9 Customer Options

For customer accounts such as orders, layaways, special orders, gift registry and work orders, it is necessary to have customer details in order to complete a transaction.

For maintenance of these accounts, see Maintaining Customer Information.

Customer and Engagement Activity Quick Action Buttons on the Desktop, Tablet, and Thin Client home screen enable an associate to work with a customer outside of a transaction and record that interaction. They can track and capture activities pre transaction such as which items are tried on and the changing room used, or used for reviewing products, building wish lists, recording comments or booking future appointments. The associate can easily move into a sales transaction for that customer without having to exit and log back into sales.

This section covers the following topics that can be performed:

Searching for a Customer Record

When you want to assign a customer to the sale during a transaction, the database is searched to see if the customer record already exists. If the record is found in the database, you may want to view the information or confirm that it is correct. If the record is not found in the customer database, you can create a new customer record and enter the information provided by the customer.

  1. From the Customer Search window, enter your search criteria and then select Process.

    Figure 9-1 Desktop - Customer Search Criteria

    New Desktop - Customer Search Criteria

    Figure 9-2 Handheld - Customer Search Criteria

    Handheld - Customer Search Criteria


    Enter as much information as possible in the Customer Search form to limit the number of customer records that are returned. You may enter partial names in the Last and First name fields.

    The maximum number of returned records is configurable. If your search results exceed that number, you may see a message indicating there are too many results. Press OK to close the message.

    • Phone # - Phone number associated with the customer.

    • Last Name - Customer last name.

    • First Name - Customer first name.

    • Postal Code - Postal or zip code.

    • Loyalty # - Loyalty number.

    • Customer # - Customer number.

    To change the states/provinces in the State search menu, see Change Country.

  2. If the name you want is not listed, select the Back option to return to the Customer Search form and enter the customer's full name or make additional entries in other searchable fields. Select Process to search again.

    If no customer record matches the criteria, Xstore POS displays a message indicating that no customer records have been found. Click New to Add a New Customer Recordor click Back to return to Step 1.

    Figure 9-3 Xstore POS - Customer Search No Results

    Xstore POS - Customer Search No Results

    Figure 9-4 Handheld - Customer Search No Results

    Handheld - Customer Search No Results

    If only one name matches the search criteria, the system may automatically display the customer record rather than presenting a list, if your system is set up to do so.

    If more than one customer record matches your search criteria, select a customer from the list by touching the line. If a long hold on the individual line is performed, you are given the option to review, continue, or modify this individual customer detail.

    Figure 9-5 Xstore POS - Customer Search Results

    Xstore POS - Customer Search Results

    Figure 9-6 Handheld Customer Search Results

    Handheld Customer Search Results


    The Source field below the header Customer Search indicates the data source from which this information was retrieved. The data source depends upon your system's configuration. If your system is integrated with the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Cloud Services application and the customers are found there, Customer Engagement is indicated as the source. Customers may also be found in other configurable sources such as the Xstore POS database or Xcenter.

  3. Choose one of these options:

    • Back - Returns to the Customer Search form.

    • Select - Opens the selected customer record for viewing or editing.

    • New - Displays a form for adding a new customer record to the customer database. See Add a New Customer Record.

Associating a Customer with a Transaction

Depending upon your system's configuration, you may be prompted for customer information so that a customer may be assigned to the transaction.


To continue the transaction without adding a customer, select the Skip button.

To assign a customer to a transaction:

  1. Enter search information in the Customer Search form. Select the Process button. See Searching for a Customer Record for detailed steps.

  2. If a list of matching customer records, who met the criteria of the search, is found, select a customer from the list by touching the line.

    Continue the transaction with either:

    Loyalty Registration <OR>

    Adding an Item

If you are in the sale screen, selecting the region where a customer name would show if a customer had been added, prompts for the customer lookup.

Figure 9-7 Xstore POS - Customer Quick Add

Xstore POS - Customer Quick Add

Figure 9-8 Handheld - Customer Quick Add

Handheld - Customer Quick Add

Customer Information Consent

Xstore allows retailers to capture a customer's consent for collecting their personal information.

If this functionality is enabled, when creating a new customer record or by accessing the customer record in the transaction, you are automatically prompted with a Consent Preferences pop up. If the customer has already given consent and the terms and conditions are current, then they will not be prompted again. However, if the terms and conditions have been updated, the customer will be prompted to update their consent preferences.

The terms and conditions are provided by the retailer. Xstore provides the ability to configure multiple consent check boxes for the customer to select.

Once the customer has agreed to the terms and conditions and the consent boxes have been checked, select the Accept button.

If the customer declines consent, the consent captured date is cleared and it may impact the ability to perform some specific transaction types depending on the retailer's configurations.

After selecting the Accept button, the terms and conditions may be reviewed and signed electronically by the customer.

Customers and employees may ask the retailer to remove their personal information by anonymizing or deleting it from their records. If a customer or employee requests to remove their data, a check is made to ensure that the customer or employee is eligible to be removed from the application. For example, customers with any open transactions would not be eligible for data removal. Open transactions include open orders, a house account balance, or open layaway transactions, and so on.

Add a New Customer Record

If you search for a customer name and it is not found in the customer database, you can create a new record for the customer. The system displays a message if there is no current record.

  1. Select New at a customer prompt.


    The information you entered in the Customer Search form automatically populates the appropriate fields on the Customer Maintenance screen.

    If customer information consent functionality is not enabled, continue at step 4.

    If customer information consent functionality is enabled, a terms and conditions screen opens showing consent preferences and requesting that the customer accepts or declines to the terms and conditions listed. See Customer Information Consent for more information.

    Figure 9-9 Customer Information Consent Form

    Customer Information Consent Form

    Select the relevant check boxes if the customer agrees to accept the terms and conditions, and consent preferences.

    To refuse consent, select Decline to return to the previous screen.

  2. Select Accept. Ask the customer to electronically sign the signature capture on the device to acknowledge they are accepting the terms and conditions displayed on the previous screen.

    Figure 9-10 Signature Capture and Verify Customer Consent

    Signature Capture and Verify Customer Consent
  3. Select Accept to confirm the customer has acknowledged the terms and conditions and signed the receipt. The customer's acceptance is associated to the customer record.

    A confirmation screen is displayed indicating that the customer's consent selections have been updated in the system. Select OK to continue. The customer maintenance screen opens with editable fields.

  4. Enter customer contact information. Your system may be configured to capture and display the following information on the Contact Information tab. Any of the fields may be designated as a required entry (per your store policy).

    Figure 9-11 Customer Record - Edit Mode

    Customer Record - Edit Mode

    Any field that requires an entry is underlined in red.

    Any field that has a selectable list of options displays a down arrow on the right side of the field.


    When you enter a valid postal code for the customer, the system automatically enters the city and state information.

    Figure 9-12 Save Changes Option

    Save Changes Option
  5. In the Context Menu, select Save Changes to save the information to the database. Select Undo Changes if you decide not to keep the changes you made.

View/Edit Customer Information

To view or edit information about the customer assigned to a transaction:

Figure 9-13 Handheld Context Menu - Sale Mode

Handheld Context Menu - Sale Mode
  1. Select Customer Options in the Context Menu.

  2. Select View Customer.

    Figure 9-14 Customer Detail

    Customer Detail

    Do one of the following:

    • Select Cancel to return to the sale screen.

    • Select Edit Customer to edit the customer information. See Edit Customer.

    • Select Enroll in Loyalty to assign a loyalty card to the customer. See Loyalty Registration.

Edit Customer

  1. In the Context Menu, select Edit Customer to activate the fields on the window.

  2. Select the field you want to change and replace the old entry by typing over it with the new information.

  3. In the Context Menu, select Save Changes to save the information to the database. Select Undo Changes if you decide not to keep the changes you made.

Loyalty Registration

If a customer is not registered with a loyalty program, Xstore POS prompts to add a loyalty card. You can select Process, Not Now, or Never.

Figure 9-15 Xstore POS - Loyalty Registration

Mobile Tablet - Loyalty Registration

Figure 9-16 Handheld - Loyalty Registration

Handheld - Loyalty Registration

Do one of the following:

  • Register a Card - Swipe a loyalty card or enter the card number and select the Process button.

  • Continue Without Adding a Card - Select the Not Now button.

  • Never Ask Again About a Card - the Never button.

Removing a Customer

To remove a customer from a transaction:

Figure 9-17 Handheld Context Menu - Sale Mode

Handheld Context Menu - Sale Mode
  1. Whilst in the transaction, select Customer Options in the Context Menu.

  2. Select Remove Customer.

    The customer is removed from the transaction. Return to the sale screen.


    To add a different customer to the transaction, select Customer Options\Assign Customer.

Changing Country

To change the states/provinces in the State field (if present) to those of a different country:

  1. Select the Change Country button.

    Figure 9-18 Xstore POS - Change Country

    Mobile Tablet - Change Country

    Figure 9-19 Handheld - Change Country

    Handheld - Change Country
  2. Select the proper country.

    Return to Associating a Customer with a Transaction.

Balance Inquiry

Gift cards and store credit vouchers may be used as a tender until the total value of the account has been used. Since the amount left on a card or voucher cannot be visibly seen, this function electronically checks the account record and tells you about the remaining value on the account. You can also use Balance Inquiry to look up an encoded item's price on a gift receipt.

Use the balance inquiry process to check the amount remaining on a customer's store credit voucher, gift card or gift certificate, and an item's price from a gift receipt.


Depending upon the configuration of your system, this option may be available from several different locations.

  1. Select Balance Inquiry from the Context Menu on the home screen or from within a sale, to view the inquiry functions available in your store.

    Figure 9-20 Xstore POS Home Screen Context Menu

    Xstore POS Home Screen Context Menu

    Figure 9-21 Xstore POS Sale Screen Context Menu

    Mobile Tablet Sale Screen Context Menu
  2. Select the type of inquiry you want to perform by selecting the appropriate option from the Balance Inquiry menu.

    Figure 9-22 Handheld Balance Inquiry Menu

    Handheld Balance Inquiry Menu
    • Gift Card Balance: Shows the remaining balance on a gift card.

    • Gift Certificate Balance: Shows the redemption amount of a gift certificate.

    • Gift Receipt Inquiry: To view the encoded item’s price on a gift receipt.

    • Loyalty Balance: Shows the loyalty point balance.

    • Store Credit Balance: Shows the remaining store credit balance.

  3. At the prompt, enter the information as prompted: a card number, account number, or gift receipt information.


    The information required here varies according to the type of balance inquiry you are performing. Enter the applicable information and press OK to continue.

  4. The system retrieves the account balance/gift receipt information and displays the information on the screen.

    • If applicable, press Yes to print a receipt for this balance information.


    • If applicable, press No if you do not need a printed receipt for this balance information.

    • If the option to print a receipt is not available, press OK to close the prompt.


    The system displays a message if the account is closed or cannot be located.

    If a deal or discount was applied to the gift item at the time of purchase, you cannot use Balance Inquiry to look up the price. No item price code is printed on the receipt.

    No item Price Code

    When a balance inquiry for a store credit or gift certificate is performed, Xstore POS first determines which currency the store credit or gift certificate is in. If this currency is different than your store's local currency, then the foreign tender amount of the store credit or gift certificate is automatically converted to the local tender and amount using the current exchange rate on file. This localization is shown on the screen and on the receipt, if printed.

  5. If you chose to print a receipt, the information shown on the receipt includes the date of this inquiry, the card or account information (masked), and the available balance on the card or account.

    Figure 9-23 Sample Balance Inquiry Receipt

    Sample Balance Inquiry Receipt

Engagement Activity


Requires Xstore to be integrated with Oracle Retail Customer Engagement (ORCE).

Customer Engagement can be used by fashion retailers to track and capture activities pre transaction such as which items are tried on and the changing room used. From here you can convert to a sale or save to a personal wish list (items that a customer has expressed an interest in).

Upon selecting the Engagement Activity quick action button, you are taken to the Customer Search functionality. See Searching for a Customer Record for more information.

  1. Associate a customer with this activity.

  2. Scan or enter an item number.

    Figure 9-24 Engagement Activity - Items Added

    Engagement Activity - Items Added
  3. Add further items or select a quick action button (Tablet), or the Context Menu (Handheld) to continue:

Assign Changing Room ID

To assign or release a changing room during an Engagement Activity:

  1. Select Assign Changing Room ID.

    Figure 9-25 Assign Room

    Assign Room
  2. Scan (by touching the barcode icon first) or select a changing room.

    After assigning the Room ID, the Assign Changing Room ID button is updated to Release Changing Room.

    Figure 9-26 Release Changing Room

    Release Changing Room

    The assigned changing room ID, number of items, and start time of the Engagement Activity are displayed upon assigning the changing room is displayed in the Information area.

  3. To release the changing room, select Release Changing Room. Once the changing room is released, you can assign a new changing room to the engagement activity.

Convert to Sale

If a customer wishes to purchase any items, select Convert To Sale. Xstore POS navigates to the Sale screen to complete the transaction.

Figure 9-27 Handheld Engagement Activity Context Menu

Handheld Engagement Activity Context Menu

Remove Items from Engagement Activity

You can remove items from the Engagement Activity list at any time. You need to select a reason code for the removal of an item.

Figure 9-28 List of Reason Codes

List of Reason Codes

Exit Engagement Activity

If none of the items are to be purchased at that point of time, they can be saved to the customer's personal wish list to be purchased later.


Only items valid in Oracle Retail Customer Engagement can be saved.

To save the items to their wish list.

  1. Select Exit Engagement. You are prompted to save the items.

    Figure 9-29 Save to Wish List

    Save to Wish List
  2. Select No to exit, or Yes, to add the item(s) to the customer's wish list.

  3. If no wish list exists or the customer would like to create a new wish list, you are prompted to a new wish list for the customer.

    Figure 9-30 Create Wish List

    Create Wish List
    1. Enter a wish list name.

    2. Select Save.

Upon sending the items to the wish list, Xstore receives a confirmation from Oracle Retail Customer Engagement that they have received the wish list items.

The customer's wish list can be viewed on the Wish List tab located within the Customer Maintenance section. See Wish List Tab.