20 Offline Transactions

If connection to all mobile servers is lost, it is possible to enter in basic sales and return transactions manually in Xstore POS.

If your system is configured to perform transactions offline, an Offline Transactions button is shown when all mobile servers in the list are offline.

There is a check at the end of each transaction to determine if the mobile server is back online:

  • If the mobile server the device was configured to use is back online, then the device returns to the Xstore POS login screen.

  • If another server in the list is online, you are taken to the Change Server configuration screen. The offline mode will then be disabled.

  • If no servers are available, you go to the list of offline transactions and can choose to conduct another one or return to the Change Server screen.


All offline transactions need reviewing and either approved or rejected before the store can close.

Entering an Offline Transaction

When you enter the offline transaction screen a prompt asks, Is this a sales or return transaction?

  • Sale - goes to the manual sales transaction entry screen

  • Return - goes to the manual return screen to prompt for receipt data

Perform a Sales Transaction

To perform a sale:

  1. Scan an item barcode to add it to the transaction or enter an Item ID manually. Repeat as needed per item.

  2. Change item price if needed.

  3. When you are ready to complete the transaction, press Amount Due to list the tenders that are available for the type of transaction you are processing. Not all tender types are available.

  4. Enter email for receipt.

  5. Select Save.

    The UUID QR code is printed.

  6. Ask the customer to take a picture of the code with their mobile phone.

    This UUID QR code can be used for returning the items or to get a transaction receipt when the store is back online. See Printing a Transaction Receipt for more information.

Perform a Return Transaction

To perform a return transaction:

  1. Scan a receipt and extract the transaction information or manually enter:

    • Original ticket id

    • Original transaction date

    • Original store ID

    • Original register ID

  2. Manually enter the items to be returned.

    • Item number/UPC - can be manually entered or scanned.

    After the return items have been added, the following tender/receipt information is available.

    • Email for receipt

    • UUID QR code

    • Basic tender type - cash, credit, debit

    • Authorization Code

  3. Select tender type.

  4. Enter email for receipt.

  5. Select Save.

    The UUID QR code is printed.

  6. Ask the customer to take a picture of the code with their mobile phone.

    This UUID QR code can be used to get a transaction receipt when the store is back online.