 25-4) or the context menu of the Tasks Tab in Customer Maintenance.

  2. Enter the task information:

    Figure 25-12 Task Details

    Task Details
    • Type: Type of task.

    • Description: Description of the task.

    • Priority: Priority of the task.

    • Start Date: Date on which the task will begin.

    • End Date: Date by which the task must be finished.

    • Start Time: Time at which the task will begin.

    • End Time: Time at which the task must be finished.

    • Visibility: The group that can view the task (Store, Employee Group, or Employee).


      Employee Group visibility is not an option if you are using Customer Engagement to manage your tasks.

    • Assigned To: The employee group or employee to assign to the task. This field is not editable for tasks with Store visibility.


      Xstore indicates the employee is not a valid Customer Engagement user, the employee does not exist in Customer Engagement.

  3. If necessary, assign a customer to the task by performing the following:

    Select Assign Customer. Xstore POS opens a window prompting for customer search criteria.

    Associating a Customer with a Transaction. The customer is assigned to the task.

  4. Select Save.

    This task is created and added to the Task List.

Add a Note

To add a note to a task:

  1. Select the task in the Task List or the Tasks tab in Customer Maintenance.

  2. Click Add Note. See Figure 25-9.

    A note entry window opens.

  3. Enter the note text.

  4. Click OK.

    The note is added to the task.

Edit a Task

To edit a task:

  1. Select the task in the Task List or the Tasks tab in Customer Maintenance:

  2. Select Edit Task. See Figure 25-9.

    A task details window opens.

    Figure 25-13 Task Details Screen

    Task Details Screen
  3. Make the necessary changes to the task:

    • Description: Description of the task.

    • Priority: Priority of the task.

    • Start Date: Date on which the task will begin.

    • End Date: Date by which the task must be finished.

    • Start Time: Time at which the task will begin.

    • End Time: Time at which the task must be finished.

  4. If necessary, assign a customer to the task:

  5. Click Save.

    The note is added to the task.

Updating Task Status

To update the status of a task:

  1. Select the task in the task list.

  2. Click the new status. See Figure 25-9. Menu options include:


    All status menu options may not be visible depending on the current status of the task. Xstore POS displays the next status options in the workflow.

    • Begin Task: Sets the status to In progress.

    • Reopen Task: Sets the status to Open.

    • Complete Task: Sets the status to Closed. The task cannot be re-opened or edited after it is completed.

      A verification prompt opens.

      Figure 25-14 Complete Task Confirmation Prompt

      Complete Task Confirmation Prompt
    • Cancel Task: Sets the status to Cancelled. The task cannot be re-opened or edited after it is cancelled.

      A verification prompt opens.

      Figure 25-15 Cancel Task

      Cancel Task
  3. If necessary, click Yes to confirm the status change.

    Figure 25-16 My Tasks Screen Showing Cancelled Task

    My Tasks Screen Showing Cancelled Task

View Black Book

Black Book functionality is available on all Xstore POS devices.


Requires Xstore to be integrated with Oracle Retail Customer Engagement (ORCE).

The Black Book is a customer contact list for salespeople to reach out to their customers. It allows you to view your primary customers' contact information.

Your security privileges determine the associates and customers you can access.

To view your black book:

  1. Click Associate.

  2. Click Associate Tasks.

    Figure 25-17 Associate Tasks Menu

    Associate Tasks Menu
  3. Click Black Book.

  4. The Filter by Associate screen opens. Click the correct associate from the list.

    Figure 25-18 Filter By Associate

    Filter By Associate

    Click the correct associate from the list.

    The black book opens showing a list of customer names for the associate. Selecting a customer takes you to the Customer Maintenance screen.

Black Book Screen

The Black Book screen displays the following information for each customer in the employee's black book:

Figure 25-19 Handheld Black Book

Handheld Black Book
  • Customer Name - Full name of the customer.

  • Email - Customer e-mail.

  • Phone - Customer phone number.

View a Customer Record

To open a customer record in Customer Maintenance from the Black Book Screen:

  1. Select a customer in the list:

    The customer record opens in Customer Maintenance.

  2. Click Back to return to the Black Book Screen.