4 Self Checkout Console

The Self Checkout Console allows associates to oversee all Self Checkout registers in a store from a web browser and provides the ability to open, close, activate, or deactivate single or multiple Self Checkout registers at a time. Additionally, individual registers can be halted in the event of suspicious or problematic activity. The Self Checkout Console also alerts associates of any Self Checkout registers needing associate assistance or experiencing hardware errors.

The Self Checkout Console includes the following:

Self Checkout Console Overview

The Self Checkout Console includes the following areas:

Self Checkout Console Login

The Self Checkout Console uses the Xstore permissions. An associate may have access to the console but not necessarily all of the actions. All logged in users will have the ability to Pause a register from the console.

To gain access to the Self Checkout Console functions, login is required.

  1. Select Associate Login.

    Figure 4-1 Associate Login

  2. Scan your badge or enter your Employee ID.

  3. Enter your Password.

  4. Select Login. The Self Checkout Console appears.


This area displays the following information:

  • Console Title

  • Store Status: Open / Closed

  • Store Name

  • Store Number

  • User Login Initials

Select the Initials of the current logged in user to display the About Application and Logout options.

Metric Area

This read only area allows the associate the ability to see the number of all Self Checkout registers in my store, those that are in use, open, closed, those with hardware issues, and the number of those Self Checkout registers that need assistance (customer help is needed).

Metrics include:



All Registers

Count of total Self Checkout registers in the store - no matter what state the register is in.


The Register must be powered on and the application running to be included in the count.

In Use

Count of all open Self Checkout registers being used by a customer or a logged in associate.


Count of all activated and deactivated Self Checkout registers. Open registers are all those that have been opened. They can either be activated or deactivated.


Count of all registers that have not been opened (this does not count deactivated Self Checkout registers that have been opened).

Hardware Issue

When the Self Checkout register has the error on the screen (including Help Desk issues).


When an associate clears the message the count is updated. However the Self Checkout may still have an error that needs addressing.

Needs Assistance

Count of all registers where a Self Checkout transaction is waiting for an associate to login .

Selection Panel

The selection panel on the Self Checkout console enables an associate to quickly select all of the Self Checkout registers in their store and perform an action on them, for example, at the end of the day, the ability to close all Self Checkout registers at once. It also allows an associate to select one or more registers to take action on.

The following actions are available:

  • Card View (Default)/Table View

  • Close

  • Activate

  • Deactivate

  • Pause


    Pause is a single register action. It is not available for more than one register at a time.


The Self Checkout Console has two register views, Card View and Table View. These views display the exact same information.

Card View

In Card View the registers move based on defined parameters based on the actions of the registers.

When a user logs into the console, the Card View is the default view. Each Self Checkout register will have a register card that provides specific details about the Self Checkout register which include:

  • The Select All check box to select all of the Register Cards.

  • A badge indicating an Open or Closed status

  • A badge indicating an Activated, Deactivated, or Paused status

  • A check box to select each specific register to perform an action on

  • The running transaction session length

  • Totals area

    • A running cart total in the store local currency - this is the amount the customer will pay which includes taxes

    • A running item count

  • An icon indicating when an associate is logged in

  • A register message is displayed at a time when applicable. The order of messages are:

    • Assistance

    • Hardware Issue

    • Pending Action

  • Register Number

  • Pause button

The register cards will have the following colors depending on the activity/issues for the register:

  • Red - Assistance required 

  • Orange - Hardware issues

  • White - Registers that are open or closed but do not require assistance or have a hardware issue

Switching from card view to table view clears all selected registers.

Selecting a register card will open the Register Details.

Table View

In Table View the registers are always displayed by register number (Ascending).

Select the Table View icon to switch from Card View located in the Selection Panel.

The Table View presents the same data as the Card View in a table format. Select a column label to sort ascending or descending. The check box in the first column selects all Registers.

Every row has a check box to select each specific register to perform an action.

Click the horizontal ellipsis to Pause or view the Register Details for that register.


In the selection panel an associate performs one of four actions on any selected register(s). Activate, Deactivate, and Close are disabled until one or more registers are selected.

  • Activate

  • Deactivate

  • Close

  • Pause


    Pause is a single register action. It is not available for more than one register at a time. Pause is disabled when a register is Closed, Deactivated, or has a Hardware Issue.

Either select individual register cards or Select All to perform the actions in the Card or Table view.

Register Details

To view the Register Details, select a register card or select the register number in table view or from the ellipsis in table view, select Register Details.

Register Details include:

  • Register Number

  • Open or Closed Badge

  • Activated, Deactivated, or Paused badge

  • Messages - All messages that apply to the register display here. In card view and table view only the most important message displays. The order of messages that display in priority order are: Assistance, Hardware Issue, and Pending Action.

  • Cart Information - Displays the running transaction length, running cart total, and running items count.

  • Recent Console Activity - Displays the console activities taken per register and the effect that each action had on the register. Only those actions performed on the console are displayed. Any actions, for example, opening a register that are performed on the physical register and not on the console will not display in this activity list.

    This information includes:
    • Date - Time/Date Stamp

    • Action - The type of action performed on the register

    • Result - The resolution of the action

    • Associate - The User Name of the Associate who performed the action


Actions from previous days do not display. Up to fifteen actions will be listed, and older events will fall off the list as new activities take place.

Activate Registers

Registers that are closed or deactivated will be opened upon activating them. If a register is already open no new action is taken on the register as the command is ignored because the register is already in the proposed state. The command will be listed in the recent console activity list found in the register details as not applicable.

To activate a register in Card View:
  1. Select the check box in one or more registers, or select the check box for Select All to select all the Register Cards.

  2. Click Activate. A confirmation window appears, the register is Open.

  3. Click OK to activate the selected registers, or click Cancel to return to the Console.

To activate a register in Table View:
  1. Select the check box for one or more rows, or select the check box for Select All to select all the rows.

  2. Click Activate. A confirmation window appears, the register is Open.

  3. Click OK to activate the selected registers, or click Cancel to return to the Console.

Deactivate Registers

Deactivating one or more registers provides the retailer the ability to adjust the number of registers that are open when there are periods of low traffic in the store, or number of personnel needed to supervise the self check out area are not available to supervise a large number of Open and Activated self checkouts.

Registers that are deactivated will remain open but not available for customer transactions. If a register is already deactivated the command is ignored because the register is already in the proposed state. The command will be listed in the recent console activity list found in the register details as not applicable.

To deactivate a register in Card View:
  1. Select the check box in one or more registers, or select the check box for Select All to select all the Register Cards.

  2. Click Deactivate. A confirmation window appears.

  3. Click OK to deactivate the selected registers, or click Cancel to return to the Console.


Deactivating a register does not Close the register. It is still in an Open state and can be reactivated by using the Action: Activate.
To deactivate a register in Table View:
  1. Select the check box for one or more rows, or select the check box for Select All to select all the rows.

  2. Click Deactivate. A confirmation window appears.

  3. Click OK to deactivate the selected registers, or click Cancel to return to the Console.


Deactivating a register does not Close the register. It is still in an Open state and can be reactivated by using the Action: Activate.

Close Registers

Closing a register will close any open and deactivated registers. If the register is already closed the command will be ignored as the register is already in the proposed state. The command will be listed in the recent console activity list found in the register details as not applicable. Registers that are open and in use will list as “Pending Close” until the transaction at the register is completed. Once the action can be performed on the register this “Pending Close” message will no longer display and the register will be closed.

To close a register in Card View:
  1. Select the check box in one or more registers, or select the check box for Select All to select all the Register Cards.

  2. Click Close. A confirmation window appears.

  3. Click OK to close the selected registers, or click Cancel to return to the Console.

To close a register in Table View:
  1. Select the check box for one or more rows, or select the check box for Select All to select all the rows.

  2. Click Close. A confirmation window appears.

  3. Click OK to close the selected registers, or click Cancel to return to the Console.

Pause Registers

When an associate selects Pause on the Self Checkout Console the self checkout register will display a prompt that states assistance is required, requiring an associate to log in.


Pause is a single register action. It is not available for more than one register at a time.

The Pause feature is used when an associate sees there is unusual or atypical activity being performed on a self check out. Selecting Pause for that Self Checkout may not be immediate. The process will continue until there is a break point in the process. At that time a message will display on the self checkout register letting the customer know that an associate will be with them soon. The Self Checkout remains paused until an associate enters their credentials.

An associate can pause a register in card view and table view:

Card View

To pause a single register in Card View:
  1. Click Pause in the Register Card.

  2. Click Pause. A confirmation window appears.

  3. Click OK to pause the selected register, or click Cancel to return to the Console.

Table View

To pause a single register in Table View:
  1. Click the horizontal ellipsis in the desired row.

  2. Click Pause. A confirmation window appears.

  3. Click OK to pause the selected register, or click Cancel to return to the Console.

Register Details

To pause a single register in the Register Details:
  1. From the Card view, click a register card to display the register details, or from the table view click the horizontal ellipsis in the desired row and click Register Details.

  2. Click Pause. A confirmation window appears.

  3. Click OK to pause the selected register, or click Cancel to return to the Card or Table View.

Working with Messages

The Self Checkout Console can display three messages helpful for knowing the state of the register. The three messages are: Assistance, Hardware Issue, and Pending Action .

  • Assistance: A message that displays when the self checkout register requires an associate to log into the register and assist a customer.

  • Hardware Issue: A message that alerts an associate when there is a hardware issue that must be addressed before the register can be used by customers.

  • Pending “Action”: A message that displays when an action has been taken by an associate on the console, but the register is not able to take immediate action on the command.


    An example of Pending “Action” is Pending Close.

An example, is when a register is in use by a customer and a close action has been taken on that register. In the console the message will display for that register, "Pending Close" until the transaction is completed. When the transaction is completed then the pending message will be removed and the register will be closed.

The register cards will have the following colors depending on the activity/issues for the register:

  • Red - Assistance required

  • Orange - Hardware issues

  • White - All other registers, closed, open with no hardware or no assistance


Card View and Table View show only one message. Register cards will show all applicable messages.