44 Receiving

Inventory receiving can be performed through Xstore POS. Through a mobile device, you can create a receiving document, open a receiving document, scan in items, and scan items directly into Xstore's inventory.

Start Receiving

The receiving process is started through the Inventory option of the Main Menu.

  1. Select Inventory in the Main Menu.

    Figure 44-2 Handheld Inventory Menu

    Mobile Handheld Inventory Menu

    Figure 44-3 Xstore POS Inventory Menu

    Mobile Tablet Inventory Menu
  2. Select Receiving from the Inventory menu.

    The Receiving Document Search screen opens.

    Continue with Search for a Receiving Document or Create a New Receiving Document.

Search for a Receiving Document

To search for and select a receiving document:

Figure 44-4 Receiving Document Search

Receiving Document Search
  1. Scan a receiving document ID to open the carton list for the document or enter the search criteria and select Process.

    Figure 44-5 Receiving Document Search Results

    Receiving Document Search Results
  2. Select the correct receiving document in the list.

    The carton list opens.

    Figure 44-6 Carton List

    Carton List

    Figure 44-7 Carton List Context Menu

    Carton List Context Menu

    Continue with the appropriate procedure:

Create a New Receiving Document

To add a new receiving document:

Figure 44-8 Receiving Document Search Criteria

Receiving Document Search Criteria
  1. Select Add New.

    Figure 44-9 Add Receiving Document Entry Form

    Add Receiving Document Entry Form
  2. Enter the document information.

  3. Select Process.

    The new receiving document opens.

    Continue with Select or Add a Carton

    After adding one or more cartons:

Select or Add a Carton

To select or add a carton for a receiving shipment:

Figure 44-10 Select or Add a Carton

Select or Add a Carton
  1. Scan a carton ID or enter a carton ID.

    The Item Entry Screen opens.

Item Entry Screen

The item entry screen can be used for the following functions:

Figure 44-11 Item Entry Screen

Item Entry Screen
  1. Back button. Select this Back Button to return to the carton selection screen.

  2. Item entry field. See Enter Items.

  3. Context Menu Button. Select the Context Menu for access to:

  4. Receiving Items. Each item displays information about an item in the Receiving Document. Select an item for access to:

If you added a new carton, the Item Entry Screen will not have any items listed.

Enter Items

To enter items into a received shipment:

  1. Scan an item or enter an Item ID.

    If prompted for an item quantity:

    Figure 44-12 Item Entry Screen - Enter Quantity

    Item Entry Screen - Enter Quantity
  2. Enter the item quantity.

  3. Select OK.

    Xstore POS returns to the item entry screen.

    Repeat these steps for each item in the carton.

    When you have finished entering the items in a carton, select Back to return to the carton entry screen.

Change Item Quantity

To change the number of an item in a carton:

Figure 44-13 Item List

Item List
  1. Select the item in the item list.

    Figure 44-14 Change Quantity Option

    Change Quantity Option
  2. Select Change Qty.

    Figure 44-15 Enter Quantity Prompt

    Enter Quantity Prompt
  3. Enter the new quantity.

  4. Select OK.

    The item quantity is changed and Xstore POS returns to the item entry screen.

Void a Line Item

To remove a line item from a carton:

Figure 44-16 Item List

Item List
  1. Select the item in the item list.

    Figure 44-17 Void Line Item

    Void Line Item
  2. Select Void Line Item.

    Figure 44-18 Void Line Item Confirmation Prompt

    Void Line Item Confirmation Prompt
  3. Select Yes to confirm the void.

    The item is removed and Xstore POS returns to the item entry screen.

Change Item Cost


This option is only available if Stock Valuation is enabled in Xstore POS.

To change the cost of an item for Stock Valuation:

Figure 44-19 Item List

Item List
  1. Select the item in the item list.

  2. Select Change Cost.

  3. Enter the new item cost.

  4. Select OK.

    The cost of the item is updated and Xstore POS returns to the item entry screen.

Receive Carton in Total

To receive all items within a carton:


The Receive Carton in Total option is only available on cartons with a status of OPEN, and for which no items have yet been received

  1. Select the Context Menu in the Item Entry Screen.

  2. Select Receive Carton in Total.

    The received quantities of the items in the carton are set to the expected quantities, the carton is closed, and Xstore POS returns to the carton selection screen.

Add a Comment to a Carton

To add a comment to a carton:

Figure 44-20 Item List - Context Menu

Item List - Context Menu
  1. Select the Context Menu in the Item Entry Screen.

    Figure 44-21 Add Comment

    Add Comment
  2. Select Add Comment.

    Figure 44-22 Receiving Document Note - Add Comment

    Receiving Document Note - Add Comment
  3. Enter the comment.

  4. Select OK.

    The note is added and Xstore POS returns to the Item Entry Screen.

View Exceptions

To search for items with differences between their expected and received quantities:

  1. Select the Context Menu in the Item Entry Screen.

    Figure 44-23 View Exceptions

    View Exceptions
  2. Select View Exceptions.

    Figure 44-24 Carton Exceptions List

    Carton Exceptions List

    Xstore POS displays a list of the items in the carton with differences between their expected and received quantities.

    When you are finished viewing the item exceptions select Back to return to the Item Entry Screen.

Add a Comment to a Document

To add a comment to a receiving document:

  1. Select the Context Menu in the carton list.

    Figure 44-25 Add Comment

    Add Comment
  2. Select Add Comment.

    Figure 44-26 Receiving Document Note - Add Comment

    Receiving Document Note - Add Comment
  3. Enter the comment.

  4. Select OK.

    The note is added and Xstore POS returns to the carton list.

Receive Document in Total


The ability to receive a document in total must be enabled for this option to be available in Xstore Mobile.

To receive all items within a document:

  1. Select the Context Menu in the carton list.

  2. Select Receive Document in Total.

  3. Select Yes to close the document or select No to keep the document open.

    The received quantities of all the items in all the cartons are set to the expected quantities and the cartons are all closed. Xstore POS returns to the carton selection screen.

Save Document

To save changes to a receiving document:

  1. Select the Context Menu in the carton list.

    You must be in the carton list. If you are in the Item Entry Screen, select Back to return to the carton list.

    Figure 44-27 Save & Exit

    Save & Exit
  2. Select Save & Exit.

  3. Select Yes to close the document or select No to keep the document open.

    Xstore POS returns to the Document Search screen.