7 Accessibility in JDK Mission Control

Oracle is dedicated to providing high quality information technology that is accessible to people with disabilities.

To this end, Oracle has undertaken a substantial project to ensure the accessibility of JMC. Accessibility is a core feature of JMC. Please report any accessibility issues to https://docs.oracle.com/javase/feedback.html or My Oracle Support (for Oracle customers).

Screen Readers

Oracle supports screen readers that translate screen-based information into spoken words to assist vision-impaired users.

For instance, configuration options are currently available for the JAWS screen reader produced by Freedom Scientific, Inc. For information on configuring this product, see Freedom Scientific screen reader website.


If you are using JAWS, be aware that switching tabs does not work as expected. For a workaround, see Switching Between Tabs.

JDK Mission Control Accessibility Mode

JMC displays performance data dials and graphs that provide a valuable graphical view of the data that can reveal trends and help identify minimum and maximum values for performance metrics.

However, dials and graphs do not convey information in a manner that can be read by a screen reader. JMC provides a way to view dial and graph data in tabular format, which is more accessible for users with visual impairment. To toggle the accessibility mode, click the Accessibility mode button in the top right corner of the relevant panel with dials or graphs.

To enable accessibility mode for all panels in JMC, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Window menu and select Preferences.

  2. Select JDK Mission Control.

  3. Under Accessibility Options, select Use accessibility mode.

  4. Click Apply.

Show Text Labels on Buttons

By default, JMC displays buttons with graphics but no text labels.

To show the text labels that can be read by screen readers, follow these steps:
  1. Open the Window menu and select Preferences.
  2. Select JDK Mission Control in the left pane.
  3. Under Accessibility Options, select Show text labels on buttons.
  4. Click Apply.
Restart any running plug-ins to see the text labels on buttons.

Resize Online Help Text

Vision-impaired users might find it difficult to read the online help documents in the standalone rich client platform (RCP) version of JMC unless the text size is increased. You need an external browser to resize the text.

To change the font size, view the help in an external browser as described in the following steps:
  1. Open the Window menu and select Preferences.
  2. Select Help in the left pane.
  3. Under Open Modes, select to open help contents in an external browser.
  4. Click Apply.
JMC will use the default web browser specified in the operating system, and you cannot specify a different web browser from within JMC. How to specify the default web browser depends on the operating system.

Accessibility Known Issues and Workarounds

This section contains additional instructions for enhancing your experience with JMC's accessibility features.

Navigating in a Tree Table with Only One Row

When navigating in a tree table component containing only one row, press the Space key or the Shift key and use the Up and Down keys to get to the row.

Switching Between Tabs

When reaching a tab component, JAWS erroneously tells the user “to switch pages, press Ctrl+Tab.” The correct way to switch between tabs is to use the Left or Right keys.

Reading Table Data with a Screen Reader

To read table data more efficiently with screen reading software, copy and paste the table data into a text editor and read it from there. To copy the data, select the rows that you are interested in, right-click those rows and select Copy. Then paste the data into a text editor.