22 Miscellaneous Transactions

Miscellaneous transactions are those activities that may not be directly related to a specific sale transaction but offer important and useful functions. Like sale transactions, these activities are also logged by the system for accountability and reporting purposes.

This chapter describes the following miscellaneous transaction processes:

Clock In and Clock Out

Depending upon your store policy, you may be required to clock in before logging in. You may also be required to clock in and out for meal breaks. If meal break clock-out and clock-in is enforced, you cannot clock back in after a meal break until a specified period has elapsed.

For your timecard to accurately reflect the number of hours worked, you must clock in and out by performing the following procedures:

Clock In

Figure 22-1 Register Screen Login

Register Screen Login

To clock in:

  1. Click Clock In/Clock Out at the Register Login screen.

    Xstore Point of Service knows whether you are currently clocked in or clocked out and will perform the appropriate action automatically.


    Touch-screen users swipe the clock area to clock in or clock out.

    Swipe Clock

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for your user ID.

    Figure 22-2 Clock In Employee ID Prompt

    Clock In Employee ID Prompt

  2. Scan or enter your employee ID at the Clock In/Out prompt and press Enter.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for your password.

    Figure 22-3 Clock In Employee Password Prompt

    Clock In Employee Password Prompt

  3. Enter your password and press Enter.

    Figure 22-4 Work Code List

    Work Code List

  4. If necessary, select a work code for your current activity:

    • Click the work code.

    • Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the appropriate work code, then press the Spacebar.

  5. Click OK if necessary.

    You are now clocked in.

Clock Out

To clock out:

  1. Click Clock In/Clock Out at the Register Login screen. See Figure 22-1

    Xstore Point of Service knows whether you are currently clocked in or clocked out and will perform the appropriate action automatically.


    Touch-screen users swipe the clock area to clock in or clock out.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for your user ID. See Figure 22-2.

  2. Scan or enter your employee ID at the Clock In/Out prompt and press Enter.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for your password. See Figure 22-3.

  3. Enter your password and press Enter.

    Figure 22-5 Clock Out Prompt

    Clock Out Prompt

  4. Click Clock Out if you are prompted whether to clock out or clock in under a different work code.

    You are clocked out. Xstore Point of Service may print a receipt with your clock-out information.

Change Work Code

To change the work code you are using for your clock in:

  1. Click Clock In/Clock Out at the Register Login screen. See Figure 22-1.

    Xstore Point of Service knows whether you are currently clocked in or clocked out and will perform the appropriate action automatically.


    Touch-screen users swipe the clock area to clock in or clock out.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for your user ID. See Figure 22-2.

  2. Scan or enter your employee ID at the Clock In/Out prompt and press Enter.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for your password. See Figure 22-3.

  3. Enter your password and press Enter.

    You are prompted whether to clock out or clock in under a different work code. See Figure 22-5.

  4. Click Change Work Code.

    You are prompted for a new work code.

    Figure 22-6 Change Work Code List

    Change Work Code List

  5. Select a work code for your current activity:

    • Click the work code.

    • Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the appropriate work code, then press the Spacebar.

  6. Click OK if necessary.

    You are now clocked in under a new work code.

Clocking In and Clocking Out for Meal Breaks

If your store policy enforces meal break clock-out and clock-in, you cannot clock back in after a meal break until a specified period has elapsed.

If a minimum clocked-in time interval is used.

If your store policy requires a minimum clocked-in time interval for a Meal Break work code (for example, 30 minutes), you cannot clock out early from your meal break. An override is allowed with a manager's permission.

To clock out for a meal break:

  1. Click Clock In/Clock Out at the Register Login screen. See Figure 22-1.


    Touch-screen users swipe the clock area to clock in or clock out.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for your user ID. See Figure 22-2.

  2. Scan or enter your employee ID at the Clock In/Out prompt and press Enter.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for your password. See Figure 22-3.

  3. Enter your password and press Enter.

    You are prompted whether to clock out or clock in under a different work code. See Figure 22-5.

  4. Click Change Work Code.

    You are prompted for a new work code.

    Figure 22-7 Work Code List

    Work Code List

  5. Select the meal break option (for example, Break For Lunch or Meal Break:

    • Click the meal break option.

    • Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the meal break option, then press the Spacebar.

  6. Click OK if necessary.

    You are now clocked out for a meal.

If your store policy is set up for a minimum clocked-out time interval for a break (for example, 30 minutes), you cannot clock back in early.

This means that once you have clocked out during your shift, you cannot clock back in again for at least 30 minutes.

An override is allowed with a manager's permission.

Balance Inquiry

Gift cards and store credit vouchers may be used as a tender until the total value of the account has been used. Since the amount left on a card or voucher cannot be visibly seen, this function electronically checks the account record and tells you about the remaining value on the account.

Use the balance inquiry process to check the amount remaining on a customer's store credit voucher, gift card or gift certificate, and to look up an item's price from a gift receipt.


Depending upon the configuration of your system, this option may be available from several different locations. Before logging in, Balance Inquiry is available from the Register Login screen and from the Till Options menu. After logging in, Balance Inquiry is available from both the Register Options menu and the Back Office Main Menu. The procedure that follows describes how to access Balance Inquiry from the Register Login screen

  1. Click Balance Inquiry at the Register Login screen.

    Figure 22-8 Balance Inquiry Menu Options

    Balance Inquiry Menu Options

  2. Click the type of balance inquiry:

    • Gift Card Balance - Remaining balance on a gift card.

    • Gift Cert. Balance - Remaining balance on a gift certificate.

    • Store Credit Balance - Remaining store credit balance.

    • Loyalty Balance - Loyalty point balance.

    • Gift Receipt Inquiry - To look up an encoded item’s price on a gift receipt.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for the ID number.

    Figure 22-9 Store Credit Number Prompt

    Store Credit Number Prompt

  3. Enter the ID number (for example, the gift card number or gift receipt barcode number) and press Enter.

    Xstore Point of Service opens a window displaying the requested information.

  4. When you are finished:

    • Click OK to close the window.

    • Indicate whether to print a receipt:

      • Click Yes to print a receipt and close the window.

      • Click No to close the window.

Change Your Password

The Change Password option is only available from the Register Login screen or the Back Office Login screen before you log in.

Figure 22-10 Change Password Login Screen

Change Password Login Screen

To change your password:

  1. Click Change Password in the Register Login screen or Back Office Login screen.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for your user ID.

    Figure 22-11 Employee ID Prompt

    Employee ID Prompt

  2. Do one of the following, depending upon the configuration of your system:

    • Enter your user ID and press Enter.

      Xstore Point of Service prompts for your password. Continue with Step 3.

    • Scan your finger on the fingerprint reader.

      Xstore Point of Service prompts for your new password. Continue with Step 4.

      Figure 22-12 Enter Current Password Prompt

      Enter Current Password Prompt

  3. Enter your current password and press Enter.

    Figure 22-13 New Password Prompt

    New Password Prompt

  4. Enter your new password in the Enter the new password and Confirm the new password fields.

  5. Click Process.

    The new password is saved.


    Xstore Point of Service may enforce certain rules regarding passwords, such as the minimum number of characters required or whether you can reuse an old password.If your new password is not valid, press Enter to acknowledge the Validation prompt and try again.

Change your Password with Challenge Questions

If Xstore Point of Service is configured to use password challenge questions, you can re-set your password without knowing your current password by answering a set of questions whose answers should only be known to you.

To change your password using challenge questions:

  1. Click Change Password in the Register Login screen or Back Office Login screen. See Figure 22-10.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for your user ID. See Figure 22-11.

  2. Enter your user ID and press Enter.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for your password.

    Figure 22-14 Forgot Password Menu Option

    Forgot Password Menu Option

  3. Click Forgot Password.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for your last name.

    Figure 22-15 Change Password Verification

    Change Password Verification

  4. Enter your last name and press Enter.

    Xstore Point of Service asks the challenge questions.

    Figure 22-16 Example Challenge Question

    Example Challenge Question

  5. Answer each challenge question:

    1. Enter the answer.

    2. Click Next Question or Process.

    3. Repeat Steps 5.a to 5.b for each question.

    After you have entered the correct answer for each question, Xstore Point of Service prompts for your new password.

    Figure 22-17 New Password Prompt

    New Password Prompt

  6. Enter your new password in the Enter the new password and Confirm the new password fields.

  7. Click Process.

    The new password is saved.


    Xstore Point of Service may enforce certain rules regarding passwords, such as the minimum number of characters required or whether you can reuse an old password.If your new password is not valid, press Enter to acknowledge the Validation prompt and try again.

Post Void

Performing a Post Void transaction changes the status of a sale transaction to Void. All records in the system are reset as if they had never occurred during the original transaction. For example, a post void adjusts the tender totals for the till involved in the transaction.

A transaction may be post voided only on the day it is created. Post Voids may be performed on a different register from the one where the original transaction was executed.

Certain kinds of sale transactions may involve extended transactions that occur outside the system. For example, special orders, work orders and layaways are extended transactions. Although the system checks for such conditions when a post void is executed, some aspects of the transaction may need to be reversed by an additional transaction such as a return. If the system detects an extended transaction, you are prompted about whether you want to continue the post void process.

A Post Void transaction may be performed from the Register or from the Back Office, depending upon your system's configuration and store policy. In the Back Office it is available on the Main Menu and from the Electronic Journal.

To perform a Post Void from the register:

  1. Select Till in the Register Login screen.

    Figure 22-18 Register Login Employee ID Prompt

    Register Login Employee ID Prompt

  2. Do one of the following, depending upon the configuration of your system:

    • Enter your user ID and press Enter.

      Xstore Point of Service prompts for your password. Continue with Step 3.

    • Scan your finger on the fingerprint reader.

      The Manage Tills menu opens. Continue with Step 4.

  3. Enter your password and press Enter.

    Figure 22-19 Register Login Password Prompt

    Register Login Password Prompt

    The Till menu opens.

    Figure 22-20 Till Menu

    Till Menu

  4. Select Till Options.

    Figure 22-21 Till Options Menu

    Till Options Menu

  5. Select Post Void.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for the transaction information.

    Figure 22-22 Prompt for Transaction Barcode

    Prompt for Transaction Barcode

  6. Enter the transaction information:

    • Scan the transaction barcode. Continue with Step 7.

    • Enter the transaction information:

      • Trans Barcode - Transaction barcode number.


        If the transaction barcode is entered, the other field values will be ignored.

      • Orig Ticket ID - Ticket ID of the transaction to post void.

      • Orig Trans Date - Date of the transaction to post void.

      • Orig Store ID - ID of the store where the transaction was performed.

      • Orig Register ID - ID of the register where the transaction was performed.

      • Orig Trans Amount - Amount of the transaction to post void.

  7. Select Process.

    If the transaction is found, Xstore Point of Service prompts for confirmation to post void the transaction.

    Figure 22-23 Prompt to Confirm Post Void

    Prompt to Confirm Post Void

  8. Indicate whether to post void the transaction:

    • Click Yes to post void the transaction.

    • Click No to cancel the post void.

    Xstore Point of Service may prompt for a reason for the post void.

    Figure 22-24 List of Post Void Reasons

    List of Post Void Reasons

  9. Select the reason:

    • Click the reason.

    • Use the up and down arrow to highlight the reason, then press the Spacebar.

  10. Select OK.

    The following prompts depend upon the configuration of your system.

  11. If necessary, scan the cash drawer with which to perform the post void.

  12. If necessary, enter additional information about the reason for the post void:

    1. Enter the additional information.

    2. Select OK.

    Xstore Point of Service voids the transaction, performs any necessary refunds, prints void receipts for your records, and returns to the previous screen.

No Sale

Use the No Sale option to open the cash drawer for a reason other than a normal sale transaction.

To perform a No Sale:

  1. Select Till in the Register Login screen.

    Figure 22-25 Register Login Employee ID Prompt

    Register Login Employee ID Prompt

  2. Do one of the following, depending upon the configuration of your system:

    • Enter your user ID and press Enter.

      Xstore Point of Service prompts for your password. Continue with Step 3.

    • Scan your finger on the fingerprint reader.

      The Manage Tills menu opens. Continue with Step 4.

  3. Enter your password and press Enter.

    Figure 22-26 Register Login Password Prompt

    Register Login Password Prompt

    The Till menu opens.

    Figure 22-27 Till Menu

    Till Menu

  4. Select Till Options.

    Figure 22-28 Till Options Menu

    Till Options Menu

  5. Select No Sale.

    Xstore Point of Service prompts for the reason for the no sale.

  6. Select the reason:

    • Click the reason.

    • Use the up and down arrow to highlight the reason, then press the Spacebar.

  7. Select OK.

    The following prompts depend upon the configuration of your system.

  8. If necessary, scan the cash drawer with which to perform the no sale.

  9. If necessary, enter additional information about the reason for the no sale:

    1. Enter the additional information.

    2. Click OK.

    The cash drawer opens.

Lock or Unlock a Register

Your system may be configured to automatically log out an associate after a specified period if there is no system activity. However, you may need to temporarily leave a register before that occurs. In that case, you can lock the register to prevent another person from using the system while you are away.

Lock a Register

Registers can be locked from the Register Login screen or the Register Sale screen:

Register Login Screen

To lock a register:

  1. Click Manage Tills in the Register Login screen.

  2. Do one of the following, depending upon the configuration of your system:

    • Enter your user ID and press Enter.

      Xstore Point of Service prompts for your password. Continue with Step 3.

    • Scan your finger on the fingerprint reader.

      The Manage Tills menu opens. Continue with Step 4.

  3. Enter your password and press Enter.

    The Manage Tills menu opens.

  4. Click Register Options.

  5. Click Lock Register.

    The system displays a message indicating that the system is now locked.

Register Sale Screen

To lock a register:

  1. Click Register Options.

  2. Click Lock Register.

    The system displays a message indicating that the system is now locked.

Unlock a Register

To unlock a register:

  1. Do one of the following, depending upon the configuration of your system:

    • Enter your user ID in the Register Login field and press Enter.

      Xstore Point of Service prompts for your password. Continue with Step 3.

    • Scan your finger on the fingerprint reader.

      The register is unlocked.

  2. Enter your password and press Enter.

    The register is unlocked.

Price Inquiry

If you want to look up the price of an item, use the function Price Inquiry. You can look up the price for an item when you are logged out as well as when you are logged on to the application. To look up the price of an item, follow the steps below.

  1. Press Find Item.

  2. Press Price Inquiry.

  3. You are prompted for the item. Scan, or enter the item and press Enter.

  4. The item description, item ID and the corresponding price are displayed.

    Figure 22-29 Price Inquiry - Logged In

    Price Inquiry - Logged In


    If the displayed price is a deal price, the system marks the price with the text Sale.

    Figure 22-30 Price Inquiry - Deal Price

    Price Inquiry - Deal Price

    • If you are logged out of the application, press Back to close the screen.

    • If you are logged on to the application, choose one of the following options.

      • Press Back to return to the Sales screen.

      • Press Add to Item to add the item to the c1urrent sales transaction. The item is shown on the view port.