8 SOAP Web Services

EICS provides a large range of web services to manage the processing of information that is controlled within EICS. Each web service covers a topical area of functionality within EICS and contains numerous operations within to accomplish this functionality. This document is only meant as an outline or summary into using EICS web services and assumes the user has access to the fully documented APIs through the publishing of the web services themselves.


The WSDL files are available to download from My Oracle Support (MOS) Document 2614551.1.

Security Considerations

The SOAP web services provided by EICS are secured by Policy A using Oracle WebLogic WS-Policy configurations defined in the xml files included in Oracle WebLogic:

  • Policy A

    • Description: Message must be sent over SSL and requires authentication of a plain text UsernameToken.

    • Configuration: Wssp1.2-2007-Https-UsernameToken-Plain.xml

Customers should create IDCS or OCI IAM user and the user should be assigned integration_users IDCS or OCI IAM application role to access the web-service endpoints.

See Oracle Retail Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service Security Guide and Oracle Retail Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service User Guide - Security chapter.

For REST web service security see REST WEB Services Security Considerations later in this guide.


This document is intended to be used by someone who has read and understands all the functional areas and business functionality described in the Oracle Retail EICS User Guide and Oracle Retail EICS Administration Guide.

Available Web Services

The following list contains a summary of the web services available in EICS.

Web Service Description


This service is used to manage the locking of data within EICS. Data needs to be locked to be updated securely.


This service is used to manage fulfillment order deliveries (outgoing shipment to customers). It allows the creation, cancellation, and dispatch of deliveries.


This service is used to manage fulfillment order picking within EICS. It allows the creation, deletion, and confirmation of a pick to complete a fulfillment order.


This service is used to manage fulfillment order reverse picking within EICS. It allows the creation, update, deletion, and confirmation of a reverse pick.


This service is used to manage inventory adjustments within EICS. It allows the creation, update, cancellation, and confirmation of inventory adjustments.


This service is used to manage item baskets within EICS. It allows the creation, update, and removal of item baskets.


This service is used to create, read, update, approve, cancel and lookup store orders.


This service processes external point-of-sale transactions updating the inventory accordingly. A point-of-sale is considered an externally managed transaction (internally and externally managed transaction are covered later in this document).


This service is used to create or update a product group.


This service is used to create, update, or cancel a product group schedule.


This service is used to create, update, or delete a replenishment gap.


This service is used to create, update, or delete a RFID facility zone. It is also used to refresh inventory and to process RFID events.


This service is used to create, update, cancel or confirm a shelf adjustment.


This service is used to create, update, cancel or confirm a shelf replenishment.


This service is used to retrieve the details of a stock count or a stock count child (section of stock count).


This service is used to retrieve information about stores such as store detail, associated stores, or transfer zones.


This service is used to manage fulfillment orders within EICS. It allows for the cancellation and rejection of orders and items.


This service is used to lookup information about inventory positions and has several different operations to do so.


This service is used to create, update, or delete ISN data in EICS.


This service is used to create, update, generate or read a UINs.


This service is used to lookup various information about an item within the store.


This service is used to lookup prices about items within a store.


This service is used to create new notifications within the system.


This service is used to close documents based on shipped container information.


This service is used to retrieve shipment reasons codes to use when creating shipments.


This service is used to create tickets and lookup ticket formats.


This service is used to create, update, and request a transfer, which describes the intent to ship items to another store or to a warehouse. It is also used to approve or reject that request. It can be used to directly create, update, approve, cancel, or close an actual transfer.


This service is used to update, receive, or confirm a transfer delivery (delivery arriving from another store or warehouse). It is also used to create, update, receive, cancel, or confirm the containers on that delivery.


This service is used to create, update, submit, or dispatch a transfer shipment (shipment going out to another store or warehouse). It is also used to create, update, cancel, or confirm the containers on that shipment.


This service is used to update, receive, reject, or confirm a vendor delivery (delivery arriving from a supplier). It is also used to create, update, cancel, or confirm the containers on that delivery.


This service is used to create, update, approve, cancel, or close a vendor return document, which describes the intent to ship items to a supplier.


This service is used to create, update, open, submit, cancel submit or dispatch a vendor shipment (outgoing shipment to a supplier). It is also used to create, update, cancel, submit, or confirm the containers on that shipment.

Web Services Basic Design Principles

Empty Response

In the cast that a web service does not return any information (an empty list), the external system needs to understand that this is a valid response that indicates no item, transaction or queried information was found or retrieved. For example, performing a lookup in which the search criteria entered matched no input.

Error Return Key

Errors returned through a web service will be in the form of a key. This key should be translated into correct language and verbiage by the external system. EICS will not do this translation or provide English verbiage for the encountered web service error.

Boolean Data Type

If a Boolean is the data type on the interface to EICS, and no value is provided, EICS will default the value to False.

Configured System Options in EICS

Web services apply system configurations to the request that are coming in through the web service but assumes that all input validation that requires user interaction to confirm has been completed by the consumer of the web service (the third party system). This system configuration user-interaction option will be assumed to have been confirmed during the web service processing. In case the system option is a fixed restriction that does not require user interaction, and the input fails this restriction, the web service will return an error. For example:

  • Shipping inventory when inventory is less than 0 can be allowed by the user of EICS. The web service assumes that the third party application did prompt the user or that their business always allows the user to do this activity.

  • Adding a non-ranged item requires both a system configuration option to be enabled and the user to confirm the process. If the system configuration does not allow it, the web service will block the transaction and return an error. If the system configuration does allow adding non-ranged items, it is automatically assumed that a user confirmed its addition, and the web service adds the item.

  • Allowing Receiver Unit Adjustments are dependent on a period of time. If a receiver unit adjustment were to come into EICS after that period, it would automatically be rejected, and the web service would return an error regardless of presentation or confirmation of user done by the external system.

Internally Managed vs Externally Managed

Internally Initiated

Internally initiated indicates the EICS was responsible for the original creation of the transaction being processed. A web service that creates a new transaction within EICS to be managed creates an internally initiated transaction.

Externally Initiated

Externally initiated indicates that another system created the transaction, has information about it, and notifies EICS of its creation through a notification system, not by requesting EICS create new information. EICS might manage the data after the notification but did not create the data.

Internally Managed

Internally managed data is information in which EICS is responsible for tracking its state and processing its life cycle. Our deliveries and shipments are primary examples of this. They may be externally initiated or internally initiated, but either way, they are internally managed. EICS is responsible for approving, picking, packing, manifesting, and dispatching the system and internally manages that process.

Externally Managed

Externally managed data is information that EICS does not process or track and is simply informed about after the externally managed data is complete. Point-of-sale transactions are a perfect example of this. We do not manage the sale, but once it is complete, EICS is notified and adjusts the inventory accordingly.

Web Services

EICS web services are intended for integration to allow a system using those services to control the flow and processing within EICS. Our web services are primarily designed (almost all of them) to internally manage the information. The services are intended to be used real time with the steps such as approving, picking, and dispatching occurring with real time access to EICS web services while the process is happening.

EICS web services are not designed for externally managed information. If a system is controlling the state managements itself and not informing EICS until later, this will produce out-of-sync inventory. For example, if you create a shipment, pack the shipment, and send it out and then a day later use the web service, to create, update, and dispatch the shipment, all dates and processing of inventory movements will be tagged with the later date as if they occurred real time when the web service is used.

The point-of-sale service is an externally managed service, where the timestamp on the service can be any date and EICS handles the logic of dating things according to that timestamp. Inventory Adjustment also has an "adjustment date" which represents the time the adjustment took place and so the movement of inventory can be controlled externally.

Web Service Operation Basic Design Standards

This section discusses the general approach and design standards for naming and intent regarding operations within a web service.


Lookup operations take either an identifier of a set of criteria and find all the relevant records associated to it. A thin or light view of the data being asked for is returned giving reference to information you can do further interrogation on.


Read operations take an identifier and return all relevant information to it. It may only be one level, however. For example, reading a transfer shipment returns only all the information at the shipment level and does not read information at the container or item level. Usually, the entity that contains items will also retrieve the items. Reading a container will return the container information and the item information within.


Create usually inserts and generates something new and returns an identifier, reference, or handle to that information. Create normally does not take a great deal of information, such as items or anything, but rather gives you a set of IDs that then lets you update the transaction with that reference.

Save or Update

Save or update is used to modify the data usually without changing state on the transaction. The save or update operation is used to add items, remove items, edit attributes, change quantities and all the other tasks one does during a process.

Approve, Cancel, Confirm or Dispatch

Activities that change state take in a simple identifier and then process that state change. To dispatch a shipment, you pass in a reference only to the shipment and it becomes shipped, updating the inventory. This means all changes are done through the save operations prior to making the state change.

Interpreting Validation Errors

If some data could not be processed, the web service will return a fault or a validation fault. The general form that a fault will take is to be a series of problem detail nodes containing a key and value that describes the fault. The first problem detail node will have the key ERROR and the value will be a description of the error type such as INVALID_INPUT. This will be followed by a series of nodes where the KEY is an object class name (ex: Transfer) and the value is its identifier (ex: 123) describing the hierarchy of data the error took place in. For example, a transfer container fault would have two nodes (Transfer:123) and then (TransferCarton:456). If a specific attribute is known, the final node in any problem detail series, it will have the key ATTRIBUTE and the value will be the name of the attribute of the error (ex: ITEM_ID:A5X).

Problem Detail Name Value


This describes the error (for example: INVALID_INPUT)


Identifies the specific attribute that had an error.

EICS follows the same business rules when processing information from a web service as it does from any of its clients, so the same business rules and functionality that exist in the User's Guide also exists for the web service. Understanding the basic functionality will help interpret why the validation or processing error occurred.

Common Error Codes

The following codes are paired as values to the ERROR Key:

Error Code Description


Indicates that a requested activity lock on a piece of data was not granted.


Indicates the service would create a duplication of input that should be unique.


Indicates the end date of a date range is prior to the start date.


Indicates that the input is invalid. This error is usually followed by object and attribute information.


Indicates the item does not exist in the system.


Indicates the transaction or data specified is not in a state that allows it to be updated (such as canceled).


Indicates the input to the web service has been altered incorrectly when compared to existing data. For example, the store identifier is different on the web service request than the currently existing transaction.


Indicates the input in the web service is larger than is allowed in the transaction date.


Indicates the item has not been activated in the location for which the request is made.


Indicates a batch of input data (such as a point-of-sale transaction) was for more than one store in a single web service call.


Indicates the time input of the web services was not in GMT.


Indicates a mismatch of unit of measure information between the input and currently existing data that does not allow the information to be accurately merged.

Validation Error (Fault Example)

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">


<ns0:Fault xmlns:ns0="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">




<ns0:ValidationWSFaultException xmlns:ns0="http://www.oracle.com/retail/integration/services/exception/v1">






















Business Error (Fault Example)

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">


<ns0:Fault xmlns:ns0="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">




<ns0:ValidationWSFaultException xmlns:ns0="http://www.oracle.com/retail/integration/services/exception/v1">





<ns0:name>ERROR CODE</ns0:name>









Web Services

Web services available in EICS:


The following operations are available within the ActivityLock web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves information about one or more activity locks that match the input criteria.


Retrieves detailed information about a single lock using its identifying reference.


Created an activity lock on a transaction.


Deletes an activity lock thereby releasing processing on a transaction.

Standard Usage

An activity lock is a record indicating the user, time, and a piece of information (a transaction) that should be considered "locked". All server processing validates that the accessing user has a lock on the information before updating, notifying the current user if someone else has modified the information while they were locked and preventing the stale update.

Developers should create locks on information prior to performing update calls and delete locks when the update if finished. For example, create a lock on inventory adjustment with ID 123 with the ActivityLock service, then use saveInventoryAdjustment in the Inventory Adjustment service with Adjustment 123, and then delete the activity lock using the ActivityLock service. If you do not gain the lock, you will receive an error when attempting to save an inventory adjustment.


The following operations are available within the FulfillmentOrderDelivery web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves summary information for fulfillment order deliveries that match the search criteria input.


Reads the complete detailed information about a fulfillment order including items and quantities.


Creates a new fulfillment order delivery including items and quantities in an in-progress status to be further worked on.


Cancels the fulfillment order review and moves it back into in-progress status for further work.


Dispatches the fulfilment order delivery completing the delivery and updating the inventory.


Submits the fulfillment order delivery for review prior to dispatching.


Updates a fulfillment order delivery including items and quantities. This operation requires an activity lock.


Retrieves the custom attribute administration information that describes what customized attributes are available on the fulfillment order delivery.

Standard Usage

A user can create a delivery by using createFulfillmentOrderDelivery references the fulfillment order to make a delivery for. The user can then use updateFulfillmentOrderDelivery to fill in all the quantities that are going to be shipped and finally use dispatchFullfillmentOrderDelivery to indicate that the order has been shipped out, which moves the inventory appropriately.


The following operations are available within the FulfillmentOrderPick web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves summary information for fulfillment order picks that match the search criteria input.


Reads the complete detailed information about a fulfillment order pick including items and quantities.


Confirm the fulfillment order pick which allows it to move on to the delivery cycle.


Deletes a fulfillment order pick.


Generate a pick based on the information in a fulfillment order.


Generate a pick based on a number of bins selecting orders as needed to fill the bins.


Update the item and quantity information about a pick. This operation requires an activity lock.


Retrieves the custom attribute administration information that describes what customized attributes are available on the fulfillment order pick.

Standard Usage

Picking is used to reserve or set aside quantities for a later delivery. The user can create a pick for an order using createFulfillmentOrderPickByFulfillmentOrder or create a bin to places multiple orders in with createFulfillmentOrderPickByBin. The picked quantities can be updated through the updateFullfillmentOrderPick operation and when the pick is finished, it can be finalized with confirmFulfillmentOrderPick which sets assigned the goods as reserved in inventory.


The following operations are available within the FulfillmentOrderReversePick web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves summary information for fulfillment order reverse picks that match the search criteria input.


Reads the complete detailed information about a fulfillment order reverse pick including items and quantities.


Creates a new fulfillment order reverse pick for the specified fulfillment order.


Deletes a fulfillment order reverse pick.


Updates the items and quantities on a fulfillment order reverse pick. This operation requests an activity lock.


Confirms the fulfillment order reverse pick completing the process and assigning the inventory back to a location within the store system.


Retrieves the custom attribute administration information that describes what customized attributes are available on the fulfillment order reverse pick.

Standard Usage

Reverse Picking is used to take reserved quantities and place them back into available inventory. The user can create a reverse pick with createReversePick. The quantities to return can be updated through the updateFulfillmentOrderReversePick operation and when the reverse pick is ready, it can be finalized with confirmReversePick which moves reserved inventory back into available inventory.


The following operations are available within the InventoryAdjustment web service.

Operation Description


Retrieve a complete list of adjustment reasons that can be used when updating or saving an inventory adjustment. Reason codes are attached to each line item.


Retrieve a complete list of non-sellable quantity types. These codes indicate the reason that unavailable inventory in unavailable.


Retrieve summary information about inventory adjustment transactions based on the search criteria sent.


Retrieve the complete detailed information about an inventory adjustment, including its item information, based on a unique reference/id.


Creates or updates the information about an inventory adjustment in the data store. You can alter information about items and quantities using this operation. This operation requires having an activity lock.


Confirms the inventory adjustment, updating all the inventory positions, and closing the adjustment.


Performs the functionality of saveInventoryAdjustment and immediately thereafter performs the confirmInventoryAdjustment functionality. See those operations.


Cancel an inventory adjustment. This can only be done prior to the inventory adjustment being confirmed.


Retrieves the custom attribute administration information that describes what customized attributes are available on the inventory adjustment.

Standard Usage

A new inventory adjustment can be created using the saveInventoryAdjustment operation. Alternatively, the user can lookupInventoryAdjustmentHeader to find a specific inventory adjustment to work on. Either way, saveInventoryAdjustment can be used to update the information on an open adjustment. The lookupInventoryAdjustmentReasons will retrieve the reasons codes that need to be assigned to items when you update an adjustment. When the adjustment contains all the information you need, the confirmInventoryAdjustment operation will finalize the inventory adjustment and shift the inventory appropriately.


The following operations are available within the Item Basket web service.

Operation Description


Retrieve a list of item basket headers based on search criteria which contain summary information about the item basket.


Retrieve a complete list of item basket types to use when creating a new item basket.


Creates a new item basket.


Retrieve the complete detailed information about an item basket based on an identifier.


Cancels an item basket. The basket will no longer be usable and will be marked for eventual purge from the data store. This operation requires an activity lock.


Updates an item basket. This operation requires an activity lock.


Creates a new item basket with the same information as an existing item basket.


Moves the item basket to a completed state and allows it to be used within logic throughout the system. This operation requires an activity lock.


Retrieves the custom attribute administration information that describes what customized attributes are available on the item basket.

Standard Usage

A new item basket can be created using the saveItemBasket operation. Alternatively, the user can lookupItemBasketHeader and readItemBasket to find a specific item basket to work on. Either way, saveItemBasket can be used to update the information on an item basket. When the item basket contains all the information you need, the confirmItemBasket operation will finalize the item basket and make it available to use in other areas of the system.


The following operations are available within the Order Request web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves store order request headers based on the query criteria.


Retrieves detailed information about a store order request.


Creates a new store order request.


Updates an existing store order request.


Approve a store order request.


Cancels a store order request.


Retrieves delivery time slots.


Retrieves contexts available for store order requests.


Retrieves store order request areas that could be used for restriction.


Retrieves all the custom attributes admins configured for store order requests.

Standard Usage

A new store order can be created using the createOrderRequest operation. The information about store order can be read by readOrderRequest. The store order can be updated using updateOrderRequest and can be approved using approveOrderRequest or can be canceled using cancelOrderRequest. The lookupOrderRequestHeader is used to find the store orders.


The following operations are available within the POSTransaction web service.

Operation Description


Processes a point-of-sale transaction or transactions through an asynchronous process. This is designed to optimize the processing at 500 PosTrnItm (across any number of transactions).

Standard Usage

POS may integrate its transactions to EICS using this web service. The service processes point-of-sale transactions through an asynchronous process. This service has a default limit of 1000 total PosTrnItms, though they may be distributed between any number of actual PosTrn transactions. Exceeding this limit causes a web service fault to occur. However, the web service is optimized for speed at greater than 400 and less than 500 total PosTrnItms per service call. These transactions may belong to multiple store identifiers. The processing operation validates the input, parses the payload information, creates a POSTransaction object within EICS, and stores these records to be processed later. See Sales Integration for additional information.

REST Web Service

A REST web service for POSTransaction exists and is the preferred service to use in order to process point-of-sale transactions (see REST WEB Services). This SOAP based web service will be deprecated and eventually removed.


The following operations are available within the ProductGroup web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves list of summary information about a product group that match the search criteria input.


Retrieves the detailed information about a single product group based on its unique reference.


Creates or updates a product group. The input contains all the detailed information about the product group. An activity lock is needed for this operation.

Standard Usage

With this web service, the user can create or update the contents of a product group, a collection of items associated with a certain type of grouping, such as stock counts. The user can find the product group with lookupProductGroupHeader, read in the entire product group with readProductGroup and then, if the group is still open, update the contents of the product group with saveProductGroup.


The following operations are available within the ProductGroupSchedule web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves list of summary information about a product group schedule that match the search criteria input.


Retrieves the detailed information about a single product group schedule based on its unique reference.


Creates or updates a product group. The input contains all the detailed information about the product group schedule. An activity lock is needed for this operation.


Cancels the product group schedule.

Standard Usage

With this web service, the user can create or update the contents of schedule, which uses a product group to generate activity within EICS. The user can find the schedule with lookupProductGroupScheduleHeader, read in the entire schedule with readProductScheduleGroup and then, if the schedule is still open, update the contents of the schedule with saveProductGroupSchedule.


The following operations are available within the ReplenishmentGap web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves list of summary information about replenishment gaps that match the search criteria input


Retrieves the detailed information about a single replenishment gap based on its unique reference.


Creates a new replenishment gap or updates the detailed information about a replenishment gap. If update, this operation requires an activity lock.


Deletes a replenishment gap.


Retrieves the custom attribute administration information that describes what customized attributes are available on the replenishment gap.

Standard Usage

With this web service, the user can create or update the contents of replenishment gap list which can then be used in creation of shelf replenishment within EICS. A new replenishment gap list can be created using saveReplenishmentGap. The user can update existing replenishment gap list with saveReplenishmentGap, find replenishment gap lists with lookupReplenishmentGapHeaders, read in the entire replenishment gap list with readReplenishmentGap and delete a replenishment gap list with deleteReplenishmentGap.


The following operations are available within the RfidInventory web service.

Operation Description


Deletes a zone within a facility. A zone cannot be deleted if RFID tags still exist within the zone.


Returns details about all the zones within a particular facility.


Processes Radio-Frequency-Identification based events.


Creates or updates the details of a facility zone.

Standard Usage

With this web service, the user can create or update RFID zones within EICS. A new RFID zone can be created using saveRfidZone. The user can update an existing RFID zone with saveRfidZone, find RFID zones with lookupRfidZones and delete a RFID zone with deleteRfidZone. The user can process RFID based events using processRfidEvents.


The following operations are available within the ShelfAdjustment web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves list of summary information about shelf adjustments that match the search criteria input.


Retrieves the detailed information about a single shelf adjustment gap based on its unique reference.


Creates a new shelf adjustment or updates the detailed information about a current shelf adjustment. If update, this operation requires an activity lock.


Confirms a shelf adjustment completing the workflow and moving inventory positions.


Deletes a shelf adjustment.


Retrieves the custom attribute administration information that describes what customized attributes are available on the shelf adjustment.

Standard Usage

Shelf adjustments are used to adjust the shop-floor or backroom stock in case of any discrepancy. A new shelf adjustment can be created using saveShelfAdjustment. The user can update existing shelf adjustment with saveShelfAdjustment, find shelf adjustments with lookupShelfAdjustmentHeaders, read in the entire shelf adjustment with readShelfAdjustment, cancel a shelf adjustment with cancelShelfAdjustment and confirm a shelf adjustment with confirmShelfAdjustment.


The following operations are available within the ShelfReplenishment web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves list of summary information about shelf replenishments that match the search criteria input.


Retrieves the detailed information about a single shelf replenishment gap based on its unique reference.


Creates a new shelf replenishment.


Updates the detailed information about a current shelf replenishment. This operation requires an activity lock.


Confirms a shelf replenishment completing the workflow and moving inventory positions.


Deletes a shelf replenishment.


Retrieves the custom attribute administration information that describes what customized attributes are available on the shelf replenishment.

Standard Usage

Shelf replenishment is used to replenish shop-floor stock from backroom or delivery bay. A new shelf replenishment can be created with createShelfReplenishment. The user can find shelf replenishments with lookupShelfReplenishmentHeaders, read in the entire shelf replenishment with readShelfReplenishment, update the shelf replenishment with updateShelfReplenishment, confirm the shelf replenishment with confirmShelfReplenishment and cancel the shelf replenishment with cancelShelfReplenishment.


The following operations are available within the StockCount web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves list of summary information about a stock count that match the search criteria input.


Retrieves the detailed information about a single stock count based on its unique reference. This contains a list of summary information about the child counts.


Retrieves the detailed information about a single stock count child.


This activates are starts the stock counting process including taking a snapshot of current inventory positions.


Completes the counting or recounting of a stock count child, depending on which phase the stock count is in. This process will calculate discrepancies and move the child to the next phase.


Updates the counted or recounted quantity fields for a stock count child based on the current phase of the stock count.


Retrieves the custom attribute administration information that describes what customized attributes are available on the stock count.

Standard Usage

The stock count web services are design primarily to export information for third party counting. You first lookup the headers, choose your stock count, and then retrieve all the details for the stock count. These details do not contain item information but rather a list of child count references. You can use these references to grab the full details of a child count which includes items and quantities, and then update those quantities.

REST Web Service

A StockCount REST web service exists that allows for the snapshot of a stock count (see REST WEB Services).


The following operations are available within the Store web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves all stores that allow auto-receiving of inventory from the input store.


Retrieves all stores that are associated to the input store. They are sometimes called buddy stores.


Retrieves all stores in the same transfer zone as the input store.


Retrieves the detailed information about a single store from the input unique reference.

Standard Usage

The Store web service is used to retrieve information about stores. There are no updates. They are used to determine such information as whether you can ship to certain stores (such as those in transfer zones).


The following operations are available within the StoreFulfillmentOrder web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves summary information for fulfillment orders that match the search criteria input.


Reads the complete detailed information about a fulfillment order including items and quantities.


Creates a new fulfillment order with detailed information, including items and quantities.


Cancels quantities on a fulfillment order. This may cancel the entire order or just reduce or cancel quantities for specific items.


Rejects the fulfillment order indicating that the store will be unable to fulfill that order.


Retrieves the custom attribute administration information that describes what customized attributes are available on the fulfillment order.

Standard Usage

Unlike some of the other web services, fulfillment order is not managed within EICS. Instead, EICs manages the picking and delivery, but the order itself is managed by an external order management system.

Oracle Retail Order Broker (OB) calls SIOCS for inventory availability.

Web services are supplied to find and read the details of a fulfillment order, but updates are not allowed. Instead, the external system uses createFulfillmentOrderDetail to notify EICS of a new order to ship, cancelFulfillmentOrderDetail to reduce or cancel quantities (note that they cannot be increased) or call rejectFulfillmentOrder to notify EICS that the order has been rejected.


The following operations are available within the StoreInventory web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves basic availability information for multiple items at multiple locations. Only transaction-levels items are processed (UPCs are not allowed) and only current inventory is returned. The service supports up to 200 items at 150 locations.


Retrieves basic availability information for a single item at all store locations. Only transaction-levels items are processed (UPCs are not allowed) and only current inventory is returned.


Retrieves inventory information for a single item at multiple warehouses. Only transaction-level items are processed, and only current inventory is returned.


Retrieves a broad set of inventory information for several items at several stores, broken down into various inventory groupings.


Retrieves a broad set of inventory information for items within the specific transfer zone, broken down into various inventory groupings.


Retrieves a broad set of inventory information for associated or buddy stores, broken down into various inventory groupings.


Retrieves the future inventory information (such as inbound, ordered quantities and expected dates) for an item and store location.

Standard Usage

The StoreInventory is meant to retrieve inventory position information. Available inventory lookups are much smaller and quicker to respond than full inventory lookups. Future inventory is separated from current positions as it is much more time consuming to retrieve. Those who access the web services should consider the purpose before choosing which operation to use.

REST Web Service

An InventoryInquiry REST web service exists for inventory lookup and is the preferred service to use in order to retrieve inventory information (see REST WEB Services). This SOAP based web service will be deprecated and eventually removed.


The following operations are available within the StoreInventoryISN web service.

Operation Description


Returns a complete list of Item Scan Number types.


Returns details about matching Item Scan Numbers in store inventory.


Create a new Item Scan Number without changing store inventory.


Updates an existing Item Scan Number without changing store inventory.


Deletes an Item Scan Number without changing store inventory.


Retrieves all the custom attribute admins configured for ISNs.

Standard Usage

This web service is used to create, update, or delete ISN in store inventory. An item scan number is any number meant to be scanned to find an item, and potentially a Unique Identification Number, that is not already an item, UPC, UIN, VPN, or other value. Items Scan Numbers are only used to find information and are not tracked as inventory.


The following operations are available within the StoreInventoryUIN web service.

Operation Description


Create a new UIN without changing store inventory.


Generate new UINs without changing store inventory.


Returns details about all the UINs in store inventory for a particular item and store. This is limited to 1000 UINs for a particular item and store.


Returns details about a UIN in store inventory. A UIN reference is not unique, so this may return detailed information for UINs across multiple items.


Updates an existing UIN without changing store inventory.

Standard Usage

This web service is used to create, generate, update, find, or read UINs in store inventory.


The following operations are available within the StoreItem web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves list of summary information about an item that match the item-based search criteria input.


Retrieves list of summary information about an item that match the source or location-based search criteria input.


Retrieves list of summary information about an item that match the UDA (User Defined Attribute)-based search criteria input.


Retrieves list of summary information about an item that match the inventory-based search criteria input.


Retrieve a list of custom flexible attributes for the specified item and store.


Retrieve a list of user defined attributes for the specified item and store.


Retrieves the complete detailed information a single item based on its unique reference.


Retrieves a list of summary information about items related to the item used as input criteria.


Inserts a new display image or QR code image for the specified item. The service returns immediately, and the information is processed asynchronously.

Standard Usage

This web service is used to find items and retrieve information about items. The only exception is the ability to create new image-based information about an item.


The following operations are available within the StoreItemPrice web service.

Operation Description


Retrieve a summary list of item price information based on input criteria. This only retrieves information known to EICS and has no access to a pricing system.


Retrieves the full details a single item price record based on its unique reference.


Retrieves the item price of an item for a specific date.

Standard Usage

This web service is used to retrieve information about prices that are known to EICS. Integration with pricing systems updates EICS information about item prices on a continual basis. These web services give a view into EICS information only.


The following operations are available within the StoreNotification web service.

Operation Description


Creates a new notification within the system. These notifications are displayed in the client applications.

Standard Usage

This web service is designed for external system that handle related activities to EICS. With this web service, they can send notifications into EICS of activity that needs to take place based on something that has occurred in another system.


The following operations are available within the StoreShipmentManifest web service.

Operation Description


Closes the manifest shipments.

Standard Usage

This web service is designed to close manifest shipments. All manifest shipments matching the input criteria, such like carrier code, and carrier service code will be closed.


The following operations are available within the StoreShipmentReason web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves all the shipment reasons configured for store shipments.

Standard Usage

This web service exists to allow customers to retrieve information about shipment reasons that can be assigned to line items on outgoing shipments. The shipment based web services taking the code identifier and thus, you will need to read in these shipment reasons to be able to select and apply valid reason codes.


The following operations are available within the StoreTicket web service.

Operation Description


Create a new group of up to 999 tickets to be managed and printed.


Retrieves available ticket formats for the criteria specified.

Standard Usage

The createTickets operation is used to create a new group up to 999 tickets to be managed and printed. The ticket formats can be retrieved using lookupTicketFormats operation based on the criteria specified.


The following operations are available within the StoreTransfer web service.

Operation Description


Retrieve a summary list of transfers that matches the input criteria.


Retrieves all the transfer context options available to assign to a transfer.


Retrieves the detailed information about transfer, including its items and quantities, based on a unique reference.


Creates a brand new transfer request (Location 1 requesting a transfer from Location 2).


Updates a transfer request allowing user to change items and quantities. This must be done prior to requesting it, which finalizes the transfer request. This requires an activity lock.


Generates a new transfer that you can add details to. The saveTransfer method must be used to update details such as items and quantities of the transfer.


Updates a previously approved transfer item and quantity details. This operation requires an activity lock.


Updates items and quantities on a transfer in requested status that is currently in the process of being approved but has not yet been approved. This operation requires an activity lock.


Updates the status to Requested, finally the transfer request. This allows the opposite location to view the new request for transfer of goods. This operation requires an activity lock.


Approves a transfer request converted the transfer request into an approved transfer. This operation requires having an activity lock.


Rejects a transfer in request status which prevents the transfer request from becoming a transfer. This operation requires having an activity lock.


Cancels an approved transfer. This operation requires having an activity lock.


Closes a processed or partially processed transfer finalizing the state of the transfer. This operation requires having an activity lock.


Retrieves the custom attribute administration information that describes what customized attributes are available on the transfer.

Standard Usage

The process is started by one store creating a transfer request from a shipping store using createTransferRequest. The requesting store can continue modifying the transfer request using saveTransferRequest until it is ready to notify the shipping store, when it then uses the requestTransfer to send the request to the shipping store. The shipping store can then begin picking items for the transfer and updating the transfer using the saveTransferApproval operation. When all the quantities the shipping store are willing to ship are determined, the shipping store uses approveTransfer to finalize the approval of the transfer. Alternatively, they can choose to reject the transfer using rejectTransfer. It is possible for a shipping store to create a transfer document without going through the request and approval process by using createTransfer and saveTransfer.


The following operations are available within the TransferDelivery web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves basic information about one or more transfer deliveries that match the criteria specified. This operation is used to find a delivery arriving at the store.


Retrieves the entire set of information about a transfer delivery header based on the identifier you pass to it.


Updates the header information on a transfer delivery. This operation requires an activity lock.


Receives all the currently open and active containers on a transfer delivery by defaulting quantities into all the unreceived items. This does not move inventory, only defaults quantities. This operation requires an activity lock.


Confirms a transfer delivery receiving the goods into inventory and updating all the inventory positions. This moves the transfer delivery to a completed status. This operation requires an activity lock.


Retrieves summary information about every container on a transfer delivery based on the unique delivery reference.


Reads the entire details of a container including items and quantities based on a unique container reference.


Generates a new container on the transfer delivery and returns a reference to use so that items and quantity can be added later.


Updates the items and quantities on a transfer delivery container. This operation requires an activity lock.


It first defaults receiving quantity on the items within the container and then executes the same locking as the confirmTransferDeliveryContainer. This operation requires an activity lock.


Confirms a transfer delivery container as received and updates all the inventory positions. This operation requires an activity lock.


Cancels a transfer delivery container moving it to missing status. Changes cannot be made to a canceled container.


Re-opens an already confirmed container moving it back into in-progress status.


Retrieves any customer orders associated with the transfer delivery based on the delivery's unique reference.



Retrieves summary information about containers that may have been misdirected based on a set of search criteria as input into the operation.


Retrieves the custom attribute administration information that describes what customized attributes are available on the transfer delivery.

Standard Usage

After reading a transfer delivery using lookupTransferDeliveryHeader, you can read the header detail with readTransferDelivery or container list with lookupTransferDeliveryContainers. You can then use updateTransferDelivery to update header attributes and updateTransferDeliveryContainer to update items and quantities in the container. To quickly receive the quantities, receiveTransferDeliveryContainer automatically fills in quantities, and when quantities are entered confirmTransferDeliveryContainer finalizes the container (and if appropriate configurations and business rules apply) immediately updates the inventory. If receiveTransferDelivery or confirmTransferDelivery is used, then all containers will either be received or confirmed respectively.


The following operations are available within the TransferShipment web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves basic information about one or more transfer shipments that match the criteria specified. This operation is used to find a shipment.


Retrieves the entire set of information about a transfer shipment header based on a unique reference.


Creates a new and empty transfer shipment and returns a reference to the shipment.


Updates the information on a transfer shipment header.


Submits the transfer shipment for review before final dispatch.


Cancels the submission of the transfer shipment for review.


Dispatches a transfer shipment. This moves the shipment to dispatched state and updates the inventory. A transfer shipment cannot be modified after dispatch. Dispatch should occur only after all containers are confirmed.


Cancels a transfer shipment.


Finds all the containers on a specific shipment and retrieves basic identification information about each container.


Reads the specific and complete contents of a container.


Creates a new transfer shipment container on the shipment and returns a reference to it.


Updates the information about a transfer shipment container including adding and removing items and quantities.


Confirms that a transfer shipment container is ready for shipment and marks the container as no longer editable.


Cancels a transfer shipment container on the shipment.


Re-opens a confirmed container on a shipment prior to the shipment being dispatched so that changes can be made to the container.


Retrieves the custom attribute administration information that describes what customized attributes are available on the transfer shipment.

Standard Usage

To create a shipment for a transfer document, lookup the transfer shipment using lookupTransferShipmentHeader. If it does not exist, you may create one for the document using createTransferShipment. Create a container on the shipment using createTransferShipmentContainer and update the container with items and quantities using saveTransferShipmentContainer. Confirm the container using confirmTransferShipmentContainer. Repeat the process for each container as needed. Once all containers are confirmed, if configured to require submittal, submit the shipment using submitTransferShipment and finally, dispatch the shipment using dispatchTransferShipment. Dispatching the shipment finalizes the shipment and relieves the inventory.


The following operations are available within the VendorDelivery web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves basic information about one or more vendor deliveries that match the criteria specified. This operation is used to find a delivery from a supplier.


Retrieves basic information about one or more purchase orders that match the criteria specified.


Retrieves the entire set of information about a vendor delivery header based on a unique reference.


Generate a new vendor delivery heaver and returns a referenced to the delivery.


Updates the information on a vendor delivery header. This does not include containers, items, or quantities. This operation requires an activity lock.


Updates the quantities on a vendor delivery filling in any unreceived items within the containers of the delivery with a default value. It "receives" missing quantities, but no inventory positions are updated. This operation requires an activity lock.


Confirms the vendor delivery updating inventory positions and completing the delivery. This operation requires an activity lock.


Rejects the vendor delivery placing it in rejected status. This operation requires an activity lock.


Cancels the vendor delivery placing it in canceled status. This operation requires an activity lock.


Retrieves summary information about every container on a vendor delivery based on the unique delivery reference.


Reads the entire details of a container including items and quantities based on a unique container reference.


Generates a new container on the vendor delivery and returns a reference to use so that items and quantity can be added later.


Updates the items and quantities on a vendor delivery container. This operation requires an activity lock.


Confirms a vendor delivery container as received and updates all the inventory positions. This operation requires an activity lock.


Cancels a vendor delivery container moving it to missing status. Changes cannot be made to a canceled container.


Open Vendor delivery container. This will re-open a container after receipt allowing it to be received again.


Retrieves any customer orders associated with the vendor delivery based on the delivery's unique reference.


Retrieves any external receipt adjustments that exist for the delivery based on the specified unique reference.


Opens a submitted container for further updates, moving the status to in-progress.


Moves the status of the container to submitted and prevents further updates. The container may still be confirmed. No inventory positions are updated via this operation.


Retrieves the custom attribute administration information that describes what customized attributes are available on the vendor delivery.

Standard Usage

After reading a vendor delivery using lookupVendorDeliveryHeader, you can read the header detail with readVendorDelivery or container list with lookupVendorDeliveryContainers. Use updateVendorDelivery to update header attributes and updateVendorDeliveryContainer to update items and quantities in the container. To quickly receive the quantities, receiveVendorDeliveryContainer automatically fills in quantities, and when quantities are complete confirmVendorDeliveryContainer finalizes the container and if appropriate configurations and business rules apply, immediately updates the inventory. If receiveVendorDelivery or confirmVendorDelivery is used, then all containers will either be received or confirmed respectively. Re-opening a container can be done using openVendorDeliveryContainer. To prevent further updates to the container without confirming it, use submitVendorDeliveryContainer. Submitted container can be re-opened and moved to in-progress status for further updates using cancelSubmitVendorDeliveryContainer.


The following operations are available within the VendorReturn web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves basic information about one or more vendors return documents that match the criteria specified.


Retrieves the entire set of information about a vendor return, including items and quantities, based on a unique reference.


Updates the entire set of information about a vendor return, including items and quantities. This operation requires an activity lock.


This marks an in-progress vendor return as approve for shipment. This operation requires an activity lock.


Cancels a vendor return indicating no further items and quantities should be shipped for the return.


Closes a vendor return document moving it from in-progress to canceled, rejected, or complete status depending on the state of shipped quantities.


Retrieves the custom attribute administration information that describes what customized attributes are available on the vendor return.

Standard Usage

The user may access lookupVendorReturnHeader to find vendor returns to deal with. Once the proper vendor return is found, readVendorReturnDetail will retrieve all the details of the vendor return including items and quantities. The saveVendorReturn operation is then used to update quantities that are expected to ship. Once the vendor return reaches its final state, the operation approveVendorReturn will approve the return and get it ready for shipment.


The following operations are available within the VendorShipment web service.

Operation Description


Retrieves basic information about one or more vendor shipment headers that match the criteria specified.


Retrieves all the context options that are available to assign to a vendor return shipment.


Retrieves the detailed information about a vendor return header based on a unique reference. It does not include information about containers or items.


Creates a new vendor shipment header if not identifying reference is set or updates the vendor shipment header information if a unique reference is sent as part of the date. When used as an update, an activity lock is needed.


Submits the vendor shipment for review before final dispatch.


Cancels the submission of the vendor shipment for review.


Cancels a vendor shipment. This moves the shipment to canceled status. Changes cannot be made to a canceled shipment.


Dispatches a vendor shipment. This moves the shipment to dispatched state and updates the inventory. A vendor shipment cannot be modified after dispatch. Dispatch should occur only after all containers are confirmed. This operation requires an activity lock.


Closes a vendor shipment using business logic to determine its final state. It cancels the shipment of remaining quantities. Changes cannot be made after a shipment is closed.


Retrieves summary information about all containers within a vendor shipment based on the unique reference of the shipment.



Reads the specific details, including items and quantities, about a container specified by its unique reference.


Update the details of a container, including items and quantities. This operation requires an activity lock.


Confirms that the container is ready for shipment. A confirmed container cannot be modified. This operation requires an activity lock.


Cancels a container on the shipment removing it from the shipment.


Opens a confirmed container placing it back into in-progress status so that items can be added or removed from the container.


Retrieves the custom attribute administration information that describes what customized attributes are available on the vendor shipment.

Standard Usage

To create a shipment for a vendor return document, lookup the vendor shipment using lookupVendorShipmentHeader. If it does not exist, create one using createVendorShipment. Next, create a container on the shipment using createVendorShipmentContainer. Update the container with items and quantities using saveVendorShipmentContainer. Confirm the container using confirmVendorShipmentContainer. Repeat the process for each container as needed. Once all containers are confirmed, if configured to require submit, then submit using submitVendorShipment or dispatch the shipment using dispatchVendorShipment. Dispatching the shipment finalizes the shipment and relieves the inventory.

Enterprise Documentation

Full web service API document in the form of web services description language files can be downloaded in .zip format. Version specific files are available under ‘Web Services Description Language Files’ section within MOS Document 2614551.1.