24 Flash Sales

From the register you can view the Flash Sales Summary Report which provides an instant snapshot of sales at the moment that you select it. The report displays data in a column format as well as in graphic format with bar charts and pie charts. It includes sales results from two perspectives:

  • Sales - The count of transactions and the dollar amount of the transactions in the following categories: gross sales, net sales, returns, discounts and total tax.

  • Tenders - The count of transactions and the dollar amount for each tender type that was used such as cash, various credit cards, store credit, gift certificates, and so on.

The last page of the Flash Sales Summary report includes a pie chart of the tenders used and a bar chart of the sales results.

You can set the date parameters that are used to select the data included in the report, and to specify whether zero values are suppressed and whether or not the charts are shown. See Running the Flash Sales Summary Report.

The report may be viewed online and printed immediately or saved so that it may be viewed later. Saved reports may be preserved with the original selection parameters or with the original data.

Additional Flash Sales reports are accessible from the Back Office Reports Menu. Refer to the Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service Manager's Guide, and the Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service Reports Guide for more information about the Flash Sales Report.