Run the Flash Sales Summary Report

To run the Flash Sales Summary Report from the Register Login screen:

Figure 24-1 Register Login Screen

Register Login Screen

  1. Click Flash Sales in the Register Login screen.

    The Flash Sales criteria window opens.

    Figure 24-2 Criteria Entry Form for Flash Sales Summary Report

    Criteria Entry Form for Flash Sales Summary Report

  2. Enter the report criteria:

    • Start Date/Specific Date - Enter a date on the top line or select a relative date from the drop-down list.

    • Display Options - Select how the report will display data:

      • Summary - Display a summary of all data.

      • By Department - Organize the data by the item department.

      • By Employee - Organize the data by the employee who performed the sale.

      • By Hour - Organize the data by the hour at which the sales were made.

    • Show Chart - Select Yes to display a chart or No to only show data.

    • Show Criteria - Select Yes to display the criteria used when creating the report or No to only show the results.

  3. Finish the report:

    • Click Run Report to execute the report and display the results on the screen.

    • Click Print to execute the report and send the results to a printer.

    • Click Save to keep the report with the current data or save only the report parameters to run this specific report with these parameters again. See Save a Report or Report Parameters for more information.

Save a Report or Report Parameters

To save a report or the parameters for a report:

  1. Click Save in the Flash Sales report criteria window.

    A Save Flash Sales Summary window opens.

    Figure 24-3 Save Report Options

    Save Report Options

  2. Enter the save file information:

    • Save Report As - Name of the save file.

    • Report Save Options - The information to be saved:

      • Save Report with Current Data - To save the report with the current values.

      • Save Report Parameters - To save only the parameters to use these parameters as a template to generate a new report at another time.

  3. Select OK.

    The report is saved to your personal report area and can be retrieved from the Back Office Main Menu by selecting Reports, then the Saved Reports option.


    Refer to the Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service Reports Guide for more information about setting up and running reports.

    Figure 24-4 Flash Sales Summary Report

    Flash Sales Summary Report

    Figure 24-5 Flash Sales Summary Report - No Graph

    Flash Sales Summary Report - No Graph