45 Shipping

Inventory shipping can be performed through Xstore POS. Through a handheld device, you can create a shipping document, open a shipping document, and scan items directly into a shipment.

Start Shipping

The shipping process can be performed through the Inventory option on the Main Menu.

Main Menu

To start the shipping process through the Main Menu:

  1. Select Inventory in the Main Menu.

    Figure 45-2 Handheld Inventory Menu

    Mobile Handheld Inventory Menu

    Figure 45-3 Xstore POS Inventory Menu

    Mobile Tablet Inventory Menu
  2. Select Shipping from the Inventory menu.

    The Shipping document search screen opens.

    Figure 45-4 Shipping Document Search

    Shipping Document Search

    Document Type includes Store Transfer, Defective Return, Repair, Return to Vendor, Call Back.

    Continue with Search for a Shipping Document or Create a New Shipping Document.

Search for a Shipping Document

To search for and select a shipping document:

  1. Scan a shipping document ID to open that document or enter the search criteria and select Process.

  2. Select the proper shipping document in the list.

    The shipping document opens.

    Continue with the appropriate procedure:

Create a New Shipping Document

To create a new shipping document:

Figure 45-5 Shipping Document - Add New

Shipping Document - Add New
  1. Select Add New.

    Figure 45-6 Shipping Document Search Criteria

    Shipping Document Search Criteria
  2. Enter the information for the shipping document.

  3. Select Process.

    The new shipping document opens.

    Figure 45-7 New Shipping Document

    New Shipping Document

    Figure 45-8 New Shipping Document Context Menu

    New Shipping Document Context Menu

    Continue with:

    After adding one or more items:

Edit a Shipping Document

To edit a shipping document:

  1. Select the Context Menu in the item entry screen.

  2. Select Edit Document.

  3. Make changes to the document.

  4. Select Process.

    The shipping document is updated and Xstore POS returns to the item entry screen.

Enter Shipping Items

To enter shipping items:

Figure 45-9 Scan or Enter an Item ID

Scan or Enter an Item ID
  1. Scan an item ID or enter an Item ID.

  2. If prompted for an item quantity, enter the item quantity.

  3. Select OK.

    The item is added to the shipment and Xstore POS returns to the item entry screen.

    Figure 45-10 Item Added

    Item Added

Change Item Quantity

To change the quantity of an item in a shipment:

  1. Select the item in the item list.

    Figure 45-11 Change Quantity

    Change Quantity
  2. Select Change Qty.

    Figure 45-12 Enter Item Quantity

    Enter Item Quantity
  3. Enter the new quantity.

  4. Select OK.

    The item quantity is changed and Xstore POS returns to the item entry screen.

Void a Line Item

To remove a line item from a shipment:

  1. Select the item in the item list.

    Figure 45-13 Void Item

    Void Item
  2. Select Void Item.

    Figure 45-14 Void Item - Confirmation Prompt

    Void Item - Confirmation Prompt
  3. Select Yes to confirm the void.

    The item is removed from the shipment and Xstore POS returns to the item entry screen.

Add a Comment to a Shipping Document

To add a comment to a shipping document:

  1. Select the Context Menu in the item entry screen. See Figure 45-8.

  2. Select Add Comment.

    Figure 45-15 Enter Comment

    Enter Comment
  3. Enter the comment.

  4. Select OK.

    The comment is added and Xstore POS returns to the item entry screen.

View Exceptions

To search for items with differences between their expected and shipped quantities:

  1. Select the Context Menu in the item entry screen. See Figure 45-8.

  2. Select View Exceptions.

    Figure 45-16 Exceptions List

    Exceptions List
  3. Xstore POS displays a list of the items in the shipment with differences between their expected and shipped amounts.

    Select Back to return to the item entry screen.

Save Document

To save changes to a shipping document:

  1. Select the Context Menu in the item entry screen.

  2. Select Save & Exit.

    Figure 45-17 Ship Counted Items Prompt

    Ship Counted Items Prompt
  3. Select Yes to ship the items counted so far or select No to return to the search page without shipping the items.

    If you selected Yes in the previous step:

  4. Select Yes to close the document or select No to keep the document open.

    Continue with Shipping Label and Packing Slip.

Shipping Label and Packing Slip

To determine the printing options for the label and packing slip:

Figure 45-18 Print Shipping Label Prompt

Print Shipping Label Prompt
  1. Select Yes to print a shipping label or select No to continue with Shipping Label and Packing Slip.

    Figure 45-19 Shipping Method

    Shipping Method
  2. If you selected Yes in the previous step, select the proper shipper and shipping method.

    Figure 45-20 Place Labels Prompt

    Place Labels Prompt
  3. Select OK when you are ready to print.

    Continue with Shipping Label and Packing Slip.

    If prompted for a tracking number:

    Figure 45-21 Enter Tracking Number Prompt

    Enter Tracking Number Prompt
  4. Enter the tracking number.

  5. Select Process.

    Figure 45-22 Print Packing Slip Prompt

    Print Packing Slip Prompt
  6. Select Yes to print a packing slip or select No to continue without printing a packing slip.

    Xstore POS returns to the shipping document search criteria page.